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Just got referred for IVF

Hi ladies

Little angel awesome to hear about your scan

Likklegemz I really hope you get to the bottom of the pain that just sounds awful. Have you been back to see either the FS or any doctor for that matter ?

Sheri I love all the clock and dagger excuses with your daughters! I have been laying low with my own friends lately coming up with some lame excuses why I haven't seen them much lately . Good luck with the Fet

Honey, have you already had all your preliminary tests eg CD 3 and 21 and AMH ? If you haven't had AMH they will probably do that within the first few days of your cycle. Hiw long is your cycle usually?

Hi tobefruitful I am looking forward to hearing about how your cycle goes

Hi stinas and all other ladies x
Aleja - I have done LH and FSH ,prolactin and all those other hormones dozens of times. Never did AMH. My cycle is usually between 30-34 days. Last 2-3 times it was only 30 days though this time it seems to go on a little longer.
How are you now? Has it been uneventful after the transfer or are you experiencing any symtpoms. Do you plan to test a few days from now to check if the hCG is out of your system? Sending you lots and lots of :dust:
Honey - I thought of you today!!! I was like hmm...its superrrr closeee! Im excited to hear all about it! Thank you for the birthday and anniversary wishes!

Little angel - Yay for a great scan!!!
I am all ready with all my documents and test reports and referral letter all organised and filed. And now thinking what to wear to the appointment :haha:
AF did not come yet and I think that is a good thing. Tomorrow this time I guess I would still be at the hospital. This is going to be my first appointment at this particular hospital and I hope to have a positive experience on day1.
hi honeycheeks good luck for tomorrow i can't wait to hear how it goes for you.
Ha ha it must feel like a job interview! Do you know which doctor you will be seeing?
You may end up like me and get your AF tomorrow - my AF (which was super late at the time) arrived on the day of my first FS appt. FS said that the amount of times he hears that from women is very often. Because my cycle had just started I got to do my AMH, hormones, HSG all in succession but sounds like you are already ahead.

i don't have any symptoms except ones associated with the progesterone pessaries. the nurse had warned me that the pessaries can give you sore boobs which is what i have now. I also have minor cramps and twinges but I think this is just related to the mild ohss i had.
to be honest i have been feeling very discouraged today.:nope: i have no reason to think this but i dont think it will work this cycle. i couldn't be that lucky to strike gold first time. i have even been looking up information about FET cycles as I guess i am preparing myself for a let down. I haven't told DH this as he will think I am just being negative and hence stressing my body out.
I don't know if i will POAS. Maybe on the last few days IF I am feeling some kind of symptoms. my BT is due next Wednesday so not that long. I will probably be a complete nutter by then:help:

hi everyone else:flower:
Aleja - I think it's normal to feel like you do. I couldn't believe that we would be so lucky either! I don't think there is any harm in planning what you will do next if it doesn't work (FET etc). That is a good coping strategy. With regard to symptoms, it is very early days yet. I had symptoms, but like you I was never sure what was the progesterone supplementation - tiredness, cramps, emotional lability and sore breasts are all well documented side effects. For me, it wasn't until the night before my testing date at 16dpo that I had my first symptom that I thought really wasn't due to the progesterone (I needed to urinate much more often). Don't lose hope, but I know how hard it's to keep a positive attitude, and I don't think your feelings will affect the cycle at all.

Honeycheeks - so exciting! Fx for a good appointment for you.

Aleja - I would be a total nerve wreck every cycle by 10dpo. I would be so depressed and let down.It happened every time for me. i cant imagine what a mess I would be in my IVF tww. Wednesday isnt far away, but the one week is likely to seem like years when you are in the tww.:dust: to you. It is easy to say to try being positive, but maybe you could try this. Try to visualize- the embryo and that you are trying to make a cozy home for the little one for the next few months and maybe even talk to the little one inside you. I dont know if it could work for you. But I did this once and it wasnt too bad. I just only know the name of the doctor I am seeing. Usually for me my breasts are tender and painful a few days before AF and the feeling goes away just when AF is about to start. And today my boobs are still tender, swollen, and very painful.So I guess it is safe to say that I would get to see my doc before I get to see the witch.

