"knocking on buddies door"

they split because, she was too different, she works in a night club in london, she drinks (he doesn't like all that) she's a loudmouth and loves herself way too much and he isnt into girls like that, he only went to her becuase me n him werent as happy as we used to be and he wanted to feel happy again so he went to her and didn't get happiness either. think he realised what he was missing. but like you said he's gotta work and prove himself for a very long time if he wants me back.

glad your little munchkin is ok hun, when you have you midwife i have my scan :) least i'll get a picture of what he's gunna look like. i just pray he hasn't got ashley's big lips lol. my last scan is in exactly 10 weeks time and then after that its 6weeks until he's here OMG panic!!!! lol

i have pretty much everything still have a little list of things that i gotta get but they aren't major things. mums been brilliant she felt him kick the other night. he hates it when i wear jeans all he does is kick the waist band lol and they arent even tight.

my maternity leave isn't until the 31st of july but the first two weeks are holiday so technically i dont go on maternity leave until 16th of august and babys due on the 19th lol but i think i'm gunna bring in a couple of weeks forward.

how's pete being with you now?? hope your both ok. bet he can't wait to be a daddy :)

they split because, she was too different, she works in a night club in london, she drinks (he doesn't like all that) she's a loudmouth and loves herself way too much and he isnt into girls like that, he only went to her becuase me n him werent as happy as we used to be and he wanted to feel happy again so he went to her and didn't get happiness either. think he realised what he was missing. but like you said he's gotta work and prove himself for a very long time if he wants me back

surly he must of known what she was kinda like before he got with her...if he wasnt happy then he should have spoke to you more and helped the situations more instead of making things worse. your sucha lovely looking good with great personality having hes child he should have ignored the silly cow and though do i really wana looose you for some quick pussy. so has he changed hes number still talking to her still seeing her? hes got a lot to make up for...look how hurt you was look how nasty he was..all this pain for her? was she really worth the pain? i know you love him and hes your world but please please dont let him just walk back in your life..hes missed baby appointments for her..hurt you for her...she has replaced trust happiness with doubt and sadness. i hope you can work it out i really do cos i know you love him loadz..i just hope you dont let him walk back like it was nothing. it wasnt nice seeing you hurting and in so much pain :)

as for biglips i know what you mean hun pete has some of thos and a big head as well so will just have to wait and see whens he here .lol

me and pete are doing really well..since 2nd baby scan and shopping for our place and baby we have got alot closer :) at the end of the day im pregnant and very emotional and he gets that now lol sometimes work the house and shopping can make things seems stresfull but hes being great and very helpful which is making things alot better with us. and making me less emotional lol which you know how it is hahah

i can wait to finish work..im hating it at the moment..really dont want to be here. things are getting so difficult with my boss and it has made life there soo stressfull . i comtemplating weather to leave earlier or not as i dont think this stress is good for baby or is it worth it...but will see how i get on by next month :)

so glad that mum has been wicked and there for you hun...wish you could come and help me do my shopping for baby..as work the house is making my head hurt...arghhh come and heeeeeeeeeeeelp me lol

let me know how you get on with ask want you babe...remember im here if you ever need anything :) xxx
i know hun but he's not easy to talk to i have to cause a nasty argument befre he opens up about anything sometimes feel like banging my head against a brick wall. he won't be walking straight back into my life hn, i'd be very suprised if we were back together before baby is here. now he's realised the grass isn't greener on the other side. he doesn't see her or speak to her i sked him out right he has no need to lie to me now i've asked him everything and he's answered every question which i was pretty suprised at but still can't believe he went with a girl that had ginger hair and a dinner plate face lol. but you know that saying you dont know what you've lost until its gone? i think that he just realised that.

my dog is so cheeky i'm off to work in a min and i made myself a sandwich and left it on the side while i went for a pee and came back and he's running around with half of it in his mouth hinking he's clever. so i had to make another one!!!

i'm glad that you and pete are getting on hun. you both deserve to be happy after everything you two have been through. and the baby can only make it better:) sorry to hear your boss is still being a nob. i can't wait for my leave to hurry up i'm just so bored and fed up with work i think it's time to change jobs.

