"knocking on buddies door"

i know i'm kind of excited but also have this feeling they are gunna turn round and say wait until full term but im really worried because his growth is very slow and hes not putting on the weight, i feel he'll be safer born earlier rather than later but i dont know if i can insist on being induced if they decide to leave it???

originally they would even book me in for a growth scan because they didnt think i'd go another two weeks well i have and my scans on monday but then things could change when i see the consultant friday. just seems no-one actually knows whats going on. :(

how are you hun?

when i was having rian i had to have a more detailed scan on his heart and organs. they said he had stopped growing and moving but his heart was fine, so they booked me in for induction on the wednesday.
yeah im great im in the crappy 2ww, we have done everything possible we can to get it this month so we will have to wait and see.
hey ladies :)

I had the scan done and was put on the monitor for 40minutes ..and it seems things are fine...but again cos of hes lack of movement ive been booked in for friday morning at 8.30am and to go again the following monday monring at 9.30am..ive been giving a movement chart to keep an eye on baby movements to shade off each time he moves/kickes etc...if hes still not moving as much as he should then ive been told i will be induced xx
aww hun thats good new atleast they seem toour little man, how are you feeling now be keeping a eye on you and your little man, how are you feeling now hun? bet it was nice to see him again.

cla- i hated the 2ww wait was the worst part of it all fingers crossed for u hun

didnt really get to see him that much sam..the mw was to concerned on taking hes measurements. checking blood flow weight etc. told me he the Scan showing baby weighing approx. 5lb and showing things to be healthy..just hes lack of movement on screen as well as what i feel that there worried about. he was just lying there on the screen...was nice to see him tho but very worrying that he wasnt moving like before. hopeful after these test tomorrow and monday things will be good :) im doing ok tho sam just little stressed as you know..but heyoh carrying on as we do xxx

anywayz heres me at 36+5 taken today xx

Magik- I'm doing ok, just struggling with over heating and difficulty breathing. right now i'm just resting with the ac on because after trying to put away some clothes it just came out of no where and I had to relax.
Honor is looking great, you can definitly see the difference from earlier pics to now. Don't worry about whats in her notes, I like that you are settled on the fact that she's a fighter, and just meant to be here. Hold on to that and everything else, down to bonding with her, will fall in to place.

babyd- you've got to stop worrying to! and further more getting caught up in crazy stories to stress you even more. Just listen to your body, if you feel concerned go to the ER or call the doc, if its just emotional stress try to take it easy. :hug: and more :hug: its the home stretch and I believe you and your baby will be ok. It sounds like they are really keeping tabs on you to so thats a huge plus.

Sammy- If you feel strongly about being induced why not keep pushing your doctors about it.

Goodness seems like theres gonna be more :baby: in the club soon! I'm off this afternoon to meet the last doctor in the practice and get checked out. On monday is our next sonogram which is really more important to check growth and movement and what not. I feel confident that the baby is growing well. Its movement pattern has changed but I still feel jabs throughout the day so I think all is well. God willing we all will have healthy super stars.
Lynsey you look huge saying he is only going to be 5lb. No wonder he can't move there's no room in there.
Oh and you look fantastic:thumbup:
You do look good in that pic, and i'm surprised you are just 5lbs to, even though it is a give or take estimate.
hey ladies just got back from the spa..must say did me the world of good after being to the hospital today...was on monitor for over an hour as baby wasnt making no movement..just sleeping mw said..she gave me some water then the little one made a turn or something...hes heartbeat is fine. was told to go home and relax so i took that a bit future and sat in the jaccuzi and chilled out by the pool. just got back now and feel really refreshed. gotta go back again on monday morning at 9.30to be monitored and to be told whether or not i will be induced :)

wasnt an estimated weight...i had to get what he for the sake of hes growth measurments...he is 5lb i just have a lot of water in there that why i look big :)

Spa time sounds wonderful. Right now my feet could do with some good lovin:) My hubby is horrible at it, so a paid professional would be fantastic.

