June/July cycle - new cycle buddies please!

Hey ladies
CD13 for me .. still waiting for O .....

Rosh - I would just buy some from boots or similar .. certainly cannot hurt.
Tiggertea - I have asimilar operation going on at the moment ... at the moment I fancy working in Fat Face selling pretty clothes!
Lu - Fingers so tightly crossed for you, personally I would think maybe the spotting is a little early to be AF? ... but since my last 2 cycles have been all over the place I don't want to get your hopes up :hugs:
Schmelly - huge :hugs: hope your ok and not feeling to shaky about this cycle, nothing wrong with wanting some distance, TTC is s bit of a roller-coaster .. and not always in a good way. :dust: for you and hoping the 'natural' way does the job :hug:
Loula - how's things?
Hollee - fingers crossed for you having O'd ... did you get the tell-tail CM?
i got cm 4 days later, but apparently that can happen sometimes?????
Hey lovely ladies

Sorry you are still waiting for O Farie - do you check your CP at all? just wondering if you do and if it has changed yet?

No sign on my FF chart - messed about a bit and it came back with CD20 for ovulation - how odd! that is despite my +ive on 18th and no EWCM on CD20? Ah welll... i think my body just likes to keep me on my toes! i shall have a look in Sainsburys and get some Vit B6 and will speak to the doc about how much to take as i'm already having 100% in my pregnacare tablets and don't want to OD! :happydance:

I was right last month when i said i had lots of creamy CM after o but didn't know if it was normal as i'd never monitored it - it's back this month so i'm 'normal'.... ish!! :rofl:

Tiggertea - decided what you are going to do work-wise? DH had an exam next week and i cheekily asked if i can go part time if he gets it - he said he would allow me to do a 4 day week if i did the housework! :rofl: fair point though as i don't really like housework but i do all the cooking and washing so i think it's a trade off!!

Hope everyone is okay and not too stressed. I've got over my bi-polar behaviour.... hopefully i'll continue to chill and since i'm still expecting AF next Wednesday it's a bit less stressful now!

Well DH is away in Amsterdam for the weekend but has promised to bring me back a fridge magnet - what a lucky girl i am :rofl::rofl:
Rosh - a fridge magnet, how romantic!!:rofl:

Farie - if you end up working in fatface, can we use your employee discount??!:happydance:

Not sure it is too early for AF to be honest, I've had 23 day cycles before, just not lately so it may be that I oved a little earlier than normal this cycle. Certainly not all that soon for me as far as dpo is concerned.... Ah well, we'll see. Feeling a bit crampy tonight which isn't great but still no spots:shrug:
Hey lovely ladies

Tiggertea - decided what you are going to do work-wise? DH had an exam next week and i cheekily asked if i can go part time if he gets it - he said he would allow me to do a 4 day week if i did the housework! :rofl: fair point though as i don't really like housework but i do all the cooking and washing so i think it's a trade off!!

Hope everyone is okay and not too stressed. I've got over my bi-polar behaviour.... hopefully i'll continue to chill and since i'm still expecting AF next Wednesday it's a bit less stressful now!

Well DH is away in Amsterdam for the weekend but has promised to bring me back a fridge magnet - what a lucky girl i am :rofl::rofl:

I'm on the lookout for something else.... not sure what yet, but something! (If any of you have any ideas - hit me wih em, coz i'm all out!)

ooooh a fridge magnet! woohoo :happydance: you ARE lucky Rosh!! ;)

and i second Lu's suggestion of the bnb ladies using Farie's Fat Face discount should she get the job ;)

ok, so different topic now... i promised myself I wasn't gonna play symptom-spotter this month but since around 7 this evening, i've been kinda.... i dunno - not crampy but having little "twinges". only 5-6DPO so not sure what to think.... just thought I'd share ;)
That's it, I'm giving up on this stupid temping thing - I woke at 6am on Wednesday, 5.40am on Thursday and 5am today! I couldn't wake at a consistent time to save my life at the most important time in my cycle, it's so frustrating! So needless to say my temp today is pretty much exactly the same as it was yesterday. I don't know what to think but I'm preparing myself for the worst. No more brown cm since the tiny bit yesterday morning and another tiny bit in the afternoon, *quick check with a mirror* no I still don't have my usual telltale AF spots. So I don't know, I give up!:wacko:

How are you girls doing?:hugs:
Lu - sorry your waking up so early ... I do too if I know I have to be awake for something .. then I'm awake to early. It why I'm not temping .... I think I'd be a wreck by the end of the first cycle
Big :hugs: and I so hope AF stays away
Rosh - fingers still crossed for you :hugs: very jealous about your fridge magnet!!
Tiggertea - hope you twinges are a good sign :hugs:
God bless fat face!! OH said that even if I get a pay drop the discount would mean that on income spent I'd end up about even :rofl:
Schmelly - :hugs:
Hollee - CM 4 days later .. umm ... I'd better stop using it as a sign of O!!
Hello ladies.

