June Dragonflies 2016 Babies and Beyond!

Rhi - big hugs :hugs: are you able to have some you time during the day? Even if it's just half an hour of some time alone doing something relaxing like a bath or having a nap.
:hugs: unfortunately rhi, you are the pro!

Would you consider giving Alice expressed milk or formula while you're out? It sucks that you had to go home again.

There's no point saying it'll get better because I know you know and it doesn't help right now. Like vanilla said can you get some time to yourself for a bath or a nap?
ETA I agree with pixie - I meant the other pro breastfeeders as clearly you also are one!
If I'm going out I will pump before I go so I don't get sore and bring a bottle of expressed milk. I'm not confident feeding publicly yet but I'd do it in the car if it came to it. If you even had an expressed bottle for night time too maybe someone else could give the bottle and let you sleep.

I can't upload multiple pictures for some reason ..

Can't believe Sydney is already nearly 6 weeks old it goes so quickly!

With eye and hair colour .. DS had brown hair which turned mousey brown with blonde tints .. Now it's mousey been but summer it goes more blonde .. He has blue eyes always has .. (I have green/dad has brown)
Sydney has brown hair exactly like DS did I'm thinking she will go fair like her brother .. She has blue eyes still now but they look to be turning green .. Both me and her dad gave green eyes.
Rhi I'm right there with you. Kailani has pretty much cluster fed every day since the beginning! I joke that if it's longer than 45 min she needs to eat! (she does sleep about an hour to hour an a half at a time) but when she's awake she's eating/suckling ! She won't take a pacifier either. Luckily she has taken a bottle of pumped milk... I just need to find TIME to pump on a regular basis. *sigh* it is tiring some times.... But for right now I have just given in and let her do her thing.
was skyping with my father today (he's in florida) and he said j is gonna be a month soon and that means he's not a baby anymore- he was doing it to tease my dd but man, tht really sucked to hear.
Thanks everyone! I think I just needed to get it off my chest TBH. I'm feeling a bit better since I posted as I have actually had some sleep =) I'm up now doing the first feed of the night. She just slept from 11. Which is amazing compared to last night. Just need to remember no two days are alike etc etc.
Good idea about the bottle for out and about. I will definitely do that once I can express better. I tried earlier and managed about two ounces in an hour :/ need to work on that. I'm worried if I offer formula she will prefer it ?!

Becy- omg time is flying! Look at her ! Really cute =)

Jalilma - :hugs:
I doubt she'll prefer formula Rhi; I only managed to express enough for 1-1.5 feeds a day for Róise & she always gobbled up my milk; she's not fussy but I definitely think she liked bm best - & she was getting it chilled from the fridge! Glad you got a bit of sleep. Obviously bf'ing didn't work out for me but I think the lack of sleep must be one of the worst parts.

Lovely pics of all the babies :)

Tinky, as Vaniilla said, the GP can give you something. Maybe a pharmacist could even?

Róise is 6 weeks today! Part of me feels like she's been here forever so how is she not older?? We were at a wedding yesterday & all the women around my age had children; made me doubly glad to have our little rainbow as it would've been a real kick in the teeth to be the only childless one when we wanted kids so much
It was bad enough to see some of the others bf'ing when I really wanted to as well.

Off to the Dr this morning for my 6 week check & also that's me finally driving again :happydance:

Boo I think your kids will know you love them when that is how you're consistently treating them, even when you sometimes have days when you're too busy to show them as much affection & love as you'd like. Not that you need forgiveness because you're doing nothing wrong, just doing life, but kids are very forgiving! No need to feel guilty :hugs:
Becy - lovely photos, I love her little outfits :)

Rhi - I'm glad to hear you're feeling better today, I don't think she would prefer the formula, great milk is supposed to taste much nicer.

Squig - how is she 6 weeks?!?! I hope your check up goes well.

Afm - night from hell, dh did most of the work and yet I'm still so exhausted, every time she woke up I was up even though dh was doing everything.

We ended up taking the rocker upstairs as no matter what we did, even though she'd fall asleep, the minute her bum touched her bed she was up awake and crying, it went on for hours and now it's morning and we feel like crap. :(
:hugs: Vanilla. We had so many nights like that with Xander. We used to try everything he had to sleep in. The swing worked for a while and in the end he used to sleep in his pram carrycot inside his crib. Not sure if he was cold with the bars or his crib was just too big but the pram carrycot helped in any case. Might be worth a try? Will you get the chance for a sleep today?

