Labour watch - july babies 2014

They are now averaging 6min apart lasting 30secs
Good luck, Celine! Looks like this is it. No way this can be false labor. Our first july baby that is actually born in July. :)

About the contractions, truth is you can never really be sure. I had contractions naturally with both my previous pregnancies.

Labor with my first pregnancy started with cramping and within an hour or two turned into unbearable painful contractions.

I was expecting the same with my second but instead I had bearable contractions/cramping for 24 hours. I cooked, walked did everything and finally my water broke and so realized that was actually real labor..
Definitely sounds like this is it :) fingers crossed its nice and quick! And sets off a few more labours lol x
Ekkk good luck Celine hope to wake up to a birth announcement tomorrow. Sure does sound like the real deal xx
Well I am going in tomorrow night to have a balloon inserted and start pitocin Thursday morning.
I've been feeling more pressure in my lower abdominal area and vaginal area.. Intense BH as well.. I'm 36 weeks today and with my other babies arriving at 38 weeks, I'm thinking this baby will follow suit! I'm just praying that he stays put another week and a half at least... Don't want him born too early if I can help it! I've been saying positive statements to myself regarding my labor.. Tmr I'm picking up a hypnotherapy book.. I hope it isn't too late for it to be effective. Lol this is my 4th child so I'm praying the labor is Somewhat of a "cakewalk". Lol
Krissie you might have the first july baby :(
I began to panick as previous labours were fast and when mw came i was only 1-2cm at 1am so i took paracetomol and slept thru a few mild contractions and now its 6am and no baby and no contractions :(

Everytime i thought of the kids my body would "freeze" worrying about them, so maybe a homebirth wouldnt be the best idea.
Im bouncing on my ball hoping to kick it off again (6am here)
Awww. Celine. Fingers crossed it starts again.

Krissie, they are inserting a balloon to help with dilation? Will they leave it in for one day? Good luck! Hope everything goes smoothly and update us whenever you can
I am sorry celine, I hope they kick back up again.

Yes, it is to help with dialation. I have remained at 1.5 cm for the last three checks. I was told it would stay up to 12 hours or will fall out on its own once I reach 4 cm.
Im feeling so nauseated but not sure if its lack of sleep or labour concrete contractions this am this a few pains :(
Saw a bit of blood in toiket last night but cohld be cos i was checked. Have pooped three times since 1am so hoping something starts once kids at school.
Oh I really hope so for you celine you must be getting really frustrated!!

Krissie good luck with the balloon, foley bulb I think it's called isn't it? I asked about that for me when/if I go overdue and they said no they don't do it.....which is annoying!

Cuddle I hope your LO stays in for another week and a half for you!

Alex I had raised BP for a week before having my dd last time but then had protein in my urine too so they induced coz they suspected pre-e. I'm hoping that doesn't happen this time!!

Well I am beyond fed up now too! All day yesterday I had pains, back ache and constant BHs but nothing is happening. I'm still getting them all now I've got up but it's as if going to bed stopped them. But I was non stop yesterday, walking, bouncing, doing housework, and I stayed up as late as I could manage but finally needed to rest!!
I wouldn't mind as much baby not coming yet if it wasn't for all these pains, BH and backache making me think it might start soon!!!
Bailey im torn between havong a nap or bouncing on the ball...i know being upright and mobile is better right?
I feel the same bailey wouldn't mind baby staying in until aftwr my due date but I just feel done in! Bad back, breathless, heavy arms, feel sick, feel faint, absolutely shattered but can't sleep and then my stupid body decides a cold would be an awsome thing to throw in the mix of things! Its been over a week now and its showing no signs of going any time soon :( I'm so fed up now I just need my body back! X
That's what I was thinking celine, keep active but all I wanna do is sit down and rest!!

I know what you mean Alex, I want to be able to breathe properly again too, baby is just crushing my lungs and a flight of stairs feels like Mount Everest to me lol!!
Baby is here!!
I was induced with a Foley bulb and prostaglandin gel and was given until 10am on 30th june to go into labor on my own or start pitocin. Wouldn't you know it, I started having strong contractions 2 minutes apart at 9.55! However, nobody believed I was in labor or that it could start so suddenly because I had only been 1.5cm dilated with a very posterior cervix and a baby still not engaged... the pitocin drip was started five minutes later as scheduled and my ccontractions were suddenly one on top of the other and couldn't even be timed. Everyone kept telling me it takes time with your first baby so I was horrified thinking I have a long way to go and its only early labor! At 11am my water was broken and the pain became exponentially worse. The pitocin was turned off at this point because I was in hard labor, although I was handling it okay using breathing and encouragement from DH. By 1pm, however, I was screaming with each contraction and being hooked up to two IVs and three monitors was excruciating. DH started insisting that I be checked because he knows I have a high pain tolerance and was terrified to see me screaming like that, but they said there was no point in checking so early. Sure enough, when his constant nagging got to the midwife at 2pm her eyes widened and she announced I was 10cm dilated and ready to push! I could no longer control my screaming or try to breathe, all pain management had flown out the window and I was spontaneously pushing with every contraction. That's when things became dramatic and I was suddenly told to NOT PUSH because I needed a blood transfusion due to a clotting disorder I have. They started hooking me up to bags of blood while I could literally feel the baby between my legs and my body was pushing whether or not anyone liked it!! For the next two hours (!!) I became progressively more exhausted from fighting the contractions, being immobile and not being allowed water. Im told I was screaming down the hospital but I honestly don't remember doing it consciously! I also started losing consciousness in between contractions and at some point was given puffs of ventolin. This part was a nightmare and left me too traumatised to sleep the first night. However, at quarter to four my blood transfusion was complete, the baby's heart rate was dropping due to being stuck in my pelvis so long and I somehow-i don't know how-mustered up the energy to push with every fiber of my being to make sure he came out healthy. A little past 4pm, I pushed out my little boy, who came out healthy, screaming and weighing 6lbs. I have never known such relief or happiness!! The rush of love and endorphins was so strong that an hour after the birth, having still not eaten in 24 hours, I hopped out of bed to use the bathroom, fed my baby and walked to a recovery room. I had an episiotomy and multiple lacerations, but less than 48 hours I feel pretty fantastic in spite of everything. All that matters is that were both healthy, and he's here.
NOT the spontaneous, calm labor I envisioned my whole pregnancy, but so, so, worth it in the end.
(Positive) labor dust to everyone, may you all have infinitely easier deliveries and meet your little ones soon!!
I can't even look at a flight of stairs without feeling like I need an inhaler! Celine get bouncing on that ball if you can it'll be worth it :) I'm sat on mine right now trying to get rid of this back pain I find it helps loads! X
Congrats ferozi12! I am sorry things didn't go to plan but so happy all is well with you and baby.
Congrats ferozi!
Alex im on the ball! And will walk to fetch my dd from school today, thats right,labour wars are on!
Ferozi congratulations it sounded like a perfect birth until it came to pushing its a shame you made it so far hastle free to then go through something that sounds really quite scary! Glad your both doing well and so pleased we finally have our first birth announcement :) x

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