Labor Watch!--MY UPDATE, hes here!!! pictures page 50-51. birth story somewhere befor

So sorry to hear about your grandpa crafty. I lost mine when I was pregnant with Aidan and it was devestating yo me, still is because I know how much my grandpa would have absolutely adored him. Big hugs sent your way. Hope LO cooperates with you.
I agree, pass the labor dust!!! Still cramping here, nothing major.

I can't believe how fast you ladies all went!!!

I'll be praying baby cooperates with you aime! Do you think you could ask them to break it sooner??
Going in for my 38 week appt today. We don't do sweeps here I don't think, but fingers crossed for progress!
*spreads labour dust*

Can't believe it actually happened to he honest. Feels surreal!!!
Can't wait for the rest of your bubbas to arrive :) x
I can't believe how quickly you went in the end wilsey!! Congrats on getting your vbac!
Due on Sunday and not a baby in sight! Head is 1/5th engaged but Midwife seems to think second babies often don't engage until you're in labour so that is completely irrelevant.

Will be given a sweep on friday and induction booked if no sign before then.

GET OUT :happydance:
I don't think she'll do anything unless I go into l&d again before my wed 40 week appt. Not even a peep has been said about induction, which didn't bother me because I want to avoid pitocin, but I think its obvious I won't need more than a popped water bag. My body is doing all the work despite the bagjolding baby back. I was -2 in the hosp last night and when on the ball the pressure gets pretty intense. Never had by bag pop on its own that's the problem. I don't think its gonna happen without help. Body is primed and ready. Stupid water bag. Lol. I am trying desperately to get some contractions moving. Had a little blood in a tiny amount of mucus this morning but I think that was from the violent cervical checks I had last night.
Oh wow babies everywhere. Massive congrats ladies.

Cant wait for pics and stories. Xx
Quick labour run down. Woke up at 11pm and started having contractions (about 5-7 mins apart). Had a good one at 11.45pm and felt a pop. Waters had broken. Woke hubby to get me a towel. Wondered if I'd just peed myself. Put a pad on a lay down for ten mins. Stood up and more came out. Midwife said to call when I had 3 contractions in 10 mins. I did and called (poor lady had only just made it home from hospital delivering two babies in one day).

Got into hospital about 12.30am and she checked me and I was 9cm. Not long after I started to push and used a smidge of gas. Didn't think it did much so stopped. She arrived at 1.59am at 7lbs 9oz. She's gorgeous. Already in my room and she's sleeping. I should be too but I'm wired. Can't believe it happened.

Oh and just a small tear and one stitch needed. It's actually inside which apparently heals better.

Introducing (in clothes much to big for her) Emily Grace x x


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Good call Sheldonsmommy.. Went ahead and changed it :haha:

Feeling very very wet, like more discharge or plug, but nothing when I wipe?? Uuuugh. Praying this baby decides to come this weekend!

I am still in awe that it happened so quickly for you ladies! And super happy for you! And very very very jealous :p :haha:
NOTHING happening for me :(. Wilsey she's gorgeous. And I love thr name (the name our lil girl will be)
Adorable wilsey! And adorable name!!!
Massive i not only want labour to start i want one like urs. X

So I'm having some period pains that are coming in waves. They're not incredibly painful, but they are definitely coming and going, and lasting forever it seems. Going to start timing them!
She's gorgeous wilsey!!

I've got nothing really today. Been on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor and barely any tightenings or anything!!
Naturally, after posting that, they completely stopped so I didn't get to even time them. Of course.
I get to leave work early after lunch since there's absolutely no reason for me to be here right now. Once I get home I'm going on a long walk!
Naturally, after posting that, they completely stopped so I didn't get to even time them. Of course.
I get to leave work early after lunch since there's absolutely no reason for me to be here right now. Once I get home I'm going on a long walk!

I wish some of us lived close together so we could go on pregnancy waddles together.

I am still only 2 cm and discouraged, although I know I am still early at 38 weeks. My obgyn told me to stay active and enjoy my sex life this weekend hahaha
Naturally, after posting that, they completely stopped so I didn't get to even time them. Of course.
I get to leave work early after lunch since there's absolutely no reason for me to be here right now. Once I get home I'm going on a long walk!

I wish some of us lived close together so we could go on pregnancy waddles together.

I am still only 2 cm and discouraged, although I know I am still early at 38 weeks. My obgyn told me to stay active and enjoy my sex life this weekend hahaha

I suppose pregnancy waddle would be a more suitable name for it! Lol

I would have loved to be 2 cm at 38 weeks! I'm due Monday and only "a very loose 1" cm dilated, but 90% effaced.

:rofl: I wish I had the option of sex because I would SO take advantage of it!

Had 2 contractions 8 minutes apart lasting 30-40 seconds each. Now nothing. Again.

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