Just got referred for IVF

Thanks littleangel, i thought it is very harmful to get air bubbles in. The nurses always stress a lot about removing air bubbles. So i got freaked out when i saw a bubble in my pen.

Stinas - the stress factor for me was to get the ball rolling. Once the IVF things started it has been stressfree for me so far. I would say it is a ZERO for me at the moment. It was only the first appointment i was very nervous about. But when things got moving it is just an exciting journey. I guess stress comes in only when things are not going in the best direction. I hope everything goes as smoothly ever possible am I am hoping not to encounter any roadblocks that would make my stress levels higher. Now is the happy part of IVF for me the first week of stims, I am sure things are going to be more stressful after next bloodwork and u/s if we dont see what we are hoping to.

It would be very interesting to know what kind of stress everyone is going through.Pls share your thoughts.
yeah air bubbles arent really a big deal even when they go in the veins (arteries.. yeah not good but..) part of the reason to get rid of the bubble is cause where there is air, there isnt medicine. but a tiny bubble isnt taking up much space

had to run by work today to look for something (doing cross stitch and somehow i lost the fabric grrrr. ) didnt find it either. anyway just to pick on my doc i got my friend to do a quick scan and take a pic.. sent it to him this time (he said the other day to keep him up to date on my followup scans). he wrote back that he wanted follicle measurements next time.
Hi ladies
Out of 10 the stress factor was about 4 . I didn't find the stims so bad plus it all happened quickly for me. I think the waiting pre and post cycles so much more stressful

Drsquid, do you work at the same place as your clinic ?

Honeycheeks can you try to flick the pen before you stab it in? That should get the air bubble out
Oh the stress! LOL. Definitely the waiting between starting and stopping is the worst. But I also stress a ton about how much time I miss from work, what will happen if they decide to lay people off I'd most certainly be one of them because of all the appointments, I stress about co workers asking me what's going on, etc. The shots aren't stressfull anymore although the Menopur hurt bad last night. Currently I'm just super nervous about the ER since I've never been through it. I'm lucky that DH is very involved in helping me get my meds on time, paying for them, etc.

Drsquid, did you find your fabric?? Hope so! Only a couple of more days for you, how exciting!

Today is my pre op appointment, did anyone else have one? They said they will check my heart and lungs and give me a Rx for pain meds for after ER. I go back tomorrow morning for another E2 and u/s. So far nothing is growing but my E2 went up slightly but it's only 101 right now. I'm thinking my ER is going to be about a week after what they estimated.
Thanks everyone for the tips about the air bubble.
DrSquid- cross stitch might work well to take your mind off IVF things which can cause stress. I have been learning to sew and it pretty much leaves no space for other thoughts in my mind.

noasaint- You are lucky to have a loving and supportive husband. I agree, the waiting times are the most stressful. I have my bloodwork and u/s tomorrow. I also have my pre-op appointment tomorrow. I dont know what to expect at the appointment. I have now done 7 days of stimming. It will be interesting to see the u/s results tomorrow.
Aleja - did AF show?
Honey- except when you lost 10 hrs worth of work. Just can't figure out how/where I did that.

today for us. The little ones grew and the big ones aren't enormous so we are good. Waitin to hear about trigger dose and what time I go on Weds. Of course doc had to ruin it by saying .... We don't know what the quality will be. Grr good thing I like you stupid doc and know you talk without thinking but.. He needs to work on this negative thing. Also waiting to hear from my lawyer apparbetly we got assigned a court room now I just gotta find out when I need to show up. I'm in a bit of limbo right now. Have to update him that I won't be there weds and might be iffy Thursday.
Hi ladies!! Hope all is well with everyone!!
I just go home from my IVF class. Im a bit overwhelmed with all the information. Tiny bit nervous about all the shots, but confident I will be able to do them.
Here are my lists of meds.....
HCG 10,000 units
Medrol 16mg tablets
Progestrone in sesame Oil 50mg
Doxycycline 100mg tablets
Ganirelix Acetate 250mg
Follistim AQ pen 600IU
Menopur 75units

Seeing all of this on the table was a bit scary and like holy shit first sight feeling. lol Once she started showing us how to mix things and which one you take on whatever days, the anxiety level went down a lot. Just seeing it all in front of you scared all the ladies. Taking the progestrone is going to suck, but it is what it is.
DH and I go in tom to sign the consent forms and then we wait until July 9th for his biopsy, then once AF shows, I start my BCPs and then the fun stuff starts.
Im nervous but anxious to get this show on the road.
Good luck Stinas, I'm sure it will all be fine once you start.

