June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Such cute pictures

Meant to reply yesterday anything thanks ladies, I do feel like I need help with my anxieties :(. Not sure where to start.

Dory how kind of you to donate extra milk!
Omg its so hard to find time lately to get on here properly!

Dory that is fantastic of you to be able to do that for someone elses baby xx

We dont have 12wk jabs we have 4 months... must be different.

I havnt had ollie weighed since he was 8 weeks old from memory... he was just under 5kg then but he feels a lot more than that now!

Afm i will be returning to work 3 months sooner than i had hoped due to 2 reasons... we just cant afford for me to stay off until dec because my partner isnt working atm and 2 because the chick who replaced me while im off resigned this morning :( so i shall be going back next Thursday and im kind of dreading it! Partner will stay at home with him

I feel like im going to miss so much!!
Have a talk with the health visitor or GP Starlight. There are many resources out there available. It's finding what works best for you. Xx

It's injection day. :-( a few hours later this afternoon. Had N weighed and measured today. She weighs 12lb 8oz and is 59 cm long. The 75th centile for each.

I noticed today first hand how anxious babies weight and percentiles can make parents. A lady was at the clinic having her son weighed and just burst into tears, really sobbing. She was so upset that he had dropped a centile.

I've never been one to get mine weighed regularly. I am of the thought that if my babies are happy, healthy with plenty of dirty nappies then they are just fine.
Obviously, I understand that for some babies with problems it's an essential guide but for those with a healthy full term baby there shouldn't be such focus on it. Xx
ehj, sorry to hear you are back to work so soon. Is hubby looking forward to being home with the baby? Xx
i only have mine weighed at check ups. i used to worry so much with dd it made me insane, and she did start dropping centiles around 4 months. she just kind of stopped growing. j is growing much more rapidly, and i figure as long as we're staying fat, and outgrowing stuff as he is, i don't have to worry. we are just moving up to size 2 diapers. trying not to think to much on the size of the baby as i worried waaaaaaaay too much with dd. i'm trying to be easier with it this time.

i found out j has a problem with apples. He was not his normal smiley self the last few days, waking more at night, and green poo. the only thing i hadn't had before with him was apple. i dropped the apple from my diet and he's back to his normal happy self. I feel awful. i also don't understand because dd had the SAME problem with apples. except she had blood in her stool from it. i don't get ohw they both could have apple issues.

dd grew out of it at 9 months and eats them regularly now. but so sad when you find out YOU ate something that made them so miserable!

we also have four month jabs so nothing til october for us now.
Well the 16 week jabs have really kicked his ass just a warning for everyone! They have 3 injections one of which is their men B booster and Arthur was so feverish and upset yesterday evening. This morning he's ok but he's off his milk and feels hot again so I've given him even more calpol. He Hates the stuff and screams at me! That meningitis jab is such a horrible one. Is totally worth it but really is bad. He wasn't this bad with his first one... Second jabs he sailed through no bother but there's no men B one on that one

On the plus side he slept through last night! 7.30pm until dream feed at 11pm and continual until 6.50am. Yay! Was probably the injection and calpol effect but still, I'll take it!!

As for mums getting paranoid about weight I can understand it as my friends son has fallen two centiles and is being referred for a paediatrician opinion to check if he has any health issues. She's beside herself. All you want to do as a mum is protect and nourish your child so I'm not surprised it's emotional! Having said that I barely get Arthur weighed compared to Jack!
Angel Juniper is clearly thriving and much bigger!
What a great sleep from Arthur. Sorry he is poorly from his injections. At least you get extra baby cuddles! Xx

Mommy, N has had greener poop the last few days and has been a bit more difficult to get to sleep. I wonder if it's me?! You've definitely given me food for thought ( no pun intended! ) xx
Poppy has just had her first lot of injections. She had calpol after and has been fine all afternoon, but just before her second lot she's so sad. :( how long does this last? That is the first time she's really cried since she was born and I nearly cried.

How much calpol did everyone have to give their babies? And how long till they were fine? Next lot of injections are 4th October.
G was feverish and insanely tired after her first lot of injections until the next morning. Her calpol dose at the time was specified by the doctor and lower than the standard because she was so little.

Sorry to hear about Arthur reacting badly :-( I thought there was meant to be minimal reaction this time because they've had them before. I'm dreading it after her first lot. We're still waiting for them to send a repeat appointment.
Oh karli that sucks ! :hugs: I can't wait to have all these jabs over and done with.

Ehj - what a bummer about having to go back early!

