Labor Watch thread

Group B strep is not something you need to worry about. I’ve had it all 3 times, you have antibiotics in labour and that takes care of it. Don’t spend any time stressing about it. And they don’t give antibiotics for it before labour because it doesn’t mean you won’t have it anyway during labour as it can come and go in a healthy woman.

I’m 40+4 today. No signs of labour so far. I had a midwife appointment this morning and had a stretch and sweep. I’m 2cm on the outside but midwife couldn’t get right up through my cervix so not sure if I’m dilated through to the internal os. Anyway, here’s hoping her poking around in there did the trick!

Baby is not engaged either which is a pain... so frustrated with being overdue.

I had a sweep with my second and ended up going into labour with him a day later, so it might work!

Are we all still waiting at the moment?
I had sooo many tightening, pressure and pains in my back that wrapped around to the frobt, last night. I really thought it was going to turn into something. I ate, drank, slept, etc. No change. But it never got worse.or closer together either. Ugh. I seriously feel like i should be in full labor at this point. Not sure why it didnt stop but it also didnt incrrase.

I have an appt. Tomorrow morning. Really hope at least a little progress was made.

This was me last night and for days total tease 😂
Thank you ladies for the group b strep info ❤

I think I'm going to have to make an appt with doctor. They said my iron is just borderline but I didn't want to take tablets as my constipation is bad enough as it is but I read it can be linked to depression I was heavily depressed last time and low on iron
Ya, that is what my OB told me about group b strep. I have just been trying not to worry about it.

Nothing is happening for me yet. I was getting a lot of pressure last night. My husband perpetually thinks I'm going into labour and I just keep telling him I'm not haha.
Ya, that is what my OB told me about group b strep. I have just been trying not to worry about it.

Nothing is happening for me yet. I was getting a lot of pressure last night. My husband perpetually thinks I'm going into labour and I just keep telling him I'm not haha.

I had my 38 week appt. Today. All those pains havnt been for nothing but still cant believe i havnt gone yet w all these pains!

Im now 1CM dilated [up from only the outter cervix being 1CM and inner cervix totally closed], im now 70% thinned out [up from 50% since last thursday]. Baby still stationed at -3 but no surprise there. My third didnt engage until active labor so i figure it means nothibg. Cervix still low and soft.

Sending labor vibes to everyone!
My baby arrived in spectacular fashion yesterday morning. After spending Tuesday night feeling angry and frustrated that my sweep hadn’t started any contractions, I went to bed and must have dozed off but woke up to braxton hicks/contractions at 3am. Only had 3, not close together before I woke my DH and told him to call childcare. We arrived at the hospital at 4.20 and baby was born 40 mins later!!! So obviously all the sweeps and BH had been doing something after al

Good luck to the rest of you
Congratulations citrusfruit! My baby boy was born yesterday morning as well at 622! Glad to be home with baby and the family now.

Good Luck ladies!
Congrats citrusfruit and Laeyla! So exciting to hear that some babies have arrived! I'm glad things went well for both of you.

Guppy, I'm glad you're progressing! Hopefully it just keeps going from here!
Congratulations citrusfruit! I hope you’re both doing well.

Woke up this morning totally downhearted as I expected to feel some cramps last night after my sweep but I didn’t feel a darn thing! Haven’t even really felt so much of a Braxton Hicks since after my sweep.

However after walking around for an hour getting the kids ready for school and preschool I started losing my mucus plug. So I guess that means something is happening even if I’m not feeling it.

First time in 3 pregnancies I’ve lost my plug before labour - first time I never saw it at all, second time it came out at around 4cm dilated in a giant lump and this time it’s started coming out in bits before I’ve had even a single contraction. I hope this means my cervix is getting ready. About to go for a walk to see if I can get baby to engage, little turd is still floating!
I want to join even though only 36 weeks lol

I have a daughter that’s 6 that i went naturally with at 40w5d but ended up section due to cord in knot

I have twin boys i was induced with at 37 weeks, did pitocin labor for 20 hours ended up with section coz baby A was wedged lol

So even though this is 3rd pregnancy/4th baby I’ve never had a vaginal and never been dilated past a 7-8

I had a growth scan Monday and baby was 6lbs - 50th percentile

She was head down and facing my my back so perfect position labor delivery wise

I was 1cm dilated super soft but still in the thicker side which i was super surprised at, although i know it’s not anything to get excited about lol

Another appt Monday but not sure if I’ll get checked or not

Good luck everyone
Welcome happiestmom!

