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Just chit chatting.....

My one and only long post lol

Hey Mel and Josey! So glad to hear from you both. :) Mel I am so excited they are doing your TR over. That is so neat. Will it be just like your last one? And will it be the same dr?

Thanks Sandi :) Yes the TR will be like the previous, but hopefully successful! I will be operated on by the same doctor, I have no doubts in his abilities I was just unlucky

Hiya mel how are ya????? you right long time no speak feel the family of friends are complete again i was thinking the other day wondering what you were up too and you certainly were not forgotten....

Hey Josey :) I'm pretty good thanks! Work is very busy though which is keeping me away from here

sorry girls hadn't had a chance to real all but hey hey Mel love seeing you back!

Just wanted to let ya'll know he's here!!! and my opk was dang near + earlier today!!! bring on the bd'n I'll pop back in when I can!!!

Good luck Fluter!!

Hi Mel wishing you the best on TR. Speedy recovery too.

Thanks Floppy, least I know what to expect this time round lol

Hello Mel, my name is Dale, A second TR hey? I hope it goes well :)

Thanks Dale, and hello to you too! Yes, this will be my second TR. Long story short - I had my reversal in November 2009, chemical in January 2010, HSG in May 2010 showed one tube open, 6 months on Clomid, another HSG in December 2010 showed both tubes blocked :( Extremely positive HPT around Christmas followed by another chemical (dates are approximate as I'm terrible with dates lol). January appointment FS confirmed I was pregnant, the test definitely positive but I have been suffering from naturally aborted ectopic pregnancies due to scar tissue.

So after a year of constant TTC, temping, OPKs, ferning, CP and CM checking I am having a breather! Obviously we are still TTC but without all the extras, so it's been nice and relaxed for the past month or so.

2nd TR was supposed to be on the 24th February but it won't fit in with my cycle so it's been put back until April (can't do March due to work commitments)

Mel, glad to see you back. I am so excited about your TR.

Thank you Ready, I was so sorry to hear about your MC :hugs:

Mel,So glad to see you back.I didn't get to talk to you much before but always wondered how you were doing!I wish you a very sucessful TR this time around!!

Thank you Fam and congratulations!!!!
WOW...cheeky, I never knew that. I was just going by what my TR Dr said to me after my HSG. Glad your going for another this april and I wish u all the best...
Hello ladies,I hope everyone is having a great Sunday!

We are getting ready for DS's party,then later move onto the Super Bowl party.So I guess I better get all the food made.Frer was a little darker this morning but not much.I have been poas almost everytime I pee.How crazy is that?
LOl I did the same thing Fam...I ened up taking like 20 something test. Remember it can take up to 72 hours for levels to double.
LOL Fam I would be doing the same thing. Hell I am doing the same thing with my OPK's just cause it's a form of POAS and I finally get to do it!!!

My opk is still pretty dark today but not sure that it's dark enough. I expect later today or tomorrow to be the big O day. My surge usually doesn't last that long. I really shouldn't be too worried about the OPK's cause it's not like we ain't gonna be doin it everyday anyway LOL.

Happy Sunday Ladies!!!
Hello beautifuls!

Cheeky, thanks for the info... If I am not preggers by June I will have a HSG...might ask for one earlier..lol I hope all goes well the 2nd time around hun.

Fam , I will say it again , YAY, so hapy for you, Happy b-day to your DS.

Fluter, Catch that egg doll! So happy that you have your family with you :hugs:

How is everyone?

Sunday, lazy day for me! lol nothing new here...lol boring me! lol
Ladies of all days for me to lose my sd card today was the day,actually I have not seen it in a week.So I hope this uploads I could not get a clear pic of the frer with DS's 10 yr old Kodak.

oh my word Fam CONGRATS!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs::bfp::yipee::wohoo::wohoo::holly:praying for sticky bean girl. Hoe exciting and so beautiful
Hey ladies,

Cheeky, glad you are doing well.

Flutter, yay for the Ipad.

Fam, I did the same thing. I think I used up all my HPT test. LOL

Reeds and Needa, how are you ladies doing? How are the babies behaving these days.

Floopy, Hi lady.

