June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Lavo I had an awful birth with DS.. Very long labour, agonising contractions and his heart rate kept dropping which lead to being rushed to theatre for a cut and forceps, narrowly avoiding a section. Took ages to heal afterwards too. This time round I had a 6 hour labour start to finish, manageable contractions and pushed him out myself. Just gas and air for pain relief. No tear at all either! Just so so different. Pregnancies were both straight forward each time so cant comment on those but birth second time round was just amazingly better.
Rhi, I am also stuck feeding all the time. I am reluctant to introduce a dummy so instead N uses me as one too.
I don't have a 2 yr old this time but last time I did. It's hard. Really hard but you know this. I try and tell myself I have done it before and I'll do it again.
I do wonder if I'll be able to long term feed as I have before as this time seems harder somewhat. I'm not sure why.
I absolutely feel your pain. However, my DH would love me to introduce a bottle but I'm unsure how combination feeding works too.
Thinking of you. Xx
So many updates!

Joey - we used the jpmbb stretchy ring sling until a couple of weeks ago. Have you used a ring sling before (stretchy or woven)? It's all about getting their seat right, not pinning baby to you if that makes sense? If I remember later I'll take some photos of Georgia in it to show you.

I'm still not convinced it's bronchiolitis because she's fine between coughing fits and really doesn't sound too chesty to me. It's a virus anyway so antibiotics don't help. If she's no better by Tuesday (her next injections) I'm going to ask for a gp to review her.

My births have all been so different:
Sophie was at 41+3, a long 18 hour labour, fetal distress and assisted delivery. She was 8lb 11oz. I had diamorphine and entonox (and local for an episiotomy).
Aaron was 37+2, on off false labour from 32 weeks so when he did come, active labour was 3 minutes long. He was 7lbs. I had no pain relief.
Georgia was 34+4. On off uncomfortable but not painful contractions during the day and then my waters broke when I went to the loo at 2am. Checked at half 5 and cervix was unfavourable and only 1cm but I was having regular contractions so they put me on labour ward just in case with Aaron being so quick. She had decels whilst my heart rate was above 120 so constant monitoring. Just before 9am I stood up to go to do a urine sample and felt her head coming, cue emergency buzzer to get the paeds ready for my preemie. Had entonox and codeine.
We're all done with babies now and I'm so content. It just feels complete.
My labours have all been quite straight forward. the worst thing really is that they got shorter and shorter and i was terrified of giving birth in the car etc :haha:

My first. 4 hours, baby was born easily. no stitches needed etc. Had some pethidine for the pain.

second was an overdue induction; 1.5 hours in labour, no time for pain relief. Baby did poop though, so that added some drama but all was okay :) and we went home 6 hours after. No stitches again etc

third; waters broke at home at 7.40 and baby was born at 8.36 in the hospital !
The head was crowning when we arrived at the labour ward, tbh i'm quite surprised i managed to walk from the car park hahah. Contractions were sore but not so bad, easily the easiest one yet. Came out after two pushes. Took my jeans off and the midwife shouted "ohhh yeah, theres the head" I was still standing up at this point lol. apparently i'm very lucky i didn't tear.

For me i found that my labours have mirrored my mums. All quick and getting quicker each time.no stitches etc. My youngest sister was nearly born in hospital carpark lol.
My first labour 41+3 was about 7hrs, just G&A, tore quite badly but recovered fine.
Second induced labour 40w 2.5 hrs, just G&A no other problems.
Third 40+1 homebirth, 2hrs no pain relief.
Nellie, induced at 41+6, 12 hr labour. Placental abruption, N was tachycardic, meconium in waters, epidural didn't work, back to back and facing the wrong way, failure to progress at 9cm and ended in emergency c section!

You just never know. Xx
Lavo my births couldn't have been more different!