Do you know what the doxycycline is for? I've not heard of that being used for fertility before.
The doxycycline is for right before and after ER to prevent any bacterial infections. DH should be taking it took right before ER. Good luck Stinas!!!!

I knew things were going too good to be true. I had a bad day yesterday but it was tolerable, today not so much. I just found out that none of my time off is approved under FMLA. Apparently infertility is not a covered medical reason for it and my claim should've been denied back in November. They are going to leave it in place through 7/31 but...............I am not allowed to take consecuitve days off. For ER I had planned on 5 straight days to recover and destress, give ET a chance. So now I'm screwed. My work will be able to use the time off against me, lovely. I really wanted to make this experience the least amount of stress as possible.

Other than that, E2 was 203 last check on Tuesday and I had one 10mm, one 9mm and a whole bunch of smaller ones. The last blood draw was torture, I actually iced my arm last night it bothered me so much and I've got a huge bruise. I go back tomorrow morning. Not seeing how ER is going to be Tuesday as planned, I'm thinking more like Friday.
noasaint- i felt fine after er.. super sleepy for a half hours. a bit dizzy for around an hour but then went and had lunch and shopping etc. now im a bit twingy in my left ovary but other than that.. im fine. im glad i didnt go to court today after but i totally could have. im alwo thinking that if i get out to day 5 for transfer im going to see if i can do it first thing in the am and then go to court after. sorry work is being so crappy though

had my egg retrieval today. went with a friend who is going to the same ivf doctor and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw us both (he knows we are friends but..) he saw her first and looked quite confused. all went smoothly. got 13 eggs, and 12 were mature so.. yay. already bummed about my 1 sad immature egg even though that is silly. tomorrow i find out how many fertilized (and i know i have to be ready to lose a bunch). of course doc for some reason decided to talk to me when i was still hammered. all i caught was 13 and had to call him later for more details. nurse said he looked really happy with the results (which is nice from dr doom and gloom)
noasaint- i felt fine after er.. super sleepy for a half hours. a bit dizzy for around an hour but then went and had lunch and shopping etc. now im a bit twingy in my left ovary but other than that.. im fine. im glad i didnt go to court today after but i totally could have. im alwo thinking that if i get out to day 5 for transfer im going to see if i can do it first thing in the am and then go to court after. sorry work is being so crappy though

had my egg retrieval today. went with a friend who is going to the same ivf doctor and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw us both (he knows we are friends but..) he saw her first and looked quite confused. all went smoothly. got 13 eggs, and 12 were mature so.. yay. already bummed about my 1 sad immature egg even though that is silly. tomorrow i find out how many fertilized (and i know i have to be ready to lose a bunch). of course doc for some reason decided to talk to me when i was still hammered. all i caught was 13 and had to call him later for more details. nurse said he looked really happy with the results (which is nice from dr doom and gloom)

Thank you for that, I needed it. DH and I agreed I'm still going to take the week off. My job is stressful and I really don't want to deal with more of this while under constant surveillance and stress.

I was thinking about you a lot today drsquid, I'm glad it went very well for you! 12 mature is great. Looking forward to hearing how many fertilize. Crossing my fingers and toes for you!!
littleangel - noasaint is on the dot.

noasaint - Thank you!! Im sorry work is not allowing the time off. I really dont understand how infertility is not covered.

drsquid - Glad the retrieval went well! Thats a very good amount of eggs!!

