June/July cycle - new cycle buddies please!

Firstly - thanks for all the "get well soon"s for hubby - i told him you all wish him a speedy recovery and he's grinning like a cheshire cat! lol update - he still can't see 100% but is slowly getting better... he can open his eye almost fully today :)
Work - well.... time shall tell! I'll keep you updated on that front too!
Otherwise - i'm trying not to play symptom-spotter coz I'm right bang in the middle of 2ww... grrrrrr!!!

Rosh - everything crossed for ya hun - there should have been loadsa little swimmers still waiting for you to O.
Farie & wishes - have fun! ;)
Hollee - i was CERTAIN i knew all about when i was due to O til i used the Clearblue Digi OPK this month and it didn't give me my :) til after that date... i think our bodies like to mess with our minds when we are trying to work it all out!
Lu - howz you today hun? Feling positive about the month ahead?
Last but not least - Schmelly - everyone else on the page got a mention so couldn't leave you out! How are you today? :D
Hola lovely ladies (limit of my Spanish!)

DH is back from evil Amsterdam tonight... he rang yesterday and said it was full of drug dealers and old prostitutes... ha ha! I should be gettingmy lovely fridge magnets tonight then woop! woop! :happydance::rofl:

have been a baking demon, Cadbury's button and white chocolate drop cookies, hazlenut & chocolate chunk cookies and banana bread cos i didn't want to waste the banana's that had gone a bit broooown! I can feel my ass doubling in size just looking at them! :rofl:

More importantly 4DPO and i keep having hot flushes - CP has gone high and soft again and there is quite a bit of CM....... *note to self, must not symptom watch! :blush:

....and theoretically AF is due weds so spotting should commence tomorrow
you and your damned cakes again Rosh, enticing me to post ;) man I want some cake so badly right now but haven't got any makings!!:hissy: maybe I could make a rice pudding and that'll suffice..

ANyway, just checking in - trying my best to stay away in my month off but keep sneaking back on!!
O is late as ewcm only really started on cd16 my usual ov day. Am not opking or owt this month, nor temping . We have :sex: a bit, but only cause I want to, not because I feel I ought to. So probably missed anyway!

Busy with work - got an inspection looming so lots to keep my mind off TTC for at least another 4 weeks!
Got appt on Tues 15th at the ACU, so will report back as to whats said after that.

Hope all are well xx cyu in a few days, keep smiling ladies, I want to see loads of PMA when I come back!
You guys are gonna be sooooooooooooo jealous!!

3 fridge magnest, a giant clog stuffed with tulip bulbs and the peace da resitance (my best francais)....... a box of toffifee chocolate!! lush!

Praying i have no spotting tomorrow but fully accepting if i do x
oooooh that's 5 pressies Rosh! now that's a luvly hubby! Enjoy your chocs hun (and all those lovely cakes and buns you were baking!)
i've everything crossed that spotting doesn't start tomorrow. x
Thanks for asking, Hollee and Tiggertea...I'm doing OK. :hugs:

Farie...any sign of O yet? :hug:
I ladies, still no + OPK so I'm not sure when I'm going to O .. or whether I have already .... going to try to BD tonight to make sure. If DF complies that is!!

Feeling ok about this cycle, not hugely positive, but I think thats just 'cos I've seen 'exciting' cycles come and go, cycles when we have BD's perfectly for O and still nada .. Just feeling a bit dis-heartened about the process today :dohh:
So I'm just going to wait and see and try extremely hard not to get to upset when old AF comes knocking.

Heyho .. it will happen ... eventually. DF is being really nice about it but he gets worried by how stressed I get about it all, he's even stopped saying 'give it time' although that may be due to those particular words sending me into a near blind rage!!!!
Hey guys hope all is well.

Farie how's it going - reckon my late 'o' has rubbed off on your too!! I was 6 days bloody late so reckon yours is coming - get some serious BDing to cover all bases!! :blush:

all the cookies have been despatched to work so that my butt does not develop it's own postcode but i fear it is now too late!

i am also a total wally and i cannot count - AF is due Thurs and not Weds as i have been spouting... durrrr! :dohh: So spotting should commence tomorrow (unless i'm a lucky little girl!).