1st - induction 39 weeks, long labour, failed forceps in theatre, emergency C section

2nd - spontaneous labour 37+6, 2 hour rapid labour, baby distressed, crash emergency section under general anaesthetic

3rd - waters went 34+3, natural labour 35 weeks, rapid labour, normal delivery vsginal 40 mins after arriving at hospital

So it just goes to show, you can't ever predict anything

It usually follows that if you've had a vsginal birth first time no matter how long, your second is often (not always!) much quicker
Breast feeding mamas, do you drink any caffeine? I've been sleepy lately and want a cup of coffee but not sure if I should because I usually breast feed her a bit each day. Will the caffeine keep her awake or effect her?
I drink caffeine and I've not noticed any effect honey. Enjoy your coffee. Xx
Could you express some milk and build a stash so that you can still give breastfeeding milk and keep supply but still give attention to your 2 year old. I have a 4 year old and it's tough on hi too bit we use my bf time for him to come up on sofa beside me, cuddle a bit and watch his cartoons on the ipad.

I think I have different feelings towards breastfeeding because I failed last time and so wanted it to work this ti email that I feel so thankful that it's working group ill do anything goes I can to keep going.
Caffeine doesn't pass through milk, Starlight. Drink as much coffee as you need ;-) the kellymom website is a really good evidence based reference site for breastfeeding info
Ooh really? I read somewhere about not drinking too much as it goes to baby and makes them 'irritable' so I cut right down and I LOVE strong coffees throughout the day.

I agree you just never know with labour and birth, ots just so unpredictable and there are a million ways it can pan out. Even though I had a good experience this time Im very happy at the thought of not going through labour and birth again, I mean when you think about it its pretty horrendous what we go through even with a 'good' delivery, let alone complicated ones.
Ooh really? I read somewhere about not drinking too much as it goes to baby and makes them 'irritable' so I cut right down and I LOVE strong coffees throughout the day.

I agree you just never know with labour and birth, ots just so unpredictable and there are a million ways it can pan out. Even though I had a good experience this time Im very happy at the thought of not going through labour and birth again, I mean when you think about it its pretty horrendous what we go through even with a 'good' delivery, let alone complicated ones.

It does pass through as such but it's pretty uncommon for it to have an effect on your baby and even then it's in huge amounts. A similar misconception is that alcohol is a no when breastfeeding but actually one glass of wine probably isn't even going to touch baby because of how quickly it is metabolised in comparison to how long it takes to get in to your milk. I think I'm waffling lol.

The kellymom website has different coffees and drinks listed and their caffeine content. I thing you're supposed to stay under 750mg but that's good advice whether you're breastfeeding or not.

I've just been there before Teeny, that's all.
Rhi I combi fed all 3 of mine and it worked great. Substituting one feed for a bottle of formula can settle baby for a while and give you time with your 2 year old. Entertaining a 2 year old whilst BF is really hard and much different to entertaining a 4 year old! If I just had my 4 year old I may even have been tempted to just breastfeed lol.
I felt awful for my 2 year old when I couldn't give him time so I do understand exactly how you feel. The thing is, there are a lot of potential pitfalls, baby may not like a bottle or formula, and of course there is the potential supply issue (although this never was a problem for me).
Hope you get a bit of peace soon anyway whatever you decide x
Yea boo - I just have a four year old. He's massively demanding but it's still easy for me to feed Georgia because he understands and never ever complains when G is hungry.

Rhi I tried Georgie with formula last week but she was having none of it! I always thought if you were going to give a regular bottle you should give it at the same time if the day so tour boobs just skip that feed? I'm not 100 sure though: shrug:

Lavo my births were different but the second was worse

First was a failed induction for pre-eclampsia 2hixh resulted in emcs. All seemed fine but I needed two blood transfusions. No one is clear where my blood went.

Second was natural deliver at 33+3 after waters breaking at 33 weeks. That was pretty awful. I had chorioamnionitis. My temp was high and my heartrate was 130. Georgia's was 180 bt was struggling massively during contractions. I avoided another emcs by the skin of my teeth but the delivery was very tense and I had to be cut. There was no mistaking the hemorrhage this time. I lost two litres of blood and a dr had to put her hand in and drag the clots out - it was horrific. Again I had two transfusions and spent the night in HDU.

