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Just got referred for IVF

hi honeycheeks, I am technologically inept so i will try to figure out the siggy thing.

Meds I am taking:

CD 2 injection - Elonva. (The nurses are doing it for me tomorrow). It is a FSH med to help grow my follies. Apparently 1 injection of elonva is equivalent to 7 daily FSH injections.

CD5-CD?? - Orgulatran (self injected Antagonist). To help stop the follies from ovulating.

CD 14 ?? - Ovidral (self injected trigger shot taken 36 hrs before EPU). To release the follies.

2WW those damn progesterone pessaries 2x daily.

In between all the injections of course i have to get the monitoring done.
I am not sure of dosage but I will find out tomorrow as i will be taking home all the supplies for the month:wacko:

I still can't believe i am doing all this to get preggers:dohh:
Thanks Aleja. But thats a lot for me to have in memory all the time.
To edit your signature, scroll to the top of the page and you can see a tiny triangle for Quick links. It opens down a menu where you can see Édit Signature' under the 'user control panel' section. i hope you can get all that stuff in your signature.
Also update us daily on how you feel with the medications, any side effects or all that nasty stuff.
I know it is unfortunate that we have to go through so much just to get pregnant. But I dont think too much about all that now. I feel we really should just be happy that we DO have this option or we would all be just childless. I hope after all that we go through we can have a healthy pregnancy without any complications and a natural labor and delivery. I hope that is not too much to wish for.
Wish you lots of luck Aleja. We need all the luck in the world to make some babies.

Meanwhile googling some info about your medications.
Hi Ladies,

Honeycheeks your appt is just around the corner, hope the time flys by!:flower:

Tobefruitful, welcome and goodluck on your ivf journey:flower:

Aleja, Yay for af & goodluck with your icsi cycle:flower:

Ladyf, hope you find a fs you feel is right for you:flower:

Rosmira, congratulations H & H 9 months for you:flower:

Ive just started spotting so AF will be here tomorrow right on time, so we will be starting our natural FET cycle :happydance: FX for us all our BFP's are hopefully just around the corner...
Hi ladies! Just found out today my insurance has approved moving on to IVF. I'm sooooo nervous. Done a ton of research but still..................
There's so much testing to do before we actually get put on the cycle, I dread it all. We are lucky DH is just fine with great count and such. I just hope the eggs I do produce are good ones.

Fill me in on the genetic testing..I'm wondering if we should do this or not.
hey ladies, so today went well. dr. did a mock transfer and everything is crystal clear no fibroids & cysts. rn gave me a couple more b/c pills. ivf officially starts april 24!! do i have any cycle buddies out there? we talked about the meds. & when to take them & such. honestly, i am not looking forward to the progesterone shots (yikes!) but the rest doesn't seem too bad. rn also said that if everything looks right they might put 2 embryos maybe if we insist 3. we are hoping for 3. she also said that our clinic does not do selective termination but that they wouldn't insert 3 unless we'd consider it...ugh?? they said they would refer us to a place that would. DH & i are not fans on selective termination...we worked so hard to get them in there in the first place...but if we have to tell a white lie for them to insert 3...we just might. strange huh? how is everybody else doing? anything new?
Hi ladies!!
Just found out today that pretty much our only route is IVF. DH SA results came back that he has no sperm. We dont know why, I am really hoping it is just a blockage, but preparing for the worst.
Im scared of what lies ahead. DH already made an apt with a specialist to see whats the situation...thats in 2 weeks...so hopefully we get some real answers then and see what happens from there. We have been TTC for over a year, always thought it was me due to my irregular periods, but I am just hoping this process wont be as long.
I am still trying to wrap my head around everything....i really dont even know what the IVF process is like....just kind of still freaking out a bit.
(I will be 28 this month and DH is 33)
Hi ladies!!
Just found out today that pretty much our only route is IVF. DH SA results came back that he has no sperm. We dont know why, I am really hoping it is just a blockage, but preparing for the worst.
Im scared of what lies ahead. DH already made an apt with a specialist to see whats the situation...thats in 2 weeks...so hopefully we get some real answers then and see what happens from there. We have been TTC for over a year, always thought it was me due to my irregular periods, but I am just hoping this process wont be as long.
I am still trying to wrap my head around everything....i really dont even know what the IVF process is like....just kind of still freaking out a bit.
(I will be 28 this month and DH is 33)

hi stinas, welcome to the group! sorry about your news, sending good thoughts your way and praying for the best. i am pretty new to IVF too. we are learning together. thanks for joining!
welcome stinas and noasaint!

stinas i recognise your name from the ttc threads!:flower:
it is very hard to receive the news that ivf is the only option. there is so many unknowns that it does feel overwhelming to think this is how it has to be. hope your Dh's appt goes well and that they may be able to get to the bottom of what is going on. there are some amazing procedures that can be done to look for sperm so hopefully the FS will tell him all about this.

noasaint, yes the testing is a pain because it slows everything down and you are left wondering what the results are and how it will change things, etc. It is great to hear your DH has no probs as one less thing to worry about. and the insurance coverage is fantastic because i tell you the costs are adding up!!!! :dohh:
I don't know much about the genetic testing. My Dh had to have a karyotype (to check for abnormal chromosomes) and Cystic Fibrosis carrier test. He was really nervous but results came back normal.

