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Just got referred for IVF

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

hi & welcome to our group. i am so happy that you decided to offer up your services :thumbup: i think i am speaking for the whole group when i say how nice it is to see some success w/ IVF. i saw that you did a couple unsuccessful IUI's. me 2... what was the deciding factor that made you not try #3 and head straight into IVF? i have had every test known to man thus far and things are in tip top shape with me. DH is fine other than some morphology & minor mobility issues. we tried 3xs with IUI....obviously unsuccessful we are starting IVF april 24th and we are really excited/nervous. i am really trying to stay positive and not let my mind think about the "what ifs" DH & i are open to adoption but we wanted to see if IVF would work for us first. plus we all know how much IVF is these days and have fears about not having enough $$ to adopt. ughhh such is life. any advice you'd like to offer would be great? any nasty side affects? i hope not. i am not nervous about any of the saline shots but i get chills when i think of the progesterone shots...yikes! once again, thanks for joining and many congrats on your BFP!!

My history is very similar to yours, tobefruitful (great name!). All investigations showed no problems with me. DHs SA showed lower morphology than I would have liked but still above the WHO guidelines, so they did not see this as a problem.

To me, IUI didn't really seem to offer any added value. I was fairly confident from temping, clear CM signs and ov pains that I was ovulating and we were timing intercourse correctly every month. I had stimulated cycles of IUI and getting the levels right seemed very tricky. In the UK they are only allowed to do IUI with a maximum of 3 mature follicles: the governing body forbids fertility specialists to go for more than this because of the risk of multiples. It is severely frowned upon for fertility treatment to result in triplets and the FS will end up having to explain himself to the governing body.

In my first IUI, I had slightly more stimulation than ideal, because we had no idea how well I would react. Very quickly I had 3 mature follicles and the FS wanted to abort the cycle. I was comfortable with the idea of twins and keen to gamble and persuaded him to go ahead. I was very optimistic that this would be it, because of the increased odds of 3 eggs. It failed.

The second cycle was a disaster. Because the previous cycle nearly had to be cancelled, the stimulation drugs were reduced and I ended up going to IUI with one 'maybe mature' follicle. For someone who is confident she ovulates monthly this was a disaster and probably lower odds than a natural cycle.

Because of this experience I wasn't keen to go again. I was also fairly convinced that the only reason for our problems was my age (38 at this point). I was keen to move on quickly before our time ran out completely. I felt that IVF would be diagnostic for us: there was no point in continuing to have IUI if our eggs just wouldn't fertilise. I wanted them to be looked at in a lab! I discussed it with the FS and he felt it was a sensible way forward.

My IVF cycle went like a dream. Because I have regular periods I didn't have to down reg, so started with Gonal F to stimulate on day 3. By now, we knew my AMH levels had dropped significantly from last year, so a large stim dose was requires. I got little in the way of side effects and actually felt really good (energetic, confident, great sex drive) on the stims. I started cetrotide as antagonist a few days later and scans showed everything was progressing according to plan. I had Ovitrelle as my trigger. I didn't really have any side effects to any of these and felt good in the first half of the cycle.

We went to egg retrieval on day 15 and 7 mature eggs were removed. This was done under sedation with pethidine for pain relief. I vomited once afterwards and was a little sore on moving and stretching, but nothing that some codeine didn't sort and only for a couple of days.

The following morning the lab rang and told us that 4 eggs had fertilised. DH and I were ecstatic! We had managed to make embryos. Never before had we had any confirmation that this was happening. We were given the choice of putting in the best 2 (again the max allowed here for my age group) or waiting to see if they made blastocyst. I did some reading and felt the research showed the odds were significantly better at blastocyst stage, so we decided to gamble on waiting.

On day 5, 3 of the 4 eggs had made it to blastocyst. We had decided that if they were good, we would put one back and freeze any others. On discussion with the embryologist though, he explained we had one top grade blast, one middle of the range, and one not worth considering. Obviously, we wanted the top one put back, but the second one wasn't worth freezing, so they advised we might as well put it in. At this point, my reading suggested that our odds of success were around 50/50.

