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Just got referred for IVF

Thanks :). In my head I know you're right, but then the doubts creep in. There is no reason to suspect anything is wrong, I am due to stop progesterone supplementation in a few days and after that my pregnancy should be completely normal.

The only changes I've made to my diet have been to avoid things that are against medical advice. It seems the list is different everywhere you look, but for me this means soft and blue cheeses, hummus and wet processed foods, liver, pâté, the less 'safe' shellfish like mussels, alcohol. I limit oily fish to a couple of times a week, although I'm off that altogether at the moment because it seems to make my MS a lot worse. I'm also keeping my caffeine to under 200mg daily as per the FS. I made these changes as per their advice when I started the IVF cycle. I also take a daily supplement called pregnacare, which was recommended by the FS. There was a conception one that I started before the cycle and I now take the pregnancy one.

I've always had a fairly healthy diet, so I didn't do anything else.

I am so excited about your pregnancy and everything that you have got to share. I hope to be there with you as soon as possible. I am so ready to be pregnant. Just today morning I heard from one of my frnds that she just gave birth to a little boy. How I wish that was me. Even to think that I might get pregnant soon with IVF, I still need to wait almost an year before I can hold my little one in my arms.
Have you been more hungrier than earlier and are you eating more? And are you taking weekly pics of your bump? I hope you are enjoying every bit of your pregnancy.
Hi ladies
Just popping into say hello
Little angel I think I would be the same worrying every step of the way during pregnNcy. I hope the next 9 months are completely uneventful for you.

Noasaint yay you are almost at the starting line now. Are you starting when your AF shows?
I didn't have to attend one of the IvF seminars they just gave me a video to watch .

Stinas any news of your DHs test results ?

Sheri I will google those giant trees you visited I have heard of that nature walk . I didn't get down to Albany . We travelled from bussleton to broome .

Honeycheeks I can totally understand if you need time out from the thread before your appt sometimes reading about everyone's experiences can be overwhelming and make you feel nervous. Just remember that we are all different so we will each have a different experience with our IvF journeys ..
For example I am suffering from mild OHSs at the moment. Bloated and sore abdomen due to the overstimulation of my poor ovaries when they hauled those 16 eggies!
My embies are still growing (11 are good, 4 are lagging) so I may not even go ahead with a fresh transfer on Saturday :-(
Disappointing but I don't want to risk Ohss to get worse it's very uncomfortable. My FS will check me on Saturday and give his verdict
Honeycheeks - I know exactly how you feel, I could have written that only 3 months ago. But how quickly things can change and I wish the same for all of you. After so many months of waiting and longing, the IVF cycle is actually very quick and will be over in a flash. Even the dreaded 2ww wasn't a full 2w after a 5 day transfer.

Having said that, now November does seem so very far off! At least now, hopefully, most of the uncertainty is over. I used to say when I was TTC that if someone could tell me "this time next year you will definitely be pregnant" that I would relax and just enjoy life. It's the fact that you are making all these life changes and putting all our energy not something with no guaranteed outcome that is so frustrating.

Hungrier? Definitely. In fact it was one of the first signs now looking back. I need to eat every few hours or I get a nagging hunger that quickly turns to nausea. I've never really been keen on breakfast, but I now need to eat almost as soon as I wake. My husband and I went for a lovely big lunch yesterday - I was still ravenous only a few hours later. Considering ow much I'm eating, it's surprising I've only put on a few pounds so far.

I haven't taken any pics yet because it doesn't look like a bump. I just look like I've put n about a stone. I haven't, but with giving up running I've lost a lot of muscle tone. I probably will when it starts to show properly though xxx
Happy Weekend ladies.
Aleja - I hope the OHSS doesnt get worse and you soon feel better. I am eagerly waiting to know about the embryo tranfer. The little embies better be ready.
Silly iPhone! That was supposed to say everyone is feeling well this afternoon! I'm wondering if any of you could help. Specialist phoned me today to see me Tuesday as I'm still in some pain after four weeks of my HSG

The doctor is the same doctor who will be under for IVF. I've g
Argh my phone is annoying!! I've got mild haldrosanpix but there's spillage although delayed from both Fallopian tubes. I'm at a loss over what questions I should ask about the ivf process and why I'm still in pain

Any advice questions wtc would be brilliant
Hi ladies!

Littleangel, I'm so excited for you and happy you are doing well. Keep that positive thinking going, we're all pulling for a happy and healthy term for you.

