"knocking on buddies door"

:wacko: Wow traffic has increased like crazy on here! A late welcome to Hannah, funkyfish and someone who starts with a d and a k...I wrote the name down but can't read what the hell I wrote, but WELCOME EVERYONE! I'm 28 and due Aug 19th/20th.

Sammy- gald your scan was mostly ok, I guess they are going to monitor you regularly now?

SJ- I do feel kicks more regularly, its cool when I can feel it with my hands, once in awhile they are really strong. I'm looking forward to more and more movement, it really is exciting.

Magik- Sophia seems to be a popular name. Someone else mentioned it on bnb and a friend of mines named his daughter sophia, shes like a few weeks old now.

babyd- Your bump is crazy sexy cool! I'm definitly carrying small next to you. Its crazy how different it is from one person to the next. And with your bully of a boss do what is right, he was wrong and thats it period. Let him feel some pressure now.

As for me the 2nd scan went ok, the baby still wouldn't cooperate. Its found a little niche, upside down and sort of backwards and wont budge! So they couldn't get all the shots they wanted but its ok. She tried hard to...at one point when she left the room my hubby tells the baby, "you don't have to move baby, F her, you stay where you're at":nope:, it was to funny how he said it. The hubby did get to feel the baby move on Friday, that was special. I'm glad he finally got to experience it- even though I think I was more happy than him! I'm feeling a bit sore on my right side, thats where I had surgery, so its uncomfortable, especially at night sleeping. Already starting to look forward to August.
Sarah- I am feeling pretty good! A lot better than a few weeks ago, a lot less throwing up! Thanks for asking!

Lynsey- Thanks! The weather here is pretty nice- upper 70s/low 80s most days. Yep a June birthday def. counts! I am feeling quite a few kicks, it seems he likes to kick around 5 o'clock in the evening, randomly. I have an anterior placenta, so I was afraid I wouldn't feel much, but it is such a relief to feel him! My husband still isn't able to hear/feel anything yet, but I'm sure that's coming.

Anyone still getting MS at this point? Mine is only every few days now, but I really thought it would be gone by now.
BKLove- (sorry I haven't learned all your names yet!) Did you have to do two gender/anatomy scans? I have to do the same, my second is on May 3rd. Since the baby was sitting breech and had the cord between his legs, the tech couldn't get everything check and we have to finish. We almost didn't get to find out the gender because the baby was being so stubborn! I think the tech was getting frustrated, as she called in another tech twice to see if she could help!

I can tell I am posting at opposite hours from the majority of you ladies over the sea there! lol
hope everybody is ok.
welcome to all the new bumps:hugs:
wow all those scans i bet that was very scary and very frustrating for you :dohh: so glad that luke was born healthy and with no probs what a super little boy bet you was very proud hun :)

jeaz looks like you have been ok with the clothes bits and bobs then..i havent got nothing yet..and im starting to get worried. was meant to go out today but pete didnt get home from work till 8 this morning as there was alot of trouble on hes patch...so he had paper work to do :( so im indoors cleaning the house top to bottom making sure hes ok..just cooked him some food now hes back in bed as hes got to work at 8 again tonight :( i hate it when hes on nights :nope:

so hopfuly in the week or next weekend i can go out and get all the bits i need and want for now :) it just soooooo exciting dont you think :):happydance:

whats your name hun? where bouts you from?

if you didnt know im lynsey from london :) xx

Yes, I was very proud when he was born!! :)

I wouldn't be worried about time, unless the doctors have told you that you may go into labor early. Do they have any reason to believe you might? If not, then I'd say you still have a solid 3 months before you should start to worry about having everything. It's great to get everything bought and set up around your 2nd trimester, because you have more energy to do it! But, if you can't get it done until 3rd tri, you still have time. DH and I did look at some baby things yesterday, even though we don't need much! Lol... I'm trying to find a double stroller that isn't too pricey and will accomodate both LO's with a good fit. I also need a new bouncy seat, as DS broke his because he was such a chunker! :haha: I can't wait to see pictures of all of the great things you buy! :) I love looking at baby stuff!

Does your DH work a lot? My husband, Delvin works 9am-6pm Monday-Friday, so we have him every night and all weekend. It took a long time for him to get that schedule though. He used to work all over the place. I'm glad he has a steady schedule now though, because it's helped Luke get into a routine, and I'm sure it will be easier with the new baby as well. Are you planning to stay home with the baby when he's born?

