June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

The coil really freaks me out. Even the name. Hahah. Yikes. I might go on the implant until dh can get the snip. I had it before and didn't have a period the whole time. Waaahaay. I had it taken out though as I ballooned. Although in retrospect that could have been self inflicted and I was just looking for something to blame it on :/ if not than just go back to natural prevention I guess.
I think I will get the copper coil again as hormone free. Once its in you dont notice it and having it put in isnt that bad. I really dislike condoms and DH positively hates them lol. How does natural family planning work when breastfeeding? Does it just assume youre safe all the time until AF returns?
Sydney is in the hospital .. Has been since Monday.
She was on oxygen and drips but now off them and on routine antibiotics. Don't know what's wrong still but leaning to sepsis/blood infection

I'm physically drained my whole body aches head and throat too :( my mum is with her now so I could come home to rest but I can't rest just want to be with her even though I can't do anything

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Aw sorry to hear, i hope she recovers quickly xx try get some rest, i know its hard
0 contraception here, I've only tried the implant in the past and it didn't agree with my body at all, it also took like 4 attempts to get out after dealing with a really useless gp.

Friday! I'm so glad it's finally here! What are the U.K. Ladies doing for the bank holiday?
Just got back from 6 week check up, ollie weighs 8lbs 3oz, 53cm long with head circumference of 37cm :)

Poor lil man balled his eyes out and held his breath... which we are used to but still sad to watch, he was fine once we gave him the bottle.
They arnt going to do anything about his tongue tie as he is eating and gaining weight fine, as for contraception i hate the pill and remembering to take it same time every day... dr has suggested the mirena or copper coil... huge price difference but i think ill get the copper as it is hormone free :) will go back next week to get it
I think I will get the copper coil again as hormone free. Once its in you dont notice it and having it put in isnt that bad. I really dislike condoms and DH positively hates them lol. How does natural family planning work when breastfeeding? Does it just assume youre safe all the time until AF returns?

OMG.... I hadn't even thought about that :dohh: last time I didn't get af back for a year. But we wanted another baby so we weren't really worried... oh poo. :haha:
I still don't know how you guys manage multiple children. H takes up so much time and barely naps in her crib (mostly she naps on me.. Baby cuddles lol). No time for anything!
Sorry I'm really behind again. I hope everyone is ok.
Becyboo so sorry about Sydney - I hope she'll be home soon. I think this weird weather is causing lots of illness that wouldn't usually be around at this time of year. I'll try and catch up soon.
ehj I thought you were in the UK but obviously not if you've to pay for your coil! Good news that baby boy is doing well. What's the story with him holding his breath?

I'm interested to hear about this hormone-free copper coil. What's the craic with it?

Vaniilla, no bank holiday here! There's one at the end of August & I hope we can go to the Auld Lammas Fair as I've never been. Depends on the weather though I guess!

Róise slept a little better last night in that she went down again after her feeds. There was some scruffling & noise & she was up twice but ultimately I managed not to get up for the day until 6.45am! She's been a lot sleepier since yesterday though. She doesn't have a fever & is feeding ok so I'm assuming growth spurt - is being sleepier typical in a growth spurt?
She's home now we came out yesterday morning she didn't need any thing to bring home medication etc .. They put her on antibiotics to be safe but she didn't need them really as nothing can really help with the viruses or something .. Luckily she got rid of it and nothing continued growing .. I've heard a lot of babies under 3 month are being admitted with the same symptoms :( just glad she's home now and back to herself bar she has a sore throat I think her cry has changed but she's smiling again.

My son unfortunately isn't well still he was complaining for around 3 weeks now of stomach pain on/off he's got to have bloods done next week and tests done with #2 samples :nope: my mum had a op on her knee but she's got him for me with me having Sydney still recovering .. Sister luckily is a teacher so is off for the holidays so she's helping with him too I don't know what I'd of done otherwise :shrug: ..

I'm in such pain I think I have flu but I've never had it like this before I can't walk hardly and I can't carry/pick Sydney up without crying in pain :( bending is even worse I've tried muscle soaks and I'm taking ibruprofen like clockwork nothing is easing it though :( I can deal with being poorly just not this muscle pain it's all over I feel so weak just feel so upset I can't look after my own baby.
:hugs: Becy. Glad Sydney is better & wishing you & DS a speedy recovery.
Glad she's home Becy - sorry you're feeling so ill though - hope it passes quickly.
I was also told of lots of babies being admitted with suspected infections. I'm pretty certain Casey's was sepsis caused by his belly button - I'd been unhappy about it for a while as stump came off at 4 days and it didn't look right but hv said it was fine just to bathe in cooled boiled water. It smelt cheesy and stuck out loads - 24 hours after antibiotics started it had stopped smelling and gone in. I guess I'll never know for sure bit wish I'd followed my instincts at the time.
Glad Sydney is better... Hopefully you will start to feel better too.
Kailani has her 1 month appointment yesterday. I joke that all I do is nurse her... And apparently that's true... She was discharged from the hospital weighing 6lbs 12 ozs... Yesterday she was weighed at 9lbs 3 ozs.... She gained over 2 lbs in a month! All the doubts I had about not providing her enough just went out the window... However it would be great if she would start to go longer then every 2 hours between eating (and that's a long stretch... Usually it's about every hour).
ehj I thought you were in the UK but obviously not if you've to pay for your coil! Good news that baby boy is doing well. What's the story with him holding his breath?

