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Just got referred for IVF


i woke up today a bag of nerves for our FET even more nervous than i was for the transfer in our fresh cycle, i was worried my frosties wouldnt thaw and id have to wait along time to do another fully stimulated icsi cycle...
That wasnt the case & i stressed for no reason my blastocst thawed beautifuly and started to divide again :happydance:such relief! another hurdle over... my last transfer & Hsg were painful due to my cervix having a right angle which makes it difficult to pass their canulas through, so today i took 3mg of lorazepam to relax me and my muscles, was still uncomfortable but not as painful as last time... now time to relax and play the waiting game [-o<:dust:

Sheri, I love your avatar, it's soooo cute!!! I'm thrilled for you that the embies thawed and are hopefully (fingers crossed) snuggling in. Sending tons of baby dust your way.

Honeycheeks, looks like I'm going to be one month behind you. I start bcp on May 21st and injections about June 13th.

Stinas, thanks for admitting you also watch RHOC :) Makes me feel not so alone in my little guilty pleasure. Never got into the Jersey one that more people seem to like. I especially though was surprised that Heather did IVF. I had assumed since she had a "surprise" 4th pregnancy that all the others had been planned naturally. See what I get from assuming? LOL.

Tobefruitful, I'm also jealous you have a MD at home to give injections. LOL. That's great! DH has been very good about most things but I haven't yet relied on him to get the phone calls about the meds. I may have to if my work continues to be a pain about taking calls. It's so stupid we are not allowed to keep our cell phones on our desks.

Consent signing went OK this morning. The mock transfer was uncomfortable. Not as bad as the saline sonogram was but I cramped and my left side was screaming for it to stop. I came home and took something but I think it's mostly gone now. Since I had a pap smear yesterday I'm wondering if I was just super sensitive down there.

So tentatively my ER is June 26th. RE is going to do the slow on low method for Gonal F so it may possibly take 3 weeks of injections before the follicles get to where she wants them but I'm at high risk for OHSS due to PCOS. Since I turned 38 two days ago I got bumped into a different category meaning they require assisted hatching and 3 embryos to be put back. I had wanted assisted hatching anyway so that's fine. Not so sure on the 3 embryos though, I was wanting max two so we'll see. There was some miscommunication between the RE and the nurse so I'm waiting on a call about whether I'll be doing Ovidrel and vaginal progesterone or Lupron and PIO injections. I'm hoping for the first although you ladies have me wondering about those suppositories and if I can deal with them. LOL. Other than that they said I'll also be using Menopur and Ganarelix.

I was told DH has to take antibiotics before ER. Why is this? Anyone know?
Hey gals
Yay Sheri we are in the 2ww together ! You must be so happy about your perfect little dividing frostie . Do they thaw one at a time?

Noasaint what do they do for a mock transfer? I didn't have one of these . Sorry to hear it was uncomfortable . My FS made some light hearted comment during my transfer that all of the instruments they use we're unfortunely created by men !
It's great they are monitoring you closely for ohss as its no fun bloating up like that. I forgot to tell you earlier that I do not have PCOS so I have no idea why I had so many follicles . I did ovidral and I am on the pessaries. I don't find them that bad but they are a bit messy and I am mildly itchy at the moment(TMI !)
I didn't take any antibiotics before egg retrieval but I assume it is to help you avoid any infections during surgery

Honey, so really you are on the verge of your first cycle. If my fresh cycle doesn't work I will be doing a FET cycle with you in June.

Ps I have no symptoms whatsoever except tiredness but i suspect this is the pessaries . There is not much I can do except sweat it out till next week
Hey gals
Yay Sheri we are in the 2ww together ! You must be so happy about your perfect little dividing frostie . Do they thaw one at a time?

Hi Aleja, yay 2ww it seems we are always waiting for something with assisted conception wether its our next appointment, our next test & scan, test results or af to start so we can start ivf & all these things take months in my case 12 months & then we finally make it to a 2ww with real promise & 2 little weeks feel like eternity :wacko:

On the morning of my FET I got a call from the lab tech man in charge of all the freezing & thawing to tell me our blastocyst had thawed beautifully :happydance: but if it hadn't then they take out another, they said they only take about 30 mins to thaw...

