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Just got referred for IVF

Honey - I am counting down the days with you!!!!
Im not going to lie...it was a bit of a relief to find out why it has not happened....as weird as it sounds. As I kept going to the OBGYN and her telling me "BD for the next few days and ill see you when your preg in 2 weeks"....yeah, for one I O like a week later and second....im not pregnant! "are you sure you have been trying that long"....um no...im just lying lol
Im glad you feel better about knowing your issue too... its weird not having that TTC brain all the time. Weird...even though I have bigger issues now, but im praying it will all work out and be better soon. I just want all my answers now...even though i know its going to be a process, but for knowing a week...and all the tests and answers I have already, i dont think we are doing so bad so far!
Stinas - I am thinking of you all the time. And mine is just the first appointment at my IVF clinic. I dont even know what to expect. I hope things move fast. Really hoping for the best for your tests.

Aleja - Good luck for the EPU.
Honey - Thank you!! You never know....it might be a fast process for us all. It all depends I guess. We just need to stick to being positive no matter how hard it is.

DH did his second SA today at the fertility clinic we will be going to. He said what a difference from when he went for the first SA....this one he was in and out in a few minutes and everyone was super nice and very informative. That makes me feel better.
Hi ladies,
Hope you are all well today. I have been off BnB for a couple of days because I wanted to have some definite news to share about my EPU.

Welcome Likklegemz, thanks for joining in. Like the others said I would most definitely be getting a second opinion even if you have to pay for a private consult. your whole experience sounded awful. i am sorry you had to go through that. This itself would make me question the hospital and doctors involved. Now that I am doing IVF I really understand how important it is to find a FS that is compassionate and knowledgeable. I feel very lucky to have my FS so far.

Honeycheeks, Hope you are feeling better from your wretched migraine. Yes the countdown is definitely on now. I cannot wait to hear about what your doctor will say

Stinas, I am glad that your DH found his appt a much better experience. It would be hard enough giving the SA sample on demand let alone in an uncomfortable environment. When will he get the results and will you be going with him to the FS appt?

Sheri- hello there! your holiday sounds great. Where about were in WA? I went to WA a few years ago and to this day it was one of my favourite holidays ever. So beautiful and the nature is amazing.
GL with your FET. Great to hear it is much less stressful. There is studies that show the unmedicated FET are more successful in live births compared to fresh cycle because it really just mimics your body patterns. I love the idea of that.

Noasaint, the saline sonogram does sound very similar to the HSG. good to hear you are almost at the end of the testing. What will be your final test?

Me: Well I had the EPU yesterday morning. I was scared but because I was under heavy sedation I don't remember any of it! I woke up in a daze and saw they had written the number 16 on my palm. 16 eggs collected!! no wonder I felt so bloated and my crampy. my poor ovaries were really pushed.

DH did his thing and this was the part I was really worried about giving his low sperm count. They rang me later to tell me that 15 were mature eggs and DH's sperm good enough for ICSI. This morning the embryologist confirmed that all 15 are fertilizing.:happydance: Can't believe it! Someone is looking out for us so far.

The whole thing is so emotionally draining. waiting to have the surgery, praying that DH can give a decent sample, then waiting to hear how many eggs are mature, today I was a nervous wreck thinking the worst that none would be fertilized. :wacko:
Next they will call me on Thursday to give me an update of how the embies are going. If there is some good ones, I will have transfer on Saturday. Phew...i now need to just relax and do as little as possible.

All the best:hugs:
aleja - wow thats great news!!! Your sooo close to it now!!!! Yay how exciting!!!!! Dont be sooooo nervous, its natural to be, but dont stress out about it. You did great so far!!! Im soo happy for you!!
DH did his SA at home....the fertility place is like 5 min away from our house. Honestly, I have no clue when his results will be in. He went to work right after...its been a busy day, so we really didnt talk about it much today. I try not to talk about it much over the phone because you know men, they are not as swift as we are, I dont know who is over his shoulder listening to him. Ill find out tonight. I do want to go with him to his next apt....he kind of really does not have much of a choice...his sperm is mine I told him, so thats that lol
Hi stinas,
thank you so much. I am trying not to get nervous but its so hard!!!! I don't know how women do IVF cycles over and over. You really have to be so mentally resilient. I have been very lucky as I responded quickly to the meds. Anyways I am almost at the transfer so I have to stay positive now and treat my body like a temple!

