Timewaster I'm a tummy sleeper too, I miss it so much! Even after I had my dd last time I still couldn't sleep on my tummy coz I needed an EMCS, that was the worst part of recovery, still no tummy sleeping haha!
Moltal hoping those things are all good signs! Wish I knew if anything was going on, have you had any internals? At my last MW appt baby wasn't even engaged apparently.
Celine let us know how it goes with the MW. Mine is on Thursday, but I know it will be same old stuff, as long as my BP is still ok and they don't find leukocyte in my urine again I'm sure it will just be a case of baby is head down but still free, he doesn't feel like he's engaged to me no matter how much I'm encouraging him by bouncing and walking!
Alex I've noticed more BH this pregnancy which I think is down to the RLT, as I didn't take it last time and I'm up to 4 capsules a day from today.
AFM I've noticed more frequent BMs this last week or so, usually I'm lucky to go once a week but lately it's been once or twice a day (sorry tmi!!) I've heard that could be due to increase in prostaglandin in preparation for birth, let's hope so but knowing my luck it's just my IBS playing up lol!
Also got my tens machine in the post today, I didn't use mine last time coz I was induced (and forgot it!) so really hoping I go into labour naturally and can use it this time!
I've also woke up this morning with a terrible pain in my back, it seems like I've pulled something or pinched a nerve. Don't think it's anything to do with labour, probably just slept funny (well, not so much slept as laid there awake most of the night trying to sleep!!).