Labour watch - july babies 2014

And when I say poo, pee and sick I don't even mean the babies! Labour can get pretty messy haha!! X

Haha I knew you meant labour too lol! During my last the MW tried to discreetly clean me up after pooping (sorry tmi) coz I hadn't a clue, and my df came over and said "you just did a poo", the MW tapped him on the head with his newspaper and told him off for telling me haha!!! I was like "cheers Hun you didn't have to tell me that I'd have quite happily spent the rest of my life not knowing!!" Lol :rofl:

Aw hope your dd is in a better mood tomorrow celine, my dd is just being plain mischievous today! I'm sure she does it on purpose coz she knows I have no energy!

Alex you are braver than me trying chilli! I am debating trying a curry but I get an upset stomach (IBS) if I have curry usually so can't bring myself to risk it lol!!

I wanted to try dtd last night but my df was being an ass and falling asleep (how dare he lol!!). He usually stays up til 2am playing Xbox or does stupid things like getting drunk til 3.30am like he did last week, but on our evening off together (he works evenings) he is falling asleep on the sofa at 9pm!! Grrrr!

Timewaster sorry I think you've already told us this but I've forgotten, why are you being induced if baby hasn't arrived by next week? I really hope those signs were things getting going for you!
My oh never let's me forget I did haha!! And that I farted lol honest he's a pain! I've just had a nandos style tea and it was HOT!! Not expecting it to do much other than upset my stomach, I wish I didn't feel so huge and hot and tired cause I wouldn't mind trying to dtd x
Hey ladies. I'm still here. I did alot of walking and everything but still cramping. It is not getting worse or better.

But like I said, I doubt I'm in labor. I was looking at the dates that I could have potentially conceived (I know the day you dtd might not be the same day you conceived) but you could not have possibly conceived before you dtd. Lol. So based on that judgment, I highly doubt I'll go into labor before july 1st.

Baileybubs - I'm going to have an elective induction. The reason is my parents will be in town from 7th to 12th july and will look after my two daughters while I'm at the hospital. So, I feel under pressure to have my baby by my due date.

Unfortunately, my doctor will be out of town from 3rd july to 12th july and so offered to induce me on 2nd july when I'll be 39 weeks.

I declined that offer, 39 weeks is too early. I want to give the baby as much time as possible to cook..

Sorry for the extremely long story. What I'm trying to say is I want to be induced on 8th July, my due date (but keep changing my mind on whether I want to get induced or not)
Well I'm currently sat in hospital not for anything to do with me or baby but my 3yr old son has managed to get hold of a bottle of calpol open it and drink some :S seriously what 3yr old can open a bottle of calpol :( we have to stay in over night so they can take bloods at 1am to see how much he's actually managed to drink, praying it isn't a lot!! This is the second time we've been in for him drinking something he shouldn't :( I feel like a terrible mam for not being more careful I never in a million years thought he would be able to open a bottle of calpol so left it on the top of the stairs while I had a shower and he's reached through his baby gate and gotten hold of it :( :( x
Alex-don't beat yourself up about this. Kids can get into ANYTHING. I've had to call poison control a few times because my kids have eaten things they shouldn't have. DS ate a few ibuprofens and licked the coating off a few more. They said the amount he got wasn't enough to do any damage but I had to keep an eye on him. DD eats those watercolor paint patties and marker tips if I don't keep them up high...Like taped to the middle of the ceiling as she can climb on top even the fridge now...:dohh: You can't keep an eye on them all the time and I shudder to think of what my kids have picked up and eaten/drank without my knowledge. It doesn't make you a bad mom.

In response to a pp question on caullophylum. It's an herb that can trigger uterine contractions and it's supposed to help in much the same way as RLT. I know it's good for helping the uterus contract down and expell the placenta after birth.

AFM- Dr appt today and bp was up yet again. 130/93 and feet still fairly swollen but my weight was only up 1.5lb, no protein in my pee, I'm measuring right on and my bp was down to 123/82 before I left the office so he said all is okay. Just if I start having signs of high bp, I need to check it and lay down, drink some water, take it easy. If my bp goes back down, I am fine. If it stays high after an hour, I need to go in. But he's not thinking pre-e. Just heat and the point of pg I'm at. Dr didn't check me and I didn't push it. I did have some spotting this morning that got me excited but it turned out to be hemorrhoids, not show. Boo. DH keeps telling me I'll go to 40 weeks and I honestly think I will. It's just so frustrating when I keep having these bouts of nausea and period cramps every evening for a couple hours and my BH are getting SUPER intense (but not ouchy). It's like, if I'm not going to go NOW, then why have the extra pain and discomfort? Why can't I just start cramping and aching when it's time to go? Argh...If I have to deal with this for another 3 weeks, I'm going to go nuts!
Dairymomma yes i feel you going nuts with all these false signs urgh! I feel most crampy everynight and i think right this is it and then im awake in the morning feeling like nothing happened. I went to bed early last night after the kids went down thinking maybe dd was so evil cos she senses something is going on etc...nope!

