June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Karli - my husband's spinal tumour is a haemangioma. The only reason it's caused so much trouble is because they didn't know he had one and his treatment is just regular MRI scans unless it grows.

He has never had an external one.

I've done more reading on whooping cough and I know I'm being a drama queen but I'm not taking no for an answer tomorrow. I want her seen by a doctor. She is still having coughing fits until she is sick and has projectile vomited three times after fussy feeds today. I really thought she would be getting better today :-(
9 pages! So sorry for the things I miss commenting on.

Dory, I hope your GP takes you seriously tomorrow. That definitely sounds like more than just a cold.

I am also jealous to read of babies sleeping through the night! No chance here! But also loving all the cute pics posted the last two days :) gorgeous babies!

Teeny, cute name & cute nickname :)

Boo, you can (at least sometimes) see the worms in the poo. White things :sick:

Vaniilla / Karli, Róise has a hemangioma on her back too. I'll post a pic when I can. It looks redder to me & feels a little more raised than it did. I didn't know they could be anything serious or that you can get them internally - where can I get more information?

Pixie, hope you got a nap at least.

Róise typically takes 2.5-3oz per feed. Only rarely might she go up to 4 or even 3.5. Sometimes it'll only be 1.5-2oz. But I feed her on demand & her nappies are fine. Babies just have different appetites! HV coming tomorrow so she'll get weighed I think. Interested to find out her weight now.

Joey, do Sure Starts close over the summer, do you know?
02.41 here and no stretch of sleep longer that 30 minutes yet :cry: Juni has been at the breast all night, 28 degrees on our room even with a fan on full.
Dory I think you are doing the right thing in getting her checked. Hope she feels better asap.

Boo, what were the findings re Arthur's kidney?
First waking and Georgia projectile vomited after a feed and coughing. It's weird because I would expect her to have a bad temperature or at least be more miserable with how she's been. Wish I knew what was wrong with her. Hasn't had a wet nappy since about 8pm. Is it 12 hours they start to get concerned?
:hugs: Angel. This heat is just awful for them. Georgie was like that on Monday night. Tonight I gave her a cold bath before bed and put her down in just a nappy and it's been loads better. Hope Juni settled for you!

Xander had worms when I was pregnant. Him and Carl were treated but I wasn't allowed to take it when pregnant or breastfeeding. I worried about it for ages but it was fine.

Dory my nephew had whooping cough last year. He was 4 weeks old so a similar age and it was unmistakable. Every time he coughed he turned blue. It was really distressing and he was in hospital for a full week. It's so unlikely that Georgia would have that but if she did I don't think there'd be any doubt that she needed urgent care. Maybe croup? Poor girl. I hope you get her seen to today. They should always see such little babies shouldn't they?
squig I don't think they close, mine doesn't. In fact they have more on in terms of stay and pay and family drop in. The likes of their programes like baby swim etc doesn't start til sept as they know anyone with older kids couldn't go til they go back to school. which sure start are you attending. They usually have a newsletter with all their activities or see if they have a Facebook page
squig - I don't think most are anything to worry about, I haven't seen anyone for dd's one.

angel - that's pants, I hope you're able to get some sleep. This heat is causing havoc, dd has been up most of the night and I've come downstairs as I wasn't spending much time in bed.

dory - I hope you're able to see someone who can figure out what's wrong with your dd today. :hugs:

afm, dd is miserable from the heat and constipated constantly, we gave her small bits of water throughout the day but no luck, really fed up of it now.
This heat is just terrible for the babies, poor wee dotes.

squig I don't think they close, mine doesn't. In fact they have more on in terms of stay and pay and family drop in. The likes of their programes like baby swim etc doesn't start til sept as they know anyone with older kids couldn't go til they go back to school. which sure start are you attending. They usually have a newsletter with all their activities or see if they have a Facebook page

Thanks. The South Belfast one - I contacted them over a week ago by email but no reply & there was no answer when I rang a couple of days later. & there's no website that I can find, & very little info on the FB page. I discovered that a centre was opened in November in Belvoir though, which is where I live, so I thought I'd pop up to see if I can get any info.
Yes squig just call in and see they are Def open in the summer and so worth while. I go to glenbrook surestart in North Belfast and they are great.
Juni is feeding every 1-2 hours day and night, I'm really doubting my ability to provide enough fluids breastfeeding. My breasts never feel full now and her feeds are getting shorter. :(
Angel, Nellie feeds a all the time too.
Your supply has regulated hence the not so full feeling. You are supplying enough I promise. We all question our BF ability, but it's okay, you're doing great.
Even #4 I question myself.

If you are happy to continue then do. It's so worth it. Xx
Angel your boobs don't feel full any more because your supply has regulated. They'll probably feel full for a day or so after each growth spurt but that's it unless she skips a few feeds.

Breastmilk digests much faster and feeds are usually smaller than formula so babies feed more often. It's 100% normal and doesn't mean low supply or that Juni isn't satisfied I promise. Also feeds get shorter as baby gets more efficient at feeding. How long does she feed for? A full feed for G is probably 10 mins or so. Sometimes less.

How is she after feeds? Is she usually satisfied and content? It's really difficult to have confidence when bfing hun, and we all have wobbles (I always panic during growth spurts that she's starving :dohh: ) but you can have confidence in Juni - if she wasn't getting what she needs she would be unsettled and crying, we all know the wrath of a hungry baby :haha:
Angel - as others have said, she will be more efficient now and it's also hot so needs more hydration. Little and often sounds perfectly normal. Nappy output is your guide between weigh ins :)

G has an appointment at 11. Scared they are going to tell me it's nothing and send us away. She's been fussing and throwing up her feeds in spectacular form and her nappies are barely wet. I got a video of her coughing and throwing up to show them. It's not croup because she's not actually making the noise. She goes red because she can't breathe from coughing until she's sick. She's knackered now from it all too that concerns me.
Good to have it on video dory, they can't ignore that. :hugs: Poor Georgia.

Thanks everyone, I know these things in theory but I still feel so anxious especially in this heat. She feeds for around 10 minutes on the first side and 5-8 minutes on tjw second. I'm still doing breast compressions to encourage her to keep going. This is the longest we've gone without weighing her, due to on Monday. Her nappies are wet but poos are drier!
Oh dory your poor girl :hugs: they could give her something to help her breathe easier I'm sure. Maybe tell them she's not keeping anything down? On this weather they should be concerned about her throwing up all her feeds!
Oh poor little Georgia. Dory could it be awful reflux causing the projectile vomiting? Reflux causes coughing too??

Angel thanks for asking, yesterday was his scan on his good kidney to check it has normal function and it was great news, no reflux. So relieved!!! In August we have the scan on his bad one - to see if it has any functioning renal tissue. The hope is that it doesn't and is just a bunch of cysts, as otherwise it has potential to turn cancerous in later life and has to be removed.... Fingers crossed! DS1's was fine and has shrunk away so I'm hoping for the same x

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