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Just got referred for IVF

Hi ladies Happy Easter:bunny:

Stinas looking forward to hearing about your appt on Tuesday . I believe in those little random signs too. GL hun
I hope it was a sign !!!

Happy Easter everyone!!
Stinas- I told my mom too, 2 weeks ago. My DH really wanted me to tell my mom. He knows how close we are and he felt it right that we share atleast part of our story with her. I actually felt better having told her. I am glad you told your mom and cousin too. They really dont know that we are doing IVF. We only told them that both my tubes are blocked, so she just thinks I might undergo laproscopy.
I am excited to hear that my appointment is your anniversary day.We are both looking forward to the same day.I really hope it is a good one for me. I am sure it is a sign of luck that you found money. I love those little signs. I NEVER in my whole life found money.

Aleja- Praying harder and harder for you everyday for your first IVF BFP.

Happy Easter ladies!!
Honey - It does help telling them...I just told them its not something I want to constantly talk about...ill give them updates when I want...I just dont want them asking constantly or always feeling bad for me. I want to be normal. I think not telling them everything is better. Less stress for you. Its a big relief that they know...lots of weight off our shoulders.

I hope that day is as wonderful as it was/is for me...for you as well!!! Im routing for you! I remember when you first said you were told you had to do IVF from the other thread. I truly believe we were given these obstacles in life for a reason...these are the things that make us stronger....as messed up as they are its the truth...sucks for us, but we have to take it and run with it I guess.
I only found money one other time...it was outside a nightclub in the city...a friend and I were leaving...we were out on the curb waiting for valet and my friend freaked out told me to look down....I was stepping on a $100 bill! I felt guilty taking it again, but im sure some drunk dropped it, so I slid it and took it....we split it in the car and laughed all the way home lol I dont even think she looked to see if another car was coming when we pulled out...she sped off lol Besides that...this is the first time that it happened like this. If she didnt tell me to look down(she sees and hears EVERYTHING)..i would have left the $100 there. Today I dont even know why I looked down...it was weird....and the fact that it was windy...and it didnt move...really weird.
Stinas - It did feel like a lot of weight off my shoulders after I told them that some things were wrong and are being sorted out. Just to tell them that we are doing IVF would add to the pressure and also their expectation, so i dint tell that.

For me, I never had any difficulties in life ever before. My childhood was wonderful, I always had everything I wanted, my education was as good as I ever wanted it to be. I got my dream job and I found the best man who ever lived on earth and he made my life complete. But surely life couldnt be as good as that forever. Something had to happen, otherwise it is just not LIFE. I hope we come out of this stronger and holding 2 wee little ones in our arms. Ya, I want TWO. I am being selfish now (wicked laugh).I want teeny twins. And I am thinking they are going to be boys, though I prefer girls as I can dress them up . I almost named one of them too...lol. I am on the lookout for a matching name for the other to be twin, which I cant seem to find.

Do I look like I just took off in a time machine?

Oh Yes, I would surely feel guilty to pick up anything that wasnt mine, though sometimes I want to steal a cute baby in the mall(sshhhhhh!! dont tell anyone).
I hope you are right Stinas, about the being given these obstacles for a reason. The past two years have been such HELL for me and DH. Not TTC related but it's been one thing after another and I've had more than my fair share of nervous breakdowns. It's like one day I realized OMG I'm 38 years old, we have no more time to waste to have a baby. We kicked it into high gerar quit quickly and I feel like I've been on the go now for months.

On the topic of telling people about IVF I'll share my little story. Two years ago something really horrific happened in my life and I told what I thought were my closest friends. Since then two of those friends have completely disappeared from my life, one by my choice. But they know what happened and that really bothers me. Neither was there for me during this time so I know it's for the best. When we first saw the RE I told several people, not sure exactly why. I guess maybe because I was super stressed and needed support. My mom is completely unsupportive and our relationship is very strained. I found that people kept asking how things were going and about why I wasn't pregnant yet, etc. I felt disappointed, let down, didn't want to talk about it.

So, now that we're moving on to IVF we're not telling people. I just told everyone things were on hold for a while. My mom knows as she may need to assist with appointments at times and my best friend knows. DH told one good friend. Everyone else thinks it's on hold. My in laws don't even know we are TTC at all (believe me it's for the best). If we do get pregnant we will wait the traditional 3 months to tell everyone. I just don't want people asking me about IVF, having to explain what it is, hearing reactions if someone is against it, dealing with the constant "what stage are you at" or "are you pregnant yet". I'll be taking two weeks off work for the ER and ET and will just say I'm having minor surgery. No one needs to know, this is hard enough as it is.
Honey - Your right....when everything goes great, something has to happen! It sucks, but it really is life! I feel like everyone around me has had it easier....granted, the grass always seems greener, but its the truth. Yes, materialistic things, I have it all...the house, the car, the "life", but I dont see it that way, I know I am very lucky dh can provide all these wonderful things and I am very grateful for all of it. I just feel like, we work hard to have all the wonderful things and sacrifice many things to live the way we do, what did we do to deserve this? It just sucks!
Twins!!!! ME TOO!!!!! lol OMG I have it all sorted out in my head lol I hope our dream does come true! ...and dont worry...i wont tell...because I want to take the babies too! hahaha omg...when I see a teenie bopper with a baby that usually looks like its freezing, dirty and hungry...i want to take it sooo bad! I feel like its just calling "save me save me!" lol