Alex dont feel bad about ds, my ds had to go to hospital when i was preg with dd for maybe eatng mushrooms from the garden..also a few weeks ago i took dd to socs simply cos she was t aleeping and i was getting pissed off and exhausted, hubby was sure if was an ear nfection but i wanted to prove him wrong so i took her and felt so smug when doc said it wasnt ear infection but...she had pnemonia! Almost had to do an overnight in hospital and i felt like he must of thought i was the worst mum ever.

Labour dust for this weekend girlies! For those of you beleiving in the full moon theory and labour i see there is one only in two weeks i hope i dont go over!
Thanks for reasuring me ladies means a lot, he had to get bloods taken at 2am and it was horific! Because hed fallen asleep I had to wake him up so he was already less than impressed! Blood everywhere from him keep moving and him screaming asking me to help him has knocked my stomach sick I'm in tears just writing this! Never ever again do I want to see my child go through that because of a silly mistake I've made! Feel like the poor thing is suffering because of me :( I'm sure he mustnt of drank too much because they haven't been back round to see him and they have a tap in his hand incase he needed treatment, looking forward to getting out cuddling up on the sofa with a dvd and kissing his chops off all day long x
Alex. Ur ds and my dd are almost the same age! She was due July 12 and came July 11 :)
Finnley was due on the 18th but come on the 7th, I'm due on the 17th this time fingers crossed she doesn't come on the 7th too lol well were finally home :) the doctor who come out to discharge us was a bit arsey, he wouldn't believe me when I told him the lid was on the calpol, I wouldn't lie about it being on because if I hadn't seen it for myself I probably wouldn't believe he could have getting into it either, I think my health visitor will probably have something to say when she comes out on thursday I really can't blame her though twice this year he's had to spend the night because of drinking something I really do need to be more careful! I've been round and baby proofed the whole house while ds ate his dinner and now I'm hoping he will sit still long enough for me to have a cup of coffee! X
I agree don't best yourself up Hun, who would know he'd be able to get into it? My dd can reach hers where I put it in her room so I'm gonna move it now! Always thought she'd never get in it! My dd gets into everything and you have to have eyes in the back of your head, as others have said I dread to think what she's actually put in her mouth when I've not been looking! Caught her trying to eat a penny last week! No idea where it came from either!
I really really can't understand how he has managed to get into it! The lid was definitely definitely on it I can put my life on it that it was on and on properly, the doctor wasn't having any of it I can't really say I blame him it is kind of impossible to believe and had I not seen it for myself I would question it, I'm so pleased to finally be home and tucked up in bed already lol, one of the nurses we seen was asking wierd questions like if he had any brothers or sisters and any pets :S seems pretty irrelevant to ask if he has any pets, it wasn't just general talk though she was jotting it down lol, ah when we got home finnley decided to shove 3 maoam pinball sweets in his mouth and would he hell spit them out I had to keep his head down and shout pretty loud to get him to do it I thought great this is all I need!! To be going back through an hour later because he's bloody choking lol! I need some kalms this child has got me on edge lol he's going to have me in an early grave!! God help me when there's 2 ill never get a break from worrying X
Lol alex is he tryng to send you into early labour?

Have had at least two loose bowel movements again (the joys of labour watch right?) but not much else...boring!
Alex-it's just the age. My 2 year old literally climbed up on the fridge to get the scissors I'd hidden under a pile of stuff on the f-a-r side. She then proceeded to chop her hair to pieces. Totally unsalvageable hair cut. And I had JUST trimmed her brother's chop job hair cut the day before so it looked relatively nice and cute again. :dohh: When those kids want to get into something, there's almost nothing stopping them. Don't beat yourself up.