Glad you're feeling better this morning Rhi :hugs: I've no idea about the formula but as others said I've heard breastmilk tastes better. Xander only had formula a couple of times but was never bothered. I'm going to try G with some this week I think. We're on holiday next week and I want to have a glass of wine or two one evening so I'm going to get a couple of those really made bottles with the teats to see how that goes. I'm not sure I could get any more lazy :haha:

Jalilma giving in is probably the best thing. Just stock up on biscuits and settle in for the marathon feeds :haha:
Vaniilla Róise is like that. Totally out for the count but wakes the second we put her down! Although she'll usually do a couple of stretches in her crib at night.

Pixie I forgot to answer - I didn't go round to my neighbour in the end - he stopped by 11 (not that I think making noise that late is acceptable, regardless of the law) plus I waited to see if it's a one-off. Still annoying, but I guess you can't complain for someone doing something once. If he starts this up at night again, I'll go over.
This thread moves so fast I can't keep up!

I can't remember who wrote what and I'm on my phone with bad signal but I'll try!

- Juni shudders too sometimes I think it's a normal reflex thing

- Cluster feeding is a pain in the bum, get your partner to bring you food and drinks and stick a box set on, that's what I do.

- re. Bf out and about I've found some lovely nursing clothes that are discreet. There's a Facebook page called "can I breastfeed in it UK" (I think there's a US one too) with loads of ideas and recommendations. Only problem is I keep buying things! :haha:

- Sorry lots of you aren't getting much sleep. We had 3 awful nights in a row but fingers crossed the last two have been much better again. We've started using infacol, and waiting for several burps before putting her down, and i am feeding her more upright as I think it was wind keeping her up.

Juniper is growing out of her "1 month" clothes now and is in 0-3! I can't believe how chubby she is getting, I would not have believed it 2 weeks ago.

Here's my chubster curled up with big bro on his bed:

:hugs: rhi Im having a tough time with breastfeeding too. Henry also cluster feeds and is up a lot through the night and also relies on the boob for comfort which leads to screaming episodes when out and about. So I can totally understand how you feel. DS1 wasnt like this either! Im just taking each day as it comes but its hard.

I got breastfeeding covers off Ebay from china for a couple of quid each x
Rhi it's so hard in the beginning with cluster feeding - I just feel like a milk machine and very little else a lot of the time but we know it gets easier. I love my breastfeeding cover - it's an apron with a boned neck so you can maintain eye contact/check latch it gives me so much confidence to feed in public.
j HATES being covered when feeding. It's made it hard, but sometimes, i just have to do it. he eats fine if not covered but when covered he just comes off and gets mad. unless it's one particular blanket i have. that i keep forgetting to bring with me. :dohh:

it's frustrating but i'm afraid to even bother with the pump for bottles because i honestly wouldn't even know where to begin with all of that. my body didnt respond to the old pump so i got nothing out, and when i did all of tht, dd wouldn't even take the bottles i did pump. i got so stressed out. trying to just take it easier this time around, so far he's been SO much easier than she was!! and i actually thought she was an easy baby. well in comparison, wow was i stupid! she was so high maintenance!
:hugs: Vanilla. We had so many nights like that with Xander. We used to try everything he had to sleep in. The swing worked for a while and in the end he used to sleep in his pram carrycot inside his crib. Not sure if he was cold with the bars or his crib was just too big but the pram carrycot helped in any case. Might be worth a try? Will you get the chance for a sleep today?

Glad you're feeling better this morning Rhi :hugs: I've no idea about the formula but as others said I've heard breastmilk tastes better. Xander only had formula a couple of times but was never bothered. I'm going to try G with some this week I think. We're on holiday next week and I want to have a glass of wine or two one evening so I'm going to get a couple of those really made bottles with the teats to see how that goes. I'm not sure I could get any more lazy :haha:

Jalilma giving in is probably the best thing. Just stock up on biscuits and settle in for the marathon feeds :haha:

We don't have a carrycot as we're using our old bugaboo bee, its got a footmuff type thing for the newborn stage. If she stops sleeping in the rocker we'll probably have to resort to DH driving around like we did with ds :dohh: I really thought a cosleeper would help but she doesn't care if we're close, she insists on being held and the ewan sheep has done zilch. :wine:

She's permanently windy and on the verge of constipation :dohh: I've been giving her cool boiled water today so I hope that helps with the poop problem at least!

DS failed his hearing test again at school, I'm pretty sure it's probably because he wasn't paying attention but now we have to wait for an appointment at the hospital, they do love to make you worry!
oh no vaniilla i'm so sorry she failed her test! ugh they really do don't they. seems like you can finally stop worrying about something and then they get you with something else :dohh:

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