Labour watch, help me I'm nuts!

My husband is also a pain with names. If it were up me, I'd go with Jack. I love it, and I think it is such a strong name. However, if my husband has even heard of it, it gets voted down. I love unique names, but I refuse to name my child Bookcase or Ukulele just to be unique.

Having said that, our first born's name is Archer, and I love it. It is a little weird, but it so suits him... It's perfect for him. If we were having a daughter, her name selection was Sawyer (my absolute number one... I love old-fashioned names), Audrey, Adeline, or Genevieve.

However, it seems we are having a boy :haha: it's our destiny. Our boy's names are Ryder (a bit common, but it goes so well with Archer, both in strength, sound, and meaning... It means "knight." Who doesn't want a Knight alongside their Archer? :)), Teddy (whole name Theodore), Link (whole name Lincoln). Archer is also a very old-fashioned name, and we adore that it wasn't popular at all. It was unique without being weird... to us.
Jack was my ultimate favourite name but I don't think my OH liked it that much.
After much deliberation we have settled with Xander, it's very unusual to me and not very common at all but it's really grown on me, and when I hear my little girl say it and my partner it definitely feels right!
I'm still here this morning, had a good nights sleep damn! Had some unbearable lightening crotch this morning it knocked me to the floor as I was trying to wee, but other than that nothing!
I'll do some internet shopping for Christmas, see where it gets me, at least it will take my mind off things!
Oh, Xander is unique, but I love it!

With things being quiet, that's ok... Like I said, for me, other that weird feelings, I had no sign of labor until 24 hours after the sweep when I had my timed bh contractions. They went away, and then 48 hours after the sweep (roughly), I was in labor. For me, between those two moments, it was total silence!!! No practice contractions, nothing. I'd say, don't worry that you slept great last night. You might have a similar experience where nothing happens and then *everything* happens :)
Fingers crossed! My BH have increased but it's hard to distinguish when my belly goes tight and when baby stretches! But they are increasing so will see if I can time them or not!
It's hard anticipating a second labour because I know what's to come in terms of contractions so everything else feels so insignificant but that might not be the case!
How are you feeling? Xxx
Last time my waters went first a week early so I didn't have anywhere near as much 'Is this it?' moments. Once my front waters went the contractions were obvious. This time I know baby is facing the right way, so not sure what normal labour is supposed to feel like. I'm questioning everything!

I'm having quite strong bhs again today. Having a quick bath now and then off to bed. See if anything comes of it. Probably won't though! :)
About 45mins after this post I started to get back ache. I've pottered around the house and its still happening. Can't work out if its in my head or real. I've finished the ironing and put some tumble drying on and I'm going to see if I can sleep through them. Baby is squirming a lot so that could be the reason. I will keep you posted. Michelle hoped things are happening for you xx
Michelle: That sounds promising. Exactly how mine got going!!! :happydance:

NotNic: When are you due? Is it soon? If so, it sounds great to me!!

AFM: All's quiet here. I lost a bit more plug with some show again, but I've given up on that being a sign. Menstrual cramping has picked up this evening, which is really nice (weird, right?) I just love that I can know something is happening. I have also had a pretty constant few hours of lightning crotch, which I also like because I know the more he bounces around down there, the more it will signal my body to dilate and change!!

Random Rant: My due date is the 29th, and we take my son to my parents' place for Halloween, so he can Trick or Treat, as our neighborhood is super small and no one gives out candy. The problem is, my parents live 2 hours away, and we can't be that far away from L&D because he came so quick when he was ready. Halloween is the 31st AHHH. My son was early, but I'm nervous this one will hold out. We have a back-up plan with my parents if this little one is not out in time, but I hope it doesn't come to that. I want to see my son trick-or-treat. We went homemade this year- he's Lightning McQueen from Cars, and we've worked so hard on his costume! Weird rant, but it all kind of crept up on me at once. I realized that we have about a week to make this work easily, otherwise I miss my son's Halloween. :shrug:

*walks away to do more stretching and get this baby out a bit early :haha:*
My due date was yesterday Tigermom. Nothing came of the bhs so still waiting. That costume sounds amazing! DS has a Halloween party on the 31st, so need to have a think. Last year he went as an owl. So cute!

Michelle - hope things are progressing for you.
Nothing progressed for me, safe to say the sweep didn't work! I'm taking my daughter to school this morning and I know everybody is going to give me that sympathetic look and I don't want it I want to close my eyes and ignore everybody!
I've woken up feeling fine, I'm
Gutted to be fair. My partner is a fireman, he's had the past 12 days off and we hoped baby would come in that time. He goes back to work tomorrow for 4 shifts, 2 days and 2 nights and I'm just petrified of being on my own. I am 50 mins from hospital and all family and just totally scared of being alone! I don't know whether I will go and stay at my mums when he is on nights just for some company!
I am so fed up. Not feeling positive today!
Fed up of everybody texting me, feel like I'm letting people down! Partner keeps telling me I'm being silly but I can't help it!
This sucks!!!
What's your back up plan for Halloween?
Are you officially over today then Notnic? Xxx
Yep. This baby is officially late. This pregnancy has been the complete opposite of my first. Im still getting odd pains here and there. Was tempted to get OH to stay at home with me, but its probably just more aches and pains like yesterday.
I know that's exactly how I feel. Last night I had what felt like a huge contraction and it really made me cry, then nothing!!!!
OH said he could take leave tomorrow but I've told him to save that leave for when we've got a baby and probably need it!
I feel like I'm disappointing everybody that texts me so I've just got in there first and sent a text to everybody saying no news, no signs, will keep you updated x
That's a good idea! I never realised how annoying it is to get texts near the end.
It does feel like that, but don't let "disappointing" them bring you down. You have enough going on without worrying about other people's happiness too :hugs: My parents are texting everyday asking for an update. I was like "do you seriously think I'd forget to tell you I've gone into labor? JUST WAIT!" :haha:

You still have time for things to kick in. Hey, when I got the sweep, my doctor said, "it will work within 24 hours or it won't work" and they've already changed that to 48 hours. When I went at 48 hours (actually more like 60 hours later because my sweep was in the morning two days prior and I went into labor in the late late late evening), I was so surprised because I was told the sweep has a specific timeline. Now the standard to say is 48 because everyone is different. At the very minimum, I bet it has helped you dilate and efface more, just with the stimulation in that area!