The 2ww was the most difficult part of the cycle. Who knows what were pregnancy symptoms and what were side effects of the progesterone (I had Crinone gel to use vaginally daily). I had mood swings, headaches, was extremely tired, cramps. Luckily I had taken most of this 2 weeks off (FS signed me sick for a week from egg retrieval, then I took some leave). I swung from being optimistic to despair that it hadn't worked. The day before testing I had the first symptom I was confident wasn't the progesterone - my bladder seemed smaller.

Obviously on the morning of our BFP we were elated. But this quickly turned to anxiety that something would go wrong. I knew that I was high risk for mc with my age and the progesterone can mask mc, so you don't know until the scan. As I left the 6.5w scan after seeing the heartbeat I cried with relief. The FS gave us 9/10 odds of a successful pregnancy at that stage, which seemed wonderful compared to the 1 in 4 chance of success at the beginning of the cycle.

I'm still waiting for my 12w scan, but I have strong pregnancy symptoms now, so I've relaxed a little.

Here are some things that I strongly believe helped me:

- I got myself fit (running in my case). I don't think this necessarily caused the success but I think it helped me cope with the physical side of the cycle. I didn't run after the first week of the cycle though.

- having time off work during the 2ww. If I ever have to do it again, I'm going to have as much time off as possible. I don't think I could have done my job effectively while I was ill and emotional and I think the rest contributed to the success.

- The IVF FS recommended pregnacare conception (a supplement) which I had never taken before and I took it religiously from before the cycle started. Who knows if it made a difference, but I'm now taking pregnacare plus for pregnancy, because if it helps I want to do it.

- I cut down on caffeine before cycle (one cup of tea per day and no coffee) and didn't drink alcohol after the first week.

Wow, that's an essay! I hope it's not too much. Let me know if you're still awake and have any questions!
Hi ladies
Little angel thank you so much for the post i was hanging onto every part!! :) and congratulations on your little bean . Your cycle seemed so straight forward and stress free I can only hope all of us have similar experiences.

Stinas hope the results come back soon. Did the FS give any indication of what can be done if the veins are creating a blockage?

Honeych two weeks and counting !!!! When is your AF due? Do u think you will be starting your first cycle soon after the appt?


Tobefruitful it is overwhelming to see all the meds but I am sure time will go quickly once you start using them all. What your mother said is the pragmatic way of looking at IvF if we just went on stats then it would be too depressing to do it at all. The reality is that sometimes it does work even first time so all we can do is have some faith

Me: I had my first (and only!)monitoring today on CD8 . Nurse found a whole lot of growing follicles and my estridal levels good so FS has decided thst I am having the EPU on monday!!!!! I cant believe it I was expecting another week of injections . I have to drink 2 L of water a day as I am at risk of overstimulated ovaries. No wonder I am so bloated and crampy. I feel quite lucky that I responded very well to the FSH and so quickly too.

Honeych you are do right - people have no idea what it's like to have to do all this stuff. Yesterday my cousin rang to tell me she is 8 wks preggers .. When I got off the phone I burst into tears I am happy for her but felt sorry for Us:cry:

Today I am fine again.. These hormones are crazy!! :dohh:
aleja - Thanks! DH is going on monday for his next SA. He called this fertility place near our house and was very pleased with the way they talked to him on the phone...how nice they were. Plus I looked them up because they do IVF and I liked what I read.
The urologist said those veins can be blocking the sperm from coming out so they would have to be removed, then most likely if the sperm is there and strong, they will be able to make it out normal. I have read some posts where if the sperm is weak, even with removing the veins, they will still need to do IVF or IUI because of the weak sperm. I think we will get a better idea once all the testing is done. DH sex drive has gone down, hes not in the mood ever since we found out, so thats driving me insane. The lady on the phone said he will need to ejaculate tom...so sexy time it is! hehe TIme will tell whats going to happen.
Yay for all the follicles!!!!!! How exciting is that!!!!!
Thank you so much littleangel!!! Great to hear your story.