Little angel - It really is wonderful to see you come over this thread so often with all your positivity and give the best support and encouragement to all of the other ladies who are going through the downs of IVF.

Good Luck Sheri.
likklegemz - How did the first day of shots go?
Morning ladies!

Honeycheeks, good luck! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Aleja, crossing my fingers for you and sending tons of sticky baby dust. Dou yo have PCOS? I saw your post about 22 follies. When I did my injectable cycle I had 22 in one side and 24 in the other. Typical of PCOS of course and they immediately wanted us to do IVF because of this.

Littleangel, thank you so much for encouraging all of us and sticking around to see us through. It's so wonderful to hear about your progress.

Stinas, wishing you and your OH the best for the appointment, hoping you two like the dr and have some options.

I'm on vacation this week but have appointments every single day except Friday and I'll probably make a hair appointment for that day. No down time for me. I was hoping to relax and get myself mentally ready for IVF. Oh well. DH left me a card and a nail polish I really wanted on the kitchen counter for my birthday. But the best gift of all was the letter he left that detailed how excited he is to become a family and how good a mom I will be and how much he loves me. I cried of course!!

Thursday is consent signing and mock transfer with the RE. I'm looking forward to starting the process. I was told we would get further instructions at that time but the instructions I already have say we have to meet with the ART tech for a 2 hour appointment in the next week or so. I guess we'll see what they mean on Thursday.
noasaint- sounds like a plan, try to relax...i know i am not the first person to tell you that right? it feels like we all hear that a lot. i am not sure if i will ever really be ready mentally for IVF. i guess we just have to try our best and focus on the positives, which is...our perfect little bundle of joys! happy birthday!!! good luck with the mock transfer, it is not as bad at everybody makes it out to be. not a good feeling either though. just some cramping that goes away pretty quick. you will be fine!

aleja- counting the days down to wed. right along with you! how do you feel? how exciting!

stinas- do you have any news for us? i am seeing great things coming your way soon! i just know it!

likklegemz- yeah, how did the first day of shots go? i am waiting for DH to come home so i can receive my first injection. there is just something so unnatural about receiving a shot in the tummy. i have been doing a little research and i heard if you numb it first with an ice cube it is not so bad.

littleangel- YES!! such great news!! we are all so happy for you.

honeycheeks- i know i asked before, i think i was a bit early. how did it go? i am sure you are on information overload right now huh? i hope all of your questions were answered. IVF is right around the corner for you!

got an ultrasound & some blood work done today. everything is where it should be, which is a good thing. we are ready to get this show on the road! i am sure you guys know the feeling. like i said earlier, just waiting for DH to get home from work so i can get the first shot. i requested that they call him instead of me to give him the #'s since he is a DR and has some background with it. i am not sure if i could give myself a shot anyways, i am too much of a chicken. :) sending positive thoughts out to everybody!
Honey - Yayyyyyyyyyyyy tom is the dayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Super excited!!!!!!

aleja - Try to keep yourself super busy....im sure it will pass quickly if you dont constantly think about what day it is. I feel like Honey just told us her apt was tom and its here already!

tobefruitful - Thank you...I hope we will have good things coming...i really hope so! No news...May 8th we see the specialist, so hopefully he has good news for us. Last night I had a dream I had a little boy...hopefully its a sign of my future.
Ladies, i am just leaving home for my appointment now. Will come back and update you. Pray for me dears.
Hello ladies, I got home after my appointment. It went really well. I was given the consent forms and loads of docs to read and sign on. Got them all home and reading through. I am given my next appointment with the IVF specialist who is not the doctor I saw today. I have that appointment on May21st. Does it seem too far away.

