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Just got referred for IVF

i dunno. i didnt have those symptoms. but... when you think about it... you usually count your tww from the day of ovulation which corresponds to the day of retrieval. i got a faint positive 6dp5dt or 11 dpo and a much darker one on 8dp5dt (13dpo) 15dp5dt is super long = 20dpo but.. then you know for sure. since you didnt use hcg then there is no risk of false pos.
Thanks drsquid - I guess they gave me this date as my doc is on vacation.
Stinas - good luck for the transfer.
Aleja - im really hoping that both the embies take.
Hi gals
Honey and stinas... Any good news to share?
Thinking of you both ��
Nothing from me , i havent tested yet and am not even thinking about it. I havent been feeling so well ever since the transfer. I have nausea on and off and it has been particularly bad today. Not to mention my total aversion to food. I have been struggling to keep food down.
Aleja - is there anything from you?

How is evryone else doing?
Littleangel - how are you. I imagine you are very close to your due date.
Honey - That sounds like a great sign!!!!

I am doing good. Didnt test yet....but I dont know if I am. No symptoms really....just last few nights I have been waking up drenched in sweat. Weird.
Good luck to you both!!!

I'm so nervous I can't stand it. Tomorrow is the anatomy scan. I've had dreams all last week that we weren't able to find out the gender again. I want a boy so bad.....send blue vibes if you can ladies. Thank you!!!
noa- good luck!!

stinas- i always have night sweats but i had them before i was pregnant too. it sucks cause my sheets always stink
stinas - i dont know if my symptoms mean anything.....i think it is just too early to hang on to symptoms. When do you plan to test. I did not buy any HPTs yet...

drsquid - i have been having night sweats the last 3 days and also some BFP dreams. Thats probably because its on my mind all the time.

noasaint - Hope that you are in th blu team. Excited about the scan.
Looking forward to hearing about those tests!

We're having a girl. I had a feeling the last couple of weeks it was a girl. I'm trying to feel excited but I'm just disappointed and upset. Hopefully it will take just a little time.
noasaint- im sorry you arent having what you hoped for.. but i think a girl is the best of both worlds. you have way more clothes options. they can do EVERYTHING without someone thinking it is too girly., people dont have a problem with a girl playing sports or with trucks. heh mind you i only ever wanted a girl
Honey and Stinas - fx so hard for you. The 2ww is so intense xxx

I'm good thanks, honey, baby is head down, but not quite engaged yet and no real labour signs. I'm happy for him to stay put for a couple of weeks.

Noasaint - I felt the same way. I always wanted a girl and this may be my only child. I had a strong feeling from the word go that this baby was a boy, so I wanted to find out the gender so I wasn't disappointed at the birth. I knew that in time I would get used to the idea. When I found out he was a boy, I was kind of disappointed, but I couldn't feel that way for long, not carrying a healthy baby after we had waited so long. Several months later, I can truthfully tell you I would not have it any other way. It must be hormones, or the body's way of dealing with these kind of things, but every boy baby I meet just seems the cutest, most adorable thing ever, whereas in the past I would have been all about the girl babies. My 1 year old nephew has become a delight during my pregnancy and I'm longing for one just like him.

Drsquid is right though - the clothes for girls are so much better! Jealous of those...
noasaint - sorry its not a boy, but just as long as shes healthy, who cares! Plus girl clothes are prettier!

Dr - I usually only sweat when im sick......this has become a nightly thing the last few days.

Honey - I dont think I am going to test....I have no hpt's either....and by the looks of it, probably wont be buying any before friday. I have no power due to the storm, so thats the last thing I am thinking of. When is your blood test?
noasaint - sorry that the gender scan was disappointing. But a healthy baby is the best of both worlds. Im sure you cant wait for your little girl when you are close to birth. For me I dont know if i want a boy or girl, I havent been keen on any particular gender, but I know girls are always the cutest and you can dress them up so pretty.

I hope everyone is safe from the storm.

My OTD is 4th of Nov, which i know is super long. It is the holiday season where I live, which is why I was given a late test date. I am today 11dp5dt. I dont even have the nerve to test. last evening me and DH discussed if we should test before the beta. He asked me what did i think the chances were. i really cant tell if I feel positive. I have had a very hard abdomen and a ton of bloating yesterday that came from nowhere. Other than that my breasts are not really sore which makes me think it did not work.At the end of the day I tend to think that the symptoms are all in my head. If i dont test before my beta, it would be an excruciating 2 hour wait to find out the blood result. And I am not sure how I would react to a nurse casually resporting that it is a negative. Im not sure if I am prepared for that. All these days in the 2ww have been OK. But the OTD makes me nervous. I wish I could just be blissfully PUPO.

Stinas - good luck for your beta / HPT if you decide to do one.

littleangel - It feels great to have an update from you. Praying that your baby stays put and arrives just on time.
Honey - I dont think anyone is calm or enjoys being PUPO...its so frustrating.
Stinas - i know I sound so absurd. But for me this tww was much calmer than any other. I am surprised that I feel so calm, but luckily thats the way it was for me. Usually after 8dpo, I tend to get so worried and anxious and have crying spells and I'm a mess. This one has been better so far.
Yes, I do think I should test before my beta appointment. I dont want to be a wreck at the hospital if the results come out negative. Part of me is just trying to believe i AM pregnant and doesnt want a test to ruin that . I know that is stupid and I better be ready for the truth. I am just being a coward. Now i sound like im in the crazy tww :haha:

Stinas - Do you have any symptoms?
Arghh!! Blood tinged CM. AF is at the door. Im glad I dint test.
Girls the suspense is killing me.... Poas or no POas ��I would be going crazy by now. Honey I don't think spotting means you are out at all so hang in there.

Noasaint I've always wanted a boy too ..but after this whole TTC ordeal I will feel so lucky and grateful for a healthy baby of any gender. I am sure as the weeks continue you will become excited about having a little cutie girl

Wow little angel you are almost at the finish line!!! GL

Well me: I had an Endo biopsy 2 weeks ago and AF due tomorrow then I can start my last FET cycle . I have already made an advance appointment with a Reproductive Immunologist in case I get another BFN.. To have immune testing etc
Honey - the 2ww was easily for me the worst part of the whole process and the pregnancy. I had so many symptoms, but didn't know whether they were the progesterone or pregnancy. I was a hormonal emotional wreck. Like you, I didn't want to test because I didn't want to see a negative. I didn't have a beta, was just given a day to do a hpt and I actually waited until that day even though I probably would have got a positive earlier. The only true hint I got that I really might be pregnant was at 16 dpo when I started needing to pee more often. The following day was our test day.

Blood tinged CM definitely doesn't mean you're out. Could just as easily be implantation spotting.

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