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Just got referred for IVF

Oh no, I am so sorry Honey :( I don't know what else to say, it's so cruel :hugs: :hugs:
I don't know what I feel right now...I feel so numb. poor DH. he is doing a good job hiding his tears. he was so thrilled and excited about the BFP. god bless him
Honeycheeks so sorry :( ive been thinking about you lots and keep checking back to see how you are. Im gutted for you i dont see how you could of got a false positive! Was it a chemical pregnancy? X
oh honey,what happened????? I can't believe it, what a sad day for you....gosh life is so unfair sometimes:shrug:

Honey - I am soo sorry!!! How cruel of that damn test!

AS for me....same as Honey....BFN.
I am planning on IVF#2 sometime next year. I am going to have DH go on clomid and do another TESE. I dont really want to use anymore of the frozen sperm we have left if its going to result in BFN again.
stinas sorry about your BFN.life is so cruel sometimes.

afm my first test was still showing positive lines quite clearly until last night. only this morning it started to fade away. maybe I can now make my mind to throw it away. it doesn't look like false positive lines as they really had color and the result pretty much came up immediately. so it must be a chemical. we would preferably have another Fet immediately but my doctor asks to give it 2 months. I don't know if that is standard protocol everywhere. should I press my clinic to do an fet sooner. atleast we hoped to have a BFP by this year end and be worry free in the new year. looks like that can't happen
Sorry to hear your news Stinas :hugs::hugs:

I so wish it was better news for both you and Honey xxx
oh my gosh, stinas:nope: i am so very sorry darl.
It is nice to have a plan in place for next year but if you have some frozen sperm I would be tempted to have another go? one of my colleague's husbands had testicular cancer when he was younger so he froze sperm. It took her 2 fresh cycles to fall preggers with frozen spermy.

Honey, i don't know what to say except that this whole ivf stuff can be so depressing and unfair. if nothing else at least your body started developing some pregnancy hormones so that's something to consider. I do think it's odd making you wait another 2 months. seems so far away. I think back to back FETs are common (well in Australia they are as they favour unmedicated FETs)
aleja - We have one vial left of frozen sperm, but its not fully grown sperm...its sperm that was found in the tissue....i dont know what its called. I figured its worth it for him to take pills to wake his system up....hopefully we can get better sperm, if not, we can still use the frozen. I refuse to give up on his sperm. I know it will work eventually....may be a bit harder, but I believe I will have his baby eventually.

Honey - My clinic does the same....they wait for 2 AF's to show. My doc told me I can do it after one since my AF takes long, but overall I thought it was better to get all the crap out of my body before I started again.
I know how you feel....i was hoping to start the new year nice, clean, and easy, but looks like im still on this roller coaster of a ride that just never ends.
I'll go back to the hospital and speak with the nurses again and see if we can do an fet earlier. I'm happy that my body started producing some hcg at all. but it also worries me why the hcg numbers then dropped suddenly. my symptoms had also vanished with it. what can I do to make them stick the next time I wonder.
AF is extremely crampy. I had dark black blood for 2days and then it became red normal..but heavy with clots....sorry if TMI
Honey - I am the same way!! AF came today....super clotty and super cramps!
honey- generally it is nothing you can or cant do. chemicals are usually from nonviable gestations. if anything it means that your uterus was so hospitable that even one that couldnt survive decided to at least give it a go *hugs*
Honey, drsquid is right. That part of the process is out of your hands. It's all about the quality of the embryos and a little bit of luck.

For me the first IVF was always about the diagnostic process and every successful step was a mini-triumph. Before the cycle my DH and I had no idea if my eggs were suitable, if together we could make an embryo, if they would grow to blast stage, or if I could implant. You now know you can do all of those things.
thanks drsquid and little Angel. those were the best things to hear. my embryos were good quality and we had lots of them. my doctor said there is all chance they would thrive and always advised to put just one back.but we still put both back in and yet both dint survive. I just want to make sure there isn't anything else wrong as this is my fourth chemical .I was wondering if my body cant produce enough hcg
Hi stinas okay I see why you want yourDH to do another extraction ..., at least it may be more mature sperm that is found. What medication does he take to wake up his system? My DH was never offered anything to help his sperm .

Honey, its worth giving it another shot with your embys it might just be a numbers game at this point ( although I hate that excuse!)
hi ladies....I haven't been on here much as my laptop broke and I'm texting from my phone a lot that my fingers are hurting. I have been putting off my next gadget splurge as it makes me feel guilty. the guilt has more to do with the failed FET than anything rational. Rant over!
I went back to my clinic and had a word with my nurse. she was very nice to me and also moved my appointment to December. that was a relief.
yay for sooner appt!!! i want a new laptop but... just bought a car yesterday so...

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