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Just chit chatting.....

Hey ladies,

Flutter, you better be getting you dance on. Cause I need a virtual niece. I already have to nephews coming in April. LOL

Adanma, glad to know you doggie is doing better. I always love to see the geniue love older couples have for one another. Great numbers too.

Reeds, tell Dylan out team will get them next year. Can't wait to see new pic.

Needa, thats funny that he makes your boob move. :haha: Oh just wanted to tell you that most interracial babies come out with red hair.:shrug: IDK why but both my brothers kids did too. But it changed colors later.

Shellie, glad to see you love.

AFM, I am fighting some nasty cold. It was 74 degrees yesterday now remember it was 24 degrees on Friday. It is suppose to freeze again on Wednesday and right now it is maybe 55 degrees. Yes the weather here is so confusing sometimes.:wacko:
Adanma, YAY for the number increase! :hugs: I am glad your doggy is much better.

Needa, I can't imagine how excited you must be!! lol

Ready, I you feel better real soon.

How are you feeling Fam?

Fluter, An IPAD..how cool is that!

Glad to see you here shellie :hugs:

Reeds, I can not wait to see pics!! I bet he has grown!

AFM, no exciting news, have been slowing packing getting ready for our move. Still no show of anything. Still waiting...lol
Hey ladies I have a quick question I took a digital opk at 10am today and it was positive and then at 12 it was negative what gives?
Hey ladies I have a quick question I took a digital opk at 10am today and it was positive and then at 12 it was negative what gives?

I am thinking you may have completed ovaulation sometime between 10-12. Did you take OPK on yesterday? Are you tempting? Some of the other ladies may have better advice though.
Fluter,I am glad you have been busy catching that egg!FX

Shellie,You are here!!YAY!!

Adanma,Congrats on the #'s.

Needa,We are all so excited to see your little man too.

Super,I missed that you were moving,I love packing but never get it all unpacked.lol

Reeds,Can't wait to see new pics of your LO!!

Ready,I hope you get to feeling better.I was cheering for the Packers,but the Cowboys are my team.I love Tony.

Momma,that has happened to me too.It says not to take another after the smiley,but we just can't help it!lol

AFM,I had my first #'s done this morning.Don't get the results until tomorrow.The lady who answered the phone wanted me to wait until next week.Finally after telling her I was getting them done somewhere today either there or another dr she let me come in.He would not do the progestrone test:nope:.After me being in tears he said he would do bloods every other day,and because the lady gave me such a hard time,I made him stand there why she gave me my next four appts thru next Tuesday.I am still praying this little bean sticks!
you get em fam! I cant wait to here your levels :)
Ready I did test yesterday in the afternoon and it was negative so im not sure whats up thanks god we bd. yesterday morning and I made dh come home for lunch and i did the bsf lol so hopefully I catch that egg! since were doing smep we will bd for the next 2 days as well.
you get em fam! I cant wait to here your levels :)
Ready I did test yesterday in the afternoon and it was negative so im not sure whats up thanks god we bd. yesterday morning and I made dh come home for lunch and i did the bsf lol so hopefully I catch that egg! since were doing smep we will bd for the next 2 days as well.

Good I hope you catch the egg too. That would be awesome if we have 3 ladies preggers here.
fam: how frustrating! I know they deal with pregnant ladies all the time, but I just feel like half the time they forget that we have genuine fears and concerns that need to be taken seriously. They can't just treat every patient the exact same because everyone has different circumstances!

ready: sorry you're feeling icky. Get well soon.

needa: I laughed so hard reading that he caused your boob to move! hahahaaa! Ian was so active inside and he still is to this day. Preston was more relaxed and he still is.
As far as what the baby will look like.... cute! Mixed kids are adorable. My sister's son is half indonesian and then a quarter black and a quarter white. Gorgeous. He looks asian, but with darker skin and fuller lips. Her daughter has half black a quarter white and aquarter mexican. Somehow she came out with blond tightly curled hair and blue eyes. My kids have the same coloring and look pretty much like white kids even though Ian's dad is dark skinned (croatian) with black hair and my husband is swedish blond hair blue eyes. Ian even had a blond afro when he was younger although it's darkening up now. You never know what they'll get from who! ALways cute though.

symptom wise I've been pretty good. I am a bit nauseous when I first get vertical in the morning. I'm tired. Sore boobies. I always want to eat sour things which is pretty normal for me, just not so much of it! lol! So lots of pickles, lemons etc. My eyebrows have always been really sparse and hard to see, but right now they are so thick! It's odd. I've never seen myself with thick eyebrows! I'm going to wax a bit I think! So not a whole lot going on symptom wise yet.

Momma....I never used digital OPK's, but BD like mad and fx u catch that egg. Better to have more sex than not enough. *wink*

Super....good luck with the packing.,...yuk!!

Ready..sorry your feeling crappy, get well soon. And u have me worried about RED hair. Joe will take me to Maury!!! LOL

Adanma....I love sour things, yum. My hair has been fly away, frizzy and just plain nasty. Ur babes will be a nice mix.

Fam....U fight girl, they need to take this pg serious. I had to fight for scans only at the hospital. If I had concerns during business hours my TR Dr office was GREAT!!! I am sure your numbers are great.
momma: fx!!!