Aleja, I've never heard of the meds you are on except ovidrel, what country are you in? Glad to hear you've got some follies growing :) Good luck with everything, sending baby dust.

Today I had a saline sonogram, 3 times!!! For some reason the saline wasn't going into the top of my uterus so they did it two more times. The saline was cold too, yuck. The dye test I had done back in November was a walk in the park compared to today. It was super uncomfortable (but tolerable). They did some uterus measurements too and when they were done said all was good. DH's bloodwork is next week and consent signing is hopefully the week after. I will be on Gonal F but that's all I found out.

:cry:Then I got home and got such a nice surprise I started crying. My insurance sent me paperwork approving IVF. I already had a verbal approval but it was so nice to see it in person. To top it off they also approve embryo freezing and sotrage for ONE YEAR!!! So very happy!!!! I had fully expected them to approve te IVF but not the freezing. Finally some good news to be happy about :happydance:
noasaint - yay! Thats great news!!! Sorry you had an uncomfortable day....I bet you that paper made it all worth it!

Im not looking forward to all the insurance headaches. Thank god DH takes care of those things.
Thank you so much littleangel!!! Great to hear your story.

Aleja, I've never heard of the meds you are on except ovidrel, what country are you in? Glad to hear you've got some follies growing :) Good luck with everything, sending baby dust.

Today I had a saline sonogram, 3 times!!! For some reason the saline wasn't going into the top of my uterus so they did it two more times. The saline was cold too, yuck. The dye test I had done back in November was a walk in the park compared to today. It was super uncomfortable (but tolerable). They did some uterus measurements too and when they were done said all was good. DH's bloodwork is next week and consent signing is hopefully the week after. I will be on Gonal F but that's all I found out.

:cry:Then I got home and got such a nice surprise I started crying. My insurance sent me paperwork approving IVF. I already had a verbal approval but it was so nice to see it in person. To top it off they also approve embryo freezing and sotrage for ONE YEAR!!! So very happy!!!! I had fully expected them to approve te IVF but not the freezing. Finally some good news to be happy about :happydance:

Wow you are so lucky that your insurance is picking the tab up. Do you mind me asking what state you live in? We aren't so lucky here in the sunshine state...we had to take a loan out. Congrats on your great news!

Ladies, are you guys doing? I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend! I turned 29 today, here's hoping for baby this year!
tobefruitful - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Fellow Aries!!! My birthday is thursday the 19th!

As for me today I got some news on DH. Urologist called and said his bloodwork came out normal...which most likely means that there is a blockage. He goes in on monday for another SA. Once those results are in we will probably have to do a ultrasound and possible biopsy to see if there are any sperm. If there, im guessing thats where IVF ICSI comes in, unless removing the most likely veins that are blocking the flow is more of a better alternative. Hopefully by the end of the month ill know whats going on...hopefully....wishful thinking here!

Hope everyone is doing good!!!
Happy birthday tobefruitful hope you have a lovely day and may your little bean come along fine this year ;-)

Stinas, it's great to find a clinic and FS that you like and who makes sense. The testing phase is a real drag but it sounds positive that they will try to uncover the veins as I hear some places don't want to do this sort of stuff and recommend couples go straight to IvF. It will be awesome if you don't need to do this .

Noasaint I have never heard of the saline sonograph. What does this exam check?
I am assuming this is all part of pre-cycle testing? Very exciting and one step closer

I am in Australia however the FSH injection elonva is actually European. One injection replaces 7 daily FSH shots so it was very handy to be on it! It isn't commonly used in Australia either but My FS thought he was being clever by giving it to me. It has paid off for me but I don't like the idea of risking over stimulating my ovaries either . Not everyone has the same results though
Im kind of scared to just get his veins clipped or whatever they do. What if something goes wrong, or the doc does not specialize in that type of surgery. I dont know...I am going to have to make DH ask or just go myself. My main hope is that there is sperm in there...if so, we are good to go. I dont mind doing IVF to tell you the truth...i just want this to happen already. I know i will need something because my cycles do whatever they want, so who knows.
Its great that your doc gave you that! FX this is your cycle!
Wow you are so lucky that your insurance is picking the tab up. Do you mind me asking what state you live in? We aren't so lucky here in the sunshine state...we had to take a loan out. Congrats on your great news!