Momma, glad to see you posting here.

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Afm, I am upset my steelers did not win. :cry:
:hi: Girls,got room for a little one? Dale told me where the new thread was :happydance: Thanks again Dale :flower:. I haven't been on for a while cos i needed to take a break from ttc & the stressful journey it brings,but the breaks done me the world of good & i'm back on a mission to get my :bfp: :thumbup:. I did go over to the old thread & wondered where you'd all went :shrug: & TBH i also found it too fast paced (WTF are they on LOL :haha:)& i was shocked & angry at the rude comments :grr:they're welcome to it:finger: cos this thread is much more to my liking :winkwink:.

Adanma & Fam, a massive CONGRATULATIONS :dance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo: I'm so happy for both of you & wish you a happy & healthy pregnancy :cloud9:. FX this is the start of a run of :bfp: :thumbup:.

Reeds & Needa. WOW not long till you're both holding your lil :baby:,can't wait to see the pics :cloud9:

Hi Karen,Flutter,cheeky,hope you're all doing well? :hugs: & sorry to anyone i've missed :blush::hugs:
:hi: Shellie glad you found us! I agree there is gonna be a big BFP trend on this thread!:happydance:
Good morning ladies.

Shellie good to see you.

Fluter what are you doing online luv?? Your suppose to be snuggled up with your man.

Ready my Dylan was upset too..he wanted Steelers to win as well..

Asfm I have a dr appt today and a scan so should have pics when I get home today. Hope everyone is well. XX
Good monday everyone!

Fam: YAY! Congrats girl! I'm telling you I used bsf and progesterone too this time so maybe there really is something to it...

fluter: glad your man is home safely. Get to bding and fx for you!

cheeky and shellie: hello! Good to see you again! Good luck cheeky

reeds: can't wait to see the little guy

sorry if I'm forgetting anyone.

AFM: Had hcg done again saturday, but have to wait til today for results. Just waiting... lol! A week and a day til I have my ultrasound. I don't think I will rest til then. Fam I used all my hpt's as well til I could see it getting dark. I still have the urge to poas just to make sure! lol!

Jason's grandpa's funeral is thursday so we'll be going up to Rockford that morning. So sad. He was a really neat man. He had been in the service many years and had done a lot of traveling and had great stories to tell! Watching the love between him and his late wife Marie was so beautiful! I hope to have that strength of love when Jason and I are that old.

My dog is almost back to 100%! She's eating and getting around on her own and even playing a bit so we are soooo relieved.

Anyway I will update with the hcg numbers once I get them!

Adanma glad your pooch is feeling better. Again sorry to hear about your family's loss. Can't wait to hear those big numbers!

I couldn't fall asleep last night so I just sat in the bed online while he snored next to me hehe. We're get'n the bd'n in! I'm out of pre-seed...yikes! I've only been able to use a bit of it inside the soft cups the past two times. I didn't realize I was so low on it. Might have to make a trip to CVS today to get some more. I still haven't got a real dark positive on my opk's. They are just the ic's so dunno what's going on. I'm just gonna keep doing the deed and hoping for the best. I uses bsf last night too!
Okay the results are in! Hcg is 228! So it more than doubled! I feel a bit more secure about it now. Just a bit. Midwife has not reviewed it yet so I don't know if there are any recommendations or if I'm just to keep my ultrasound appt. I'm kind of tired of being stuck so hopefully no more bloodwork. I look like a heroin addict right now.

Great numbers adanma!!!! Keep up the positive thoughts. Great news about your dog. Any symptoms yet?

Fluter.....U got used to not having your dh sleep with u. Sometimes when Joe is away for a few nites working, I get used to not hearing him snore as well. Cause I sleep like a princess and never snore. LOL.Sending dust your way.

Shellie...welcome girl!!!

Ready. and super....how are u ladies today?

Fam....how u feeling? Any symptoms yet?

Reeds....happy for u to have a scan, hope you get a good look at your little man.

AFM...baby is so active when he is awake, he kicks up high under my rib and my boob moves. I am getting so anxious to see what he will look like, my boys all looked soooo similar so this is new to me. Have a fantastic day ladies.

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