"knocking on buddies door"

Hey there! I also had no idea you all were due around the same time as me!! Can I join in, too? LOL. I'm due on August 21st!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW good morning ladies..jeaz where did everyone come from lol it seems no one knew we was all august buddies :thumbup:

we are around late august here anyone is welcome. theres 5 of us here but we all august family :hugs:

firstly welcome in :muaha::muaha::friends::hugs2::yipee:

bumptobe29 who i said hello to yesterday:)

delmeg :)

funkyfish586 :)

kaitybug :)

do you all have a name? :shrug: :) xxx

seems you girls are 21/22nd of august :happydance::happydance: same as meeee im 21st tooo:hugs:

how are we all getting on? everyone know what there having? boy? girl? unknown? alien? :dohh::happydance:

im lynsey by the way :hi::hi: :coffee:

sammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wooohoooooo congrats hunnie so glad that everything went well and that the midwife didnt ask if you was having a baby with a lesbo lol

sooooooo sooo glad that everthing is ok and that baby is still a boy :happydance: hopfuly everything will be fine when you got back in 4 weeks :)

34 week scan???? sam do we have a 34 weeks scan or is that for you for your check ups? far as i know the 21 week was our last scan hummmmmmmmmmm now im confused?

has anyone else got 34week scan booked? or am i just a loner here:wacko: :dohh:

its friday just incase you didnt know..last day at work till monday woohoooooooooooooo yippy lets hope the weekend is nice a sunny :) xx
Morning ladies and bumps so many new faces welcome all come in and make ya selves comfy, seems lots of us due on same day whoop whoop.

I'm Bea Im 27 and am due on the 21st august with my first baby girl. So exciting.

Lyndz- I asked about more scans at last appointment and consultant said u only need the if the mw is worried about baby growing. Glad everything is ok ish at work now. After all the problems withy working conditions Im now moving offices as they are closing the other one and cutting hours but cause Im pregnant they have to be careful with me lol x x

Sammy- sorry to hear about you and ash can't belive he done sinething like that let alone whole ur pregnant with his child some guys just don't know what they are throwing away but glad to see ya being strong.
Glad to hear. Everything is ok with little man and he's very much proud of his tackle already lol x x

Cla - how you doing hunni howz rian x x

Amanda - how's everything over your way hope the weathers nice

Sj - howz things your end x x

So what's everyone got planned for weekend?
Im gonna have a lazy one Phil's working sat the poss of to stansted on Sunday so will be quiet. My horse id suppose to foal this weekend so possibly have baby lol x x x
ello bea :)

that was a good write up..glad to see im not the only one that can talk(type) that much :)

it seems theres alot of us around the 20-25th of august that are due..the hospitals are going to be rammed with us screaming our heads off lol

works ok for now bea...now that iv got my holidays all booked midwife appointments all book he can just stay out my way. any more crap from him i wil have a meeting with my director to discuss bullying..im hes PA he shouldnt be like this towards me..weather im leaving or not...jacckkkkkkassssss lol

im not sure what im doing this weekend as petes on a 8 till 4 in the morning ....so looks like im going baby shoppping on my own. but thats cool with me as then i can have a proper look as pete likes to look at clothes ages 1 and onwards lol bless hes soo excited bout it i think he wants hes little boy to jump out being 1 years old so he can play with him lol

i need to get hospital bag stuff ready and little bits ready...might even get some curtains for the bedroom to help it stay a little more warm in there..as theres a draft thats needs blocking...so looks like im having a TLC girly weekend by myself whoop whoop lol

how you been anywayz hun? baby been ok? xx
Yer were both ok ta. Phil still not felt kicks yet although today I have had braxtons so hopefully he will soon. Just off to 22week check up speak in a bit x x
Yer were both ok ta. Phil still not felt kicks yet although today I have had braxtons so hopefully he will soon. Just off to 22week check up speak in a bit x x

bea how did you get on??????? xxxxxxxxxx:hugs:
Hey hun yer all good got to listen to her again doc had a feel and everything deems to be going well although got thrust now so need to phone them Monday to get some stuff all great fun x x
hey lyns,

when i went for my scan yesterday they said book for 4weeks time to check babys growth and then again at 34weeks. i though that was normal but the if i remeber the sonographer said normally you only get 2 scans in pregnancy but i've had 5 so far and another two booked. i'm a little worried now :-S

hope everyones all ok xxx

We found out last month that we're expecting another boy! :) Dh has thrown out a few names, none of which I like, so we're still brainstorming! Meaning, he comes up with the names, and until I like it, it's a no-go! :haha: Everytime I look at too many baby names I get a headache! It's so stressful!