That is great your DH is only 5 mins away and can do the sample at home. We live about 45 mins away from the clinic and with traffic it would be too risky to do it at home.
Yes his sperm is definitely yours so I hope you do attend the appt with him. I don't know how your hubby is but mine isn't good at asking too many questions. he would probably just agree with everything the FS says without questioning it. Given your DH may need to have some pretty invasive tests and possible surgery I think it would be good for you to find out exactly what to expect. Good luck and looking forward to hearing how it goes
aleja - that is wonderful new. I am so happy to hear that 15 fertilized. Isnt it amazing to think that you just made 15 teeny babies, when we could not think that one would be possible. I am sure you will have enough to transfer and also freeze. How many do you plan to transfer. What meds are you on now.

Stinas - I hope you do go with DH to his next appointment. My DH is also not so good at asking questions. So I would definitely go with him.

AFM, I feel squeamish to think that my appointment is so close. I havent been spending too much time on BnB. I want to get all thoughts about the appointment and IVF off my head as much as possible. It just makes me so nervous. I am already in a pool of sweat while writing this post. So you might not see me around a lot for the next few days.
Aleja- that's great news I'm very happy for you :happydance: hope the next few days are relaxing... I live in mandurah w.a & spent 2 nights in Albany & 1 in denmark which is 5 hours drive away, I had a family reunion there & have both sides of my family in both towns... If you google the bridge & gap in Albany & the tree top walk in the valley of the giants in Walpole that will be a sneek peek at our mini break with my DD's ...

Honeycheeks - hope the time is going fast & your migraine has disappeared,

Stinas - glad you found a FS you both feel comfortable with & so close to home, we are an hour away from ours but I get to to scans & blood tests where we live so it's not too bad...

My FET so far has been a BT on cd2 & today cd9, my levels are rising nicely & will have BT & scan on Friday & somehow I'll have to sneak out of the house for those as its school holidays here & thurs is my DD1's 14th birthday & she's having 4 friends sleep over :dohh: I've come up with some great excuses so far in my ivf journey to go to appts & tests so I'm sure I'll think of something :wacko:
aleja said:
DH did his thing and this was the part I was really worried about giving his low sperm count. They rang me later to tell me that 15 were mature eggs and DH's sperm good enough for ICSI. This morning the embryologist confirmed that all 15 are fertilizing.:happydance: Can't believe it! Someone is looking out for us so far.

The whole thing is so emotionally draining. waiting to have the surgery, praying that DH can give a decent sample, then waiting to hear how many eggs are mature, today I was a nervous wreck thinking the worst that none would be fertilized. :wacko:

Next they will call me on Thursday to give me an update of how the embies are going. If there is some good ones, I will have transfer on Saturday. Phew...i now need to just relax and do as little as possible.

All the best:hugs:
Wow that's wonderful - 15 fertilising eggs! :happydance: Fx for you for Saturday xx
Hi all

Sorry for the delay in responding. I've gone back to work after being signed off for the past 4 weeks, what with everything that has gone on, and I'm suprised how exhausted I am (been in bed asleep by 8 last night! :(

I've made the first step in getting a second opinion (even if the first opinion is right - at least this way I should get some answers to my questions). I've requested a copy of my medical notes - thanks to the government for all that legislation I can get them for £10 - although I do have to pay 25 pence per photocopy up to £50.00 - I cant see it being that long - but hey you never know.

The thing that keeps going round my head is that I've got 'mild' haldrosanpix - thats whats giving me that small hope its not really true and I've just had a horrible reaction to the HSG. Regardless we've decided to go down the IVF path just wanted it all confirmed. We qualify for 2 IVF cycles with out PCT so with any luck we've been told we should start within next 3 months after we've attended a patient eveing meeting - has anyone had one of these? Do you know what they involve?

Honeycheeks, my best friend is in the same position as you, she went through 2 IVF cycles and on her third cycle she was so lucky to have a beautiful baby boy called Harry !

Hope the migrane has all but gone now - less than a week to go till your at the doctors so good luck and hope the time flies.

x x x
aleja - I think all men dont know how to ask questions lol We are going to have to go through tons of testing...there is a thread on here for azoo where the ladies have given a ton of info and what to expect. We have done a lot so far, so hopefully it will keep rolling at this pace.

sheri76 - Happy birthday to your dd!!! We have the same birthday!!...only thing is I wish I was turning 14 again lol Kids dont think that mom does anything sneaky besides sneaking them veggies etc, so im sure they wont catch on

Likklegemz - I hope everything works out for you!

