Labour watch - july babies 2014

Lol I'm hoping its a sign, I really dont like it though lol!! I can handle pain and stuff but I have a really strong stomach so being nauseated is something I am really not good at dealing with!! I'm getting a lot of BH and cramps now too eeeek!!
alex hopefully your bbq will go off without a hitch. we got to have my ds bday party yesterday he had a blast. i just hope i can hold my lo in at least till monday cus his bday is tomorrow
as far as signs go my face is breaking out. ive been extreamly exuasted and have been having extremly vivid dreams for the last two nights. tho being so tired ive been waking up supper early. contractions stopped like 2weeks ago and none in sight though my belly is really tight and feels brused in the a.m.
Fingers and everything crossed that this is it for you, bailey!

Send some of those cramps and all this way too. Lol
I've been waking up so early too Myprincess, despite being super tired! So shattered and yet cannot sleep for love nor money lol
Oh I hope so ladies, I've had enough of this false stopping and starting crap lol!!
Myprincess, sending you nonlabor vibes so your lo stays in till your sons birthday.

Did you have your lo before your due date in your previous pregnancy?
Celine-OMG yes! The soreness is awful! Engorgement, hemorrhoids (coupled with constipation), and post partum cramping are making me ache. Add to that terrible humidity and still swollen feet, and I'm simply miserable at times. Thankfully DH is making me take it easy yet and I don't need to be up and around very much. Only trouble is when you lay/sit down for hours at end and then get up, it's like the flood gates have opened and I need to dash for the bathroom before I leak all over. Ugh...Oh the glamorous side of birth...:haha:

Kuri-I don't have a nurse but I managed to line up a few of my nieces to come over twice a week to help me out for a few hours. I'm looking forward to that. Not as steady help as a nurse but it'll still be a help. Although I'd be tempted to trade DH in for a nurse for a week or so too. :haha:

bailey-I'd get bad cramps after a pee too. If I had a particularly strong one, I'd go guzzle a big glass of RLT right away to keep the intensity up and walk. Didn't work but it made me feel like I was doing something. Walking seemed to be the best for me. The more I walked, the stronger my BH were and once I was in labor, walking kicked things into high gear FAST. Hopefully it's not too much longer. The backache, cramps, and signs were SO hard when I wanted that baby to come N.O.W. and nothing was happening. Hang in there!
Haha. Tell me about it, baileybubs. I'm so tired of it as well. If only there was some device that could tell if we were having real contractions or BH
Yeah you'd think with all medical advances they could come up with a more accurate way of predicting when babies might come haha!! Although its not exactly a high priority I guess lol
Hello mommies,

I am 36.4 days and counting! Tomorrow I have to do a 24 hour urine and turn it in to the Drs on Monday.. Then I my weekly appt with my midwife for measurements and everything... Still feeling good overall though, NO headaches, limited body aches and only tired once a day around 1:00 and once I've had my nap, I'm back in business! We will see how things go.. I DEF do not want an induction, as in my mind, I'm still planing a vaginal/ natural birth.. We will see how that goes... Like someone said, how nice would it be to know for CERTAIN when your baby is coming. Lol the waiting is just a TRIP! :)
my dd i was in labor for 72hrs just to have a csection at 38weeks because i have a fused pelvis and my tailbone sits to far forward therefore making childbirth imposible on my own so the doc told me babys head cant come down the birth canal and i cant dialate past 1. not to mention my hospital dosnt offer vbacs and i was strongly advised against trying but with ds i just had a sceduled section at 39w we sceduled this one furthest away from ds bday so i feel like im in uncharted teritory

but honestly ive always just wanted to experince naturel child birth with no meds and since they keep telling me that wont happen i would settle for my water breaking just once so i feel like i was in true labor. they said i was with my dd but i didnt feel like it i was having strong regular contractions and laboring in my back but it was bearable and i felt robbed hence i was 15 and had no idea what to expect
Welcome cuddle! I hope you manage to avoid induction Hun. Glad you are still feeling well.

My princess when is your section scheduled for?

AFM nothing nothing nothing NOTHING!! I'm sick of this now, by the time I go into actual labour I'm not gonna believe it coz of all these false starts. I was even timing the tightenings last night and for well over an hour they were every 5-10 mins. So they weren't regular exactly but they were frequent and strong!! But it got to midnight and I just had to go to bed coz I was so tired and sure enough, woke up at 3am and all had stopped again.
Sorry just read it in your siggy my princess it's on Thursday your section. That's when I've got my sweep booked too but I'm hoping to go before then so I've got someone with me and my dd when I go into labour as everyone's back at work Friday Saturday and Sunday!
Aw bailey i bet your fed up with all this starting and stopping! Absolutely nothing over here either!! Fell asleep on the sofa at 8pm last night woke up at 10pm went to bed and slept until 8:30am must of needed it! i was still up and down for the loo a lot and tossing and turing a lot but to manage 12 hours in bed at 38 weeks pregnant must be some sort of record lol, i dont think todays BBQ is going to go well! Its so dull today and its definitely thinking about raining :( fingers crossed it brightens up soon! X
Aw thats a shame Alex, its not too bad here for a change, still not as warm as it has been recently though. I'm sure it will still be fun though.

Eurgh I just feel blah today....groundhog day again!! Every day is the same, just waiting and waiting. I would say I am not gonna labour spot anymore coz its driving me batty but you cant help it can you lol?
Every morning i tell myself oooh today must be the day and then spend the day hating myself for doing it lol you really just cant help yourself though! Its just the joys of late pregnancy i tell you what id rather be at this end than back over in first tri though!! I couldnt think of anything worse than still having like 27+ weeks left, we could only have like 27 hours left :) x
Good Morning ladies. Sounds like we are all experiencing same thing. I was on verge of timing the tightenings as well but they soon stopped after going on for like 2hrs. LO was super active before then and he hadn't been quite that active in a few days. I went to bed thinking am I gonna wake up to contractions....but no just to pee and then to be wide awake. I've got a sore spot on bottom left side of my belly that just kills me when moving around. I feel like putting my hand there and pressing as if it'll help but it doesn't.
That's very true Alex at least we are at the end and we very well could just have 27 hours left lol! I don't trust my body any more though it lies to me haha! Plus every time I do anything remotely strenuous my body seems to go "oooh no stop that right now and sit down" argh!! Just wanna be able to move around like a normal human again lol!!

Sassy I'm the same, go to bed every night with BH and pains and think I'll get woken with contractions only to wake for peeing and random insomnia, then begin another day lol!
Is it where baby is that you have a sore spot? Maybe they have been kicking you too vigorously!
Haha oh man! All our babies were on the same page last night! He was very active and I had a clear out all day. Started having strong regular contractions, then DH got home with the mail....we got a 3,000$ bill from when I had to go into labor and delivery the other week! So ridiculous. It's coded as procedures that needed pre-authorization but DH doesn't think that makes sense since who pre-authorizes anything on an emergency trip! I was very very upset and crying and it totally halted everything. Up twice feeling wide awake in the middle of the night-only to really need a ice pack due to the intense pressure he's putting down. Goody, goody.... :p oh and on top of all that I made the brilliant decision while browsing yesterday to read things in the still/SIDS board :,( going to put on a show for Eden and do some meditating to get back in the right head space.

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