June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Happy(belated) Anniversary pix =)

YOu have All got me worrying about the injections now ... everyone keeps telling me the men b is awful but we had our two year old vaccinated privately a few months ago and he didn't get a fever or anything. Maybe because of his age ?

Haven't actually had the letter for the jabs yet... I wish they would hurry up. I like to plan ahead. We have a full week next week mind. My two year old has been given an appointment for his two year review next week in the same place as Alice has her six week review... on two separate days. I mean c'Mon! I rang and it was very much a "computer says no" type issue. So that is annoying. So lots of backwards and forwards next week. So we have apps on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Health visitor twice and GP for Six week check.
Pixie, happy anniversary. Hope today is better <3

H did calm after a long nap. She did well sleeping last night, 8pm to 6am.

Her pediatrician made me feel bad about nursing and rocking her to sleep though. :(. She said it makes her unable to go to sleep on her own.
Your paediatrician is wrong Starlight, plain and simple. I don't know any 10 year olds that need rocking and nursing to sleep.
I hate when people give advice that isn't backed up by any kind of evidence at all!
Sydney is now 12lbs at nearly 10 weeks :lol:
She's getting so chubby just like her brother was
Becy, how long is Sydney? H was 12lbs yesterday at 9 weeks and 2 day, 23 inches long! We have big babies :)

Dory, I'm still going to nurse and rock her to sleep (I don't know any other way to get her to sleep lol) but I hated leaving there with a pit in my stomach.
Pixie, happy anniversary. Hope today is better <3

H did calm after a long nap. She did well sleeping last night, 8pm to 6am.

Her pediatrician made me feel bad about nursing and rocking her to sleep though. :(. She said it makes her unable to go to sleep on her own.

I'm glad she slept better!

Ignore the doctor, absolute rubbish! DS for the first month at least spent more time in his rocker then the moses basket, we spent most the night either feeding him or rocking him! he started sleeping 5 hour stretches at 3 months and by 4 months was in his own without the need to rock at all.

Becy - she looks so cute in her profile picture :cloud9: I don't know if it's my monitor but are her ears pierced? I'm completely clueless with these things!
Becy, how long is Sydney? H was 12lbs yesterday at 9 weeks and 2 day, 23 inches long! We have big babies :)

Dory, I'm still going to nurse and rock her to sleep (I don't know any other way to get her to sleep lol) but I hated leaving there with a pit in my stomach.

Pleased to hear it :) You should never feel bad for attending to your baby's needs. You do it because it's instinct and it's instinct for a reason.
I'm thinking I must have weighed Alice really wrong... 12 lbs seems outrageous. Especially after having a quick Google lol. I did do it by standing on the scales with her so I didn't expect it to be perfect but I bet I take her to be weighed next week and she is like 10 lbs haha. Oh well. At least I will know that my scales are useless. She was 9lb at her last weigh-in and that was at two weeks old. So ten would make more sense. Although my two year old was such a chunk that he never even lost his birth weight. He was born 9 lbs and never went under it.

Everyone enjoying the sunshine again?! It's supposed to hang around for a while.
Rhi 12lbs could be perfectly reasonable! Xander was 13lb 5 at 8 weeks - what's Alice? About 6 weeks? She could be 12 lbs :)
I feel like I should know this but my memory is fading me... does anyone else here do both breast feeding and formula feeding now?
Dory I love your avatar, is it new or am I just slow?! Happy anniversary Pixie, sorry X was struggling so it didn't work out as you hoped.

Starlight I an bf Juni but I mix fed my son from 8 weeks if I can help?

Here's a photo of my two monkeys!

Angel I love Juni's clothes so much!

Here's a couple from Bath time :)



Georgia's tongue doesn't look any better. Has anyone else's little ones had thrush? I thought I'd see an improvement by now :-/
Aw lovely sibling pic angel x

What nappies are you all using? I use Aldi ones but they are constantly leaking and need to be changed really frequently.

