Jess812, I will have my fingers crossed for you!!
Hanie22, I id have cramps off and on last month and they finally stopped, well I think!
Ricschick, As soon as AF stops get to BDing! Well at least you can start all over again! Wow you are TTC number 5, I know your household is exciting! How old are your kids? If you don't mind me asking.
Koala1, I hope your cycles will regulate soon! Some of the side effects from coming off BCP are just a big headache!
Tori0713, I heard of the SMEP, if this cycle don't work out I think I will try SMEP next cycle. I haven't started using OPK's yet, but If I am not pregnant before next year, I will use the OPK's.
I am 7 DPO and I have been off of BCP for a month! I am happy that I am off of it! Since I have been walking my daughters to school I have been seeing cute little babies all the time! Everytime I see one I say "awwww she/he is soooo cute!" I have gained weight which I am angry about, but I know I can lose it within two months.
Good luck ladies and keep up with the updates!!