June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Cute pictures everyone!

Mommyx, The swing is usually a bust with H. She use to be ok with it sometimes but now she usually just cries. She did nap in it yesterday for 15 minutes.. I guess the timing was right when I put her in it! What age did your daughter become more calm?

ha ! my daughter never liked the swing, and it was a little one, we wound up selling it pretty early because she refused to use it. i bought a new one for ds. But more calm huh? well. i hate to say it but..... there's a reason for the larger age gap. She really needed all of me. I couldn't have had another and had the great relationship she and i have now. we did EVERYTHING together. and still do. she took a lot of work. however, i guess the reassurance of always having me helped because she is a very independent self entertaining child now. She goes into a room and she commands it. She doens't need me to play with her constantly anymore, she plays on her own. If she doesn't want to do what other kids are doing, she goes off and does her own thing. BUT that doesn' tmean yours won't be easier sooner. but for us, under three years old i couldn't have had another. I'm thankful constantly that i waited! She actually offered to do a poopy diaper yesterday!!! she does laundry with me, gets her own breakfast, cleans up after herself, she's pretty awesome. she loves helping with all the chores. :flower: so she may be needing you a ton now, but i believe you should nurture that and you guys will be inseparable in the best of ways :cloud9::cloud9:
Mommyx, that's so sweet! I'm wondering if naps will ever get easier though? I love cuddling but sometimes I think if she napped in her crib more often, I could get stuff done around the house!

For the easy babies... Do you just set them down and they don't cry and/or go to sleep? Seems foreign lol
Yes I just put Leo down and I might get a grunt or two and he will fuss if he wants his dummy but when I give it to him he will look around him for a while and then fall asleep and provided his crazy big brother doesn't wake him that'll be him for 3-5 hours until he is hungry again. I'm so blessed that it is this way as my older son still wants me so much as he has been used to it being just us two for so long. when ethan goes to bed ill have lots of Leo cuddles and lots of smiles and laughs that he saves all day for our special time.
starlight will hand ah still not take a dummy. I'd be lost without ours as it really settles Leo.
She usually doesn't take the dummy. She did take it the other day to settle herself while I was holding and rocking her (she was really overtired that day) but that was out of the norm! I still haven't gotten around to trying another kind though, still using the Chicco.
I fully believe that dummies are what how the majority of babies are able to be put down. My first 2 refused dummies and they were constantly held or in the sling otherwise they would cry. Georgia loves her dummy and settles herself down so quickly with it unless she wants a feed. It is a god send though I do look forward to when she can put it back in herself. Everything is a stage and passes with time. The difficult part is not knowing when.

I realised today how much G has grown. Not necessarily in size but developmentally, which is such a surprise because she was premature. I was with my friend and her newborn today and G was pretty much fully supporting her own head constantly and sitting up with me holding on to her hands. She was beaming with smiles too and cooing back to me lots. It really is amazing.
Juniper still likes to be held 95% of the time. She doesn't have a dummy though.
Aww dory that's lovely! G isn't really doing that yet - mental since she'll be 12 weeks old on Thursday. We're still getting early smiles but not very consistently.

Georgia self settles most of the time. She goes down at bed time almost always without a peep. Sometimes she'll lay awake for quite a while before drifting off but she never cries or moans. Occasionally she'll fuss and need to be picked up and patted on the bum to go to sleep in the day but probably half the time she just goes to sleep.

She's been awake literally all day :dohh: She's spent the whole day in her pram for the last week being pushed around and slept almost constantly with the motion. Today is our first day home and she's been falling asleep and waking up after 5 mins every time. She's not been too moody though thankfully
Henry wont take a dummy sadly. He loves his bouncy chair that vibrates and just wants to sit in there 24/7!
DD takes a dummy but if she's awake, a lot of the time she wants to be held, sometimes with the dummy as she's always rooting. She won't take it if she's really wound up and we need to calm her down before she's happy to. She uses it at night too after a feed some of the time to help her go back to sleep. She does love the bouncy chair though, it's the only thing that will get her to sleep sometimes so we take it upstairs with us at night.

I'm having streaky red spotting after a week of nothing, I don't know if this is still lochia or my periods coming back :wacko: why is it so confusing???
Vanilla I completely stopped bleeding for two weeks then it started again at 6 weeks PP, I thought it was AF but it only lasted a couple of days? So i have noo idea what that was about, it is really confusing.
Ollie takes the dummy mainly when he is fussy, and he makes the cutest sucking noises lol
Oh i forgot to tell you.. at 6 weeks ollie rolled all by himself! I was shocked
Georgia didn't like the dummy so we didn't bother with it again - when was just having one fussy night. In general she's very settled and doesn't need one at all.

G slept 7 hours last night!! She slept 9-4, had a quick feed and went back down till 6.40 :dance:
Actually she was just stirring. I went for a wee and when I came back she was well away. I've got up with Xander but Georgie is still upstairs in bed :haha:

Vanilla this has happened to me three times now! I think at 6, 9 and 11 weeks the spotting just goes away after a day or two and never turns in to af. Definitely never happened when I had Xander!
Well done to Georgia and Leo for sleeping through that's amazing!

Arthur seems stuck in the exact same routine he was doing since we brought him home from hospital almost 12 weeks ago! He goes down around 8pm now, we dream feed him at 11pm and he wakes around 3.30 for a quick feed then sleeps til 7.30am. 12 weeks ago I thought this was unbelievably great, and I still know it could be much worse, but I was hoping he would stretch it out a bit by now! He had a few days of 4.30am but has gone back at the moment.
Oh well he makes up for it by being super easy in the day, he just smiles and coos and lies on his play mat for ages or sits happily in his bouncey chair. If we're out he just sleeps in his pram. He's such a little cherub!
Wow so many babies either sleeping through or being a dream during the day, jealous here!:haha: Although sleep wise Juni isn't bad, usually sleeping from 11pm ish til 3ish then 4ish til 6/7am.

She will almost always only sleep on me in the day though.

I am always worrying about her breathing. Since the heart murmur was found even more so. Last night she was breathing so loudly at a rate of 60 breaths pet minute. We rang 111 and I spoke to a GP who wants to see her today, although typically it's down to 40 this morning. She has always been fast, but when she's fussy feeding I worry. It's probably nothing.
H slept 7p to 330a to feed but then was up for the day. I was able to sneak a quick shower in though. She's been napping on me since about 5a (630a now).

H always cries when tired. Does any other babies do that?

Angel keep us posted.

2 month old today

All smiley :)

No sleeping through here :lol:
She's too greedy to not wake up for a feed :haha:

Happy 2 months to Sydney and Poppy!

How are you feeling today Beccy?

Forgot who asked but Poppy has a dummy, she goes down and has one and will go off happily on her own. She spits it out after a while though. The rest of the time, she will happily lay under her play mat, or in her bouncy chair. She hast really cried yet either, I am dreading taking her to her injections because I don't want to hear her cry. She only mumbles when she wants food or if she's tired.

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