Aleja, hope you get to feeling better. Did they do anything to try and prevent the OHSS? Why would you not do a fresh transfer? Because of the OHSS?

DH had his blood taken yesterday and I called the IVF coordinator today. I explained that my mammo and pap will be done next week but they won't have the results till the following week. But since I'm off all week next week I wanted to do the consent signing and mock transfer so I wouldn't need to take more time off work. She agreed since they have the results of both from last year (they are only 13 months old) so next Thursday we do consent signing!!!! I checked the calendar and I was due to start provera on May 5th so it's quite possible we will be starting the bcp in two weeks to start the IVF cycle. I'm getting nervous and excited. last night I watched The Little Couple and her ER, it went bad, poor thing had two follices but no eggs. I cried for her, I felt awful. Just praying I have eggs and that they fertilize.
aleja - I hope you feel better soon and everything works out on sat!!!!

Honey - Just around the corner!!!!!! Yay!

noasaint - Glad everything is moving along!!! I love the Little Couple!!!

As for me...DH second SA results came in and they were as expected, same as last time. The urologist is sending us to another urologist that specializes in azoo. We have an apt May 8. One good thing about this new guy is that he works with the fertility place we plan on using. So the waiting game has begun!
likklegemz - i am sorry you are still in pain 4 weeks after your HSG. I was also slightly sore upto 6 weeks after my hsg. What exactly is delayed spillage? I wish I had some answers for you instead of more questions. Probably you should ask your IVF specialist whether the mild hydrosalpinx would affect the success of IVF, because I have read that it could be bad in severe cases. Also you might want to know what are the treatment options available, besides IVF for conception. Would the hydroS go away on its own later or does it have any long term consequences if left untreated.

Stinas - May 8th isnt too far away. And since you are seeing a specialist, I hope things move faster now. You are in my thoughts girl.

noasaint- I am glad you got the ball rolling.

Aleja - I really hope your embies get ready for a fresh transfer. I hope the OHSS stays away. Good luck my dear.

Littleangel ,Rosmuira- We are thinking of the little bean inside you.

Sheri - lots of :dust: for your FET.
Hi ladies thanks for the well wishes . I managed to avoid OHss and had my transfer this morning . Yay I have a little blastocyst on board ! I will find out tomorrow if they can freeze some I hope they can . It is hard not to get carried away and excited when they show you the little blast on the tv screen . Now I just wait and pray to the universe that the little fella thrives

Likklegemz I don't know anything about your condition but now having gone through my first cycle I really think its important being as stress free and pain free as possible . I am agree with honey in finding out how your condition and pain will affect you during a cycle. It got really sore for me before and after the egg retrieval I would hate to think how much worse it would have been if my tubes were already tender. I am not sure what questions to ask specifically but I hope your FS can look after you well x

Noasaint I am glad you are getting all the contracts done as there is so much paperwork at the beginning. I think the reason that sometimes they cancel the transfer is because with Ohss it can get much worse after the transfer if the embie sticks the ovaries start producing more HCg and if the are already stimulated and swollen the bloating and cramps gets worse. Some ladies can even end up in hospital . Does not sound like fun and it can't be good for the ovaries

Stinas I am glad now that you and Mr stinas have a definite diagnosis . It is one step closer and before you know it they wil be searching around looking for some spermy. It really does take a only a couple of good ones to make an embie .
Thank you honey!!! 4 more days!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited for you!!

Aleja - that's great news!!!!!!
Nosaint and honeycheeks, thanks so much, your good wishes just made me cry! I am so worried today because we have a scan today and I was awake for hours in the night in fear about something being wrong. I have no reason to think anything is, but I think it's natural to worry.

Likklegems - sorry I don't know your condition, but I hope you get your answers soon.

Aleja - that's wonderful news!! :happydance: Having a blastocyst transferred is the best possible outcome so far. And you may even have some frosties! Fx so hard for you.

Thinking of you all xxx
Stinas - Thank you much. My appointment seems just hours away.
Aleja - I am over the moon for you. I am so excited for you. All you do now is wait to see your BFP. Isnt it such an amazing feeling. Could you also tell us whatever you know about OHSS and what you experienced. Each one of has do stand the risk of OHSS in our IVF journey and I think it helps to know about it.

littleangel - I am sure I am just going to be you when I get pregnant finally. To try and take the best care possible to keep my little one warm and cozy and comfy. Im sure the scan will ease you worries and reassure that all is fine and the wee one is very happy in there. Do tell us about your scan.
Thanks ladies!
We got confirmation that 4 blasties are in the freezer so happy about that.

