June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

we had a rougher night over here. j went down no issues but then woke at 1140 for his paci, and then 3 for his regular feed, 430 for paci, 540 for feed, 6 he became super fussy, i took him in with me because he just kept dropping it, but it didn't help. then he had a massive poo and i've been up since 540 really. i'm tired. he's trying to go back to sleep now.
That sounds tiring, hopefully he'll sleep for longer stretches tonight :hugs:

Joey do you mind if I ask what you're taking?

I feel stressed all the time even though H has been sleeping well at night and is overall easier during the day in comparison to when she was a newborn. And its so silly becuase she's my only child and it boggles my mind how people can have more than one. I barely have a few minutes alone to myself to brush my teeth etc. I also still feel tired despite getting more hours of sleep than I did during pregnancy most nights.
I agree with pixie that it might be worth speaking to your doctor, speaking therapies really helped me with anxiety.

I'm thinking I need to go to sleep earlier i just never can I think every night I have no idea when she will wake sometimes it's 12 others 3 or 5 :dohh:
We say every night we should go to bed earlier but it neve happens :haha: I hope DD sleeps better tonight for you :hugs:

:hugs: joey - I think we just are who we are. I have a lot of anxiety and Xander is very confident. I'm terrified of authority and he laughs in the teachers faces :dohh: my anxiety hasn't rubbed off on him at all.

Starlight I was going to say yesterday it sounds like you're struggling a little with anxiety. I know when I had xander I dreaded night time because I was going to bed to not get any sleep. I was sad and frustrated but I don't think it's usual to be worried or scared about a night feed - especially for a baby who sleeps so well. Being tired sucks but it's not something to be afraid of.

I think it might be worth getting some support from your Dr hun :hugs: there's no reason you need to take pills. Talking it through and getting help to think about things in a new way can make a massive difference :hugs: Please try not to worry, if hannah wakes you in the night try to enjoy the sleepy cuddles. Those days are over very soon and for some of us even sooner than we'd expect. From experience I'd say I feel no more tired from one night feed than I do from a full night. And I know you're concerned about the 4 month regression but not all babies go through that and for many babies it's barely noticeable.

First day back at school! I was so nervous for my little man's first day in reception but he's been a champ. Got up and dressed and walked to school beautifully. Went straight in and sat on the carpet like a super star. I hope he has a good day!

I'm glad to hear his first day of school went well :) it sounds like he's going to have a great day.

Afm -periods are here, day one I went through 5 pairs of trousers and two pyjama bottoms at night, I had to change pads every hour despite using the chunky night time ones all day, day two was the same and today it's reduced to every two hours, it's so stressful finding time to change and it's driving me mad.

DD is in 3-6 months clothes and I'm trying not to feel bad, my mind has a bad way of making things seem worse and I just keep thinking if she's a size ahead now will she always be? What if my bring overweight in pregnancy has affected her :dohh:
:hugs: Vanilla please don't feel that way. Xander was in 3-6m clothes at 5 weeks and 6-9 at 12. This is him this morning on the way to school - not an extra inch on him at all!


And Georgie today, also in 3-6m clothes. I know she's a bit older but her corrected age is 10 weeks. Your baby is not over weight! She sperfrct :hugs:

:hugs: Vanilla please don't feel that way. Xander was in 3-6m clothes at 5 weeks and 6-9 at 12. This is him this morning on the way to school - not an extra inch on him at all!


And Georgie today, also in 3-6m clothes. I know she's a bit older but her corrected age is 10 weeks. Your baby is not over weight! She sperfrct :hugs:


Thank you, it's really reassuring to hear. I'm just so used to DS, the difference is so big between their sizes to me, he was always around the 9th and DD is on the 75th percentile.

He looks so lovely in his uniform! :cloud9:

G is adorable, did your DS also have dark hair as a baby? I love his blonde locks!

This is DD today in 3-6 months, it's a little loose but I can't see it fitting for too much longer unless she stops growing so fast. I don't know about anyone else buy sainsburys sizes are crazy, a 3-6 dungaree set is weird, the dungarees don't fit but the bodysuit is too big?!?!


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We've taken to calling Georgia 'Porge' because of Georgie Porgie. I can't stop!

Still in 0-3 clothes here but I'm sick of the same clothes so going to have a look at the 3-6 again soon. She's wearing a couple of 3-6 dresses but they're supposed to be tops.