Besides that, everything is great. We really don't have much shopping to do at all since DS is only 22 months. We will be re-using everything of his for this LO. I have however been racking my brain over whether or not to get a double stroller. :shrug: I guess we'll see. Nice to meet everyone! :)
Hey hun yer all good got to listen to her again doc had a feel and everything deems to be going well although got thrust now so need to phone them Monday to get some stuff all great fun x x

wicked bea glad everything went well and baby is beating healthy :) what will they give you for the thrust....cream? do you know what causes that hun? hope you ok though with it xx

hey lyns,

when i went for my scan yesterday they said book for 4weeks time to check babys growth and then again at 34weeks. i though that was normal but the if i remeber the sonographer said normally you only get 2 scans in pregnancy but i've had 5 so far and another two booked. i'm a little worried now :-S

hope everyones all ok xxx

hey sammy hun...that all good for you then sweet no reason to be worried. you had some trouble in the start so its wicked that there keeping track on you and bubba :) id ruther that then something happening and not knowing...hey think of it as this you'll get to see baby boy again we dont untill 'pop' hes born lol

dont you worrie your little self :) :hugs:xxx

We found out last month that we're expecting another boy! :) Dh has thrown out a few names, none of which I like, so we're still brainstorming! Meaning, he comes up with the names, and until I like it, it's a no-go! :haha: Everytime I look at too many baby names I get a headache! It's so stressful!

Besides that, everything is great. We really don't have much shopping to do at all since DS is only 22 months. We will be re-using everything of his for this LO. I have however been racking my brain over whether or not to get a double stroller. :shrug: I guess we'll see. Nice to meet everyone! :)

woohoooo another boy yay :) congrats sweety :cloud9:

so how did you get on with your first boy hun? what did you get first time round? did you over buy? miss anything out? get everything you needed? how did you find everything? how was the birth for you? sorry for asking so many questions but this my first and i havent got a clueeee lol:haha:

helppp i need information lol xx

im sure you will find a name soon...it seems boys names are harder than girls for soem reason :shrug: we decided on calling ours Andreas Deabreu but little one may come out and we like hummmm nah dont suit him call him .....haha who knows :) im sure you'll get the right name for yours xx
Hello everyone!

My name is Hannah and i am expecting my first baby, a little girl, on the 25th of August. Could i possibly join in and chat along? Haven't got any bump buddies and it would be nice to be able to chat with some other ladies!
Hello everyone!

My name is Hannah and i am expecting my first baby, a little girl, on the 25th of August. Could i possibly join in and chat along? Haven't got any bump buddies and it would be nice to be able to chat with some other ladies!

hey hannah of course hun...:hugs:

more the better :)

how have you been getting on? did all your scan go well..baby all ok? congrats on the little girl :) thought of any names for her yet?

woohoooo another boy yay :) congrats sweety :cloud9:

so how did you get on with your first boy hun? what did you get first time round? did you over buy? miss anything out? get everything you needed? how did you find everything? how was the birth for you? sorry for asking so many questions but this my first and i havent got a clueeee lol:haha:

helppp i need information lol xx

im sure you will find a name soon...it seems boys names are harder than girls for soem reason :shrug: we decided on calling ours Andreas Deabreu but little one may come out and we like hummmm nah dont suit him call him .....haha who knows :) im sure you'll get the right name for yours xx

Thanks so much!

We actually didn't buy much with our first son, Luke. We were given a few things at my baby shower; crib, changing table, dresser, swing, and high chair. I had a few friends that had babies that had outgrown their clothes and toys, so they were passed onto us. :) We really only bought the big stuff like bassinet, stroller, crib mattress, and convertible car seat. I made a list of EVERYTHING I needed from crib down to X pairs of socks! Then, I did my shopping online ahead of time. So, I knew where to go to get everything I needed. Dh worked a lot back then, so he only had one or two days off. It only took us two days to get all of our shopping done. I was around 7 1/2-8 months pregnant though, so it needed to be done! I think we only bought one or two outfits. Not because we needed to, but because we wanted to! Lol... Now that Luke is 22 months old, he's had one birthday and two Christmas's worth of gifts. So, we have a ton of toys, books, clothes, you name it!

