June & July 2020 Pearls & Rubies!

Lyra was born last night 5/17/20 at 9:27 pm weighing 7 lbs 15 oz, induced at 37 + 1 due to preeclampsia. She has a surprising amount of pale blonde hair and blue eyes.

It was a healthy delivery and she had 9s on both Apgars, but Lyra was "early term" and born with immature lungs. She is in the NICU and expected to need 1-2 weeks of oxygen support there.

We are in love and hope to bring our little girl home soon. ❤

congratulations!!! She’s gorgeous! Such a good weight for 37 weeks aswell! Hopefully she comes home soon :hugs: xxx
Congratulations @Proserpina, wishing this little beauty and you health and happiness ♡
Lyra was born last night 5/17/20 at 9:27 pm weighing 7 lbs 15 oz, induced at 37 + 1 due to preeclampsia. She has a surprising amount of pale blonde hair and blue eyes.

It was a healthy delivery and she had 9s on both Apgars, but Lyra was "early term" and born with immature lungs. She is in the NICU and expected to need 1-2 weeks of oxygen support there.

We are in love and hope to bring our little girl home soon. ❤

Oh she is beautiful! Congratulations, wishing you a speedy recovery and baby girl!
I just spent a while reading all the posts since last time I was here, almost 2-3 weeks ago at this point! I have gotten crazy busy at work because they furloughed 9 people in our office towards the start of this and are expecting the remaining employees to do the jobs of those 9 people ‍♀️

Anyways, congrats to the two beautiful little babies that were born so far! I'm so jealous, I just want this little guy here already.

Three weeks from monday is my induction date that is if baby doesn't come before that. I've been having contractions daily, mostly at night, but nothing super consistent or timetable. They are definitely real though and not just BHs.

We are just counting down the days at this point.
I just spent a while reading all the posts since last time I was here, almost 2-3 weeks ago at this point! I have gotten crazy busy at work because they furloughed 9 people in our office towards the start of this and are expecting the remaining employees to do the jobs of those 9 people ‍♀️

Anyways, congrats to the two beautiful little babies that were born so far! I'm so jealous, I just want this little guy here already.

Three weeks from monday is my induction date that is if baby doesn't come before that. I've been having contractions daily, mostly at night, but nothing super consistent or timetable. They are definitely real though and not just BHs.

We are just counting down the days at this point.

must be tough to be working extra at this point. Do you go into work or work from home?

How's everyone else feeling that are close to meeting the baby?? Although I am looking forward to meeting baby. I kind of don't want the pregnancy to be over... I feel like she's protected inside and this being my last baby, I will miss being pregnant... it's a mix feeling...

I have one last scan this Friday to see baby again.. hopefully she's gotten into position...
I’m 39+3 now so definitely ready for him! I had a growth scan and he seems to have levelled out so they were happy to let us wait. But then had my last MW appt today and I’ve lost 4 pounds. Booked for induction 6th June if he’s not here by then.
Really don’t feel like my body will go that far though. No obvious signs besides lots of BH but feel so much pressure and she said he’s fully engaged so who knows :shrug:
Hope everyone is feeling ok, last stretch guys!
I can’t wait to meet this little lady!! These last few weeks are dragging by, hopefully done with work soon because I’m getting so sore by the end of my shift, I’m on my feet all day and my pelvis kills me.
36 weeks and my cervix is hard and closed. No surprise, I've never dialate with any of my pregnancies. 3 more weeks of work left. Cant wait to meet this little girl! I'm tossing and turning all night long, so uncomfortable no matter how I'm sitting, standing, or laying down. Everything aches.
must be tough to be working extra at this point. Do you go into work or work from home?

How's everyone else feeling that are close to meeting the baby?? Although I am looking forward to meeting baby. I kind of don't want the pregnancy to be over... I feel like she's protected inside and this being my last baby, I will miss being pregnant... it's a mix feeling...

I have one last scan this Friday to see baby again.. hopefully she's gotten into position...
I have been doing a mix of working from home and going in to the office. I work in a courthouse and it's currently closed to the public so at least I don't have to interact with too many people.

As far as getting ready for the baby I can't wait for him to be here but at the same time I never want other people to hold them when they're so new lol I always wanna be greedy and keep all the cuddles to myself hahaha
Excited for all you guys, I hope you get to meet your little ones soon and all goes well! I'm hitting 30 weeks tomorrow and feel like there's soooo long left. And about a million things do do before he gets here.
@bean85, I think you might be the next to have the baby in this group. G'luck with induction if baby doesn't arrive before that...

@W8tingforbaby, I don't know how you are still working especially being on your feet. Hopefully, you'll get some resting days before baby arrives.. I'm working from home, even then, find it hard to sit for long time... so keep having to take breaks to lie down to rest my back...

@zmzerbe, you don't have to worry about sharing cuddles as you probably won't have much visitors this time around...

HOw's everyone with the visitors after baby? are you gonig to allow family and friends to visit? I think we are going to say no visitors for atleast the first month just to be on the safe side. I think it'll be a nice break for just us to bond with the baby without having to worry about visitors..

@Camia, I know what you mean about a million things to do.... I still need to finish the shopping, wash all baby clothes and pack for hospital... I got about 3.5 weeks of work left...

I am not so happy with my OB... she's extended the visits because of covid... so I only see her once a month even at this stage.. and she doesn't do any follow ups or checks at results in between.. and the receptionist is so rude... that's one of my pet peeves is bad service.... like why can't people just do their jobs...!!!
@wanna_baby oh this sounds really annoying with your ob, especially since you are really far along. Is it too late to change? Is she going to attend your birth? When you do meet her, is she good?

@W8tingforbaby you are a hero for going on working, seriously. I feel proud of myself if I did more than 1 thing at a given day...

As for visitors after the birth I think we'll see if there's a second wave, but if not than we are really way beyond the peak here in Switzerland and we do want to meet people and share our joy with family and friends.

I went to my ob check up today and it was someone I didn't know because mine is on holiday. He was so nice and warm and everything looks just fine with baby, so it was really good. She's head down and already weighs about 2.8 kg. Getting ready!
@wanna_baby Me too. We have nowhere near everything on our list, the only thing set up in the nursery is the changing table, I've only washed a few things, the house is still an unorganized disaster from clearing out the nursery...
oh when I say I want to be greedy with cuddles I even mean from my husband and kids haha!

As far as visitors go though, our area is starting to lift restrictions, our numbers are good and have been the entire time compared to a lot of places. We are still asking family members to be cautious until they can meet the baby, everyone is working from home or furloughed from work at the moment anyways.

We are asking family to shower and get clean clothes on and then come straight from home to visit instead of making any stops along the way and then just to wash hands before touching the baby and of course no kissing the baby, but that's a rule covid or no covid.
Thanks everyone, nervous but excited at the minute just waiting due date in 2 days! My first was 2 weeks early so we’ve never had to do this waiting and I’m very impatient [-(
Visitors I am thinking of letting close family visit in the garden as it’s lovely weather at the minute rather than house visits but not to hold him just yet as restrictions are still fairly strict here in the UK so will just play it week by week I think.

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