Chin up!!! You will be holding that precious little one soon :hugs:

NotNic: Sorry things seem to be so different. That's what I'm worried about too. First one was fast and early. This one has the opportunity to give me the ole' switcheroo... I hope not though!!

Hopefully, those little feelings you both are getting are signs that you are just going to go today! I'm sending CONTINUOUS positive thoughts to you both that things progress today... sending lots of love, you two!!! <3
Thank you! It's been about 50 hours now, we've just been for a big walk round a shopping centre and I keep getting BH but nothing spectacular.
Felt like my body was clearing out yesterday but today I'm back to being constipated which is delightful. I feel wet down there today, but it's definitely just an increase in discharge.....I think!
Decided on a plan of action with OH, I'm going to switch my phone off in labour and let everybody go through him. I get so anxious and guilty if I don't reply to people so if they know I'm not using my phone they won't text me. And I'd like for him to do the official announcements anyway!
Currently sat in his car in the middle of the city centre in traffic, let's hope labour doesn't start hey!
Well actually let's hope it does, I just want a baby now!

Are either of your hormones completely switching? I was sobbing all morning but now I'm dead chilled and calm
About everything xxx
Yes! So many hormonal changes. I think I remember that last time with DS1 too towards the end. It was just as bad as PMS (PMT), maybe worse. I also remember that nursing made me super hormonal... even worse than anything I experienced in pregnancy. But I've been super mopey, then cheerful, then angry :haha:

A little change for my body though: DH and I tried dtd last night, as I've been trying to enjoy the things I know disappear after baby comes while my body is healing, but it was unsuccessful. I was having bh every two minutes or so that would last over a minute, and we'd have to stop because it was impossible to maneuver during :haha:TMI. I have to admit that I got really excited it was the start of something, but as soon as I gave up the dismal attempt to continue, they stopped. It was a change. We just dtd a few days ago, and it was no problem, so it was weird that it couldn't continue. I have felt that my tummy looks a bit different (smaller!?!?), so maybe baby is slightly lower making that area too sensitive now for sex :shrug:
Michelle - I hope no update from you is good news! :) Sending labour dust if not xx

Tigermom - I have to say that we haven't DTD in a long time. My OH is a larger guy and its quite tricky to find a position that works for us. Could well be that baby has moved making it difficult for you. Either way it shows that your body is starting to get ready for the finish line.

Nothing new for me. No bhs today, a couple of sharp pains this morning and back pressure but nothing since. I also haven't lost any plug for two days which is strange as I've been losing it for 3wks. I hope it hasn't sealed back up ;) Body is feeling good again - albeit with my annoying cough still. Physically I could go for another 6 weeks. Mentally 6 more days might do me in! :haha:
Michelle: I'm super excited not to be hearing from you :happydance: Hoping it means you are snuggling your little one, as I write this. Sending good thoughts that you are at L&D preparing for/holding your little one

NotNic: Sharp pains and back pressure! I hope to NOT be hearing from you too! Could be soon then :yipee:

AFM: Around 7pm last night, I started having strong bh contractions. I noticed they were coming pretty regularly, but I thought nothing of it. I woke off and on all night to pee, but around 4am, I couldn't get back to sleep because the contractions were still what I'd consider bh, but they were very strong. They'd build on themselves in waves (slowly tighten, tighten a bit more, tighten a bit more, etc.), then they'd wrap to my low back which would hurt, and it was all accompanied by strong menstrual-like cramps that would come and go as well. After an hour of being kept awake, I got up, made a snack, drank lots of water, sipped some juice (to cover all the "is this labor or am I hungry/thirsty/low blood sugar" possibilities), and I was timing them around 8 minutes apart lasting for 45 seconds, sitting, standing, laying on left or right, anything. Then they all stopped around 8am, and I've had the occasional bh, but nothing like last night. I had this pattern with my son 24 hours before he was born BUT it only lasted about 4 hours. This was about 12 hours of this. We'll see if it is anything or just a trick of a second pregnancy. Going off of my ds1 labor, I should be seeing real contractions in the next 24 hours, but I'm not holding my breath. This whole pregnancy has been a different experience; why would labor be the same? :roll::haha: That'd be too easy!


I'll still be checking in! If I don't hear from you two, I will try and post if anything is happening on my end, but check in when all is said and done. I can't wait to hear labor/delivery stories!!!
Hey ladies! I did it, he's here!
Contractions started on Monday at 9.30pm thick and fast, left for hospital at 10, got there at 11 and was already 7cms dilated. Got in the pool at 12, was pushing at 1.30 and he was born at 2!

9.12lbs!!!!!!! Xxx
Wowsers!! Very, very happy for you Michelle. Did you call him Xander in the end? Can't believe how quickly that happened for you. All that practice certainly paid off! :)

Nothing new here but my mum bless her has a new theory. She reckons I've been in early labour on and off for a while. With one of her labours all the water was behind the baby so she was in slow labour without realising it and then ended up with a super quick delivery. We'll see if she's right! At the moment I'm looking for any sign to make sure I'm not caught short! :)

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