Hope the last days of your 2ww don't drag on sending sticky baby dust your way:dust:

Have a great weekend ladies
Honey - I bet you laughed really hard when the nurse asked if you were preg! lol When I went to the OB she asked the same thing...im like really lady? lol Dont you think I have peed on a million sticks by now. Little did I know there was REALLY no chance.
Our anniversary was nice. DH worked that day, so we went for dinner the night before, then for lunch before he had to go to work. It was a quiet one...but it was nice...relaxing. Thank you for asking!

sheri76 - I am trying not to count the days, but I am lol HSG's suck...mine was painful! I hope I never have to do one again! FX for you!!!!

noasaint - I watch ALL of them!!! I watching a ton of shows...thank god for DVR! I love the NJ one because I live in NJ...but my favorite is the RHOBH! I was shocked myself that Heather did it! I wonder why now....like I want to hear their stories. It was such a quick little segment...I was like grrr...tell me more! lol Its only natural for us to assume! I would have never thought they did IVF...never...but then again...I would have never thought I would be in the situation I am in...I would imagine the same for all of you as well. Life works in mysterious ways. Her fourth was a miracle baby!
Glad to hear your apt went well! Im still very new to all the IVF terms...so I have no clue what all that stuff means...im sure ill be a wiz soon.

aleja - :dust: TWW always sucks!
ladies, how is everyone. Happy weekend everybody.
Tobefruitful - You are so lucky to have someone give you the shots. But then I guess having come so far, I like to take this chance to learn the new skill to give shots , haha.

Sheri and Aleja - sending you all the sticky baby dust in the world. Im sure you are getting your BFPs together. Aleja - I am sure you would not have to do an FET with me.

noasaint - I guess we would be starting our IVF cycles around the same time. I still have no schedule of when exactly mine is going to begin. Eww...I thought HSG was the most uncomfortable thing in the whole world. I wanted to kick the doctor in her nose for causing all that pain. I was guessing mock transfers and real transfers would be a cake walk with virtually no pain. I guess I cant even think of pain killers for the real transfer as I would not want to introduce drugs into my body without good reason.

Stinas - Your appointment isnt far away. You bet I had a smirk on my face when the nurse asked me if I was preggers. The IVF centre in the hospital really creeps me out. Most ladies in there who come for IVF are much older than me and look quite mature. I am only 26 and am small. So I look really young, some ppl look at me there like I'm even too young to be married.

AFM , witchy is being bitchy and hasnt turned up yet. I want to smack her in her face.
honeycheeks- happy weekend to you too! i too would have liked to have seen the look on your face when the nurse asked you if you were preggers, i know it is her job but seriously lady! yes, it is nice dh is familiar with giving shots, although i must admit that it doesn't make them sting any less. i guess they are pretty mild compared to the progesterone shots...speaking of which..

sheri & aleja- are you ladies currently taking progesterone shots? our clinic is making us use them during the TWW. i heard they feel pretty nasty since they are oil based. how are you ladies holding up? i hope this TTW has been very zen like for the both of you. i am sure it is also awfully exciting too huh?

noasaint- bummer about the phone calls at work. have you told anybody yet about the journey you are about to embark on? i am not sure if you feel comfortable doing so or not, i am a teacher and i had to sit down with the assistant principal to first explain that i would not be able to coach basketball this year (for obvious reasons) and i briefly explained why i might be taking some time off in the am for appointments. he was and has been very cool about the whole deal. it might make you feel better to have somebody else know. maybe they might let you take those phone calls after all :) also my dh does have to take antibiotics as well, the idea is to weed out the bacteria.

stinas- i must admit that i too am i reality show sucker :) its like a train wreck! you don't want to watch but it is almost like you have to! which is your favorite? i am partial to NJHW...so much drama!

so i am on day 5 of shots, went to my 2nd appointment yesterday and RN said right now everything is where it should be. so far she has counted 11 follicles...she defiantly thinks some more will eventually pop up in the near future. i am trying to keep all negative thoughts out of my head and only let in the happy/pure ones in. my honest tea told me today: "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."-Buddha, pretty fitting wouldn't you say? enjoy your weekend lovely ladies!
Tobefruitful - it is!!!! Lol I love the nj one because I live here, but Beverly hills is my fav. Lol. I want those houses!!!!

Honey - I could only imagine how you feel in there. I am short and look younger than I am too (I'm 28). Honestly.....I never thought younger people needed ivf, so that's probably what they are thinking. Lots of people now and days seem to be getting married in their 30's I have noticed, so we are conisdered "young" for today.
Tobefruitful- I'm doing a natural cycle the only shots I've had to have was a pregnyl 5000 trigger to boost ovulation & 4 x 1500 pregny shots. In my fresh cycle that failed I had progesterone gel pesseries morning & night in the 2ww, they were messy & turned me into a maniac crying one minute then really angry the next.
Good luck with your EPU I only had 8 follicles but got 11 eggs.
i am feeling very down today that AF dint come. does life really have to be so cruel. AF turns up just on time month after month when i hope she doesnt. And now that i hope she comes on time, she just decides not too and might mess up my whole schedule that i planned in my mind.

aleja, sheri- good luck in the tww.

tobefruitful - your BFP is just a blink away.