Honey - Dont be nervous....everything should go smoothly! If anything you should be anxious! I am for you!
Sorry I haven't had time to catch up on everyone's posts. It's late here and I've been working as much OT as I can at work since next week is my week of vacation. The week I take off for my IVF cycle in June will be unpaid so I gotta get the OT while we have it.

Tonight me and DH went to IVF information night at the local hospital. It was a requirement of our pre IVF procedures. I didn't learn anything new and kinda felt like it was a recruitment seminar to convince people this is the way to go. DH was bored stiff but I was surprised several men asked some good questions.

My pap and mammo are next week and DH's blood work is this week. Then we do consent signing yay!

Meanwhile the pregnant manager at work walks by me 10 times a day when she goes to the bathroom. She just got married a few months ago and she's about 4 months along and growing fast. It makes me sad, I'm really trying to just concentrate on my own journey.

Hope everyone is doing well!
noasaint - Im sorry you feel that way when she passes you....just think that will be you soon!!! Your making pretty good progress...your really close! I could imagine how boring those things are!!! BnB has made us pros in the TTC process!
Hi Ladies, Just a week to go for me. Migraine is gone and time is flying. Every day passes so quickly that I am so surprised.

Sheri - I hope you find good excuses to get out of the house. Good luck for FET.
Aleja - I am thinking about the little wee ones in the lab. Grow embies, grow.
Likklegems - good luck for your IVF journey. If it is a mild hydrosalpinx , you should find out if any pills can help.
Littleangel - how have you been?
Stinas - I am glad you could find enough info on azoo and I am hoping that you know all answers and soon start your IVF cycle.
Noasaint- It is soon YOU who is going to be the pregnant woman rocking your bump and getting envious looks. I am sorry your pregnant manager makes you feel down.
I've been good thanks, apart from some tiredness and nausea. I've got a private scan on Saturday, because my NHS scan isn't until 13+3 and I couldn't wait that long. I keep worrying about something going wrong, which I suppose is natural when it's been so hard to get here. I think seeing the heartbeat and checking things are progressing will reassure me for a few weeks.

I keep an eye on this thread and I'm thinking of you all. Fx you'll be joining me soon xxx
littleangel, Im sure nothing is going to go wrong this time, but always good to see your wee one on u/s. Good luck for your scan. Have you made any changes in your diet post BFP? I would like to hear more about pregnancy diet.
Thanks :). In my head I know you're right, but then the doubts creep in. There is no reason to suspect anything is wrong, I am due to stop progesterone supplementation in a few days and after that my pregnancy should be completely normal.

The only changes I've made to my diet have been to avoid things that are against medical advice. It seems the list is different everywhere you look, but for me this means soft and blue cheeses, hummus and wet processed foods, liver, pâté, the less 'safe' shellfish like mussels, alcohol. I limit oily fish to a couple of times a week, although I'm off that altogether at the moment because it seems to make my MS a lot worse. I'm also keeping my caffeine to under 200mg daily as per the FS. I made these changes as per their advice when I started the IVF cycle. I also take a daily supplement called pregnacare, which was recommended by the FS. There was a conception one that I started before the cycle and I now take the pregnancy one.

I've always had a fairly healthy diet, so I didn't do anything else.
Hey hun

Thanks for that advice, I've tried looking every where for mild haldrosanpix but have not had any joy! :( has anyone else come across this term?

Littleanel fingers crosse for you! X
Hey hun

Thanks for that advice, I've tried looking every where for mild haldrosanpix but have not had any joy! :( has anyone else come across this term?

Littleanel fingers crosse for you! X
Likklegemz- from what I have read, anyone who just simply refers to hydrosalpinx usually has a mild case. And the most severe ones are especially stressed as severe cases where the tubes are highly distended and deformed and usually require surgical removal before starting of IVF. It is said that severe forms of hydrosalpinx can reduce the success rates of IVF as there might be fluid from the hydrpsalpinx that leaks into the uterus and is detrimental to the embryo implantation. I hope you dont worry too much about your mild hydrosalpinx if you are ready to go for IVF.

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