Got the official word I'm being induced march 1st which is thursday ah! Very nervous since I'm doing vbac and midwife is hoping somehow i go into labor on my own before then so I've started evening primrose oil to help but not sure what else to do. They have to start my induction with Foley catheter since they won't do cervidil if you have a uterine scar. I'm hoping I go on my own. Reason they are inducing is because I have obstetric cholestasis and doctor is concerned if I go to due date or past. Very stressed and torn, I'd like for everyone to just leave me be but I know for baby's safety induction is best. I risk having another c section though if this doesn't work
Congrats on the two new arrivals!!! Hope there are some more good updates soon!
Congratulations laelay and citrusfruit!!! So happy for you both to finally be holding your new babes!

Welcome happiestmom!

Got the official word I'm being induced march 1st which is thursday ah! Very nervous since I'm doing vbac and midwife is hoping somehow i go into labor on my own before then so I've started evening primrose oil to help but not sure what else to do. They have to start my induction with Foley catheter since they won't do cervidil if you have a uterine scar. I'm hoping I go on my own. Reason they are inducing is because I have obstetric cholestasis and doctor is concerned if I go to due date or past. Very stressed and torn, I'd like for everyone to just leave me be but I know for baby's safety induction is best. I risk having another c section though if this doesn't work
Yay! How do you feel about that? Awesome to know u have a def. End date, huh? So excited for you!
Zephram, hopefully somethibf happens soon for you.
That plug is such a 'ohhh this may happen soon, give me hope" sorta thibg...except when its a massive letdown lol

I lost a HUGE piece of plug, all in one go yesterday afternoon. Ive never lost a big bit like that. Pretty sure it was the entire thing.
This morning i have overly soft BMs so i really hope this means something but im sure ill still be here for a.while :haha:
38+2 today.
Good luck Guppy! Really hope that much at once means something!!!

Having a lot of uncomfortable groin pain today when walking :( don't think it's indicative of labor, just yet another misery to get through until the end :cry:
Aww twinkie, i hope it either eases up or brings the babe out!
Zephram, hopefully somethibf happens soon for you.
That plug is such a 'ohhh this may happen soon, give me hope" sorta thibg...except when its a massive letdown lol

I lost a HUGE piece of plug, all in one go yesterday afternoon. Ive never lost a big bit like that. Pretty sure it was the entire thing.
This morning i have overly soft BMs so i really hope this means something but im sure ill still be here for a.while :haha:
38+2 today.

Thanks! Turns out the plug was a total letdown, haha, as here I am another day later with ZERO signs of going into labour. I'm now 6 days overdue, the sweep didn't do anything, I've had no cramps or contractions, just lost that big glob of plug, but nothing since.

Having a CTG tomorrow so I think my midwife will try another sweep as we're coming up to my deadline, which is Wednesday. Booked on Wednesday for either induction or ELCS due to the fact my first was a EMCS (failed induction, which makes me not want to go this route again) and second a forceps VBAC that didn't turn out well for my vag. :haha:

I would love to go into labour naturally before having to make this decision!
Well ladies, I'm a mom! We had a boy!

He name is Nolan Thomas and he arrived on Feb. 23rd at 2:40pm. My water broke around 5 so we headed into the hospital. I wasn't contracting so around 8:30 after being admitted my OB put some gel in me to get contractions started. It worked VERY well and I progressed quickly. Had to have an IV for penicillin for GBS+ and did one round of pain meds through that around 12:30/1. Happy to say I didn't need an epidural (that was literally my only birthing goal other than healthy baby, but I was prepared to get one if I felt it was necessary).

I was only 2cm dilated when my OB checked me between 8 and 8:30. Shortly after 2 my nurse was going to take a lunch break, but decided to check me first and I was 10cm. My OB had left on vacation after seeing me so his midwife and the nurse delivered the baby. I felt great afterwards.

I put more details and a few pictures in my journal if anyone wants to check those out :) I hope you all get to meet your babies soon!

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