Thanks and I wanted to say congrats to you and I think that nausa is great! I know that sounds weird but I always have heard it means the baby is growing and healthy so Heres to you being sick :)
Im soooo excited about all these preggo tr girls its such a beacon to us ttc :hugs:
Hey ladies.

Back from my appt and just wanted to update real quick before Iget a nap...Gunner has flipped breech and weighs about 4lbz 4oz. I have gained no weight in the past 6 weeks. Got in a bit of trouble for that. He did give me iron pills to help with the funny feelings I have been having and said to start taking Flinstone vitamins since I am having problems with eating he said those would be better for the nausea the others cause. She did do a 4D scan this time but the pics aren't the best as his feet and cord is up by his face. So I go back in 2 weeks and then 2x a week after that since I am high risk. He did leave my due date the same...but I have a feeling we will go before then.

I will catch up with all the post in a bit but I did see Momma asking about the opks...they just detect your LH surge which can be short and that usually means you will O about 12 to 36 hours after your surge so keep up the bd! :
reeds: He was head down and then turned? wow! Have you googled any of the baby turning positions they have? There are some positions and movements you can do to encourage baby to turn again. Little stinker! hahaha! I bet it was nice to see him though. Can't wait to see my bean. How come you are high risk? Is it because of the loss or something else? Nosy. Sorry.

momma: I always feel like as long as there are symptoms all must be well. I don't know how true it is, but it does feel somewhat reassuring to have some symptoms.

My hubby is home sick today from work. He has done nothing but play wii all day. A bit annoyed. We have mounds of laundry hanging around that he can't see I guess....

Hey Adanma..yes because of the losses( I have had 4 mc's all together my first was between my daughter and son at 5 months) and because of the parvovirus. And yep he was head down and I think about 2 weeks ago is when I think he turned cause it has been just a bit since I have felt most movement low...its kinda funny cause his head is by my ribs and his feet are up by his face so a little confused as to how I am feeling so much movement down low like I am. My oldest dd was breech when I went in to deliver her she had been head down the whole time til it was time to come out so we spent most of the time in labor turning her but got it done. Just a little worried about his size at this point. I have been trying to get the new pics posted but they are hard to get up without a glare on them so I have to wait til after dark.

Adanma I seen those numbers!! Great! :)

Fam sorry you had to beg to get yours done so not right.

hope everyone else is well. XX
Thanks for the welcome back girls :hugs:.

Adanma. Those numbers are great :happydance:. Hope you're dog gets better soon :hugs:

Momma i use CBdigital opks & as soon as i get my :)face i stop doing them cos it's detected my LH surge(this also coincides with the peak on my CBFM :thumbup:so it's a sort of back up) Get :sex: & FX there'll be another :bfp: :happydance:

Flutter,lets hope we're on a run of :bfp: Got a feeling this is a lucky thread :dust::dust:

Reeds. So happy you got to see lil :baby:today even if he was hiding his face with his feet LOL :haha: Not long till you meet him face to face :cloud9:

Needa. Can't wait to see your lil :baby:too :cloud9:


Ready,hope you feel better soon hun :hugs:

AFM. Nothing new to report really,going to take a CB digital opk in the morning & see where i'm at :shrug:. I took soy this cycle & i started robitusson yesterday so i should be getting ready to ovulate soon :happydance: & i'm hoping to have loads of EWCM :winkwink:. We're a bit out with our SMEP days but it's no biggie :shrug: & theres plenty of time & :sex:for us to catch the egg :thumbup:.
Reeds sorry that your lil bambino did a flip on you :( I bet you like the extra appontments, I def. would its like extra reassurance all the time :) cant wait to see pics
shellie thanks for letting me know your experince with the opks I always think im doing everything wrong, it was never this detailed before my tubal it was quite simple have a few drinks with dh, scrump then a few weeks later preggo!!! lol
Adanma, I am glad you are have symptoms. That is reassurring to me.

Reeds, I can't wait to see the pic.

Needa, no he want. LOL I laugh when I read Maury comment.

Momma, it was a lot easier before TRs. It is so funny how we have to try now. When before we didn't have too. :shrug:

Shellie, again glad you are back.

Afm, getting ready to go work out. Got to bring my sexy back. :haha:
Reeds, I hope Gunner decides to turn around real soon.

Ready, I am sure your sexy has not left! lol

Momma, was so easy before hey? lol I hope you catch that egg!

Needa, I am fine thanks for asking, I am still laughing about the Maury comment..LOL

Still no change, I did a couple of tests, once again opk looks beautiful, and hpt bfn, although hubby said he thought he seen something, but not I... I can post them if you ladies would like a gander.. opk's are confusing me. I will wait another week and if no change I will go to the doctor and see what she has to say about it all.
Super post em and I'll look

Ready getnyour sexy on girl

Reeds what a lil booger. He still has time to flip though.

Momma I hate opk's. My surge is usually short. I can have a pos then later that night have a neg. I can say my opk was darker than the control line this morn and it still is tonight....Woot

Shellie we r on a mission right now lol

Adenoma...I love the wii lol

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