Signed the consent forms today. Some parts made me laugh...the whole divorce parts....what to do with any of the frozen things. DH and I giggled a bit, then the doc told us that there is actually a patient that is in the middle of a nasty divorce and is going after her frozen stuff just to piss her ex off lol So I guess it does actually happen.
So im set and ready to go. Just have to wait for DH biopsy then ill know exact dates. Tom I have to go see an endochronologist(sp?) because I have a high LHS(?) I think thats what it is. She just wants to lower it a bit, nothing major and nothing that will interfere with my IVF. I will probably start end of July. We were also told today we are going to do ICSI because of DH thats the only way to go. Which I kind of already knew from reading up with the azoo ladies. Oh...and of course all the "extras" that are not included in the "base" IVF price....we are doing ALL of them. DH and I were wondering when the hell are we ever going to catch a break?! lol Its just never ending.
Hey Honey Cheeks

How was your first cycle? My clinic is an affordable IVF clinic ($1350 first cycle, $400 every cycle thereafter) so they don't freeze (you can if you want but you pay more) and they don't chase so many eggs - they normally aim for about 5.

They started me on really low stims as I'm 28, good health and great AMH results - test results all great. DH also had great results. I'm impatient and at the right stage no to have children. Unfortunately they only got 2 follies on the low stims but retrieved one great egg at a day 2 transfer which fertilised perfectly and was a 4 cell at 48 hours.

Now I'm in the 2WW, and not really feeling pregnant except for some weird cramping over the past 2 days.

Gotta say though the process itself was totally not too bad at all. The stims I can't even feel, the egg retrieval was not that pleasant (but I did like the happy gas!) and the transfer was fine.

How has your experience been so far?

Stinas- I was nervous when i first found about the shots, but once you get started with the actual thingy, the shots wont be your biggest concern ever. But you do seem to have a lot of meds to do. And the progesterone shots are not fun I hear. I hope i dont have to do shots for progesterone. Everything is happening so soon for you now.
Is it FSH that is high. i hope it doesnt interfere with IVF and is taken care of by the endocrinologist. Consent forms can seem a little funny with all those clauses. A baby is the only thign on your mind and you have all those nasty other things in the forms.
Wishing you luck dear.

noasaint- insurance is really a pain and getting IVF without insurance is quite stressful. I wish it had been better for you. I get bruises after all my bloods. My veins are very sensitive and superficial. After blood withdrawal they hurt for upto a week at times. I am learning to ignore it now, but it can be very painful and itchy with swelling and redness. It surprises me that the gonalF shots dont hurt, it is only the bloods.! Good luck for ER.

drquid- 13 eggs are not bad. Excited to know how many are fertilized. How many are you planning to put back. Ah, finally your doc has a smile on his face. Good luck for ET.

Emilina- welcome to this thread. Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope it worked for you this time. Your clinic seems to be pretty reasonable.Where do you live? I am still stimming, have bloods and u/s every 2-3 days . My FS is monitoring me very closely and has been adjusting my dosage accordingly. I am happy with my FS and just hoping for the best

Me- Had my appointment again today. In my last appointment FS increased my doasage of gonalF to 112.5. Today my estradiol levels were above 170o. I have about 10 follicles on both side. They are all small , 9mm and 10mm. COntinuing stimming for another 3 days and going back to the clinic.
Hi ladies
Welcome emilina GL on 2ww.

Honey cheeks how long till your scan?

Noasaint I am glad you have decided to still have a week off work . I guess it's better playing safe than going back to work and then regretting it later . As for a later EPU, well I think with IvF we have to expect the unexpected ..nothing ever seems to go exactly to plan . At least you will have plenty of time to keep growing the follies.

Stinas yay!! It's going to finally happen . Icsi is more expensive but so worth it if you get lots of fertilised embryos.

DrSquid 12 eggs is awesome . I too felt bad for my 1 immature egg but hey it wasn't its time! If you got lots of healthy sperm you may fertilising a lot of them

Sheri how are u? Hi everyone else.

Me: no AF. Will start Provera this weekend. So disappointed
Sorry Aleja :( I know provera isn't fun. Makes me break out bad.

Things are looking good for the follies and DH 2nd SA came back good so that's a relief. Just waiting on the call to tell me what dose to take tonight. I'm wondering if I will have to add Ganirelix tonight. Anyone use this? Does it burn like Menopur?
Aleja- IVF meds seem to have messed up your cycles big time. Or do you think you might be preggo. I am just asking,I hope you dont mind. I hope that question did not put you off. I hope you can kick start a new cycle soon with the provera.

