June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

I love her knitted cardi Rhi!

those that co-sleep how are you doing it? We can't in our current bed as we have a memory foam topper and the co-sleeper makes no difference, if we lay her down next to us in bed to try to calm her it still does nothing - she's only happy lying on top of one of us.
We have a Tomy First Years safe and secure sleeper which means Georgia still sleeps on her own mattress even though she's in our bed.
Joey, yeah I'm not sure if she was hungry or not! I start to worry when it's been a good stretch without food and hear her stirring. She's close to 12 pounds though so the dr said she could go as long as 12 hours at night... I'm just such a worry wart. Wish I could turn that off sometimes! I never thought about trying a non ortho pacifier... are the round ones not really problematic until teeth start coming in? She likes to use the breast as a pacifier so she might like the rounded ones if they resemble the breast more closely than the ortho ones.

Vanilla, I hope tonight is better!

Rhi, 8p is the latest I like to be in bed! Lol I'm an early riser though. I don't breastfeed at night but co sleeping would be nice, just wish it was possible for us. Our bed is really plushy and I move a lot.

Mommyx, hope your appt goes well today! I'm really paranoid about sleep because I start work again later this week. It will only be a few days a week at first. I'm also sad about leaving her but thank God my mom can watch he or I'd be a wreck.

Pretty sure I'll keep working but I guess I won't know for sure how I'll feel about it until I go back full time in October.
Found a bottle Kailani will take breast milk from finally.... Only issue is she will only take it for me! Which defeats the whole purpose of a bottle! I would say screw the whole thing but I go back to work the beginning of Sept... And plus this Sunday I have to be away from her for about 3 hours ago I know she will need to eat... I hate to think of her crying like crazy.
I've said it before but I'm always shocked how little maternity leave you guys in America get. I'm off for a full year, and most people get a good few months at least. Starlight I just can't imagine you going back now and then full time from sept. I think you guys are superwomen xx
Yeah boo I agree. agree couldn't go back so soon. I'm taking 9 months, couldn't afford the whole year but with accrued hols etc I can go back 3 days a week for a few months.
I would love a year off to be with H even if it was unpaid! I really just want a job to come back to. We could do without my salary in the short term but I worry about the long term consequences of stopping work for a few years then having to find something else. I'm going to see how it goes when I go back full time and decide then though.
I cry about it almost daily.... I wish I could take longer... Even if I lost my current job I'm a nurse so there aren't any shortage of jobs.. However my S.O. can't support all of us on just his income so I don't really have a choice. :(
Yes what Boo said about the awful maternity leave in the US. I've got 10 months & i'd like longer, I'm loving being off!

Alice is gorgeous Rhi :) such sweet pics also of Poppy, Sydney, Leo & Arthur - they're all so cute :)

Róise rarely takes a dummy but she will only take the ones with the bulb shape on the end when she does. She actually took it to sleep last night as she was really unsettled all afternoon & kept crying. I think it's just her 8 week growth spurt as she's also eating often though usually still only a couple of ounces. Every so often she'll take 3-4. But she slept pretty well last night; she was up at 1.40am after going down about 9.45pm, then again at 4.50am but she went back down! I got up about 6.20 (awesome!!) as she was scruffling so I was going to lift her, but she's settled & is still in her crib! (This happened yesterday too; I got up & she settled & slept on a bit...). Hopefully we'll get more of this!

Great that Georgia gave you a better night's sleep Pixie :)

ehj, your clever boy :) my niece rolled at 6 weeks too.

It's hard to believe we have 3 month old babies & one month old babies in our group :) Róise will be two months tomorrow. It's just flown in but I've loved every minute despite the lack of sleep. I know it'll be much harder with two, especially as next time, I won't have DH off for months to help.

I think AF will show later this month but so far, enjoying not bleeding!

Karli, have you registered Poppy with your doc? You won't get the vaccination appointment if not. Altho Róise's are 2 weeks late - I know the baby clinic at my surgery wasn't on in July so I guess there's a bit of a backlog.