Enjoy your weekend everyone. Take it easy. I'm hanging out with a friend tomorrow for brunch and then we are headed for our hospital tour:happydance: and i'll probably spend the afternoon putting away more baby clothes. Should be a nice weekend all in all. :thumbup:
hey girls how we all doing? just got back from my atenatal classes..must say was actually enjoyable to go. petes at work so i went on my own which wasnt bad what so ever. there was 7 other girls there some with partners and friends...was a good class...spoke bout stages1,2 and 3 of birth..birthing plan and some other bits going again tomorrow to talk bout after birth for you and your partner which will be good as petes going to this one which will be good for him.

amanda i had my walk about on wednesday just gone...its actually really good idea to know where to go and what wards is what as theres so many apartments. pluss you get to see lots of new borns that are literally only a couple of hours born..really emotional seeing that there sooo tiny :) hope you have a lovely weekend with your friends xxx

claire - you ok hun you been a bit qute? hope your ok and hubby been good to you :) xx

sammy - hows things going with the hospital?

sarah - are you still alive hun...havent heard from you in ages...hope you good xx

bea - hows you and honor getting on..shes looking so healthy and so big...seeing your pics are just so nice. goos to see your getting on better with motherhood..seems like your enjoying it more and more xx

lou - hey sweet hows it going on over there? havent spoke in ages. hope your well :) has your daughter had her baby yet? xxxx

have a nice day ladies xxx
I'm here, I wish this 2ww would hurry up. Keiths being going I think he is trying to make me fat as he just brought me a greggs:growlmad:
I can't believe august is tomorrow it as gone so fast
aww i love greggs give it to meee ill eat it lol beefstake? lol :) :happydance:

yup august tomorrow indeed..did i mention 37weeks today omg omg totally where has this year gone? one minute im 2 weeks pregnant the next im 37 weeks :wacko:

you feeling ok tho hun? you seem alittle fed up last couiple of days? you know we here for you dont you? :hugs::hugs:



At 37 weeks pregnant stage, you have completed the full term of pregnancy. The baby is due anytime now. You may still have 2 or 3 more weeks to go. You and baby are still growing and putting on a lot of weight. You are fully pregnant now and probably feeling very tired and exhausted. You may be wondering that the baby will be out any time now and you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor very soon. By now, you have become real big with a huge tummy. You must be feeling very heavy and may be experiencing difficulty while walking. This may be due to baby’s presentation or positioning for the birth. Your uterus has expanded considerably and become nearly a thousand times of the original volume.

You will find it very surprising that you will be regaining your original shape in a few days after childbirth. You will see your baby grow into a toddler, child and teenager and you will be left wondering about the times of your pregnancy and labor. Planning and organizing in advance helps a lot during pregnancy. A mother must decide about family planning, contraception, conceiving, pregnancy, childbirth and baby care in consultation with her partner or husband. If everything is planned and organized properly, then there are no last minute hassles.

The parents to be should be ready with bags of maternity clothes for the mother and one with baby clothes. The mother can decide about the feed and arrange for the bottles etc. if she has planned to give top feed. She must keep communication lines open with a mobile or pager and should maintain contact with the hospital where she is going for delivery. If the husband or partner is unavailable, then arrange for a friend or a relative to take you to the hospital. Keep your vehicle in ready condition for going to the hospital.

Baby’s Development

The baby is putting on weight at a very fast pace during the 37 weeks pregnant stage. The fat is getting deposited on the cheeks, knees and elbows and these are becoming dimpled due to fat deposition. The baby is putting on weight at the rate of ½ ounce per day. The baby becomes rounder by the day. The skin is fast losing its wrinkled appearance and the skin colour is becoming pinker. The baby is breathing very well by now. The baby’s development is nearly fully completed and the baby is ready to be delivered at any time now. The baby’s approximate weight is about 61/2 to 7 pounds and the approximate length is 20 to 21 inches.

The most significant development at this stage of pregnancy is the positioning or presentation of the baby for birth. The mother experiences increased pressure in the lower abdominal area. This is called engaging or lightening. The baby moves or shifts downward and its head comes to rest in the mother’s pelvic bone bowl. This is the case in 95% of the deliveries. The baby might position or present in many other ways like traverse, breech, brow, knee and so on. The baby’s hair has grown quite well by this stage. Some babies have very good hair growth and some babies may have very little or no hair at all. The exterior coatings of the baby start coming out now and the baby swallows these along with the additional secretions in uterus.