For me that second birth has confirmed that we are done. It was so scary but what if I had a third and it was worse?
Yea boo - I just have a four year old. He's massively demanding but it's still easy for me to feed Georgia because he understands and never ever complains when G is hungry.

Rhi I tried Georgie with formula last week but she was having none of it! I always thought if you were going to give a regular bottle you should give it at the same time if the day so tour boobs just skip that feed? I'm not 100 sure though: shrug:

Lavo my births were different but the second was worse

First was a failed induction for pre-eclampsia 2hixh resulted in emcs. All seemed fine but I needed two blood transfusions. No one is clear where my blood went.

Second was natural deliver at 33+3 after waters breaking at 33 weeks. That was pretty awful. I had chorioamnionitis. My temp was high and my heartrate was 130. Georgia's was 180 bt was struggling massively during contractions. I avoided another emcs by the skin of my teeth but the delivery was very tense and I had to be cut. There was no mistaking the hemorrhage this time. I lost without litres of blood and a drug had to put her hand in and drag the clots out - it was horrific. Again I had two transfusions and spent the night in HDU.

For me that second birth has confirmed that we are done. It was so scary but what if I had a third and it was worse?

I have a friend who had a similar experience. She was having an elective section because her baby was breech and haemorrhaged so much they considered giving her a hysterectomy. She woke up 2 days later in ITU. She spoke to the consultant and he said if she had another child she would potentially be risking her life. Awful to have the choice taken from you!
Dory and pixie how do you feel about another and the risk of a very premature delivery? I was almost sure we were done because OH only wanted 3, but also because I was having my third section and didn't want to take the risks that would bring in a 4th pregnancy. But then when i didn't have a section that risk is no longer there. But I would be terrified of my waters going really early another time. And I'm not sure it's worth the risk?
Rhi - i cannot imagine having a 2yo and a newborn, I think those of you with smaller age gaps deserve a medal! I combi fed my son from 8 weeks but it was a slow process due to poor weight gain, so we started with top ups, then an evening bottle while I expressed. We were trying to preserve my supply. If I were choosing to replace one feed with a bottle I'd probably wait until baby had a predictable feed at a certain time (ish) and replace that slowly, either pumping less each day letting baby take the breast first? Not 100% sure.

Lavo- my pregnancies were similar, horrible sickness for the first half that required meds but no complications with blood pressure/gd etc. I was sicker with Juni (up to 25x a day vs 10x with Micah). Labours were quite different though, my waters went at 41+3 with Micah and there was meconium so I was induced. This time I had a long latent labour starting at 40+2 but active labour was v fast and my waters didn't go until I was pushing!
The 2 year old thing is definitely tricky! My hubby is on call this weekend so I'm alone (again!) and I've literally just been feeding the baby - my 4 year old is happily playing angry birds quietly but I had to stop the feed halfway through to help my 2 year old change into his superman outfit! :dohh: it was either that or him get incredibly upset. It's the waiting he can't do!
Dory and pixie how do you feel about another and the risk of a very premature delivery? I was almost sure we were done because OH only wanted 3, but also because I was having my third section and didn't want to take the risks that would bring in a 4th pregnancy. But then when i didn't have a section that risk is no longer there. But I would be terrified of my waters going really early another time. And I'm not sure it's worth the risk?

We were supposed to be done after 2 but I wanted another so this is our last for that reason.
The reason I had pprom is unknown and it wasn't known my my son came at 37 weeks when my first was quite overdue so there is no way of preventing it from happending again. Going along the same lines I would have an even earlier baby, possibly around 30 weeks. Even if space/time/money allowed I just don't think I could go through the stress of it all again. Her being in special care was the longest week and a half of my life.

I think she's a bit better today. She's still coughing and had a big vomit this morning but I wouldn't really call it a coughing 'fit' today.

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