Also where are you all buying baby clothes? I find it a bit trickier finding stuff I like with having boys I love next ans boden but bored of getting stuff from the same two places, any recommendations for places that do really nice baby boy outfits?
Juni's romper above is from Boots in the boys section. I love Boots mini club clothes they're so bright And fun :)
Angel, what was his feeding schedule like? H is mostly formula fed and nursed for comfort only (usually done before naps and bedtime). I'm considering trying to breast feed her more though on days I'm with her (working 2-3 days per week now). Not sure if it will be possible though with working some days? Did you breast feed then formula feed immediately after or space them out?

Cute pictures :). H wears boy clothes too. I get stuff from cosignment shops but like the brand First Moments best.
Cute pics!

Well I spoke too soon about Róise's reaction to her injections. She's been more unsettled today, really clingy, doesn't want to be put down, & tired but refusing to sleep for more than a few minutes. DH is with her now trying to put her to bed as she tends to settle more easily for him. She's also not been eating much.

Tinkerbelle I've heard Aldi nappies aren't good. But Tesco, Asda & Lidl are all good & cheaper than the brands. Lidl has actually won an award or been voted best nappy by some magazine or something.

I'm picking up my cloth nappy trial pack tomorrow :)

I meant to say earlier, good news on driving again Teeny. & on finishing the Clexane! So glad I only had to take it for 10 days post section. I didn't mind taking it in pregnancy, as it was helping the baby, but once she was born it was pretty awful because it hurt & I couldn't see the same benefit!

What a pain about all your appointments Rhi.

Pixie, no thankfully Róise hasn't had thrush. I hope Georgia's clears up quickly.
Becy, how long is Sydney? H was 12lbs yesterday at 9 weeks and 2 day, 23 inches long! We have big babies :)

Dory, I'm still going to nurse and rock her to sleep (I don't know any other way to get her to sleep lol) but I hated leaving there with a pit in my stomach.

I have no idea how long she is they never did it when I had her only head and weight .. And they don't seem to do anything other then weight at the centre I go to every month for weigh in :shrug: DS was 13 and half lb at 8 weeks :lol: doesn't surprise me her being simler she's just like him as a baby cheeks getting bigger everyday and the rolly arms :haha:

Pixie, happy anniversary. Hope today is better <3

H did calm after a long nap. She did well sleeping last night, 8pm to 6am.

Her pediatrician made me feel bad about nursing and rocking her to sleep though. :(. She said it makes her unable to go to sleep on her own.

I'm glad she slept better!

Ignore the doctor, absolute rubbish! DS for the first month at least spent more time in his rocker then the moses basket, we spent most the night either feeding him or rocking him! he started sleeping 5 hour stretches at 3 months and by 4 months was in his own without the need to rock at all.

Becy - she looks so cute in her profile picture :cloud9: I don't know if it's my monitor but are her ears pierced? I'm completely clueless with these things!

Yes we got them done don't like to say about it unless asked really people have negative opinions on it and judge :nope: which is fine everyone can share there views etc but I just can't be bothered with it :lol:

I can't believe In some countries people can ask to have a newborns done in the hospital :shrug:
Tinkerbelle I'm using pampers for now with Sydney .. I didn't like them when DS was a baby I used asdas with him .. But pampers have been no problem with her I found others to be really stiff aswell :dohh:
Angel - thanks :) I think it was about a week ago I changed it but haven't been posting much.

Pixie - S had thrush when she was little and it cleared up with miconazole 1% ointment (daktarin). Nystatin is pretty rubbish. It doesn't even clear it up in adults. If you're breastfeeding you'll need to some miconazole 1% cream too otherwise you'll pass it back and forth too. Wash your bras on a hot wash and try to avoid eating too much sugar.

Aldi nappies have won awards for years. They're the disposables we use because everything else leaks due to her being long and skinny. She does finally have one roll on each thigh now though!

She's doing her first night in her crib tonight and so far, so good!

Sorry she's reacted badly Squig. G was clingy and feverish with her first ones but had significantly improved the next day.

G had her 8 week check repeated the other day and passed it this time too.
The Dr gave us nystatin :-( and didn't even mention me needing to be treated as well. I thought I would know if I had thrush? Aww man!

We've got some asda nappies. They're good but small compared to pampers. I'll definitely try some size 3s though

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