June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

who had a wee notions nappy ??? i remember seeing one in here ages and ages ago. I'm trying to order a custom one and i'm far too dumb apparently :haha:

Meeeee, I'm a sucker for pretty prints :haha:

I think i'm making it more complicated than it needs to be :haha:
I was ordering a 2 in one but now i'm thrown, wondering how on earth it works if it doesn't have a pul cover on it?! and therefore is a complete waste of a pretty design? or am i just confused... still very new to cloth nappying nd sometimes the terminology throws me :dohh:
12 week injections for us were just one needle and the oral rota virus. The next ones have the meningitis b in again which I'm hoping is a bit kinder this time.

G wasn't poorly when she was born but was obviously 6 weeks prem and ended up dropping 2 centiles and recently regained one of those. I believe if they are poorly it is ok for them to drop but they are expected to regain once well again. When G was poorly recently she did drop slightly but should be back on her line next time. I think the guidelines state that there's no cause for concern unless 2 centiles are crossed.
who had a wee notions nappy ??? i remember seeing one in here ages and ages ago. I'm trying to order a custom one and i'm far too dumb apparently :haha:

Meeeee, I'm a sucker for pretty prints :haha:

I think i'm making it more complicated than it needs to be :haha:
I was ordering a 2 in one but now i'm thrown, wondering how on earth it works if it doesn't have a pul cover on it?! and therefore is a complete waste of a pretty design? or am i just confused... still very new to cloth nappying nd sometimes the terminology throws me :dohh:

A two in one simply means that the inserts aren't sewn into the nappy, they're like a pocket nappy but instead of stuffing in liners you use poppers.

The nappy lady site has good descriptions, I still go on there to find out stuff, mainly newborn nappies as I had no experience of them .

Finally registered baby today. She is a real person now, with a real name! Xx
I just can't get over how quickly all of our babies are growing! :(


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They are getting g so big so fast. I swear ds just moved into 3 m and already is deeming like hell need 3-6

And I think we have one jab that has multiples in it? And the liquid mouth one.

I swear ds gets pissed if he doesn't grt enough cuddle time. He was so very mad until I finally had time to sit down.
We have 8 week jabs next week, not looking forward to them!

I agree it is scary how fast its going.. Next month will be a YEAR since most of us got pregnant! And there will be ladies getting pregnant with next june babies!

Henry is starting to fit really confortably into his 0-3 stuff now. Im buying the majority of his stuff from ebay but its still sad having to put all the gorgeous outfits away after he had five mins use of them.
Lots to catch up on!

I've had my first PP period despite breastfeeding for almost 6 weeks! It was pretty heavy but lasted the usual 5 days so I'll be back on track now. Have also started losing my hair which is normal for me, sigh!

Arthur has been a joy recently smiling so beautifully just ALL the time. We don't have to work at all for a smile now lol. He hasn't rolled at all, but this isn't a surprise for me. My first son never actually rolled. Seriously! The first time I ever saw him go from back to front was when he was 10.5 months old and wanted to crawl away from me so rolled. My second son didn't crawl until 2 weeks before his first birthday! My kids don't really do physical milestones lol. As Arthur was 5 weeks prem I think I'll be lucky if he crawls before 1...

He had a few nights of waking for a feed around 2 when it had stretched to 4/5 every night. That was really hard to accept haha. Last night it was 5am again so I can see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel...maybe!

Thanks for reminding me I need to book my smear as I would have been due last January...

I don't know what to do for contraception as I get migraines so can't have a combined pill and there's no way I'm having a progesterone only pill they make me so moody and spotty! I got a mirena last time but that made me get spots on my neck like a bloke so no thanks lol

Will attach a pic of my smiley baby boy


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Oh and he is 12 weeks tomorrow and has his second set of jabs!
Very sweet pics Jalilma & Boo & Becy. I love seeing the photos of the babies!

Róise's passport arrived a couple of days ago & despite it being an official document used to prove her identity, they don't print the accent over the o because the system can't do it, apparently :dohh:

When do you usually start losing your hair & how are people doing with weight loss? I still have a stone to go & despite my efforts, I feel I'm getting nowhere; literally not even lost a pound. Most of my old clothes don't fit yet. It's a bit disheartening. How long is it likely to take? I already had half a stone to lose before getting pregnant & apart from the fact I don't want to stay this size, I can't afford a new wardrobe!!
Wow yes last year in September I found out I was pregnant. September 26 2015. I was on my last birth control pack one yr ago!
I joined the drug trial September 16th, found out I was pregnant October 17th :)
Very sweet pics Jalilma & Boo & Becy. I love seeing the photos of the babies!