Changes With Your Body

You are in the full term or advanced stages of pregnancy in the 37 weeks pregnant stage. You are now due for delivery anytime. The baby delivered at this stage is a mature or a full term baby. You might be feeling very heavy now due to increased weight. You will continue to put on weight as the baby is still growing and developing. At this stage, the baby has come down in the pelvic cavity of your body and positioned itself for the birth. Your body will now start preparing for labor and this is done by dilation of the cervix. The mucus plug which acts as a protective sealant of the uterus begins to discharge from the body. Do consult your doctor about all types of discharges.

What To Expect

You are nearing the end of your pregnancy at the 37 weeks pregnant stage. You might be feeling that the wait has become unbearable now and you are counting the days now. You will realize once your bundle of joy is delivered that all your waiting was actually worth it. You will forget all the pains, aches and discomfort when you will see and feel your baby. All the medical conditions of minor aches and pains will disappear after delivery as these are generally temporary. One must keep a happy and cheerful disposition throughout the pregnancy period. This will have a good effect on baby’s development. The pregnant mother must take due care with a proper balanced diet accompanied by light exercise schedule to ensure a safe pregnancy and healthy baby. Observe good hygiene and personal cleanliness during the pregnancy period. Itching can be reduced by application of lotions.

Advance planning and organizing will help the expectant mother greatly for the forthcoming events. Talking to your partner, family, friends and medical experts will help in relieving doubts, anxieties and stress. Keep all information regarding telephone numbers of your husband, doctor, hospital ready and handy. Be well prepared with all items for the baby. Welcome your baby with open arms and enjoy motherhood with all its pleasures and challenges.

whoop its all good ladies :hugs::hugs: :cloud9: xx
Hey hun yer its not to bad i spoke to health visitor about it all she said its because i put such a barrier up in case something happened its just hard to bring it down again. Lynz becareful using the jacuzzis as your not suppose to use them in pregnancy for some reasons. Cant wait to see your little man wont be long.

So has everuyone packed there bags
its been horried weather here today. Hubby goes back to work next week dunno what im gonna do all day everyday hmmmm xxx
Hey ladies, just a quick update on my phone, I'm laying in bed in hospital ATM, I came in earlier today with reduced fetal movements and because of baby being under 5lb the decided to induce me so I was given prostin gel at 4pm and have been contracting since 10pm so hopefully all going well my little man could be here tomorrow!

Hope your all ok ladies xx
sammy- good luck. I hope and pray you and the baby will be well. Keep us posted when you can. :hug:

I plan to pack our bags by wednesday. I have a few items to wash, but I think I have everything. They told us on the tour to have a bag for what we need for birth and for after birth which includes babies stuff. The 2nd bag stays in the car till after birth. The tour was informative to. The hubby now knows how to get there, thats important, and I like the fact they have bf specialist available, and baby care classes while at the hospital. The rooms are a little small for delivery, and my hubby is mad there is no flat screen tv, but we probably won't have time for that! and you share the post delivery room, which sucks a bit, but I guess won't be the focus at that point anyway.
37 weeks! I feel more ready, mentally and we've made good progress. Ordered the car seat and stroller, the bassinet and the clothes are washed and mostly put away. We have some diapers there but could use some more. I think by the end of this week we'll definitly be ready.

Do you guys plan to have snacks while in labor? I do, but the hospital said its not allowed once there. Pish posh, I still plan to have them!
Only a short period left but I wanted to share some exercises with you guys to help with labor. And a good thing to look up is positions for labor to help with pain and getting baby down that canal. It doesn't look like the pics came out, so you can google the ones you are interested in. I try to do them everyday.

Relaxation is key!!!!