Little angel good luck with your scan. I can't imagine how nerve wrecking it will be.

Honey, OHSS can develop in women undergoing ivf who have PCOS or produce lots of follicles. The FSH injections stimulate the ovaries to produce more than one egg in an IvF cycle. If you produce lots of follicles the ovaries are really in overdrive and become swollen . I think I had 22 follicles in each ovary .. The nurse thought I had PCOS but I dont I just responded really well to the injections. Before my egg collection I could feel my poor ovaries and I was very tired. The OHSS symptoms usually start a few days after the egg collection . I was bloated and had cramps similar to period pains. My abdomen was sore and looked bigger than usual. I had a mild version though as some women if it's worse get nausea shortness of breath and put on a lot of weight in fluid very quickly.
All I could do was keep drinking 2L of water per day . I think this did help because by yesterday the FS gave me an ultrasound and I didn't have any excess fluid around my ovaries.
Hi ladies,

Aleja - so glad the ohss was only a mild case & you have a blastocyst on board you are officially PUPO best of luck to you :)

Stinas - hope you had a great birthday too & your next urologist appt goes well...

Honeycheeks - thanks & hope the last few days wait fly by!!!

I managed to sneak out telling my dd's I needed a BT for cholesterol :-/ my tests came back good & had my trigger to boost ovulation Friday night, have another pregnyl shot on tues & my frostie will be transferred on Thursday :-D
hey ladies, just stopping by to say hi & wish everybody out there some good luck! it looks like everybody has been keeping super busy.

honeycheeks, how did your appointment go? did all of your questions get answered?

littleangel, how are you feeling? so exciting!

aleja, how are you feeling? what are you going to do to keep busy during the dreaded TWW?

we officially start the process of IVF on tuesday...bring on the shots! i have a good feeling about this...for all of us! lets just keep praying & hoping! sending good baby vibes out there to everyone!
Hi everyone

We had the scan and all is well with our little one! So relieved. Everything is where it should be and measuring exactly the right size for dates. Saw and heard the heartbeat!

Aleja - 4 frosties, that's wonderful!

Thinking of you all xxx
Hi all! In iPhone again do I'm afraid this is going o be short and sweet, else I might actually post the message Jen its not complete! Can't wait or my Internet to be working again!

Aleja I'm so inspired at how positive you are! I hope everything goes well for you over tr next few days/weeks

Littleangle my thoughts are with you! Stay positive I'm ire everything is fine!

From what the matron said, it meant that my tubes were slightly dilated, near the overies, but the dye did come out, just took longer than normal. She said the rest if the tube wasnt swollen / dilated just the ends. I asked if it would affect us and she said she didn't think so! Just so confused! :S

I'm going to ask what other treatments could be available, I the haldrosanpix could be treated and if not could it get worse / affect IVF, whatll happen if left untreated and finally which I suppose is more important short term hy I'm still in pain! I haven't heard of anyone having these side affects following a HSG, sorry if this is too much information but I've had in the past two weeks terrible cramps switching from side to side, back ache and weirdly watery discharge, followed by sticky discharge to dryness! Hope I get answers soon!

If IVF is our BEST option I'm going to grab it with. It's hands! The waiting list isn't long here (Liverpool) and I could start in summer when my husband will be off work - he's a teacher so it would e nice o have both of us involved! Just tying to stay positive now

X x
Hi Ladies, just 2 more days till my appointment and time flies. I am really nervous now.I am cd31 today. I dont know if it would be best for AF to stay away till my first appointment or whether it matters at all as I dont know what exactly to expect at my first appointment. It doesnt feel like AF is going to show up today.
Aleja - You are officially PUPO. And the 2ww isnt really 2 weeks long now.
Sheri - good luck for the FET and you are going to be PUPO too.
Tobefruitful - Wishing you all the babydust in the world to you. I hope you make a good start with the shots on Tuesday. I hope you get done with IVF as quickly as Aleja did.
likklegemz- It is good to hear that your tubes are just ever so slightly distended and will not affect your IVF. I hope the pain and all the weirdo symptoms post HSG go away quickly.
Stinas- I hope you had a fun birthday and wish you a very happy anniversary. Im sure you will start you IVF cycle soon too.
littleangel - I am so happy to hear that your little one is safe and warm and cozy in there. You can stop worrying now. Happy 9 months.

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