As for my birth story, it wasn't too exciting. We found out Luke was breech at about 24 weeks. We had high hopes that he'd turn, since we had so much time before delivery. My doctor's had me go to growth/position scans every two weeks, to see how he was growing and if he'd turned to head down. Well, at my 36 week scan I knew he hadn't budged since by that point his head was jammed up under my ribs. He would head butt me every once in a while, but refused to turn. :( I was on Heperin (a blood thinner) due to previous blood clots. And the doctors couldn't attempt an external version (turning the baby from the outside), because while on the Heparin it was too risky. My placenta could've ruptured. I tried all of the natural ways at home to get him to turn, but he wouldn't. So, at 36 weeks, they decided to schedule a cesarean. They told me to come in on Tuesday for another growth scan, and if he wasn't turned they'd do the c-section on Thursday. So, Tuesday we went in for our scan and he was still breech and weighing in at 8 lbs. They said they'd take him, since he was already a healthy weigh. On Thursday we went in, and I was already having contractions. We had another scan, and went into the OR. He was born at 3:10pm and weighed 8 lbs 14 oz. He was a big ole' healthy bub!

This time around I'm hoping to have a VBAC, even though it's risky on my medicine. This is our last baby, so I definitely want to be able to experience the entire labor and delivery! I've been having contractions from 14 weeks on, so I'm pretty sure I'll be prepared for it!

Boys names are definitely more difficult to come up with than girls. I don't know what it is! Lol... I really like Andreas Deabreu. It's so masculine! Who knows though. I've known a few people that saw their babies and totally changed their mind of the names they had picked out. It'll all work out though. It always does! :)
Hello everyone!

My name is Hannah and i am expecting my first baby, a little girl, on the 25th of August. Could i possibly join in and chat along? Haven't got any bump buddies and it would be nice to be able to chat with some other ladies!

Hello Hannah! Congrats on expecting a little girl! :) It's never too late to grab a bump buddy! I caught up with didda just a few days ago! Have you bought anything for your LO yet?
22 weeks for a lot of us, and lyns is it me or have we moved up a box. X x x x x
hey ladies! Hi again to the new ladies, it'll take me a while I'm sorry to get all of your names right! :blush:

Well, sun is shining, weather is sweet....I'm in such a good mood! Got free tickets to a local football match last night (I'm a football nut) and we won, and Charlie kicked all the way through the match which was lovely. :happydance:

Amanda - we never get to chat real time because of the time difference, but are you feeling those strong kicks yet? If not - you'll know when you do don't worry as theyr'e still making me jump out of my seat when they catch me by surprise!!! :loopy:

It's a beautiful day today, :coolio: it's the Manchester derby kick off 12.45 so hopefully Manchester City will win this time! Am going to go and watch it at the inlaws house, then am meeting a friend I haven't seen for 2 years for coffee...then a lovely night in all for me myself and bump tonight as hubby is playing out! :coffee:

What do you all have planned for the day?

Bea - it's killing me, have you settled on a name for your pink princess yet????? :trouble:

Lyns - it's the weekend! No more Jackass boss for you lovely lady, I order you to relax and enjoy the company of your lovely little man and gorgeous hubby to be. :awww:

Claire - -Hope you're okay my sweet, and the weather is getting you 'in the mood' ! :) :sex:

Sammy - you're an incredibly strong woman, all will be well with your little one - have you thought of names yet?? And don't forget we're all here for you whenever you need us xx :friends:

Well, am off to hang out the washing :laundry::hangwashing:

See you all later my lovelies :flower:
Hey SJ nope hun know names as.yet oh like elenanor or Sophia but not sure on them his last name id Roat so need to find something nice and unusual to go with it x x
Hi bea, Eleanor is a lovely name, and Eleanor Roat flows really well. You've also got a whole host of shortened versions if you choose to do that, like Ellie, Lennie etc....all very cute for a baby but professional enough for when she's 30 and applying for a job as the vice president of the world (sorry, but Charlie's going to be president of the world I've already decided!) xx
Thanks so much!