Róise's passport arrived a couple of days ago & despite it being an official document used to prove her identity, they don't print the accent over the o because the system can't do it, apparently :dohh:

When do you usually start losing your hair & how are people doing with weight loss? I still have a stone to go & despite my efforts, I feel I'm getting nowhere; literally not even lost a pound. Most of my old clothes don't fit yet. It's a bit disheartening. How long is it likely to take? I already had half a stone to lose before getting pregnant & apart from the fact I don't want to stay this size, I can't afford a new wardrobe!!

Some people don't suffer with postpartum hair loss they're the lucky ones! Me and most of my friends all did. Mine started around 2/3 months each time but some of my friends were more like 6 months PP. It's just the hair falling all at once that should have fallen in the usual hair cycle but didn't due to pregnancy. It feels like such an awful lot but in reality it's not. I tend to noticeably thin around the sides of my hair for a while then get silly short spiky new hairs! Takes months to grow back to normal lol

As for weight loss I have 5lb to go until I'm at pre pregnancy weight and it's proving to be a long hard slog. I've actually joined slimming world as it wasn't shifting. Really I'd like another 3lb off after that to get to ideal weight. These people who are just at pre pregnancy weight one day after birth make me sick! Also I don't actually know how that's possible as I hardly gained this pregnancy (just 21lb) and still am struggling!
I haven't weighed myself in a while after I realised I'd gained weight, but I have been eating better, walking more and can now do up the looser of my prepregnancy jeans so I'm happy with that for now.
My weight is back to normal but my tummy looks different. Does anyone's belly button cave in a bit after being pregnant? Mine does it because my ab muscles separated.
Is anyone else still exclusively breastfeeding?!
Wondering how you all manage it ?! I think she's having another growth spurt or something.. she is back to being super fussy and feeding for over 30 mins at a time! Yesterday I managed to have a bath for the first time since last weekend (had only managed a strip wash since then) I didn't even get to finish my bath before the baby needed fed again =( also my boobs are still leaking dreadfully. I'm actually afraid to leave the house, I leaked thro my bra, tshirt and two breast pads! I had to use a bath towel =/ haha :haha:
Boo I ended up 10lb under but to be fair I'm a big girl! Also I'm fairly sure I've regained the stone I lost anyway. I literally can't stop eating :dohh:

Yesterday was a Looooong day! Xander went to his cousins for a sleepover (they're both four so are naturally best friends) apparently there was an unfortunate game of Simon says and Xander Eneded up falling on the top bunk and hitting his head on the bed frame :dohh: his uncle took him to hospital and we met him there before they'd even gone through reception. (His uncle was sulking with the reception staff because he didn't know Xander's date of birth and he'd told them have name was Xander so they couldn't find him from his address :haha: )

He was amazing! He sat so so still and let them fix him up - after the talks we've had about him this week I'm sure you can understand just how proud I am if him! He was such a little champ, but was rather cheesed off that he wasn't allowed to go back to his sleepover :haha:
Rhi I'm still exclusively breastfeeding but Georgia isn't bad at all. She wants feeding almost constantly.between 6pm and 9/10 pm but for the rest of the day she's fine - she'll wake up and go back to sleep again without a feed in between which Xander would never do (he was fed as soon as his eyes opened and whenever he was tired)

Yesterday she had a feed at 8.30 am before I left the house to go the the cinema with Xander and didn't have another feed till 1.30 (I noticed because I was spending the day with bil and he's uncomfortable with bf :dohh: )

Down you think the leaking is just down to luck? I leaked for about 4m with Xander but I think it was two weeks at most with G (once I stopped expressing before my supply regulated I think)

Are there any more absorbant pads you can use? What about reusables? Do you put pressure on the boob your not using during a let down or are you leaking just all the time?
I'm exclusively breastfeeding, we have good days and bad days. Yesterday she fed non stop all day and barely slept :dohh: but earlier on this week she had 2 days of sleeping well day and night, waking for a good feed every 3-4 hours and sleeping again. So I think this is a growth spurt (again!)
Yesterday I was leaking all the time. Today it's just when I feed. It's the whole time though not just the initial let down and then for a while after. I think yeah it must just be luck as this is my third time breastfeeding and my worst go of it yet ! How odd is that? I don't think Alice has ever slept more than two hours. The only reason I'm still half sane is because of the CO sleeping. She does still take a feed every two hours though. During the day it's very much on demand still. I suppose I'll Just have to wait it out? And look for some better breast pads. I'm using reusable ones ATM. Just generic ones.

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