AFM-positive signs all around today. Pretty sure I've lost two rather large chunks of my plug and that last one looked like there was some bloody show in it. :happydance: The chiro was adjusting my back and she said she could tell I'm ready to go any day and ever since that adjustment, I've been having super strong BH and tingly/achy feelings on my cervix. Back cramps are off and on, but nothing regular or particularly bad. Trouble is all of these signs don't necessarily mean I'll be going into actual labor anytime soon. Boo...So FX things kick into gear and I have this baby this weekend. Otherwise, I'd prefer for this all to stop until labor is really ready to start.
That all sounds good dairy momma! Hopefully it's not just your body getting into gear weeks beforehand! I agree that all these signs and pains can go away if it ain't gonna b the real thing!
*sigh* I'm ready to give up. After my chiro appt, I lost those two huge chunks of my plug and had some pink/red on one so I figured this was it. Especially since I had period like cramping in my back that was radiating to my lower belly. This kept up, even though it was really irregular (nothing longer than 30 seconds and coming every 30 seconds to 15 minutes) and pretty mild. I was hoping that walking around at work would kick things into gear. Only it didn't! Back ache pretty much went away, contractions got slower (every 20-30 minutes) and after picking up in intensity a few times, they completely stopped. I now only have a back ache and and some pretty mild pinchy, stretchy feelings every now and then in my cervix. This sucks! Why can't I just go into labor if I'm going to go into labor? What's up with all this false start business? :dohh: I'm really starting to think DH's teasing is right and I really will have an August 1st baby...
I'm having a similar morning dairy momma. I've currently got period type pains, backache and getting BHs. I'm just trying to ignore it coz I've had the same going on most nights recently. Just gets frustrating when it turns into nothing!

Is it another sign getting bad insomnia? The last 3 nights I've had an even worse time sleeping! I've been wide awake at 3am and nothing helps me get back to sleep.

Sigh, not long left ladies, it seems like an eternity but we can't stay pregnant forever!!!
I think he is celine! Kid eh who would have them haha!!

Dairymomma I remember when my little brother was little (about4-5) he managed to get hold of some scissors and butcher his hair then the next day playing up in his room managed to find something to tie round his neck then tied it to the banister and jumped down the stairs :O trying to be superman! Kids are crazy!! My nerves really can't be dealing with it all haha.

Fingers crossed for everyone showing signs of impending labour just 3 more days and were into july :) for the fortune teller to be right freya would have to make an escape before then :S x
No baby yet. Bah. Woke up this morning with nothing. Absolutely NOTHING going on. Poo. And so far, only a few minor 'maybe' signs-slightly increased discharge but no more show (Not even enough to need a liner.), another bowel 'clear out' but that's becoming normal, strong BH but nothing regular, and the ever present backache. I know it's only a few more days til July but I was really hoping my 3 weeks early pattern would hold and I'd have a June baby instead. And now I feel like because I was hoping/wishing/wanting/EXPECTING to go 3 weeks early SO badly, it's not going to happen. It's like waiting to get my bfp all over again and man, this stinks...Esp when you have labor signs and contractions going on. Erg.

Bailey-I'm not sure if insomnia is a sign or not but I was up every 2-3 hours last night. Just went pee and climbed back into bed but then I was up at 6am ready and raring to go. No reason to be up that early but I was. Only trouble was DH wasn't ready to get up yet and I couldn't do any housework or make too much noise for fear I'd wake him up. He came in super late last night because he had to work and I didn't want to disturb him. It doesn't help that our bedroom is currently shoe-horned into our living room as the electrician is doing some wiring work on our old bedroom and our new bedrooms aren't fully wired either. So anything I did aside from sit on my butt and read was going to be disturbing DH's rest. So I couldn't even get dishes or laundry done.

*sigh* I just need the next days or weeks to go by so this baby comes out. It's not helping when I think that I only have a week before my kids come home and I was REALLY hoping to have this baby before they arrived back.
Hey ladies- I have been reading but have not had much to say.

I am frustrated with my OB who has been saying I would be induced during 39 weeks and is now saying July 13th ish. Which makes me 41+1. Which normally wouldn't be bad but I am insulin dependent diabetic (during pregnancy) and I know the risks for that go up a lot each week after 38. I just want my little man here and safe.

I have noticed some BH becoming a lot stronger and more in my back and even some into my hips. I had one last night that hung on for awhile. Them seem to be worst when I am resting or laying down. I have not had any mucus plug loss or anything. I am feeling so discouraged. At my 38 week appointment I was still dilated to a 1.5, 50% effaced and high and soft so no change from my 37 week appointment. My Bishop score was only a 6 and I need an 8 to be a candidate for induction at the hospital so that also wasn't very helpful.

Sorry for the long whine. I don't like telling DH because he just gets upset and I am upset enough.
Oh no dairymomma! I thought for sure when i saw u updated pn here there would be something going on :(
I also feel like bcos i was so sure i wouldnt hit 40 weeka that now i probably will go over grrr.
I thought i had some extra thick cm today and then dd got a fever and my focus went to her poor thng, i couldnt possibly allow myself to go into labour right now cos that girl needs her mama.

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