noasaint - Im sooo sorry the past 2yrs have not been good for you and DH! I can only imagine...we are freaking out over this horrible SA, so i know how hard things can be. Life sucks sometimes.
Those so called "friends"....its better they hit the road, because you dont need people like that in your life. When a true friend is going through a horrible thing, regardless of if you agree with the situation or not, you are a friend and need to be able to be their rock when needed....vent to them later about how you feel about the situation, but you are a friend first. I cant believe people can just hit the road...friendship is a big thing, its better they leave rather than talk crap and not be real. I hate fake people!!! Im sorry your mom is not supportive...maybe its her way of coping? Some moms are just not mommy like? I guess? Im sorry I dont know when it comes to that. I can imagine thats hard, but as long as DH is there supporting you fully as well as you supporting him, thats all that matters. Its nice to vent it out to a real person, but unfortunately, we cant do that because no one understands. Its sad that friends and family dont get it, but until you go through it, they have no clue!
I agree on the whole 3month thing....natural or ivf that was always my plan. A girl I knew got preg and her dh told everyone right before they hit the 3 month mark, a week after the news broke, she miscarried. We dont talk much, but my heart sank for her. I can only imagine what it feels like everyone asking you "how are you". It crushes me when people ask about ttc, I can only imagine that. I would freak out.

Im sure everything will work out for us. We just need to find the strength. It was given to us for a reason I keep telling myself. Only the weak get it easy because they cant handle it. It sucks, but we will be the best mothers there are! Super moms that can conquer anything!
Lets show this world what we got!!! lol Im such a nerd!
noasaint - I am sorry you had to go through a lot of trouble in the last 2 years and crappy fake people. I am glad they are out of your life. You are such a wonderful person , you dnt need fake people around you. DH being your biggest support is the best thing to have. As for your mom, im sorry she isnt able to express her support for you, but I am sure she has nothign against you. You are as much precious to her as your own little one will be for you.

Stinas - the whole thing sucks abotu TTC and IVF. We really havent done any sin to go through this. I have never even dreamed of harming anyone. But everyone does go through difficulties in some form or the other. It is just that this was what was chosen for us. Atleast I would like to think of it that way. And this phase is soon going to pass. We are so close to our IVF cycle and our BFPs. fingers crossed for your appointment. We are almost here.
hi ladies, I had just finished writing a nice long post and my internet connection dropped out:dohh:

noasaint, thank you for sharing some of your story and sorry to hear that the last couple of years have been so stressful for you. Sometimes our so called friends can't cope (for whatever reason) with difficult stuff and its easier for them to run away. Sorry you have had to lose friends this ways and I hope you have much more supportive people in your life now.

I am also following the 'tell no-one' policy. My mother knows (and my naturopath who is my friend) about the cycle and I plan to keep it that way. I have great friends but there is one in particular who cannot keep a secret and I am sure if she knew we were doing IVF it would spread like wildfire.
I also cannot bare the thought of people asking me questions about my cycle etc. It is no one's business and it is already stressful enough without worrying what other people think or say.

Honey and Stinas, like you ladies, I have had a really good run in terms of my life. we live a comfortable normal happy life and then we come across this huge block in the road. Sometimes life is not fair. i am not sure about this burden happening for a reason. We are good people and it is not fair that we have to stress and pay $$$$ for something that other people get to do for free. I work with kids whose families are very disadvantaged - on drugs, alcoholics, etc and these parents seem to be able to fall pregnant pretty easily!!! Anyways that is my rant for the day.

I am having a bit of a downer today. It started when my good friend (who is a new mother) sent me a text telling me that her friend (and my acquaintence) had her 2nd baby. I don't get why she would have to tell me this:shrug: She knows I am TTC so hearing about other people's new babies doesn't exactly thrill me anymore!

honeycheeks and other ladies

I hope you don't mind me coming onto your thread. I just wanted to wish you all luck and success with your IVF.

Also, I had a really positive overall experience with my IVF and if anyone would like to ask questions I would be happy to tell you what I know.
Littleangel - congrats!!

Honey - I'm sure we will get our BFP soon and look back at all of this laughing.