DH has arrived in Amsterdam..... now i can worry all weekend! Fridge Magnet... well, can you imagine what else he could bring me back!! dear lord!!!!

Still no cross hairs on FF but tinkered for tomorrow and if temp rises it said O was CD20. Am i a totally numbnut but.... i got +OPK on CD18 and -OPK CD19. EWCM both days and my CP was best position... but FF reckons it happened CD20?!?!?! We are well out as we haven't had any BDing for a few days but i'm kinda ready for AF and hopefully a more regular cycle next month!

I shall post a pic of my fridge magnet since you are all so jealous. He better remember!!!
Rosh - Hope you manage to figure out when you oved!

As for me, I think I'm going to be leaving you now, have horrible cramps and brown/light red spotting, FF no longer thinks it's implantation bleeding and neither do I. I've ordered preseed and will up the B6 and take it all the way through my cycle to see if that helps this time round.

Feeling very miserable and like I just don't want to deal with the new cycle at the moment:cry:
Lu - :hug: have a big tub of ice cream and a bottle of wine :hugs:
Big :hug: Lu i'm so sorry - really really sucky.

I'm sending your subconcious a big glass of vino (or 4) and some chocolate. I'll be with you next week and we can plan the next months assault on our cycles.

Chin up hun bun :hugs:
Farie - thanks! :hugs:
Rosh - can't wait to see the infamous fridge magnet (and yep i think thats about the 'safest' thing he could bring home from amsterdam! hehe)
Lu - :hugs: hun... hopefully july/aug will be your lucky cycle!

ooooh and i have an update on the job thing.... I asked my boss if i could speak with him today and i basically laid out all my thoughts and feelings on the current situation. He seemed quite shocked (esp when i said i wouldn't think twice about leaving if it all wasn't dealt with (gave him a 2 week deadline to have made a noticable change). He started spluttering and getting all nervous etc lol so, we shall see how it goes! Just how i felt today i was kinda hoping he would sack me :rofl:
still on the lookout for something "better" in the meantime though!

Also a hubby update (no i'm not trading him in!!) - he spent most of Wed night in hospital having spots of molten metal scraped from his eye with a scalpel blade! OUCH! The "safety glasses" they provide in his work (he's an aircraft engineer) obviously don't do their job so well! So, my "cool dude" hubby 8) is wearing his sunnies all the time and can't actually see through one eye... i'm quite worried about that part actually.... so is he but i keep telling him to give it a few days to heal....

sorry for the 'war and peace' stylee post!! :blush:
Lu - sorry you're feeling down and sorry :witch: got you. Lots of :hug:

Rosh - can't wait to see the magnet :rofl:

Tiggertea - sorry to hear about DH's accident. Hope he recovers well. And well done on being Mrs Asserive and facing up to your boss like that!!! Bet you felt good afterwards! Hope it brings about the changes you need. :hugs:

Farie - How you doing? O yet??? Sorry if I've mised it...have only been checking in v briefly. :hug:
Lu - more big :hugs: and choco
Rosh - hows the 2ww going? thank you for your lovely message about O ... I will catch that eggy!
Tiggertea - your poor DH. Well done for facing up to boss!! go girl!
Schmelly - still waiting for O - you've not missed much in my cycle! Big hugs and hope this is a good month for you :hug:

Me - still waiting on O ... BD'd this monring which was lovely although did get reprimanded slightly for being 'willy obsessed' :rofl: He is right tho .. I need ot just enjoy cuddling etc rather than always trying to instigate something :dohh:
Hey ho .. all turned out well!!!
Hey Farie

Not sure re 2WW bit confused.

I checked CP/CM and did OPK... you know... just to be thorough!! Anyway was positive i O on CD19 but FF gave me solid lines for CD20??:dohh:

That being the case, cos i thought my luteal phase would be too short for implantation i kinda gave up on the BD bit. :cry:

What do you reckon, we BD 5 days before O, 4 days before and 2 days before but that was it?? I'm kinda resigned to getting AF this Wednesday and just chilling with it x :hugs:
Gees, so much ive missed in here! :dohh:

Well, our marathon has begun... not expectign to o for another 6 days though so every other day is the plan. opks showing lines but not dark enough yet...... here we go! :happydance:
Rosh - you got plenty of BDing in - there should be plenty of :spermy: hanging about just waiting to meet Mrs Egg

Wishes - GO!!!!! bring on the O!!
I'm sitting here already imagining symptoms despite being sure that i'm not!! i feel so tired today and have sore throat and feel coldy... at 3dpo... i'm a nutter!!
im pretty sure ive lucked out this month, im just so confused when trying to time o, i just don't seem able to get the hang of it. :shrug:

tiggertea - im sorry to hear about dh i hope he's ok, well done on standing up for yourself in work, hopefully things will improve while your looking for something else
Lu - sorry AF got you hun :hugs:, im pretty sure ill be joining you next month ive had no symptoms yet.
rosh - fingers crossed that this is your month
Farie & wishes - hope you catch o
schmelly - how are you

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