Ladies, are you guys doing? I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend! I turned 29 today, here's hoping for baby this year!

Happy birthday Tobefruitful!!!!!!! And happy early birthday to Stinas, sending baby dust to you both :thumbup: My birthday is the 24th so I'm a Taurus which makes me stubborn as hell to keep trying for a baby. he he

I have Aetna insurance called the BPO Access II plan. I work for a very large national bank so I guess they can afford the better coverage plans. This is literally the only reason I'm staying at this job because it is super stressful. So bad that we've had about 8 people quit in the last 4 weeks and I know of 3 more than plan on turning in notice very soon. I am in Florida, blech. Me and DH plan on moving out of state as soon as we can sell our house, probably GA or AL.

Noasaint I have never heard of the saline sonograph. What does this exam check?
I am assuming this is all part of pre-cycle testing? Very exciting and one step closer.

I am in Australia however the FSH injection elonva is actually European. One injection replaces 7 daily FSH shots so it was very handy to be on it! It isn't commonly used in Australia either but My FS thought he was being clever by giving it to me. It has paid off for me but I don't like the idea of risking over stimulating my ovaries either . Not everyone has the same results though

A saline sonogram is similiar to the HSG (dye) test. They clamp the cervix (owie) and insert a think tube then push saline into the uterus. The tube is remover and then they insert the sonogram wand and check the uterus for polyps or other abnormalities that could prevent the embryo from implanting. They can also measure the uterus this way. I have one more test to do for pre IVF testing process so I'm getting excited. That one should be early May and once we have our consult with the ART tech right after that, I'll start the bc pills and the cycle begins.:baby:

Stinas, praying that if your OH has to have some surgery it is easy and does the trick. I'm sure this is nerve wracking for you both.
Hi Ladies, I am a little behind your updates. I am having a major migraine attack, out of the blue. Will catch up with all your updates tomorrow.

Sorry to gate crash but this seems like the perfect place to ask some questions! If you don't mind sharing what caused both your Fallopian tubes to be blocked? I've skipped the thread as best I could but couldn't see the reason, any of you other ladies may be able to help!

My husband and I have been married for 6 years and have been ttc for 2 years. The GP has done tests on us, blood counts fine, husbands sperm fine do was referred to a gynaecologist to do further tests. Did an ultrasound, there was no problems both overaries were fine and no fluid in the womb. Ended up doing a HSG test and this is where all the problems started

The whole process was a nightmare! Couldn't get it in at first, was shaking like a leaf and stomach was spasiming none stop, eventually did get it in, and I had a delayed reaction getting the fluid coming out the tubes. I was admitted to hospital for 3 days, had another ultrasound scan which showed lots of fluid in the womb, discharged only to e readmitted a week later with a UTI

I've since seen the specialist and have found out I have mild haldrosanpix in both tubes so my chances of conceiving naturally are very slim. The gynaecologist has referred me for IVF, I asked about potential other options (surgery etc) but he was really dismissive and I don't know what to do!

I so desperately want a family with my husband, but I don't know if IVF is our best option could surgery work as its 'mild'? We qualify for IVF and the waiting list in our area is not very long but I'm so confused and scared! I've put my DH thru the mill with all the stress, I dot know where to run to so any help or support would be great

Hi ladies,

Aleja - good luck with EPU :)

Honeycheeks - hope your migraine goes away fast :-/

I've been away a few days down in the south west, western Australia which has been great taking my mind off ivf, FET, injections, scans & all that nice stuff!
Having a natural FET cycle has been easy so far nothing but a blood test on day 2 & another on tues so far... Hope we can all post in the Ivf success stories thread real soon!!!
Migraine aint gone yet.. :(

