June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

I'm going to monitor her today. We have her two month appt on Thursday but don't want to wait until then if something is wrong.

This is the fourth day (night) she hasn't woken up to eat (and she had one less feeding yesterday so about 20oz). I woke her up this morning because I was getting worried. She went 11 hours between feedings. Not complaining about the sleep but it means one less feeding so should she be eating more at each feeding? She usually has between 4 and 6 oz each time.
maybe that's all she needs right now hun. Each one is different. DD had to eat like clockwork. one night when she was about a month old she slept through. i could not wake her to eat even in the am. took her into the dr, they said nope she's perfectly fine, just tired! i said, but you always tell us to wake them up! and she wouldn't wake up! they pretty much laughed at me and sent me home.

but i don't regret taking her to be checked. eased my mind a TON. you have to do what you need to do to not be worried.
She usually eats every 4 to 5 hours during the day but she just went 3 hours so maybe she's trying to make it up?
Starlight - maybe she was going through a growth spurt? if she's going less between feeds now she may be making up for it after all, if you're still worried though it's best to get her checked out.
Does anyone's baby sleep less then they should :lol:?

I feel Sydney is waking every 2-3 hours some nights and sometimes she is hungry if I remember with DS he was a hungrier baby and I had to get him the hungrier baby formula .. But I can't with her because I know it'll start her off with stomach problems she's constantly had colic and I've only just got that under control :dohh: another thing aswell im the main person she's around and obviously DS .. But suddenly the only person she wants is me .. She used to be fine with her dad and my family but now she seems to cry when with anyone one else or sometimes even if they just talk to her she had bottom lip out and bursts our crying .. :rofl: will stop as soon as she's back with me I find it a little odd unless she is going through a mummy stage :shrug:

But bar us having no sleep she's always smiling

Ollie is still feeding every 2-3hrs and same with sleep! We get the odd 4-5hrs maybe once a day, he also has times where he just wants mummy or even daddy.. it helps my partner is still home as he is between jobs atm, will be a diff story in the next few days im sure
She's probably napping when she needs to Becy, so it's just you getting no sleep ;) it's really tough though! Róise struggles to sleep during the day. She's tired & she wants to, but she seems to struggle to settle long enough, even if I hold her. However, I FINALLY got around to doing what about a million people suggested (in my sleep deprived state I kept forgetting) - putting a top I've worn in her crib. Whether coincidence or not, last night was night 3 & we've had 3 pretty good nights' sleep. So I'll be keeping doing that!

Glad Ollie is better now ehj. What you describe is what Róise is like. We get one decent period of sleep but that might start late evening so we aren't in bed for most of it!
Georgie is the same but I'm really stinge and I keep her up if I can till I'm ready to go to bed because that's the only decent stretch she'll have.

We're still a bit hit and miss with smiling but she started "talking" to herself this weekend and smiling to herself more than to us.

Starlight what a fab sleeper Hannah is! If she's hungry she'll wake so I wouldn't worry about it. If you're concerned about her behaviour in the day though definitely get her checked out - growth spurts do make babies sleepy though :hugs:

Xander is fine, he hadn't let his sore head stop him running riot at all :haha: I'm amazed those stitches are still on but he hasn't bothered with it at all

Beccy Poppy has just started (yesterday) the crying thing, she does this nervous little laugh first though and then bursts into tears. Breaks me heart lol.

Poppy has developed a petty good sleep pattern now, she will go to bed at 7.30/8 ish, I wake her and feed her at 10, she will sleep till 3 and then up at six. It's nice to not feel like. zombie anymore, especially with the other two to look after.
She is supposed to be having her first injections tomorrow, but I can't bring myself to take her. I know that sounds irresponsible but having a battle in my own head atm. I suffer with horrendous anxiety, I have been fine pretty much the whole time o was pregnant, and after I had her. I've been building this injections things up into something I shouldn't have and now the though of taking her and her crying sends me into a panic. I'm worried I'll have a panic attack in there, it's the thought of someone hurting her, even though I know
It's for the greater good. Mum said she will take her but I can't stand the thought
Of her crying and me not being there. :( I know it sounds pathetic.
Why don't you go together? Of you feel like you won't manage you have the option of waiting outside.

Georgie cried but literally until the needle was out and then she stopped straight away. And I have no idea what was in the drops but she enjoyed them lol.

:hugs: I know it doesn't help but she will be fine and she won't remember at all :hugs:
Becy, I read week 8 is a wonder week and they want their mommies more.

H slept through the night again. Fed at 7p, sleep at 830p, wake at 6a then bottle 615a. I wonder if she will keep sleeping well at night or if she will start waking to eat again. Really enjoying sleeping these past few nights.

She naps in my arms during the day but did crib nap when my parents watched her on Thursday and Friday last week.

Injections on Thursday.. nervous here too.
We have just left the surgery after the 8 week jabs and Leo just cried after the injection and stopped immediately. Also he enjoyed the drops and seemed to be looking for more.

Starlight enjoy all this sleeping, you had it rough there for a while.
We have our jabs on thursday too, DH has booked it off work as I dont want to go alone.

Jealous of the good sleepers, Henry still feeds several times a night and is so fussy and hard work in the evenings.
H gets really fussy when tired (before naps and bedtime!). Yesterday I was hoping she would be asleep before 8 but it wasn't until 830 when she finally went to sleep after a lot of walking around and rocking. I know that's not too bad but I like to be in bed by 8 myself! Lol
We have jabs tomorrow but I'm wondering if its OK to have them with her heart murmur and before we've had her scan. I've asked for a call back from her GP. Her scan is on Thursday.
H might meet my identical twin soon. Do you think she will be confused? I might not even be there if it's when my mom is watching her. I don't want her to see my twin, think she's me, and think I'm ignoring her.
Starlight I'm not too sure how she might react to your twin although at this stage is think the babies recognise is much more from our smells etc so although she looks the same she won't be you so she might be ok but I'd be interested to hear how it goes.

Leo has been inconsolable all evening. He has cried more from 6.30pm than he has since he was born. He threw up loads, out his nose as well, 3 times, and is just not happy at all. I know it's to be expected after the jabs but it doesn't make it any easier. So sad for him.

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