Feeling a bit relieved for the moment. My breasts are still sore, its mostly the nipples, they are standing up erect 24x7 and it hurts like hell. breasts are swollen too. I guess it means I did ovulate this cycle , cd 33 already.
Honey!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Glad it all worked out lovely!! May 21st is not that far away! May is only a few days away! Im soo relived everything went well! How excited are you reading those papers?!? I bet you have a huge smile on your face! I would! lol
Awesome Honeycheeks! So glad it went well and you have your next step planned. It will be here befor you know it.

Does anyone watch the Real Housewives of Orange County? I will admit it's one of my guilty pleasures although it's ridiculous most times. Anyway, it was interesting to find out in the last episode that one couple had used IVF to conceive 3 of their children (one set of twins and a singleton) then got pregnant naturally to have a 4th. Then yet another couple had a set of twins also with IVF. These women are young and in great shape and for some reason I just pictured them having no problem at all getting pregnant. In a way I felt better that even these so called women of wealth and almost physical perfection went through the same thing I'm going through. But I'm glad it worked for them!

We go for consent signing and mock transfer tomorrow. I'm just ready to get moving although the more I read about OHSS the more scared I get.
noasaint - I watch it too!!!!! I saw the new episode last night and I was surprised as well! I really thought they had them naturally. It is nice to know we are not the only ones.
Good luck tom!!! Dont worry everything will work...be happy how far you already come!
The strangest thing at my appointment was that the nurse who measured my vital stats, asked me my LMP and then asked if I am sure if was not preggers. She had a confused look on her face when I told her I did not test or even think if it. I wanted to shout out to her that I could not get pregnant without IVF. Huh, cant blame the poor nurse, she doesnt know my medical history.

Cd 34 - Witchy witchy where are you?
Hi honey, so good to hear that your appt went well and you now truly on the way. If your next appt is in May then do you think your first cycle will be in June??
Yes, where is the witchy? it is funny that sometimes we just want her to arrive already!!!

Noasaint, I do not watch Desperate wives but I am not surprised that there is a few IVF children in there. Infertility really does not discriminate and even the rich and famous sometimes need help. Only difference is that they can afford the best of the best AND then get themselves a surrogate mother in case IVF doesn't work for them!!!

Tobefruitful, yay ! you are finally starting the injections...it is very handy having a doctor in the house to do them for you. I was initially scared of doing them but I think I became a pro within like 2 days or something! Are you doing the Antagonist cycle?
When is your first monitor visit?

Little Angel, i agree that planning ahead is a good coping strategy. It is just hard staying positive when all around me there is babies everywhere. AND people asking me when I am having kids/?? so frustrating!

hello everyone else
Hi honey, so good to hear that your appt went well and you now truly on the way. If your next appt is in May then do you think your first cycle will be in June??
Yes, where is the witchy? it is funny that sometimes we just want her to arrive already!!!

aleja - i think my next appointment will be a week before AF is due. So i hope to start poking myself by the last week of may hopefully. Af is no where in sight . How are you? Any symptoms, I hope you are feeling more positive today.

noasaint- you are one step ahead of me. Good luck for the mock transfer.

Stinas - how did you celebrate your anniversary.
Hi ladies,

honeycheeks - glad your appt went well & may 21 is just around the corner. hope you find that :witch:

aleja -hows the waiting going? the worst part of my fresh cycle was the progesterone pesseries :nope:best of luck will be thinking of you :dust:

noasaint - hope the mock transfer runs smoothly :thumbup:

stinas - not long now til your next appt :flower:

i woke up today a bag of nerves for our FET even more nervous than i was for the transfer in our fresh cycle, i was worried my frosties wouldnt thaw and id have to wait along time to do another fully stimulated icsi cycle...
That wasnt the case & i stressed for no reason my blastocst thawed beautifuly and started to divide again :happydance:such relief! another hurdle over... my last transfer & Hsg were painful due to my cervix having a right angle which makes it difficult to pass their canulas through, so today i took 3mg of lorazepam to relax me and my muscles, was still uncomfortable but not as painful as last time... now time to relax and play the waiting game [-o<:dust:

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