Ovulation=CD15, Cycle= 30days, currently on CD29
What Do you guys think?? My af would normally arrive on the 19th, for 2 years its been arriving on the 19th without fail, no feelings of af coming at all. Yet! Fx this is it!!!
Reasons I want my bfp so bad this month;
I have a confirming doc apt booked for 25th April (our 5year annicversary)(if I get a pos hpt before then I'm not telling oh til the doc apt, if af arrives doc apt will be cancelled)
We would find out the sex on my birthday(or there abouts)
Baby would be due on my dads birthday
I sooooo hope this is our month!!! I haven't tested yet because I really don't want a bfn. I'd rather see a bfp or af!! But hopefully NOT the latter.
1dpo- cp;soft medium open wet, cm: creamy
2dpo- cp; soft medium medium wet, cm:creamy
3dpo- soft high open wet, cm: ewcm/creamy, bd'd in case of ov due to ewcm
4dpo- soft high closed wet, cm: creamy,Sore left boob, pulsing on outside, Pinching lower left abdomen, Stabbing feeling in left boob, right side
5dpo- soft high closed wet, cm: creamy/sticky ,Sore left boob, pulsing on outside, Pinching lower left abdomen, Stabbing feeling in left boob, right side, bd'd just coz lol
6dpo- soft high closed wet, cm: creamy/sticky, Pinching on left ovary last night and all of today, sitting, standing and laying down... Can still feel it, Stabbing in left boob continuing, loss of sex drive
7dpo- soft high closed wet, cm: creamy, Pinching on left ovary last night and all of today, sitting, standing and laying down... Can still feel it but not as much as yesterday. Pinching is More central but favours the left, minor dull ache in lower back. Mild dizzy spell/lightheaded ness when walking, feeling fine after.Stabbing in left boob continuing, nipples tingling, loss of sex drive
8dpo- soft high closed wet, cm: creamy, feeling very crampy sort of like af but not, loose stool (tmi), feeling like I constantly needed to go number 2(tmi again), OH bought me macias but I couldn't eat it, it tasted peppery, word I know.... Even the hash brown. Nipples tingling,exhausted, had a nana nap on th couch, feeling like sprt lf like af will be here any minute, please stay away!!
9dpo- feeling very crampy sort of like af but not, loose stool (tmi), feeling like I constantly needed to go number 2(tmi again), nipples tingling, hungry/starving, then I would eat a tonne of food, be full, then I'd be starving again within 10 minutes,uterus/cervix cramps after sex, central and quite uncomfortable
10dpo- soft high closed wet, cm: creamy, feeling like I constantly needed to go number 2(tmi again),but never did, hungry for toast, 12 slices in a matter of hours yesterday, 2 nana naps today on the couch, extreme nausea, and headaches hat vanished without any reason, very warm today, woke up sweaty, it'd winter here! Normally hen checking cm, I have to go right up to my cervix, today tho, cm is just sort of sitting there t the entrance.... It's more like milk now thn cream or lotion.... It's weird....
Also when I pee, I'm feeling pressure down there when I push that last little bit out if you know what I mean?? My belly button is being pulled from the inside and for the first time in my tww ever, I've got a voice in my head every time I havea shower saying "is it too hot for baby?" And when my fiancée was olaupying with my belly and tapping it The voice was saying "don't let him do that, you might lose the baby" I'm thinking wtf?!?!? I've never ever had these sort of thoughts before. GASSY GASSY GASSY!!!!
11dpo- soft high closed wet, cm: creamy, nana nap again, Also when I pee, I'm feeling pressure down there when I push that last little bit out if you know what I mean?? My belly button is being pulled from the inside, twinges down low and two or three cramps that just about doubled me over, but definitely not like af cramps, nipples tingling, bbs aching, very gassy again
12dpo- gassy, crampy, not hungry, lots and lots of creamy discharge, like, everywhere!!!! sleepy (didnt wake up til 1:30PM, and am about to curl up in bed at 8PM,
13dpo- soft high closed wet, cm:creamy, lots of it, I didn't let myself have. Nana nap today and was exhausted, by 5pm, and was forcing my eyes open at 7pm. Bit crampy twingey, gassy
14dpo- indigestion, craving for burger rings, lots of creamy cm, with ewcm, I can't lean against anything, I bumped my belly a few times and it felt weird. Exhausted, in bed by 6pm on a Saturday night
15dpo- high closed soft wet, exhausted, bloated, tight belly, indigestion, craving for scones with jam and cream, HUUUUGGGEEEE pinch in lower abdomen, doubled me over!!!