Labour watch - july babies 2014

Celine I can't believe your still here! I thought for sure your baby would have come by now keeping you on your toes though by the sounds of it! Not long now ladies I keep expecting this labour to mirror my first and wake up every morning thinking if todays the day my waters will break right now, it would be ideal to labour during the day I'd feel loads better about leaving lo during the day as I know he would settle anywhere no bother he's just a fussy little thing on a night, no labour signs here just the high bp could be something to go by, fingers crossed it is and she will be here in a few days not counting on it though x
Yes happy July ladies!!! We will have our babies this month!!!

Celine I agree with Alex I thought you'd be in labour by now!

Alex glad you're ok, I know you were worried a lot the other day but glad you feel better!

Kerauzi I had a night like that last night, constant aching pain and lots of contraction like pains keeping me awake. I was also very alert and couldn't get to sleep and I swear that I could feel the contractions having an effect on my cervix too!
So I was well disappointed when I woke up and it had all stopped and I hadn't been woken in the night with proper contractions!! I feel like it might be soon too but then I don't wanna get my hopes up and tell myself it's all in my imagination!

Hopeful how's everything going with your baby now? I know there were a couple of worried for a while but is all looking ok now?
July :wohoo: ..

Celine I'm having a thought bak to the hemarroids.. How on earth did u put it bak lol? .. Didn't know that was possible ..

Alex I'm sure all will b fine :hugs: I wish we had something like that here .. We need it ..

Heart burn is killing me and my stomach has definitely dropped this baby girl is heavy lol ... And my head is spinning feels like its goin to explode .. Bleh ..

I just hope she's here before august or I only have 1 month maternity leave lol ...

Kuria I'm crossing fingers for u I tried did but oh not interested he really doesn't want to take the chance lol o well his choice ..

As for mucous plug I not really looking out for it because discharge looks the same lol .. So ya ??
Had mw appointment, all good. Next one at 40+6 and they will do a sweep if i want it.
Man i hope im not pregnant next week.

Molta i googled alot about hemerroids cos ot was excruciating. So i did a cool bath and even put baby oil in the bath to soften everything up, then after more than one attempt shoved it back as much as i could then sat on an ice pack to de-swell everything.
Hubby got me cream the next day which also works amazing thank goodness.
Celine - it must be disappointing to feel something only for it to all stop. sending lots of labor vibes your way.

And happy July everyone! So excited it's July and the end is almost near.

Baileybubs, we are both officially full term now. YAAY!
Nothing to report today. Walking makes my belly get SUPER tight but not painful and now my nightly back ache is gone. But my crotch aches. It feels like I spent all day riding a horse. It's been sore before but it's super achey these last few days. And it feels like my belly has dropped a little and I feel more movement lower down but I'm not feeling tons of pressure down there. And DH keeps telling me I won't have a July baby. I'm going to have an August 1st baby. I'm starting to think he's right. :nope:
Hopeful how's everything going with your baby now? I know there were a couple of worried for a while but is all looking ok now?

Hi Baileybubs! Everything going well for baby :D She is in posterior position at the moment but trying exercises and going to get some acupuncture to hopefully turn her round. How are you going? Only 2 days ahead of me … impatient for baby to arrive???? Not long now!! :D
Why do none of our babies want to come! I think we've got a whole bunch of lazy little babies here, I can't believe we haven't had a single birth yet! Fingers corssed over the next week we start seeing some birth announcements, I can't help but keep wondering if this baby will come earlier or later than finnley who come at 38+3 x
Hi Hopeful. How awesome we are due date buddies.

My appt was uneventful. :/ my cervix hasn't changed, not soft or anything and lil man isn't even engaged. I feel like I'll never give birth. LoL I told him I wanted to be induced but w/o my cervix being soft or anything he won't. He is gonna see about getting some sort of jelly to help soften my hopefully that'll come in this week and I can give it a try.
Fingers crossed your not waiting too much longer sassygee some women can sit 3-4cm dialated and soft for weeks and others can go from nothing at all to labour in minutes so try not get too down about it, it literally could be any second now for all of us :) x
Thanks Alex :) I need to keep reminding myself that instead of being so down lol. Obviously we are all gonna have our babies this month and not be pg forever!!!
Hopeful I'm doing ok just mega fed up lol. Glad your LO is doing well!

Alex I'm also surprised we havent had a single birth yet!! Weird!

I am still getting a lot of tightenings and pain going on but doesnt seem to be leading anywhere. Been walking and bouncing, got my pineapple lol. And finally gonna try dtd tonight coz its df's night off lol!!
I know, right? I think we need to band together and sign a petition to evict these kids. :haha: Seriously, I'm SO ready to have this baby...I couldn't ask for better timing and I could still have 8 weeks of maternity leave. My mat leave shrinks after this every day I don't have this kid as my replacement at work goes back to school in early Sept and that's when I have to go back. *sigh*

And honestly, I'm doing what I can. Acupressure, 2 quarts of RLT (as iced tea) every day, walking (gives me INTENSE BH but they stop quickly), and dtd. Nothing. Haven't done caulophyllum yet but I'm going to give that a whirl and I may pull out my pump and see if that kicks something into gear. I'd like to see how it works anyway as I've never used this brand. My old one was a Medela and my insurance replaced it with an Ameda so we'll see if it works for me.
I tried my breast pump today and it felt like I was pulling my nipples off! I was almost going cockeyed with pain haha! It never hurt with ds and I've bought the exact same one again :S I'm definitely in no hurry to try that again and I think ill take paracetamol before every feed baby has lol x
Ok so I've barely stopped today to try and keep these BH and pains going and they are still there. I know people say you can tell when you are having contractions but is that true? I was induced with the drip last time so the contractions hit mega powerful from the start, so I don't really know what the first contractions feel like. I'm currently getting tightenings and pains in my lower bump that are like strong period pains. Also got backache. But I suspect it's all just coz I've been active and there's no pattern to it all.
Bailey i know what you mean, with ds my waters broke, well it wasnt a gush and there was meconium so was sent to hospital and as soon as that pitocin hit it hurt like hell. I know with dd i was fed up and went to bed and after a while i like hey i think these aches have a pattern and i only timed them praying they wouldnt fizzle out and indeed they didnt.
This time ive had aches and pains since yesterday but put it down to me being active, cycling two kids on bike etc.
Please come out soon baby xxx
Celine you cycled??? You brave woman!!! No way id be on a bike at the mo, my balance is so off lol!
Bailey I've been wondering the same thing because my waters went first with my son I knew the niggles were the start of contractions but because its been 3 years I can't really remember what they felt like! Just been over to use my stepdads bp monitor and I got a reading of 130/78 yesterday at the midwife and a reading of 140odd/89 tonight so looks like its creeping up I'm definitely thinking its a sign with the same thing happening with my son 2 days before I went into labour, also I've been taking 3 iron tablets a day for the last 2 days (was taking 1 a day for 2 weeks before that) and I've been to the toilet 4 times today :S if that's not a clear out I don't know what is x
I had a wee bit of pink mucus come out and now having mild contractions! Hoping its not nothing, im scared ive jinxed it by calling the friend who will take my kids if this is it.
God this HAS to be it haha I've got everything crossed for you really hoping for a birth announcement :) x

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