Sophie was on the 91st centile when she was a baby but has slimmed right down now. Aaron was on the 25th because he didn't regain after his meningitis and is small and stocky now. He eats really well too unlike Sophie who eats loads of junk!

I think sleeping through at this age is any period of 5 consecutive overnight hours. G is still doing 10/11 til about 7am and I class that as sleeping through. I'm very thankful as I know it's unusual for breastfed babies this young.

Big news is I'm currently feeding 2 babies now :-O I'm obviously feeding G but a friend of mine has taken her nephew in as an emergency foster carer and is hoping to adopt him. Her daughter is 2 so she struggles to express. I have a huge stash in my freezer so he's starting on that and then he's going to have a mix of formula and half of anything I can express. The other half I'll keep for G.


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Arthur did 7.30pm until 5.45am last night! We dream fed him at 11 but he only took 2oz. Yay perhaps the end is in sight...

Had his third jabs today though poor soul :(
Dory, that is such a lovely thing to do. How wonderful that another little one can benefit from your milk. Xx
He also went back over at 5.45 after a quick feed until I woke him at 7.45 for the school run! Biggest started reception today. Sob!
Lovely sleep from Arthur Boo. I hope he is okay from his injections. Xx

My DD starts reception on Thursday and I'm really going to miss her.

We are so behind here having one of the youngest babies. N has her first injections tomorrow and I'm dreading it!

Those pictures are lovely Dory. Xx
Dory what a wonderful thing to do for both of you :flower: gorgeous photos, I love her expression in the first one :haha:

I too consider anything over 5 hours sleeping through the night.

Teeny I hope the injections go well tomorrow :hugs:
Lol dory dh calls Georgia porgie pie :haha: we mostly call her George or little toad

What a wonderful thing to do! How old is the little boy? What a shame he obviously needs to be in care but great that he has family to care for him. I love that first picture!

Xander was born with white blonde hair - it's gone a lot darker now which makes me sad.

Boo I hope Arthur isn't too put out by his injections :hugs:

Teeny I hope the first injections go OK!!
We have 12 week jabs tomorrow.

How often is everyone weighing their bubs? Juniper was weighed 4 weeks ago and I have no desire to weigh her tomorrow, is that bad? It causes me so much anxiety, and she's clearly growing!

This time last month:



Lol dory dh calls Georgia porgie pie :haha: we mostly call her George or little toad

What a wonderful thing to do! How old is the little boy? What a shame he obviously needs to be in care but great that he has family to care for him. I love that first picture!

Xander was born with white blonde hair - it's gone a lot darker now which makes me sad.

Boo I hope Arthur isn't too put out by his injections :hugs:

Teeny I hope the first injections go OK!!

He's newborn and just been discharged from SCBU. His biethical mother is a recreational drug user and there were benzodiazepines in her blood 4 days before he was born that weren't prescribed by a doctor. I'm so pleased my milk has somewhere to go as there is so much in my freezer and I'd be mortified to have to get rid of it. Georgia has maybe one bottle a fortnight so we're not getting through it.

Angel, I was weighing G fortnightly but have decided to drop down to monthly now. It's a concious effort because I'm paranoid after her early loss but I'm trying to trust our bodies to do what they are supposed to.
Wow Dory what a wonderful thing to be able to donate your milk to this baby.
Going back and realising how much I missed! Happy first day at school Xander!
Just realised my phone auto corrected biological to biethical lol!
Hope all injections went well. What's at the 12 week injections? H doesn't have any shots again until 4 months.
12 weeks is just 1 injection and the stuff to drink

We have 16 week injections end of month im dreading them ones think it's 3 or 4 injections? :(

Sydney gets weighed every month I know she will be okay but I guess I like to know how much she weighs and keep track likely stop for abit after the next one because we're moving

It's quite sad I feel she's getting so big and heavy :lol: but I love it when they get to 6 month age sitting up and able to do a lot more
We don't have a 12 week appointment at all. Not sure if it's a US thing or my doctor just dropped the ball. The cdc doesn't have any vaccinations for 3 months though.
Starlight we don't have an appt really at 12 weeks. It's just jabs with the nurse. We don't have any standard appointments with the Dr after the 8 week check up I don't think.

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