Likklegemz - Welcome to this thread :hi:. We love to have you here.
That seems like a very violent HSG experience. I am sorry about the hydrosalpinx. Did you HSG report say that you have hydrosalpinx or were any other tests done which confirmed hydrosalpinx. I would advise you to go to straight to IVF if you can get an appointment soon and if you can afford it. Will it be funded by NHS or do you pay for IVF? The reason I advise IVF is because I have heard that surgery can only repair the tubes temporarily. And also the surgery usually results in scar tissue formation and also you could develop the hydrosalpinx again , both of which will eventually block your tubes in about 3 to 6 months.

Ah ,time to talk about me now.
I have PCOS and was not ovulating on my own. My doc gave me Clomid to ovulate. On my second cycle on Clomid when I ovulated,it was on my left side. I know which side I am ovulating as Clomid causes very painful ovulation and I feel it only on the side that I ovulate. I had very strong symptoms of pregnancy in that cycle which I never had before. The symptoms were so strong that I just knew it. Even my doc believes those are preg symptoms. They were nothing that I made up in my mind. But it was a chemical pregnancy.

I went back on Clomid for 2 more cycles and then had 2 cycles break from clomid. Then again back on Clomid. 3 cycles later I ovulated on my right side. All the other times after the chemical it was always left side and I just wondered if something is wrong on my left side which prevents conception. Now when I finally ovulated on my right side, I again had the same pregnancy symptoms. I had a tugging feeling inside my uterus, breasts outgrew my bra in 2 days and I had severe low back ache and all that regular pregnancy stuff. AF came 5 days late. My doc was puzzled that I turned out to be not pregnant yet again. Something in my head told me I had to do an HSG now and waste no more time.

My doc was glad to send me for an HSG. It turned out that both tubes were blocked. My doc could not think of any reason for the blockage. I have never had a surgery and never had children before and never had any pelvic inflammation and nothing at all. I just like to believe that I had 2 chemical pregnancies. If my tubes were forever blocked , then there is nothing to explain my symptoms of pregnancy. And I cant think of what might have caused the blockage.

I have my first appointment with the IVF clinic on 25th April. Lets see what the vajayjay scientists there have to say.

Good luck sheri and Aleja and tobe fruitful.
Hey again

I had a chemical pregnancy after ttc for 2 years, at least that's what they tell me. I done 2 home pregnacy test kits and both came positive. The Gp didn't see the need to do a test themselves just referred me o the midwife at the practice. 12 days later (15 days late and I'm regular as clockwork) my 'period' came. I was so distraught, Gp did blood tests which come back normal, so referred me to the womens hospital

They've done several blood tests all of which were normal, the first ultrasound San which was normal then the HSG test. Following hospitalisation they done another ultrasound test which showed fluid in the womb but they said that was normal after a HSG.

They've not done any other tests by when I saw he specialist last week he said u had mild haldrosanpix as the dye did come thru my tubes but they were slightly dilated. I wondered if it could be a false result and asked if it was definitely accurate and they said I didn't need a lap and dye and would refer me to IVF. To be honest I kinda felt like I was being pushed into having a referral for IVF, ad that all if my circumstances was not being explained to me or being ignored.

I had a lap done at that hospital 6 years ago (6 months before I got married) as I was having terrible period cramps and couldn't move for days, they were searching for endo bit that come back fine. I asked the specialist last week if that could cause it and he said it was highly unlikely but now I'm not too sure!

If IVF is our best chance at having a family then that's fine I'll grab it with both hands although ya never how I imagined this would be, but I don't know if te hospital are right or if I can even trust them given that the HSG was so awful and I'm still so ill from it! I'm still suffering from cramps, I'm gettin horrible discharge and am getting pains below. When I mentioned this to the specialist, he did a urine test to make sure the UTI had cleared up, and said if I was still getting pains to go to my Gp! Wheres the duty of care there?! They've put me in this mess!

Both husband and I have no children so we qualify for 2 rounds of IVF treatment with our PCT.