Starlight, those are great sleeps by Hannah :) hopefully she's also starting to allow you to put her down sometimes now. Róise will sit in her chair or lie on her playmate for stretches of about 15-20 minutes several times a day now which is progress :)

Phew I think that's me caught up now; apologies if I've missed anyone.
Squig thst was impressive! I always miss anything that was a few posts back, my memory doesn't go that far :fohh:

Totally agree about the mat leave in the US. I'm taking 10 months - 6 months at 100% pay. 3 months SMP and then the 4 weeks holiday I was supposed to take before my mat leave started which defaulted to ml when Georgia Florence made her appearance.

I don't feel like I'm enjoying G at all :'( she's so settled and calm most of the time and Xander is a full time job. She literally just gets fed and put back down most of the day. Xander is the worst he's ever been. Really really bad. He hates his dad completely and hates me about half of the time. Also night it took us over an hour to take some medicine before bed and he was just screaming at the top of his voice. Got up this morning hoping to start over and have a better day, he just came downstairs and straight away said in a really sweet voice daddy? I really hate you. . .

He literally doesn't care at all what we do or say. Almost every toy has been taken out of his room and he just doesn't give a shit.
:hugs: Pixie. That must be really tough. I seem to recall you thought he is somewhere on the autistic spectrum, have you been able to get him assessed? Then you can start getting more support.
Wow what good night! Juniper slept from 10pm - 3am and them 4.15 - 7.45am! I had to wake her at 7.45 too as we leave for nursery at 8.30. My boobs were rock hard!

She's really struggling with wind this morning I think because my boobs were so full that she was gulping.

I'm worried it'll affect my supply if she doesn't drain them now but she is pulling off because she's uncomfortable and no matter how much I burp her I can still hear air on her little tummy. :(

Pixie that sounds so hard, Micah has been challenging too but X sounds like he's really struggling to adjust. Has he got any structured activities over the holidays?

I can't imagine going back to work soon, you US women are amazing, but how you are not protected by law to take a proper leave with your baby is simply awful. :hugs:

I will be taking 9 months and then slowly easing into work. My boss is fab and I'll do 1-2 evenings first then overnights whenevet Juniper and I are ready.
Sorry to hear that Pixie. :( I hope he settles for you. How is he with Georgia?

Is there an 8 week growth spurt or something? Poppy has been miserable these past couple of days. I know shes not ill as shes taking bottles properly, wet and dirty nappies, bt she seems to want to sleep alot and then when shes awake shes crying. She hasnt really cried since shes been born but she woke twice last night crying and then up at 5.30 crying too.

She seems to settle when shes upright or in her chair though, so im not sure if its her reflux causing her issues. She was sick yesterday actually now i think about it. Shes only having half a pack of gaviscon with every bottle, maybe i should up it a little bit?! Any advice?

Hate seeing her upset... Still haven't heard anything from docs, ill leave it a few more days and then ill ring. I registered her weeks ago, so not sure what up.

Shes still scrummy even if she is miserable <3

Wee sweetie! Yes there is an 8 week growth spurt. Not sure about the Gaviscon, we found it really helped Róise's reflux but made her constipated so stopped using it.

Great news on the sleep, Angel!
Pixie, sorry to hear DS is playing up terribly. If it's any consolation, my DD was a little love before baby was born. She is gleaming some pretty awful days lately. However, she has a lot of change this year. With N being born and starting school next month I think it's really tough for the little ones to cope with initially. Thinking of you. Xx

Angel, what a great sleep you had. Well done Juniper. Xx

Karlilay, how gorgeous is she?! So beautiful. Sorry she's miserable though. I hope it passes quickly. Xx

Nellie is one month old today. The time is flying by. :-(
Oh karli she is gorgeous.

pixie I feel the same. Leo is so easy he requires so little that ethanol gets all my time. At first his behaviour was shocking but he has really cone around. We pit him to his room I certainly for bad behaviour and then he realised we were serious. We also found positive reinforcement worked well and he responds well to his reward chart. It has surprised me how well it has worked. We still have our moments but for the most part he is doing great we really well.
All I need to cracking now is stopping ethan calling get for me 10 times a night. The baby sleeps right through and I'm up with a 4 year old.
Joey - how does the reward chart work? I'm thinking of doing something similar with Micah but I'm ironing out the details!

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