Had some funny tummy pains today but they, it could have just been trapped wind! :rofl:
I think there is a late O bug going round - how wierd that we are all seeming to be o-ing late this cycle? How *twilight zone* !!!
i think i o'd late too, i thought i got a + on CD10 but then last night i just did one as i had more ewcm and got a stronger line? im so confused..... DH and i bd'd last night and sat so hopefully ive caught it. why is it as soon as you start trying, not just waiting for it to happen that your cycles go haywire.

sorry about the moan, hows everyone?
hi girls!
everyone 'o'ing late - how very twilight zone indeed! lol
sounds like everyone is in relatively good form - PMA all round i hope!

could you guys take a look at this thread https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-to-conceive/41071-opinions-please-ladies.html#post571935 and give me some honest opinions? :)
thanks! xx
A morning update can be found here:

Don't want to let myself believe it in case it's not true!
Hi ladies,
CD18 and a not hugely cheerful Farie today, didn't BD last night as DF thought I was feeling down so just cuddled me .. this led to me actually feeling down as I thought he just wasn't interested in me .. and then I got upset that we were 'missing O' yada yada etc etc
I am fed up with worrying whether we will BD on the right day, worrying that I have 'missed' it etc.

Basically he is concerned about how up and down I am about the whole TTc thing and he would like me to step back from it all a little.
To a degree he is right, I am quite up and down this month, lot's of neg OPKs and a total lack of any real CM (let alone EWCM!) I think I missed O as what little creamy CM I had is gone ... and the very faint line I got on the OPK has never re-appeared or got darker.

I guess I'll try to BD over the next couple of days just in case, but I am going to try very hard not to get upset if we don't (like last night) as that just kills th mood even further.

:hissy: :hissy: why cannot this be easy?

PS - Tiggertea .. I so hope this is it for you :hugs:
Oh Farie...sorry you're feeling down. It's such a rollercoaster this whole ttc thing. There's nothing anyone can say to make you feel better, but know that we're all here for you to vent to and talk to, and we understand what you're going through :hug: :hugs: :hug:
The good news is that you have a DF who will cuddle you when you are down! I wouldn't say it never happens for me, but my DH often forgets to make any contact with me unless it's jiggy-time. I'm glad he's showing you the affection and support you need. I know it can be really hard to 'let go' of a baby-making opportunity, but I have to say I'm starting to feel a bit better now after having had a really low spell. I'm still struggling, but am feeling stronger and more able to deal with it now that I'm having a cycle or two of not stressing so much. Maybe just taking a step or two backwards would help you too? Just an idea, feel free to shout me down and chase me off with a pitchfork........................... :hissy:

Let's hope more of us follow Tiggertea's example. :happydance:
:hugs: Farie. I don't have the words to make you feel better hun, but as Schmelly sid we are all here to listen and work through these things together. x
I did a digi (couldn't hold out so went to town to get one!! -so weak!!!)
Pee'd on a stick as soon as i got home, And got a 100% certain :bfp: there in print. soooooooooo excited - think i can let myself believe it now! lol
Just need to get an appointment with the doc now (mission impossible!?)
Tiggertea CONGRATS I'm so so so happy for you :hugs:
Bonjourno lovely ladies!

Big :hug: farie - sorry you are feeling so pants. If its any consolation the same thing happened to me 10 days ago with DH - we had a barny, i got tearful over him not 'wanting' me... then we decided to BD just to cover all bases!! :rofl: arguing over lack of :sex: then doing it just because we'd argued - good god!

And as for you madam Tig........ Wooooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!! I expect insider trading now to assist me in getting my :bfp:

Well i have always had the same cycle and it's only gone a bit wonky since we started TTC. Anhoo - only 6DPO and :witch: is due in 2 days. I have not had any spotting yet today WHICH if i am due on Thurs, would have happened by now. In fact, this cycle my CM seems to have buggered off on an extended summer vacation!

Today feeling very tired, heavy legs and very achey around the hips and tum - think i have a cold coming along and i'm not daft enough to think i would be having symtpoms at 6DPO but hey... i live in hope!!!!

Big :hug: everyone chin up x x x x x
Bonjourno lovely ladies!


Today feeling very tired, heavy legs and very achey around the hips and tum - think i have a cold coming along and i'm not daft enough to think i would be having symtpoms at 6DPO but hey... i live in hope!!!!

You never know Rosh! :) stranger things have been known to happen i'm sure. Fingers crossed the lack of spotting is a good sign...

I'm holding the door open in First Tri for you all.... I'm expecting lots of familiar faces to be joining me in there (I'm way to chicken to go it alone!!) :hugs:

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