Aleja - I can only imagine how hard your job must be. I would want to take them all home with me!!! Those people never ever have a problem ttc....ever!! Sad but true. I don't think your friend realizes it could bother you. My friend knows we have been ttc for a long time, but no details, and she continues to tell me how fertile she is(she had her baby in aug, on shot type of BFP)...how she's super careful because they are not ready for #2. It feels like a smack in the face, but they just don't understand nor think about it as much as we do. Try to learn how to ignore it. Its hard but it helps sometimes.
littleangel - that is so sweet of you to come over on this thread to share your success and offer your advise. It definitely gives us more hope and confidence. Wish you a wonderful pregnancy.

Stinas, aleja - Some of friends who do know that we are TTC may really have no idea how it feel when they talk to us about their own or others babies. When they have never been through it all, it may not even occur to them, how much this hurts. Some of them never even might have figured out when they ovulate and would have no idea about the finer details of the menstrual cycle. Thats how lucky they were. But sure, there is the occasional person who tries to keep asking you questions about TTC in all the inappropriateness. But we need to try and pardon the inccocent ones who dont know what we are going through and ignore the deliberate ones.

Aleja - you are just days away from getting your BFP. You can soon have bump conversations with ppl and be the proud mama to be. We are all getting there soon.

How are the other ladies doing - sheri, ladyf, tobe fruitful, noasaint?
Rosmuira, I am sure you are enjoying your BFP status to bits.
honeycheeks and other ladies

I hope you don't mind me coming onto your thread. I just wanted to wish you all luck and success with your IVF.

Also, I had a really positive overall experience with my IVF and if anyone would like to ask questions I would be happy to tell you what I know.

hi & welcome to our group. i am so happy that you decided to offer up your services :thumbup: i think i am speaking for the whole group when i say how nice it is to see some success w/ IVF. i saw that you did a couple unsuccessful IUI's. me 2... what was the deciding factor that made you not try #3 and head straight into IVF? i have had every test known to man thus far and things are in tip top shape with me. DH is fine other than some morphology & minor mobility issues. we tried 3xs with IUI....obviously unsuccessful we are starting IVF april 24th and we are really excited/nervous. i am really trying to stay positive and not let my mind think about the "what ifs" DH & i are open to adoption but we wanted to see if IVF would work for us first. plus we all know how much IVF is these days and have fears about not having enough $$ to adopt. ughhh such is life. any advice you'd like to offer would be great? any nasty side affects? i hope not. i am not nervous about any of the saline shots but i get chills when i think of the progesterone shots...yikes! once again, thanks for joining and many congrats on your BFP!!
honeycheeks and other ladies

I hope you don't mind me coming onto your thread. I just wanted to wish you all luck and success with your IVF.

Also, I had a really positive overall experience with my IVF and if anyone would like to ask questions I would be happy to tell you what I know.

Welcome!!! Please do share, would love to hear it :flower:
Ladies, how is everyone doing? I am just 2 weeks away from my IVF appointment. That really is so close. I am nervous.

Stinas - How did your appointment go?
For some reason I thought I wrote it here yesterday.
It was ok. Doc took blood and said it could be caused by a few extra veins in one testicle, that could be blocking it. Won't know if it's hormonal until bloods come back. He gave dh a cup for another sa, he came home did his thing, went to drop it off and that office said they don't do those kinds of tests?!!! So he called the urologist office and it was of course closed. He is calling again today. He has a new cup ready to go. We are on a mission to getting this nightmare sorted out. I hope it's not a super long process. The ladies in the azoospermia thread said its mostly waiting for results that takes long. I guess we will have to see.
I'm soo excited for your ivf apt!!! I'll be counting the days with you!!!
Stinas - I hope the mystery is solved soon. Till you know the real truth it is hard to relax. I hope things turn out not as bad. I am thinking of you.
hey ladies, just ordered the meds. it is so surreal that things are going to start in just 14 days! i am also very excited and anxious. i feel pretty lucky that we are able to do this. we went for a visit home for easter and was disheartened when my mom-in law told me that 75% chance of it happening is sort of like a "C". on her defense she is a math teacher. i am still trying to shoot for the stars!

stinas-good luck with the test results...i know it can be frustrating.

honeycheeks-how excited are you? have you & your dh made a list of questions to ask?
Honey - Thank you! I really hope so. Kind of been dreaming its just all a fluke! Its nice to dream sometimes! lol

tobefruitful - Thank you! How exciting it is to start all your meds....as weird as that sounds....its probably an overwhelming feeling to get the ball rolling! yay!
Tobefruitful - It is a strange feeling. We are both very excited, nervous and thrilled. I did make a list of questions to ask. Though I cant find it now. I'll have to re-do that . Any inputs from you ladies is appreciated. On what cycle day do the meds start? Good luck to you. Ignore ppl who cant be supportive. Unless someone has ever had to go through this Im sure it is impossible for them to understand atleast half of what we go through.

Im just glad we are all so close to actually doing an IVF cycle and all worries would soon be a distant past.

Aleja- how are things going? Do you know how you are responding to the meds? Have you had any tests yet?

Ladyf, noasaint, littleangel - how have you been?
Sheri - good luck for the FET.

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