I had my scan on 12th, and again today. Next scan is on sunday. I have been spending most of this week at the clinic. There is a lot of waiting time there. I start from home very early in the morning and am back home only around noon.
Emilina84 - Hii..welcome!!! WOW thats an amazing price!! I hope this is your cycle!!

Honey - I made a mistake...its my TSH that is high. Too much lingo to learn way too fast lol I went today and they gave me some pills, which will not interfere with IVF, but not only will i be at the IVF center alllll the time, but I will have to go back to the endo. for blood work every so often as well. YAY lucky me!
I was under the impression that all IVF patients have to go undergo progesterone shots/treatment due to the fact that they mess with your body, which makes you not produce it naturally, like in natural cycles. Thats what the nurse said during the orientation.
How are you feeling? All the shots going well? I hope your follicles grow now that you are getting a stronger dosage!

aleja - im sorry AF is a no show. Will you start IVF right away once she arrives?

noasaint - I wish I could help with the Ganirelix, but looks like you will have your question answered before I can help. I saw what it looks like, but thats about it for now. Let me know if it stings...thats one of the meds on my list.

As for me....I went to the endocrinologist today....sat in the waiting room for 2.5 hours!!! I was ready to rip my hair out!! An hour into it I was annoyed so I asked the receptionist since im still waiting, do I need to fill anything out....shes like "who are you?...did you sign in?".....my jaw dropped! I was like YES, AN HOUR AGO!....she had crossed out my name with out even looking up or saying anything. I was fuming! I hope my next apt wont be like that. My IVF doc warned me since they are the "best" and the closest, they are beyond backed up....prepare to wait. Anyways...they put me on meds to lower my TSH and will have to monitor me especially if I get preg. The endo and my IVF doc want it at a 2.5 and its now at a 3.7....slightly higher than normal. Good things about the pills are that it wont delay IVF and speeds up metabolism...could shed a few pounds! Hopefully....but with my luck, I wont lol
Honeycheeks......that's a lot of time at the clinic! What takes so long? Do you wait most of the time in the lobby or are you waiting in the room for someone to come in? At mine I usually wait 15 to 20 minuts in the waiting room but after that it's fast. I leave at 7 AM and make it to work by 8:30.

Stinas...............we are TSH sisters :) LOL. I've had TSH issues since I was 18. When I saw the RE she said it also needed to be at 2.5 or below and recommended a specific medicine. I went to my primary care and got a new Rx and thankfully it's now within range. I was tired when I first changed meds but now I'm good and in fact I think I'm sleeping better since the new meds. Now why in the heck is there a 2 hour wait?!?!?!? being the best isn't an excuse. You don't need to see an endocrinologist for TSH, a primary or GYN can prescribe just the same so I'm curious as to why your FS sent you to one. If I get a BFP my RE will prescribe and then send me to the OB who takes over, probably won't see my primary care again for a while.

Crossing fingers and toes Emilina84.!!!

Got the call this afternoon. E2 is now 323. I've got 4 slightly mature ones and get this ...... over 20 in the wings (last cycle there was over 40). So they want some of the smaller ones to catch up quickly. My Gonal F is doubled for the next two nights but staying on 1 Menopur. I start Ganirelix tomorrow night which is good cause DH will be home to do it tomorrow. Back to the office on Saturday. A good friend that just had breast cancer surgery called me today and she didn't know we are TTC so I told her and she was so happy, it made my day. Her and her DH had trouble conceiving #2 so I know she's saying it with experience behind her. She even told me she tried injections and told her RE hell no, she couldn't take the pain. LOL
noasaint - We are connected in many ways lol I have no clue as to why she sent me there. The doc gave me tons of info though, pretty comforting after being annoyed for so long in that waiting room. They prescribed me 50mcg of Synthroid. It did help you sleep better? I have always had sleeping issues..even as a child. Ill be up alllll night and rather sleep from 4am-about 1pm. As I get older its more of a problem. Normal people do things during the day and im out like a light.

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