I hope your cycle will not be long this time! FX. I been reading different posts and most women use fertilityfriend.com. I use this and mymontlycycles.com. Both websites are very good to use, but fertilityfriend gives you plenty of comprehensive information on all the topics about your cycles. Let me know what you think of both of these. I got this from fertilityfriend on checking your cervix:
To collect cervical fluid internally, follow these steps:
Insert two fingers in your vagina until you can feel your cervix.
One finger should be on each side of the cervix.
Press gently against your cervix.
Collect the fluid by moving your fingers to the opening of the cervix.
Remove your fingers and pull them apart slowly.
Make your observations as outlined for external fluid observation.
Record your cervical fluid as "dry" if you have no cervical fluid present at all; if you notice no cervical fluid in your underwear; and if the outside of your vagina feels dry. You can expect to see dry days both before ovulation after your period and after ovulation. Record "dry" if you are not able to gather or see any cervical fluid, even if your vagina feels slightly moist inside.
Record your cervical fluid as "sticky" if it is glue-like, gummy, stiff or crumbly and if it breaks easily and quickly and if it is not easily stretched. It will probably be yellowish or white, but could also be cloudy/clear. You may or may not see some sticky cervical fluid before and after ovulation.
Record your cervical fluid as "creamy" if it is like hand lotion, white or yellow or cloudy/clear, like milk or cream, mayonnaise or like a flour/water solution. It may stretch slightly but not very much and break easily.
Enter "watery" if your cervical fluid is clear and most resembles water. It may be stretchy also. This cervical fluid is considered fertile and this may be your most fertile cervical fluid or you may get it before you get egg white cervical fluid or you may not get this type of fluid at all.
Egg white:
This is your most fertile cervical fluid. Record "egg white" if your cervical fluid looks at all like raw egg white, is stretchy and clear, or clear tinged with white, or even clear tinged with pink. It also resembles semen (and has a lot of the same physical properties to allow the sperm to travel and be nourished). You should be able to stretch it between your thumb and index finger.
Record "spotting" when you have any pink or dark red/brown spots that leave a small mark on your underwear or panty liner or that you only see when you wipe. If it does not require a pad or tampon, record it as spotting rather than menses. You may see spotting before or after your period, around the time of ovulation or around the time of implantation if you conceive. Do not start a new chart until you have red flow.
When you record "menses" you can choose light, normal and heavy. Always start a new chart on your first day of menses. That is the first day that you have red blood flow that requires a pad or tampon. This is cycle day one. FertilityFriend.com will automatically start a new chart for you when you enter menses.