My name is Meagan by the way. I'm 24 years old and we live in Maryland in the US. Nice to meet you Lynsey. :hi:

Can't wait to get to know everyone over here! I wish I would've known about this thread sooner! :blush:
I didn't say earlier, but my name is Kaitlyn and I'm 26 and an English teacher at a local high school here in Southern Illinois, anyone else close in age?

Delmeg, you were talking about your previous baby being breech. I found out that mine is breech right now, too. They said that there is plenty of time for him to turn, but it sounds like your little on didn't want to! I hope mine isn't stubborn!

I'm so excited to find so many of you with close due dates. I am sure you have talked all about this before I came, but what are you ladies feeling now? Do you feel pretty good? Big bumps? Lots of kicks? Etc? Thanks for letting me in!

Hello Kaitlyn! I'm 24 years old and live in Maryland! Nice to meet you! :hi:

Yes, my son was breech. The first scan I had that confirmed it was around 24 weeks. It wasn't such a big deal at that point, by my little boy was a chunker and when he got comfy, he wouldn't budge. After about 32 weeks, he'd gotten so big that it was difficult for him to move, so he just stayed put. :( We could see on the scans that he would try to wriggle, but besides head butting me, wiggling his little feet and moving his arms, he just couldn't move. He did get lodged up under my ribs though, so that was part of the reason. Also, he had tied his umbilical cord in two big knots, so it was a lot shorter than it should have been. That also contributed to him not being able to move much.

I will be praying for you that your LO turns on their own. An external version is very painful and doesn't always work. Plus, I wouldn't want you to go through a cesarean due to LO being breech. Unfortunately, their are very few doctors in the US that will still let us deliver vaginally knowing that baby is in a breech position. My mom delivered my sister naturally and she was butt first (just like my son), and my MIL delivered my husband naturally and he was feet first. But, these days it's too risky to go ahead naturally. :( I will definitely be thinking of you and your LO. :hugs:

I'm finally feeling great! Lots of energy (though I do get out of breath quickly), and I think I'm starting the nesting phase, because I'm constantly cleaning! Lol... I have a larger bump than I did with my son, but it's to be expected the second time around. Lots of kicks lately! This little boy is just like Luke was around this stage... a little soccer player! My contractions have settled down a great deal, so hopefully it'll stay that way for a while!

Keep us posted on your LO's position!

Lynsey- Beautiful bump! :) You are all baby! And you can definitely tell your carrying a boy... Andreas is really low and comfy in there! :haha: SO cute!

I'll try posting a bump pic in a while. :)
22 Weeks:


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afternoon ladies :)

how we all doing today? yup another monday another day closer to seeing baby...im getting so excited the closer the date gets :) pluss the closer it gets the more i feel the little one kick and move about..such a wicked feeling :)

kaitlyn- so your enjoying the sunshine over there to eh nothing beats a great day with sunshine..just brings out a smile even when your pregannt and get in funny moods lol dont get ms any more didnt even get it in the start. couple of days when i was in new york i felt tired and couldnt eat but not really ms. i hate feeling sick as it is let allown ms when pregnant..i hope it goes for you soon though :)

meagan - what a LOVELY bump you got there..lovely and round :) do you find that when you sit diown thats all you see now? bump waving at you lol yeah hubby works as police officer so he works mostly all the time. but when he gets days off there normally 3 days in a row which is cool as he can catch up on hes things as well as spend time with us two :) how strange is that ..its not me anymore its us two hehe

so you girls ever come to london? not that your missing much really :)

sorry that you didnt hear bout this thread being august..it was an august buddy thread in 1st tri but then come second it was just bugging the bump buddies as we all do now :)

nice that you girls have come and found us...we all going through the same so is nice to share and meet nice girlies :) xxx

