June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

I dont have Henry weighed anymore? They no longer do the baby clinics due to cuts so I have no idea when he will be weighed next. Possibly the one year check??!

I just feel massively stressed the moment. Henry is still waking frequently through the night and is so clingy and demanding during the day that I can never get anything done. The house is an absolute tip, there is washing everywhere and there is still so much to buy for it in general and DIY that DH never gets round to. DS1 is also being hard work, throws tantrums and wont do anything we ask. My final year of open uni starts in a couple of weeks and just looking at the workload and assignment questions is sending me into full blown panic mode. Its going to be such a stressful year :(
dd is now getting sick :dohh: come on man! i had something for a few days but seems gone today.
js poo is back o normal and he seems pretty happy (he's actually examining his fist as i write this lol)

just checked his jumbo turkey leg thigh and no - no lumps from the jabs but i know they did last a while.

he for the most part sleeps really good, nice and deep sleeps. but i know dd didn't have sleep issues til 4 months. then you couldn't breathe wrong or she'd wake up. i'm SO not looking forward to that regression. j seems to think 6 am suddenly is a great time to be up smiling, and making ginormous poos. seriously it like bubbled up and out the back, like a horror film lol
Juniper hasn't pooed in 3 days, is that normal? She's ebf and usually goes once a day, occasionally skips a day. She seems happy except for an hour of screaming yesterday evening but I put that down to jabs.
Are any of your babies showing signs of possible teething?

My mum and DH are convinced Henry is as he has become very irritable and constantly bites his hand. He is also dribbling a lot. Im not overly convinced because he still fairly young for teething and I cant see any evidence of teeth trying to emerge or hard gums ect
I noticed with Xander and a lot of my nieces and nephews that they all showed signs of teething around 12 weeks. It settled down again after a few weeks with no teeth but certainly with Xander I was sure that's what it was.

Angel Georgie ranges from 3 poops a day to one a week. It's totally normal for bf babies to go a while between poos as there isn't much waste.

Mommy I hope dd is feeling better soon. Poor little love :-(

Three days in school. One shirt stained with tomato pasta sauce. One stained with blue bubblegum ice lolly. Fml.

I may have spent the entire day binge watching greys anatomy. And now I need to frantically make it look like I was doing something before Carl gets home from work :dohh: :rofl:
Georgie is ebf and poo's every 7-10 days. Her wind gets progressively smellier until she spends an entire day clearing out.

I remember the hv explaining to me around 12 weeks babies produce too much saliva to swallow and are discovering their mouths with their hands so a lot of people mistake it for teething. That said, I absolutely believe some babies will be teething at this point.

Had a call to go and view our potential new house tomorrow. If we like it we will sign the contract there and then. How exciting.
Sydney is constantly dribbling and hand is always in her mouth she even takes her dummy out with her hand to shuv her hand in :lol: I can't see any signs of teeth coming though think some go through it and it disappears again but it could be start of teething.
I've been suspecting C of teething for a while now - when he was born I could see the two bottom teeth under the gum but they've not erupted yet.

C will rarely nap for longer than 30 minutes at a time - I've tried lots of different things to no avail. At night though he's usually really good and often sleeps for 7 hours straight. I'm dreading sleep regression - DS1 went really bad after 4 months.

I called hv about lump on C's leg and she said it can take a while for them to disappear.

I hope you like the house Dory - how have you been feeling?
I think we may have hit the dreaded sleep regression but I'm hoping it's mostly just the heat! Normally I get her to sleep between 7 and 8 and she stops next to me in her pod til I go to bed, when I'll change and feed her. Normally she then goes on to sleep till between 6 and 7.
The last 3 days she has woken herself around the time I go to bed and then 2 or 3 times again before 7am and she's a bit more or a struggle to get back to sleep. She even had her dummy overnight last night which she hasn't needed since she started sucking her thumb.

I'm feeling ok thank you. It takes something tiny to throw me down but in general I feel a bit happier. My husband has been doing a little bit more because I told him how I was feeling and that seems to have taken the edge off of things. How is everyone else?

I forgot to ask if anyone watched Inside Birmingham Children's Hospital this week? I was sobbing; it was so heartbreaking. A lot of my anxiety is about losing my babies too soon and was triggered when Aaron was unwell as a baby.
I haven't seen it dory, buy tbh I just can't handle things happening to children. I'm literally afraid of the news (like dropped out of my journalism degree afraid of the news) because bad things happen to kids and I can't cope with the ache in my stomach it gives me.