stinas- your appointment isnt too far away. i am always thinking of you.
i am feeling very down today that AF dint come. does life really have to be so cruel. AF turns up just on time month after month when i hope she doesnt. And now that i hope she comes on time, she just decides not too and might mess up my whole schedule that i planned in my mind.

aleja, sheri- good luck in the tww.

tobefruitful - your BFP is just a blink away.

stinas- your appointment isnt too far away. i am always thinking of you.

honeycheeks- my friend was having the same issue and her dr. gave her some meds that would trigger her period....its worth asking about i think. try not to get down in the dumps, keep those high hopes up! :flower:
thanks tobefruitful.
the ones you are talking about are those that mimic natural progesterones and helps induce a period. It is not like having a real cycle. It is usually prescribed when you have too many anovulatory and messed up cycles. I have been prescribed such meds earlier. In fact I have done almost medicines you can probably imagine while TTC.

Anyways AF showed up today. Well I wasnt too happy about it. I must admit that it gave me a glimmer of hope that I might be miraculously preggers. It is OK for you to laugh at me. I do know in all my senses that it is impossible, but I dont know what still gave me hope, it was ridiculous. I am back to my senses now, accepting the facts of life.
thanks tobefruitful.
the ones you are talking about are those that mimic natural progesterones and helps induce a period. It is not like having a real cycle. It is usually prescribed when you have too many anovulatory and messed up cycles. I have been prescribed such meds earlier. In fact I have done almost medicines you can probably imagine while TTC.

Anyways AF showed up today. Well I wasnt too happy about it. I must admit that it gave me a glimmer of hope that I might be miraculously preggers. It is OK for you to laugh at me. I do know in all my senses that it is impossible, but I dont know what still gave me hope, it was ridiculous. I am back to my senses now, accepting the facts of life.

nobody is laughing sweetheart. we have all been in that boat before. your BFP is just around the corner! :thumbup:
Honey - Thank you!!! Thats very nice of you!! Yes, it is getting closer! I actually have not been thinking about it too much...shocking! DH & I have been busy with some changes at work, so thats been on my mind constantly.
No one is laughing at you!!! Last cycle I thought the same thing...even though I knew there was no way it could happen, I still had a glimmer of hope that maybe ill get lucky...AF showed a day later.
We are the special ones that have to work a bit harder to get what we want. It is what it is. We just have to keep our heads up and keep on going!
Hi ladies
Just a quick one from me .. I'm feeling very Blugh. my 2ww came to a crashing end:cry: I started spotting on Saturday and it just got more heavy and darker. I got AF today .. I didn't even make it to my BT date !!
I am having the BT tomorrow but it only to receive an official big fat nothing as I already know I'm not pregnant :wacko:
The one good thing is that I can know free my body from all the meds and hormones especially the progesterone pessaries which drove me nutty .

GL Sheri and tobefruitful x
Hi ladies
Just a quick one from me .. I'm feeling very frustrated and sad . my 2ww came to a crashing end:cry: I started spotting on Saturday and it just got more heavy and darker. I got AF today .. I didn't even make it to my BT date !!
I am having the BT tomorrow but it only to receive an official big fat nothing as I already know I'm not pregnant :wacko:
The one good thing is that I can know free my body from all the meds and hormones especially the progesterone pessaries which drove me nutty .

GL Sheri and tobefruitful x
Hi ladies
Just a quick one from me .. I'm feeling very frustrated and sad . my 2ww came to a crashing end:cry: I started spotting on Saturday and it just got more heavy and darker. I got AF today .. I didn't even make it to my BT date !!
I am having the BT tomorrow but it only to receive an official big fat nothing as I already know I'm not pregnant :wacko:
The one good thing is that I can know free my body from all the meds and hormones especially the progesterone pessaries which drove me nutty .

GL Sheri and tobefruitful x

Aleja im so sorry your cycle was bfn :cry: its so unfair! thats exactly how mine ended too & the only thing that made me feel better was thinking id rather a bfn straight away than mis carrying later on. It was very nice going back to normaility with no meds, injections, pessaries, scans or bt's i even had the odd drink :wine:
Im sure when we all get that bfp these sad times will feel like light years away...

Take care :hugs::flow:
aleja - Im sorry it was a BFN. We all know how much they suck! You deserve a drink!
Aleja - I hope you pick yourself up soon. It was just so unfair. :hugs: :hugs:
I wish I could do something to make you feel good.

Sheri - sending extra baby dust your way.
tobefruitful - how is it going so far.
Stinas , noasaint :flower:
honeycheeks- following you over here =) was going to try iui 5 with a natural cycle after findings cysts after iui 4 with injections.. had cysts left over so.. no meds this round,. but i have off the week of june 11 and if i want to aim for that week for er and et then i had to skip this one.. so.. entering ivf land with new donor sperm that can swim

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