We actually didn't buy much with our first son, Luke. We were given a few things at my baby shower; crib, changing table, dresser, swing, and high chair. I had a few friends that had babies that had outgrown their clothes and toys, so they were passed onto us. :) We really only bought the big stuff like bassinet, stroller, crib mattress, and convertible car seat. I made a list of EVERYTHING I needed from crib down to X pairs of socks! Then, I did my shopping online ahead of time. So, I knew where to go to get everything I needed. Dh worked a lot back then, so he only had one or two days off. It only took us two days to get all of our shopping done. I was around 7 1/2-8 months pregnant though, so it needed to be done! I think we only bought one or two outfits. Not because we needed to, but because we wanted to! Lol... Now that Luke is 22 months old, he'd one birthday and two Christmas's worth of gifts. So, we have a ton of toys, books, clothes, you name it!

As for my birth story, it wasn't too exciting. We found out Luke was breech at about 24 weeks. We had high hopes that he'd turn, since we had so much time before delivery. My doctor's had me go to growth/position scans every two weeks, to see how he was growing and if he'd turned to head down. Well, at my 36 week scan I knew he hadn't budged since by that point his head was jammed up under my ribs. He would head butt me every once in a while, but refused to turn. :( I was on Heperin (a blood thinner) due to previous blood clots. And the doctors couldn't attempt an external version (turning the baby from the outside), because while on the Heparin it was too risky. My placenta could've ruptured. I tried all of the natural ways at home to get him to turn, but he wouldn't. So, at 36 weeks, they decided to schedule a cesarean. They told me to come in on Tuesday for another growth scan, and if he wasn't turned they'd do the c-section on Thursday. So, Tuesday we went in for our scan and he was still breech and weighing in at 8 lbs. They said they'd take him, since he was already a healthy weigh. On Thursday we went in, and I was already having contractions. We had another scan, and went into the OR. He was born at 3:10pm and weighed 8 lbs 14 oz. He was a big ole' healthy bub!

This time around I'm hoping to have a VBAC, even though it's risky on my medicine. This is our last baby, so I definitely want to be able to experience the entire labor and delivery! I've been having contractions from 14 weeks on, so I'm pretty sure I'll be prepared for it!

Boys names are definitely more difficult to come up with than girls. I don't know what it is! Lol... I really like Andreas Deabreu. It's so masculine! Who knows though. I've known a few people that saw their babies and totally changed their mind of the names they had picked out. It'll all work out though. It always does! :)

wow all those scans i bet that was very scary and very frustrating for you :dohh: so glad that luke was born healthy and with no probs what a super little boy bet you was very proud hun :)

jeaz looks like you have been ok with the clothes bits and bobs then..i havent got nothing yet..and im starting to get worried. was meant to go out today but pete didnt get home from work till 8 this morning as there was alot of trouble on hes patch...so he had paper work to do :( so im indoors cleaning the house top to bottom making sure hes ok..just cooked him some food now hes back in bed as hes got to work at 8 again tonight :( i hate it when hes on nights :nope:

so hopfuly in the week or next weekend i can go out and get all the bits i need and want for now :) it just soooooo exciting dont you think :):happydance:

whats your name hun? where bouts you from?

if you didnt know im lynsey from london :) xx

Bea----------yes yes we have moved up a box and yesssssssss we are now 22weeks :yipee::yipee::yipee::friends: each week just seems to be going soo quick dont you think? woohooo :happydance:

sarah - wohooo check you out you football hooooligan lol hope you have a great day out with your friend and enjoy the sun shine...i think this dust from island has made it dry and sunny over here :)

sammy what you up too today? how have you been? hope the days have been better for you...fancy a chat you know where i ammm sweet :hugs::hug::hug: xxx
oh and its all blown up at work sarah my bosses found a letter on my pc reagrding all the stuff my other boss has done regarding the bullying....i have to go in on monday to tell my directors weather i want to take my situation to the boards where they will investigate it...was a very very stressful day at work yesterday went home very stressed and very emotional. hopfuly things will work out for me and this stress will stop i dont need it and neither does the little one :)

everyone enjoy the sun shine have a lovely day :) xx

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