In regards to weight gain etc I don't really bother with it. As long as they are eating and pooping etc I'm happy. The weight I'm concerned about is my own ! I have gained five pounds in a week =( I'm so bored all the time. I basically never leave the house so I think that is what is doing it. I won't go out as the baby just cries the whole time and it's too much stress. All of my friends work full time! So my days are very lonely =(
I enjoy the school run as it means I get out the house for ten mins =/
I even have my groceries delivered. Ughhh.
Thanks Dory and Rhi. I didn't ask what I wanted to know properly, it all came out wrong lol.
I meant honor how long were you giving the calpol? Was it just the three doses they recommended or was it over two days? I just like to prepare myself for giving it to her because she absolutely hates it and I have no idea how to make her swallow it.

I haven't been on for ages. Life is so busy with three, I do absolutely LOVE it though and I'm trying to persuade Jonny for number 4. He says no, but we shall see :)

Poppy hasn't been weighed since last HV check, I don't bother really. And never did with the other two.

Had a referral letter today for pedestrians dermatology for her birthmark! I can't believe it! They were adamant at he docs they won't refer but it was a stand in doctor I saw and not any of our usual ones, when I went to see them on Mon about her excema, I saw our regular one again and he has sent of a referral for us. I didn't know though, so the letter was a surprise, and I'm a bit stunned. I kind of love her birth mark now, and luckily it's not grown too big, they can get huge, but I will go along and see if I can get the Timolol for her. I will not put her on propranolol though, it has far to many side effects.

No other news to report, oh, the witch came! I wa ssooooooo happy! There is no way we could have another baby right now!
Poppy continues to sleep though, she generally sleeps 7.30 ish till 6. Sometimes she has a bottle at 4 and will stay in bed till 8. Lazy monkey is just like her brother and sister :)
Karli I think Georgie had two doses of calpol. May have only been one but she was 100% back to normal by the following morning.

Angel Juni looks amazing! And I love her car dungarees :cloud9: she's clearly grown loads. I haven't had George weighed since 1st of August when the HV last came, she's coming back next week so they'll weigh her again but I'm. Not overly fussed over it. I like to know what she weighs because I'm nosey but I'm not concerned about it.

Ehj I'm really sorry you've got to go to work already :-( how are you feeling about it?

I've been thinking a lot lately about having a third. Honestly the thought that I'll never be pregnant again makes me feel incomplete and incredibly sad. I don't know if it's a reaction to Georgia's shitty beginnings - like I want a chance to have a good pregnsncy and birth, or a genuine desire for another but I desperately hope Carl doesn't get the vasectomy so I can think it through and possibly ask him for one more.
J is so sad tonight after jabs earlier. :( Also she hasn't had a poo today or yesterday which seems to be bothering her. I'm not sure which is the reason for all the screaming but I feel so bad for her.:(
Sorry babies are suffering after their jabs I'm dreading the next two lots.
EHJ sorry you have to return to work early.
Mommy Casey has a problem with tomatoes which I've now cut out completely but miss them so much i ate them daily. It's horrible feeling something you've eaten has upset them.

Casey still has a small lump on his leg from his first jabs 3 weeks ago - anyone else have this? It's getting smaller but thinking of calling hv to check.
A nurse when Sydney was in hospital gave her bits of medicine then put her dummy in :shrug: then repeated until was gone .. It seemt to work for her that was ibuprofen though when she was really poorly and she hated taking that calpol she isn't so bothered about taking.

We did the recommended doses but tbh each baby is different if more is needed id give more if still seems iffy.

Had a very odd baby tonight :shrug: unlike her to scream but she was really upset I think she has tummy ache or just needs to poo she continuously is trumping and getting upset :(
I'm sorry to hear so many of the babies are upset after their injections :hugs: I hope they're all feeling better tomorrow.

Pixie - I would speak to him definitely before he gets it done, it's a big decision to make and you should both be 100% it's what you want.

Rhi - I'm sorry to hear that, can your friends not come over to you?I have the opposite problem, I would like to go out but have no one to go with - never really made many friends since moving here.

Angel - she looks lovely, I agree with the others that she's definitely grown! :)

Karli - glad to hear the witch showed up for you!
Hope all the babies we doing ok after the shots! Our next isn't until October either.

Do you ladies have to be really quiet for your babies to sleep or stay asleep?
Not really. If she's just drifting off we can disturb her but if Xander comes running in the bedroom in the morning shouting she doesn't hear. Or if carls on call phone goes in the middle of the night she won't hear that either.

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