Labour watch - july babies 2014

Cuddle my BP has been fine all the way through, it's just my readings on my own home BP machine yesterday that were getting high. If it continues like that I'll have to ring the MW to see them soon and get them to check it but I suspect my home machine isn't always accurate. I had suspected pre-e last pregnancy around the same time and they induced me at 40 weeks. I'm really hoping the raised BP is just because labour will be soon (apparently some women show increased BP when labour is iminant) but my last urine sample was clear and my MW tells me it's the protein in the urine that makes them think pre-eclampsia.
Bailey mine went high 2 days before I went into labour with finnley so it was definitely a sign for me! Mine is still higher than normal but not classed as high was 125/85 yesterday and mine is usually around 110/60, but like you I think the machine I use is giving me a higher reading than what I'd get off the mw x
Well mines kinda dropped now, the systolic has but not the diastolic. It's now 110/90. But I'm not feeling anything. Either I'm now just accustomed to the BH and pains now or they have seriously calmed down. I had another loose BM this morning but again I think it was IBS related. I'm feeling very disheartened and down today, I know I'm not even overdue yet but the closer I get the more I can see this ending in ELCS and not VBAC.
I'm so sorry you are feeling down, baileybubs. Don't lose hope, you still have 5 days to your due date. Anything can happen. Labor has a weird way of creeping up on you when you least expect it to. :)
Well my health visitor has been out, I mentioned the calpol and she told me she had someones lo get into a locked washing machine and drink the fabric softner out of it then a few weeks later eat a bar of vanish she told me not to chew over it it happens and I need to have eyes in the back of my head with him, she's reffered him for his speach because he's still babbling far too much for him being nearly 3 and told me I really need to sort my anxiety out, I'm a million times more relaxed now that she's been and told me to stop worrying over his getting hold of things he shouldn't my bp will probably be back to normal now haha x
Bailey I had absolutely no idea labour was coming with finnley! I had no signs at all apart from the high bp which at the time I didn't know was a sign honestly I never had a clear out, didn't loose any plug, didn't drop honestly not a single sign I was in shock when my waters went I never seen it coming at all I really hope you get your VBAC but even if you don't your still getting your little boy at the end of it and that's all were here for :) x
With my previous births a high bp was also a clue

We dtd yesterday at 11am, she was born the following day at freaking last 7:28am! I was so tired from labouring the last two/three days that my contractions werrnt as strong and my body just didnt dilate fast enough, so asfter hours of body ripping contractions i was given remiphentanil (an iv with pump) and slept from 3am til 6am, then they hit me with extra pitocin, at 7:26 i needed to push. The mw were all butnyour not ready just 9cm, i sat on that stool and puahed her out in two mins!

Isabelle is grogeous <3
Ah wow celine congratulations!! So glad its all over for you I bet its been a long few days! What was her weight? X
Congrats celine I am so glad she has finally arrived!
Congratulations celine bet ur so glad she's finally here x
Wow! Congratulations, Celine! Two pushes, thats very quick. Glad you finally get to hold your baby girl. :) Do post pictures when you can. :)
Aw that's great celine well done!! Glad she's hear safe and sound! Sounds like a long hard labour I bet you were shattered after all that early labour!
Just a quick update. I have been on pitocin about an hour and a half and just had my water broken. Feeling pretty optimistic and a wee bit scared. :)
Aw good luck Krissie! I had the pitocin and my water broke with dd last time, did you get the epidural? Hope it all goes well!
No epidural yet, I had intended a natural birth but will definitely be considering it as things progress.
Wow! Looks like this was the week for babies to start a-comin'! After having regular BH for an hour and a half Tuesday night, I crawled into bed thinking they'd stop like they had in the past. I felt fine otherwise so didn't think anything of it. Woke up a few hours later at 11:30 with cramps but nothing I'd still call labor. But baby had other plans and by 2:30am, we were at the hospital, I was dilated to a 4cm, and my contractions were so strong I was begging for IV meds. The IV meds worked and I was so happy because my contractions at 4cm were as bad as transition cramps were with my other kids and the cramps had been moving down my upper thighs. Think of the worst leg cramp/spasm you've ever had and multiply that feeling by 20. That's what it felt like. The IV meds worked but I was quickly disappointed to find out the effects wore off within 20 minutes and I was back in agony again. After 2 doses of IV meds and only progressing 1cm in just over an hour, I got an epidural. That worked amazingly well. I was disappointed that I couldn't get my natural birth but I've always said I aim for natural but know my limits so if I need meds, there's nothing wrong with that either. And the epi helped TONS. It was put in at 5am. I had been at the hospital for 2.5 hours, was in excruitating pain, and had only progressed 1.5cm. The epi was inserted, I relaxed through my contractions, and things picked up quick. At 7am, the dr broke my water, they prepped the room, and after one push, my little girl arrived at 7:48am. Def keeping the epidural as an option for future deliveries. We're home now and just enjoying this time. She was 6lb 9oz, 19 inches long, and very alert for a newborn. Even the dr was surprised. SO in love with my little Rita.
Christian was born at 7:05 pm on July 3rd after an uncomplicated induction. I had him 8.5 hours after starting pitocin and 1 hour of pushing, which probably would have been closer to 30 minutes but there was no doctor available.

He is 8 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches. I have a second degree tear all internally, no external damage.

We are so proud and in love.
Oh and I did get an epidural, it was the best decision for sure!!

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