Im waiting on the patient evening ten I'll see the specialist again. I wondered if it was worth going private for a consultation to understand my personal circumstances, I might being getting hopes up but if it's 'mild' as he said I would hve thought there was different options available to us
Hey again

I had a chemical pregnancy after ttc for 2 years, at least that's what they tell me. I done 2 home pregnacy test kits and both came positive. The Gp didn't see the need to do a test themselves just referred me o the midwife at the practice. 12 days later (15 days late and I'm regular as clockwork) my 'period' came. I was so distraught, Gp did blood tests which come back normal, so referred me to the womens hospital

They've done several blood tests all of which were normal, the first ultrasound San which was normal then the HSG test. Following hospitalisation they done another ultrasound test which showed fluid in the womb but they said that was normal after a HSG.

They've not done any other tests by when I saw he specialist last week he said u had mild haldrosanpix as the dye did come thru my tubes but they were slightly dilated. I wondered if it could be a false result and asked if it was definitely accurate and they said I didn't need a lap and dye and would refer me to IVF. To be honest I kinda felt like I was being pushed into having a referral for IVF, ad that all if my circumstances was not being explained to me or being ignored.

I had a lap done at that hospital 6 years ago (6 months before I got married) as I was having terrible period cramps and couldn't move for days, they were searching for endo bit that come back fine. I asked the specialist last week if that could cause it and he said it was highly unlikely but now I'm not too sure!

If IVF is our best chance at having a family then that's fine I'll grab it with both hands although ya never how I imagined this would be, but I don't know if te hospital are right or if I can even trust them given that the HSG was so awful and I'm still so ill from it! I'm still suffering from cramps, I'm gettin horrible discharge and am getting pains below. When I mentioned this to the specialist, he did a urine test to make sure the UTI had cleared up, and said if I was still getting pains to go to my Gp! Wheres the duty of care there?! They've put me in this mess!

Both husband and I have no children so we qualify for 2 rounds of IVF treatment with our PCT.

Im waiting on the patient evening ten I'll see the specialist again. I wondered if it was worth going private for a consultation to understand my personal circumstances, I might being getting hopes up but if it's 'mild' as he said I would hve thought there was different options available to us

yikes! i hope you do not mind me responding to this but i am dumbfounded at what i just read. is there another hospital nearby that you can go to instead? i think you have to be at least half way comfortable with the care you are getting from you dr.'s before even thinking about heading into IVF...right? i am on your side on this. i think you should consider switching or at least sit down with these people to have another consultation to make sure you are being heard. you just deserve more attention and care. i pray that you get it. i also hope that you feel better soon! :thumbup:
Likklegemz - tobefruitful is right. You should be comfortable with your doctors before you take a plunge into IVF. And also IVF is not a magic formula. Each person responds differently to the meds and different doses.So You really need a doctor who is very receptive to you and trutstworthy. None of ours ever imagined IVF as our best way or probably the only way we can get pregnant. But it being the only chance, I think it is best to grab the first IVF opportunity and dive in.
Likklegemz - Welcome! Im sorry to hear your HSG was awful...mine sucked and hurt pretty bad, but not like yours.
Happy birthday tobefruitful, noasaint and stinas

noasaint - yay! for the insurance approval.

aleja - i cant beleive you are so quickly into EPU. :dust: :dust: :dust:

littleangel - Thanks a lot for recalling your IVF journey for us on the thread. Really appreciate that you shared so much detail.

Stinas - To be honest, when I first found outh that both my tubes were blocked, I guess I let out a sigh of relief to know that we can now take a different route (IVF) which has more predictable outcome. Rather than TTC every month and not knowing what is going to happen. I was so ready to have a baby and was ready to go through this whole thing. I hope your DH doesnt have to go through a lot to make this happen. I really really hope you find out the answers soon and have the Mission Baby chalked out.

Sheri - It is good to hear that the FET is much more relaxed for you this time. You are soon going t get your BFP.

I have just 8 days to go. The countdown really has begun.

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