Monroe John is also here! He made his appearance on 6/16/20 at 7:38am weighing 7lbs 7oz and 19.25 inches long.
This is going to be long, I have a real talent for not being able to shorten things up at all lmao.
I was finally called in for my induction at 9pm on 6/15, I was given an ultrasound to make sure he was still head down, given my negative (yay!) Covid results and then had my cervix checked. I was 4cm and 25% effaced. They started the pitocin around 11pm and my husband and I settled in to watch some movies.
By 3:30-4am the contractions were getting really painful and I asked for the epidural. It took them quite a while to place it, they kept hitting a nerve on my right side, but they did finally get it in though after 5 or 6 tries and started the medicine. Shortly after though I started sweating bullets, was extremely hot and had to have several ice packs to help me cool down. Then I started throwing up violently for about 10 minutes. After that though I felt great and started drifting off to sleep.
At this point I kept waking up to the anesthesiologist and nurse coming in because my blood pressure was falling really low. I had to get 4 doses of some kind of medicine to raise it back up in my IV. The look on my husbands face told me that they were way more concerned about it than I was at the time (I just kept going back to sleep lol).
5am they came and checked me and I had made zero progress since starting. I was crushed.
6am they came and checked me again, I was 5cm and 75% effaced. They also broke my waters. This is where it gets crazy.
6:30 rolls around and my sleep gets interrupted again by 5 nurses and midwives rushing into my room putting on gloves and masks and my husband and I looked at each other terrified. I guess the baby was having some crazy decels that he wasn't recovering well from. They quickly have me get on all fours and checked me again and to everyone's surprise I was 9.5cm dilated and had a "lip of a cervix left" whatever that meant. They drew up some medicine to stop my contractions some that was supposed to go into my arm, but luckily he started recovering a lit better after I changed positions. I labored on all fours for a bit to try to get rid of the rest of the cervix and they finally had me roll back over to push.
If I had to guess I probably pushed for a total of 10-15 minutes tops which wasn'tas bad as the 4.5 hours with my first, but not as good as the 3 pushes with my second. It turns out that he was actually sunny side up which explains a lot of the pain and pressure I was having in my butt. He also was born with his cord wrapped around him like a miss america sash. They said it was probably the reason he was having such bad decels since he dropped into my cervix so quickly it probably compressed the cord a bit.
He was finally here though and even though it was fast and scary at the end we were both ok. I didn't tear at all and he only had some minor bruising on his forehead, eyelid and he broke a blood vessel in his eye because of the way he came out. We were able to leave the next day and have been doing great ever since!