Labor Watch thread


2 by Sea 2 by Land
Sep 4, 2009
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This is my 4th, so i totally know that all the symptoms in the world can mean absolutely nothing, and no symptoms can mean anything...but i think its fun to do labor watch, or well, at least keep me busy lol.

I went 41+4 w #1, 38+3 w #2, and 41+0 w #3.

Anyone want to join? Post your updated stats and what pregnancy this is for you. [Technically this is my 7th pregnancy, but my 4th healthy one]

36 week check - cervix was hard, closed, and not thinned out whatsoever, but anterior (forward/low and no longer posterior [high])
37 week check - cervix was very very soft, 50% thinned out, my outer cervix was 1CM but inner cervix closed.

Ive been.having menstrual cramping all over my bump and also back aches.and pressure that.comes and goes, all week. Monday i really thought it was.going to turn into somethibg but it never did.

I go back in one week.

How all are you doing? Any updates?
Hi, I’ll join you!

In the Uk we don’t get as many checks as this but I am 40+5 today. Absolutely no signs so far, baby no1 arrived at 41 weeks exactly but I had had a show and he was engaged from 38 weeks or so.

This one is back to back and still pretty high up so I’m spending a lot of time on all fours ogling!

Here’s hoping for some movement soon!
I'll join!
This is my first so I have nothing to base it on!

At 36 weeks I was 50-60% effaced, but not dilated at all.
At 37 weeks they didn't check so I don't know for sure, but after a really rough day on Tuesday my husband brought home some gloves and checked me and said I was about 1cm dilated, which is still nothing really. He's a family doctor who does a little OB so I swear it's not as crazy as it sounds.

I have had lots of cramps and uterus tightening and back aches this week. I felt nothing before this week so it has been annoying.

Next appointment is for 38 weeks on Monday!
I’m currently 39+5 and waiting!

This is my third pregnancy, both of my older boys were born at 41+2 so it might be over a week before I go into labour. I’m booked to go in on the 28th if he hasn’t arrived by then, that’s 10 days over, so hopefully he turns up before then!

I’ve not really had any symptoms so far - he feels low and I’ve had Braxton Hicks on and off but no show or anything. I haven’t got a clue what my cervix is doing as they don’t check in NZ until you’re overdue. I’m having a sweep next Thursday if no action before then so will find out more then if I’m still pregnant.
Hi! I am 38+5, with #3.

Last Tuesday I was 1cm, soft cervix, had a sweep done.
Thursday I started losing mucous plug and have been losing it ever since. Lots of BH. Had second sweep done this tuesday no change on the inside...More pelvic pressure and back pain since but still waiting.
i'll Join :)

only 36+2 today but they may want to induce at 38 weeks since i have Obstetric Cholestasis, but my midwife is hoping that is that has to happen we can get labor started on my own without intervention.

my first was natural went into labor on my own at 39+2 and my son was planned c section ( he was breech)
Exciting to see so many babies coming soon! Thanks for starting this off Guppy!
36 week check and I was maybe a fingertip dilated, but cervix still pretty high according to Dr, but baby's head was right there. Likely won't be checked again for several weeks
Checking in - 40+6
Done a lot of walking today and getting more braxton hicks than usual, some with a little period pain but not really enough to get me excited!
Sweep tomorrow, went naturally with my first with no intervention so am a little nervous
38 weeks today with baby #3. Been getting braxton hicks and lost some plug today but it wasn't bloody or anything so I don't think Labour is close. I went overdue with dd1 (11 days) and dd2 (9 days) so I'm pretty sure nothing major will change for at least 2 weeks. Won't get checked until 40 weeks xx
Ive been breaking out all week, which for me is generally a sign of either AF or labor...however, flu like symptoms [minus actually having the f l u and a fever] always strike about 1 to 5 days before hand and so far that hasnt happened...will see...ive had a lot of back ache and BHs today but not anythinf new. Thise started a xouole weeks ago

Wonder who will be lucky and go first? Lol
oh guppy, I hope it's a sign!

My back was aching like crazy last night, but I think it was just because we went for a walk. Exercise routines don't seem to bring it on, but lately walks have been making my lower back ache.
Guppy I had the same as well flu like symptoms when I went into labor with my dd. So far nothing but I'm not expecting much till I'm further along lol. I have an ultrasound today to check on baby

In order of age

Cody - 40+7 (induced)
Olivia - 40+7 (induced)
Erin - 38+4 (natrual)

From uk they don't check but she checked me vaginally for bsbys position as he was breech at 32 week scan head is extremely low.
Guppy I had the same as well flu like symptoms when I went into labor with my dd. So far nothing but I'm not expecting much till I'm further along lol. I have an ultrasound today to check on baby

How was ur scan?
I’m 40 weeks today! No signs of going into labour, darn it! So over being given a due date that means jack shit. :haha:

I have a scan in the morning to check that baby is still all good in there, but otherwise I’m just waiting. I bet one of you ladies will go before me!
I’m 40 weeks today! No signs of going into labour, darn it! So over being given a due date that means jack shit. :haha:

I have a scan in the morning to check that baby is still all good in there, but otherwise I’m just waiting. I bet one of you ladies will go before me!

Good luck tomorrow!
I hadsweep this morning, apparently everything is looking good for labour to start very soon.3 cm dilated and cervix soft and stretchy. So making preparations for it to happen tonight and will probably end up being disappointed!! The waiting is unbearable! 40+8 today and will be induced on Thursday probably.
Still waiting here as well. Have been trying everything...I don't remember my other 2 being this uncomfortable at the end. The pelvic pain and pressure is fierce with this one and now my back hurts. I'm just ready for this to be over lol.
I hadsweep this morning, apparently everything is looking good for labour to start very soon.3 cm dilated and cervix soft and stretchy. So making preparations for it to happen tonight and will probably end up being disappointed!! The waiting is unbearable! 40+8 today and will be induced on Thursday probably.

I bet babe will be here really soon!!!

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