To get yourself motivated [and to remember to actually make time for the exercises/activities] talk to your DH/Coach about encouraging you and reminding you to do them. TRUST ME, once baby is ready to arrive, you will be VERY thankful you took the time to do these

The way this will work, I will give you the "General Assignments" for each week and explain them. (each exercise increases and "intensifies" each week). Then I (or "we" if you are participating) will do them daily.

Make sure you MASTER all of these. They will DEF help!!!

Relaxation: 10 minutes 2X a day

Walking: 5 minutes 1x a day

Tailor Sitting: OFTEN (as much as you can do)

Squat: OFTEN (as much as you can do)

Butterfly: (3) 1x a day

Pelvic Rock: (10) 4x a day PLUS 20 at bedtime

Kegel: 50x a day

[click pictures to enlarge]

~ To RELAX "properly", learn this position. It is one of the best positions for the body as it allows optimal blood flow and circulation to the baby, is calming, and doesn't stress any one part of the body. (btw, this is *technically* called "Side Relaxation and Sleep Position"). Excellent for pain management while in labor. If you want, play some relaxing music and turn the lights on low (or off if you prefer).

I know my left arm looks uncomfortable, but its really not. I promise. Just something to get used to and your limbs wont fall asleep.

Start on your
side with both knees slightly bent and the top leg forward. Your pillow should be at an angle under your head and breast *note, your head should be laying flat. It should not be tilted, change pillows if necessary* Place your bottom arm behind you. At first, having the arm behind you is a little awkward, but you will get used to it in no time Just stick with it.

~ TAILOR SITTING, do this as often as you can throughout your day. And make sure you are sitting up straight. This will help with posture. Commonly known as "Indian Style" or "Cris-Cross Apple Sauce".

Sit on the floor or firm pillow with your legs crossed. Remember good posture. Variation is good, lean forward or backward against something, stretch your legs occasionally. Change position often. *DO NOT SLOUCH*

~SQUAT, as with Tailor Sitting, do this one as much as possible, especially when you are bending over to pick something up. Let your coach/DH help you when you need help from the growing tummy This is a VERY common position to give birth in, and is one of the best because it naturally aligns the body, and shortens the birth canal (making your job easier), so if you have to master one, this would def. be it

Start by standing straight, with legs comfortably apart. Next, bend knees slightly & tuck hips under (to relieve pressure on the lower back). Then, bend forward (to help keep uterus forward) and squat, keeping the heals on the floor *note, i still can't get my heels flat on the floor, so while you are teaching your body to do this, you can place a pillow or a blanket under the middle of your feet (heels) so that you just arn't wobbly on your ankles. then once you build up the strength, remove the items and try getting your heels flat on the floor, may take a bit of practice. You can also hang on to something(like a bar or your DH) to help until you've gained the flexibility to have feet flat.* When coming up, do so tail-first halfway, then place hands on legs (to help support lower back) as you come up the rest of the way.

~BUTTERFLY, This is especially great to learn because it reduces shaking and unnecessary pain during the 2nd stage of labor. It conditions the abductor muscles and enables you to pull your legs back better during delivery. *Your DH will need to assist you with this*

Sit on the floor leaning your back against a wall or furniture with knees up and feet together, flat on the floor. Coach/DH places flats of hands on the outside of your knees and applies resistance while you try to open your legs. Legs only need to go down as far as comfortable.

~ PELVIC ROCK, this exercise is HIGHLY beneficial!!! Make sure you master it! It tones and conditions the lower back and abdominal muscles, relieves pressure (very helpful during late pregnancy and during labor), increases circulation, and improves digestion. This will also help the baby come forward, relieving pressure.

In hands and knees position (hands and knees should form a box), relax lower back, allowing pelvis to tilt forward (comfortably), then level and tuck hips under (do slowly and rhythmically with control). This should only be moving the lower part of the body. You coach/DH can place his hand on your lower back apply light pressure. Doing these before bed can help you and baby sleep more comfortably​
Hey ladies bit if disappointing news after being up all night with contractions and hardly any sleep the buggers have decided to stop :-( so feel a bit down now expected to be in labour at this point. Just waiting for the midwife to come round and see me to decide what they're going to do next x I'll update soon x
Good luck Sammy were all here if u need us can't want to see your little man x c

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