claire bear not long till you go away hun..bet your looking forward to a nice break away...refesh and back to bonking lol xx make sure keith has hes viagra ready as im sure the holidays going to be alot of fun for you guys :) xx
everybody as gone quiet hope everybody is ok:thumbup:
lynsey as for the little pill, years and years ago keith had one just for fun and it did the opposite, he couldnt get it up:haha::haha::dohh: so that wont be happening lol. i want a baby so i dont think that will help.
not long for holiday know as long as we are allowed to go.
Hey ladies! Sorry not posted for a few days - have been really ill again and ended up in A&E again on Sunday night/early Monday morning. Same pain as last time, although last time they blamed it on a water infection and gave me antibiotics, my waters came back clear this time, as did my blood tests, so they said it's an infection causing swelling/cramps in my diapragm (?) which is causing extreme pain. It sucks that all I can take is paracetamol (they gave me codeine in the hospital to bring me down from the ceiling where I was crawling with pain but can't risk giving me more than one!) so have been off work for the past 2 days and not going back in tomorrow either.


bloody hell sarah you are going through the wars, at least you can put your feet up and enjoy the weather. hows your mother in law???? hope hubby is ok
hey ladies :)

how we all doing? seems your right claire everyone seems to of gonevery quite indeed

sarah i reallyhope yo feel better soon..not alot going down your road thats not stressful isnt hun :( really hope that your doing ok and that baby is kicking and terrorizin hes mum :) big hugs xxx

sammy hun....i know your going through a bad time too hun..just remember we are here if you need us :) hope yor mum has been helping you out and making life alot easier :)

bea - you playing hide and seeks now? iv counted to a hundred and been rounf the block 10 times and still cant find you..you win come out lolol :)

claire looks like it just you and mee lol i bet your counting down the days till holiday..make sure you never take a tablet ever again lol its all bout baby making not trying to wake mr man up lolol im sure you will have a grwat time...saying that lets hope that the plane will be ok for then as at the moment it seems no one is going nowhere. even my mum was meant to go greece saturday just gone..had it rebooked for tomorrow but its looking like shes not going as the planes are all over the place. not lookig good..total nightmare.

so hows everyone else doing? baby kicking? baby shoppping? next appointments?

got my midwife appointment on the 13th may whoop whoop xx
lynsey i cant talk about baby shopping:cry: but i can talk about claire shopping lol:happydance:
hey ladies :)

how is everyone today?? enjoying the sun??

sarah- sorry to hear you ended up in A+E hope your on the mend and baby is ok, dont see why they only gave you one codiene the doc gave my a prescription of it for my back pain but it's low dosage only 8mg of codiene.

bklove- yeah they are gunne be monitoring me upto 34weeks which should be my last scan if everythings ok, they're checking his growth and to see if my placenta has moved up.

lyns- how are you and bump?? mines still really small you an barely tell it seems to have shrunk. i still have a flat stomach when i lay down. but i dont mind least i know that theres a little man in there. things are getting easier to deal with. he's still being a idiot but i'm just letting him get on with it. monday i had a pampering day i went and got my hair and nails done :)

claire- i hope you manage to get away i know a few people that haven't been able to and the insurance companies won't pay out because they are saying its a act of god :( but fingers crossed you can go.

how's everyones baby shopping going ?? i've only got about 3things left to buy and i have everything lol. love my pram to bits just cant wait to have my little munchkin here to put him in it. even bought him a little baby beanie for the older days it sooooo cute :) i'm getting more and more excited.

sammy i hope you are ok. i cant believe you have neally brought everything at least you will be able to put your feet up when you are due to have the baby.
as for you not having a big bump, when i was pregnant with rian you couldnt tell i was pregnant.
they have started to fly again today so hopefully we will go, but it depends on the volcano playing up:growlmad:
i know i stil feel like i'm missing lots of things but i've practically got everything all i need is a playgym, monitor, cot mobile, and a cot ( i have a crib for the first few months) seems scary knowing its only a few months away until he's here.

everyone thought i'd have a huge bump. but it just looks like i've got a bit podgey people ask how far i am and say omg you don't look it lol atleast in a way its less to lose after babys born.

i heard on the news they're telling people to turn up 4hours before the flight to stop over crowding, least things seems to be getting back to normal aslong as the volcano doesn't get any worse.

have they given you a birth weight on him and have you picked a name for the little man
they haven't given me a birth weight yet all they said at the scan was he's very long n measuring bigger than he should be so i have to go back on the 13th may for a growth scan, and back on the 8th july to see if my placenta has moved up. least i'll get to see him 2 more times before he's here. i have picked two names i like Caleb and Jake but not sure which one i like the most.


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