well i better drag my arse off to work :( don't wanna go lol :(

chat soon hun xxxx

hey sunshines! Hope you are all well, me and my mini bump are cool. Next Tuesday we go for glucose testing. Where are you guys with that?
i thought i would pop in to say i hope you all look after yourselfs and bumps as im going on holiday tomorrow. im not really looking forward to it, it feels like iam leaving somthing behide:cry::cry: cant wait to see what you have all been up to look after yourselfs and bumps:hugs:
oh still got a bloody line on my opk not as dark as the main line but you can see it:wacko:
Morning ladies and bumps sorry not been about much just trying to get things sorted. Things are all great fun at work as u all remember I worked in an unsuitable office sitting on the squiff. I have now moved office which is a lot better and means Phil and I can share car to work saving a bit of money which is good. The atmosphere down there is so different its horrible. And I have trembled my workload because other people arnt doing there job properly. I never know if Im going to get paid as the company has mo money to buy stationary ect. But Im really stuck because of maternity .. Phil and I are ok but since being pregnant I have changed do much towarda hu and don't know what to do. I know I love him but it doesn't feel howz used to o used to get butterflies even wen he text even after a yr down the line I could get enough kisses and cuddles but now I hardly feel like them. Wears going on

Sammy hope your bearing up hunni and everything will be ok x x

Sarah how you feeling now sounds like you had about of a rough time everything ok now? X x

Lyns looks like your getting there with the house and baby stuff I don't know what to do really need to gey the spare room sorted out but where do I put everything x x

Were viable today lyns only 16 weeks to go x x

Hope everyone else and bumps are ok to x x x x
wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bea hunnie we are now viable today..24 weeks..where has the time gone :) bump is getting hugeee now and baby is kicking hard now and moving around sooo much. went out with my niece and nepheww today my mum felt bubba move kick which was just sooo awesome :)

bea hun we all are feeling this way it seems. feeling unloved left out like somethings missing? i think its our bodies that are changing so much and having baby grow inside you..kinda make you feel likes like theres something thats meant to be there as well?? try not to worrie so much...you know you love hubby and know you want him...just things are alittle bout you at the moment and baby sooooo dont worrie bout him..hes fine you just concentrate on baby and after hes here hopfuly these feeling will have gone and your new life will start alot happier :)

Sammy - im glad that your doing things the best way for yuo and i hope you can work it out..its going to be hard and aong...but if he does what he should do by making it up then who knows maybe this will make you guys stronger..just dont let him walk over you like some dead meat cos you worth more than that :)

how did you get on on friday? anything happen? humm hope you didnt you know cough cough wink wink??? not that its my place to say what to do..just wouldnt want you to get hurt again :) xxx

boy is it me or do you feel your emotions are all over the place? one minute your thinking lifes great the next your like ffs arghhhhhh or is that just me? lol seriously im like cant wait to be married and have family the next im like right im goner be single and going to do this and this even though my relationship is doing great and things are going well in life..? but the smallest of things make me over think then im in this over reacting silly mood...much as i love being pregnant i cant wait to have baby and get my mind back lolol seriously im going crazy for no reason lol

amanda - nice to see your doing well and baby is showing and kicking you :) not sure bout that test though..only thing i got coming up is mw on the 13th :) whens your mw appointment?

claire hope you have a wonderful time..and come back with a bigger beter smile on your face...things will only get better for you now :) xxx
hey ladies! Congrats on being viable - lovely feeling isn't it? Hope you're all well xxx
hey sarah...how you doing sweet? everything been ok? you been quite lately :)

its a great feeling..cant believe 24 weeks already though..its going soo quick xxx
Hey - I've been on here but just been lurking not posting, have just been crazy busy with work and everything after having that week off sick.