I'm glad your husband is helping out more. What's the potential new house like?

Georgie was a bit unsettled last night. She did a proper dropped lipped cry and her cheeks were really red. Made me wonder about teething after we were taking about it yesterday :shrug: poor love.
Dory I hope the viewing went well! I'm really excited for you! We have to wait till January to look at houses and it feels like forever :sleep:
I'm afraid I won't remember everything after 8 pages, but i'll do my best!

I love seeing the pics of everyone's babies & children; they're all adorable!

Dory, that's an amazing thing for you to do. I'm glad you're feeling a little better & your DH is helping more. I still think you should see your GP though! How did it go with the house viewing??

Rhi & Vaniilla, are there no mums & tots groups near you even? Often local churches or community groups will run them. It must be tough not getting out much/at all.

Sorry to hear all the babies have been struggling with their jabs. Róise had her second ones today & is really out of sorts. Last time, it was the day after that it really hit. We gave her calpol up to 48 hours after, at 4 hour intervals though not overnight of course. We've had to give her a dose today even though the doc said she wouldn't need it. We're off to Bristol tomorrow so I hope she's ok travelling.

I thought Róise was teething too, but what Dory explained fits perfectly so it's probably that - she doesn't seem to be in pain.

I was at my mum's for a few nights & Róise started sleeping about 9 hours! 3 nights! Then we came back home... I told mum I'm moving in with her ;)

Exciting that several of you are hoping for another. Good luck with persuading husbands & getting pregnant :) we will be starting to try again next March.

Ehj, sorry you're having to go back to work much earlier. All the best.

No we don't have to be quiet for Róise to sleep, though at night I usually make an effort to keep the noise down.

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, Tinkerbelle. I hope things get better :hugs:

Róise hasn't been weighed since her first set of injections. I just like to know her stats though so I'm looking forward to finding out where she's at when the HV comes next Friday! I'm not concerned. I can see that she's doing fine. I feel generally pretty relaxed about having a baby & looking after her & how she's doing. I'm fortunate not to suffer from anxiety. It must be tough for those of you who do because your mind can certainly run away with you. :hugs: to you all.
I watched it last night Dory and sobbed. Poor sweet baby.

Poppy has constantly got her fingers in her mouth too!

What's this sleep regression everyone's talking about?
Ebf mamas how often are your babies eating? J eats every two hours during the day still. Seems so frequent! Am I not major enough? He's 12 weeks this sat

As for teething j has also become super drooly and bites HARD if he gets a hold of fingers. Not sure if teething or what. But I noticed the same thing you ladies mentioned.
Juni sometimes eats hourly! I'd say she feeds every 1-3 hours in the day.
Arthur is another one constantly chewing and chomping on his fingers. It's always his right hand thumb and pointer finger. I had high hopes for him being a thumb sucker but reading what you girls have said its probably just a developmental stage!

He slept through for 3 nights after his jabs!! Had a night feed again last night though but at least I know he can do it :thumbup:
Its okay about going back to work sooner , has to be done unfortunately but it doesn't work then we will figure something out.. when are you going back if you havnt already?

I would also like to know about the sleep regression... how does it work... ollie is still sleeping both in bassinet and on us during the night! Last week he slept from 9pm till 6.30am! I was so shocked lol but he mainly goes down between 11 & 12 till about 6.30 so i classify that as sleeping through

As for the teething im not too sure? He is constantly sucking on his hand and drooling lol

Have i missed anything?

Also af is due today but no sign what so ever... hmmm
It normally hits me first thing in the morning. Last af was on the 12th Aug...
Mommy C can sometimes feed hourly in the day and rarely goes more than 2.5 hours between feeds. He then feeds a lot in the evening but then does a decent stretch at night.
I think he's having his 12 week growth spurt as feeding even more than usual.

There is a sleep regression some babies go through at about 4 months. I think it's linked to their development and their awareness of what's going on. Basically they may wake more often and want to be held/with you more than usual. I remember thinking DS1 was doing pretty well on sleep and the 4 months hit! Hoping C is better as it'll be a shock to the system!

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