I'm interested to hear about this hormone-free copper coil. What's the craic with it?

Vaniilla, no bank holiday here! There's one at the end of August & I hope we can go to the Auld Lammas Fair as I've never been. Depends on the weather though I guess!

Róise slept a little better last night in that she went down again after her feeds. There was some scruffling & noise & she was up twice but ultimately I managed not to get up for the day until 6.45am! She's been a lot sleepier since yesterday though. She doesn't have a fever & is feeding ok so I'm assuming growth spurt - is being sleepier typical in a growth spurt?

Nah im in Australia, Queensland :) its 7 dollars for the normal mirena but between 60 and 80 for the copper coil!
Well he has been doing it since he was born, if he cries too long (5 mins!) He will hold his breath and we have to rub his chest, pick him up for him to breathe again! Such a worry when im driving by myself on long drives ( to visit my mother) and he does it... nothing I can do really, i just know he wont be one of those babies who cry themselves to sleep... not sure i would want that anyway
Squig, glad her sleep was well last night! H still makes a lot of noises too.

Becy, sounds horrible :(. Hope you feel better soon.

Ehj, that holding breath thing seems scary. Did the dr say anything about it?

Jalilma, great gain for baby!

H slept from 8p to 330a last night. Thankful for that nice stretch!
I still don't know how you guys manage multiple children. H takes up so much time and barely naps in her crib (mostly she naps on me.. Baby cuddles lol). No time for anything!

starlight hannah seems identical to my first so far. that's exactly how she was! i never could get anything done. But i promise they're not all the same. and they tend to be opposite each other apparently. i never believed them either lol but seems to be right on. Ds is totally different. if you put him in his swing he coos and smiles and is happy as can be. dd HATED it. He lets me put him down and do what i have to do, and she HATED that. lol!

She's home now we came out yesterday morning she didn't need any thing to bring home medication etc .. They put her on antibiotics to be safe but she didn't need them really as nothing can really help with the viruses or something .. Luckily she got rid of it and nothing continued growing .. I've heard a lot of babies under 3 month are being admitted with the same symptoms :( just glad she's home now and back to herself bar she has a sore throat I think her cry has changed but she's smiling again.

My son unfortunately isn't well still he was complaining for around 3 weeks now of stomach pain on/off he's got to have bloods done next week and tests done with #2 samples :nope: my mum had a op on her knee but she's got him for me with me having Sydney still recovering .. Sister luckily is a teacher so is off for the holidays so she's helping with him too I don't know what I'd of done otherwise :shrug: ..

I'm in such pain I think I have flu but I've never had it like this before I can't walk hardly and I can't carry/pick Sydney up without crying in pain :( bending is even worse I've tried muscle soaks and I'm taking ibruprofen like clockwork nothing is easing it though :( I can deal with being poorly just not this muscle pain it's all over I feel so weak just feel so upset I can't look after my own baby.

my goodness hun i'm so very sorry!!!!! have you been to the dr? that doesn't sound good!!!!!!! thinking of you. glad baby is home though but omg please feel better.

morning ladies, you guys are so hard to catch up with lol! today i am 6weeks pp! my discharge has finally slowed, and monday is my appt. looking forward to saying goodbye to all of that finally.

I can't believe it's been that long already, i swear i thought it'd never get here. ds picks one day a week to have a rough night, nothing like dd's rough nights but still. up earlier today. they're almost always saturday or sunday too! the rest of the week he does great.

nothing super exciting with me, but my oldest turns 5 this coming week!!!!
Cute pictures everyone!

Mommyx, The swing is usually a bust with H. She use to be ok with it sometimes but now she usually just cries. She did nap in it yesterday for 15 minutes.. I guess the timing was right when I put her in it! What age did your daughter become more calm?
Rhi I think it was you said you had an easy baby. I must be the same. Leo literally drinks milk, poops and sleeps. He has a fussy 10 mins the minute I sit down to eat dinner but apart from that he just sits on this beanbag or lies on his baby gym looking around around him. last night he slept 11.30pm until 6am.

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