How's the house move?

oh i know how you feel hun. you feeling better?

no house move yet..not for a while yet. trying to sort out the bedroom..the carpet baby stuff ect :) xx
hey ladies and bumpy's

how is everyone on this lovely rainy bank holiday??

i had the most shocking news ever yesterday, someone i know who is only a week and 2days ahead of me had her baby in the early hours of friday morning at 25+2 baby only weighed 2lb 3oz i saw a pic of her and omg she's so tiny. nothing caused it she just went into labour baby decided she couldn't wait any longer.

i can't believe we're all viable now :) were more than half way now not long ladies :D

lyns- friday went ok hun, nope we didn't do anything like that even tho i'm really gagging for it haha sorry ladies!! we had a talk for now we're going to be friends then maybe moving on to a relationship but not atm it's going to take a whole load of time for me to trust him again.

sarah- glad to see your still around, hope your feeling better and everythings going ok your end.

so what's everyone been upto??? been buying anything???

hey ladies and bumpy's

lyns- friday went ok hun, nope we didn't do anything like that even tho i'm really gagging for it haha sorry ladies!! we had a talk for now we're going to be friends then maybe moving on to a relationship but not atm it's going to take a whole load of time for me to trust him again.


thats really good to hear hun..so glad that you too are working things out on a slow term..that way it will work out for you both better...growing solid and mending trust and pain ect..hope you feel better seein him though? hope it has helped you alot :) if you can amend ur friendship first thats always the best in long run :) :hugs:

im being lazy today feeeeling very tired and very slow. im meant to be taking down my fallin apart walldrobes but i cant be arsed lol got carpet man coming on wednesday to put carpet in so have to move all stuff out and throw away my draws and walldrobes..how much fun that will be :dohh:lol

shocking bout your mate having her baby at 25+ thats soon...but glad that everything went well and baby is alive and well :) my work colleges son was 25 weeks when he was born hes now 8 yeas old and fine.....so hopfully her little one will be fine to :) they say if its time its time..but jeazzz im not ready hellll no got some much to doo..wait wait stay in there little one hahah lol

oh iv gone up a box...........3 more boxes 111 days to gooo

whoop whoop :)
woooooooo yay you've gone up a box!!!

i've been having a lazy day too been getting braxton hicks all day and some serious heartburn. hows your little man treating you hun??

have you thought about what pram your going for hun??

hahha yup hes kicking me too and swimming round like hes an athlete in there or something...my belly goes up one side and down the other its crazy to watch lol

yeah getting a pram/carseat all in one from babies r us. was £199 now £179 its cream/silver with attached pram thermometer on it...looks perfect so we getting that next week :) you got yours?

are yo going to have a baby shower? xx
haha mine does that it's so crazy, haven't seen the foot or hand move accross my belly tho. bet it's gunna look so weird

i got my pram couple weeks ago i love it, it cost me 219.99 reduced from 299.99 it has a carry cot, carseat,change bag, i love it and it's so lightweight andyou can get it in 4 different colours and does everything you can have just the carseat n the fram of the carry cot or have it as a normal pushchair.

been looking at cots n babies r us they are so nice, i have a mahogany swinging crib to start with but wanna get a lovely sleigh cot from there its gorgeouse but don't think i'll be able to afford it :(

have you decided wether your going straight into a cot or getting a moses basket??

im going to get both hun...babies r us have got some deals on at the moment. there doing i love my bear cot from £200 to £190 and its masive and lovely. we will be getting that as well as a moses basket that we will put in the cot for the first couple of months..then when hes gets bigger we will just use the cot.

there also doing a hospital bag in there for 29.99 but i want be getting that..i will be using it as a quide tho of what things to bring :)

i just cant believe how quick its all going. i rememeber finding out i was 4 weeks preg and that feels like last week..now 6 months, before you know it ill be sitting on here telling you all bout the birth how hes first day of play school was and then hes first day at senior school lol just going very quick. is it because we are enjoying it or because the world is going at a fastpace now?

iv got lots to get as well as lot ot do to the bedroom..once carpet is down then we can start to buy things and put them in the room yepppeee :) onces things are in the room i think then it will be alot more real for us as we have nothing in the house that really says baby is coming :)

oh right thats cool hun i think i know what cot your on about, the one i want is around 270 but obviously can't afford that lol so looking for something a bit cheaper, i get most of my things from babies r us atm, i bought a lovely cot mobile from there last week and its all bright a colourfull plays tunes spins round and the best thing about it is that it has a remote control to it so you don't have to get out of bed to turn it on or off its great!! and i bought some lovely crib bedding and got my bouncer from there too plus it's actually cheaper than mothercare!!

i know what you mean about how quick it's going feels like only yesterday that i pee'd on my test, i can't believe we're 6months next milestone is our birth hun!! have you thought about how you wanna give birth and what things you wanna use???


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