Tobefruitful, wow I can't believe they will consider putting back three embies!!! my FS made us sign that he will only transfer 1. I was a bit disappointed but he kinda scared us by giving us some real life case examples of what can go wrong. However every situation is different and many ladies have delivered two healthy babies.

Me: i had my first every injection is morning....so it is all on!!
Welcome Stinas and noasaint.

Tobefruitful , its great to hear that your cycle starts on the april 24th. Good luck to you. I know progesterone shots suck, but if you prefer suppositories you could ask them about it. Good luck about the 3 embies thing.

Stinas - I very much recognise you from the HSG thread on TTC forums. I have seen you very active on the TTC forums. You have been very supportive and re-assuring when I had to do my HSG too :hugs: . It isn't a happy feeling to see any familiar faces from TTC come over to the IVF forums, but we do love to support you nonetheless. I am sorry to hear about your DH's SA. I really hope it is just a blockage and things go well soon. I hope you get your much deserved BFP very soon.

noasaint - Welcome to the thread. Well about the genetic testing , I dont know much at the moment, But i am trying to find out more about it and we want to consider doing it.

Sheri - I hope your BFP is just round the corner. What exactly is a FET cycle like. It would be great if you could give the details as you get along
Aleja - how did the first day of do-it-yourself shots go?

Happy weekend ladies.
Stinas- I read your other thread about your worries about IVF. Let me try to simplify things for you. IVF is not a super long process if you can get an appointment with a clinic soon. Once you start, there would be a lot of testing, I am sure you might have done most of them already, as you have been getting testing and TTC for quite a while. Once the IVF cycle starts, it is just as long as a normal cycle.
These are the different steps in IVF.

1. Downregulation or suppression (most clinics skip this step nowadays)
2. Baseline scan on cd 2 or 3
3. FSH shots to stimulate growth of follicles.
4. HcG shot some hours before egg retrieval
5. Egg retrieval procedure and sperm needed.
6.Fertilization happens after you go home. You wil be informed of the fertilization report later.
7. on day 3 or day5 after egg retrieval you have embryo transfer.
8. You would have progesterone shots or suppositories in the tww.
9. Then yay!! BFP.
Thanks honey!!!
I guess we just need to get DH sperm issue sorted out first....thats probably whats going to take longer. He has an apt with a urologist on tuesday. I hope its just a blockage and can be fixed...praying for this actually.

I have had most bloodwork done, hsg done...everything seems to be ok on my end...I just tend to O later than normal, but im sure all those shots and hormones should take care of that.

Its all just scary.
Hi ladies yay it's the weekend!
Honeycheeks my first injection (yesterday) was done by the nurse at the clinic . I start the self injections on Tuesday and first monitoring is on Thursday.
So far I don't feel anything but I have noticed a have a slight headache . I am drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. The nurse thinks I may not feel bloated until about day 9 or so

Stinas I agree with Honeycheeks that the actual IvF (antagonist) cycle is about 4 weeks. I didn't have to go through the down regulation phase. But you are right that it is the investigations with your DH may take a while to get through especially if the urologist wants to do some exploratory surgery . I have long annoying cycles too but it won't matter as the meds take care of that issue.

It is very scary but believe me just having chats with you ladies makes all the difference . None of my "real life" friends know what is going on let alone that I am currently on A cycle. It is nice to have a place to be free to share the scary and sad feelings and not feel judged xx
Thank you aleja!!!
It is wonderful to come here. No one knows or even has a clue to what we are going through.
I hope everything works out for you this cycle!!!
Stinas - You are totally being reasonable to worry about the spermies. I hope they find out that in the ultrasound that it is just a blockage. And there are a lot of treatment options available that I have read of. So I guess it shouldnt take too long. My prayers are with you. I hope everything is sorted out as soon as possible and you can begin your IVF cycle soon.

Long cycles and all that stuff doesnt matter at all, the drugs control everything.
Aleja- good luck.
Ladyf - how are you?
Thank you!!! I really am hoping for a blockage. The whole sperm thing is just what's really freaking me out. I am at the point where being poked and prodded does not bother me anymore. I just want this no sperm nightmare to be over with. Tuesday is going to be a big day.
Thank you!!! I really am hoping for a blockage. The whole sperm thing is just what's really freaking me out. I am at the point where being poked and prodded does not bother me anymore. I just want this no sperm nightmare to be over with. Tuesday is going to be a big day.

Stinas- Tuesday might seem ages away, but it will come. Fingers crossed till then. Keep us updated. I know that no matter what I say, it can do nothing to make you feel better at the moment. There is nothing to do than wait with bated breath.
Good luck for tuesday.
Thank you very much!! Kind words, thoughts and prayers always help! I can say it a thousand times, but its such a relief to come on bnb and rant with ladies that know EXACTLY what you are going through. I have an amazing family, but until you go through it yourself, you really have no clue, no matter how much you love that person, they just dont know and cant really help. I told my mom and my cousin yesterday. They wont tell anyone, but it did feel better to tell my cousin. We are like sisters, so she knows when something is wrong. Felt better.
I found money in a parking lot today....totally random, but hoping its a sign of some good luck coming my way. Stuff like that NEVER happens to me...im hoping for a miracle ladies! lol
Your IVF apt is on my 2yr wedding anniversary! It was an amazing day for me and I hope you get wonderful news/results that day!

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