Labour watch - july babies 2014

Glad that remedy has helped relieve the pain dairymomma, I've heard that witch hazel helps too.

Krissie I hope you find out more at your OB appt. FX labour starts naturally for you soon.

AFM more contractions again last night, only for half an hour but they are getting stronger than my normal BHs as they are getting a little painful. Starting in my back then round to the front with a period type pain, then it fades for a while, then comes back. But nothing again by this morning, so I'm gonna keep bouncing on my ball! Also gonna dtd today if possible, see if that helps any!
Oooh baileybubs sounds promising!

My hemeroid story was so bad, i googled then sat in luke warm bath, popped that sucker back up (which was a huge deal cos it was bigger than my finger) then sat on a cold its been loads better cos its back where it belongs for now and hubby went to get some hemerriod type cream.

Mw yesterday was ok, again she isnt my fave and then i heard heartbreaking news. My fave mw had a stillbirth last week :( so she is currently having six weeks off and not sure if she will continue with midwifery.
I felt sick to my stomach as yesterday was the year annoversary that i called that very sweet mw cos id had bleeding...then the next day mc confirmed :(
As for further news if baby doesn't come before the 4th of july I'm having my internal then .. Do not want one as I'm all swollen gona cry lol ..

o no :cry: ur poor mw .. Honestly sids and things like that r the scary things .. Shame I hope she can stay strong n not blame herself for it :( .. I've had hemerroids but they not sore think its because I've had constipation lol tmi..


P.s I forgot to add that I'm now taking calophyllum & drinking 3 cups of red/raspberry leaf tea a day definitely making me have more n more discharge .. Meaning it is indeed rippenin :rofl:
Moltal-Oh, I forgot about caulophyllum! I have some here at home, I should go get it! ANYTHING to get this baby out, right? :haha:

Celine-I only wish it was so easy to pop mine back in. They are mostly external ones so pushing them back in isn't an option. The dr did say he's consider snipping of the two biggest ones at some point after my delivery because they've been pretty prominent (though not this swollen) since DS was born almost 5 years ago and nothing I've done has made them go away. They shrink to a certain size and then stay there til I have GI issues causing them to swell/bleed.
Aw celine I'm so sorry for your MW, you do mean one of her patients had a still birth? It's such a shame that these things happen.

Glad your heomhorroids (sp??) are a bit better.

Dairymomma and moltal what's callophyllum?

Still getting the odd pain here and there, more BH. I don't think it necessarily means anything will happen soon but I'm hoping it at least means it might happen before they schedule my ELCS at 41+5!
Moltal - awww. Hope you have your baby by 4th of July. Sending lots of labor dust your way.

Had my doctors appt today, no progress from last week. She was saying she wished my cervix was shorter as it will be easier to induce then. I still don't have an induction date. She wants to check next Wednesday and then give me one.

Howev err n doc did give me a few options, none of them work well rhough. Get induced on 6th evenong, 8th evening or 10th evening.
Bailey the mw herself lost the baby :(

I had slight bleeding but sadly it was hemerroid related arrggh!
Hi Damita! My birthday is the 31st its a great day hehe :)

Aft my sons party yesterday i thoughts id go into labour cos im ready for it but im still here.
Mind you with both my kiddos waters broke on 39+6 so hooefully soon!
Aw celine that's so sad about your fave MW, I can understand if she's unsure if she can continue being a MW.

Timewaster I'm sorry you've had no further progress. I've got my MW today so hoping maybe I will have but doubt it. Even though I've had these pains on and off my little man still seems strangely high up, but then again I'm so short he just always feels like he's in my ribs anyway lol!
Full term today for me so in currently sat on my ball with a cup of RLT giving my boobs a rub :S bet I look normal! I am getting some pretty tense BH so somethings working x
Congratulations, Alex!

I barely slept all night sue to period cramps and a dull backache... kept falling asleep just to be woken up with pain.

Baby is moving fine and I'm sure I'm not in labor. I'm not getting contractions and at my doc appt yesterday, my doc was not happy because my cervix had made no progress since last week... so have no idea what in the world is happening to me..

Any of you ladies have any insight?
Timewaster sounds like baby is keeping you on ur toes.
Good luck alex! Nipple stimulation and curry for tonight?

Afm, was in hospital to check on baby as hadnt had movement in 12 hours, all ok thankfully but i was a bit stressed for a while. Saw hb, saw baby move on ultrasound even and fluid was checked etc. so all ok!
Unrelated though but with dd i had little movements at one stage and had fetal monitoring also on 39 weeks exact, she was born 6 days later.
That sounds scary, Celine. Not being able to feel baby move but I'm glad everything is fine and you never know maybe baby is preparing to come out soon. :)

Yea, I'm so tired now. All I want to do is sleep but lying down makes the cramps worse. Gosh. Please if this is really labor, then progress and if not then leave me alone.
Yay for being term Alex!! Keep bouncing!!

Timewaster I really hope it is labour for you, I hate when you get those pains and then they just fizzle!

Celine I'm glad all is ok! Must have been quite scary not feeling any movement for so long!

My MW appt was rubbish. Well it wasn't, it was good in the fact that all is normal, my BP, sample all fine. My fundal height is one lower again at 37cm this week but I'm guessing that's just coz he is lower down. Disappointed coz she said he's on the brim of being engaged which sucks! Was hoping she'd say he was engaged but she did say that in second pregnancies (and third etc) babies don't tend to engage til last minute. Still left me feeling a bit downhearted that it's nowhere near happening.
I asked her about a sweep next week and she said no, they (meaning MWs) apparently aren't allowed to do them before 40 weeks at all! So now I won't be seen again til I see the consultant at 40+2 when she will do a sweep and book my ELCS.
Timewaster how are those cramps? Hope they dont fizzle out...
Bailey urgh how frustrating for you. I said to dh in the car why cant the mw have a magic device they put on ur skin and it can beep and indicate when you will go into labour!
They told me at hospital she is partly is that supposed to mean? Not helpfull!
I know it's the waiting that's worse isn't it? Not knowing when they will come. I keep trying to tell myself to focus on when I'd have the ELCS and countdown til then, and if he comes before then then great, bonus! But every time I get more cramps and backache etc I can't help but think oooh maybe it will be sooner! Wish id stop getting my hopes up!
Celine I tried a tub of chilli with my pizza last night and nothing just a bit of an upset stomach this morning, glad everything is ok with your baby and hopefully its a sign that she's planning her exit,

Bailey I think I'm just as gutted about the sweep thing as you I was planning on going down to my midwife on monday and demanding one lol, if I knew what I was doing I'd give myself one but I wouldn't even know where to start lol

Timewaster I wouldn't worry much about your cervix I think it can go either way as in you could sit at 4cm for weeks or go from 0cm to established labour pretty quickly I know its still frustrating to hear that your body isn't even trying but were so close now ladies before we know it we will be covered in poo, pee and sick lol oh the joys :) x
And when I say poo, pee and sick I don't even mean the babies! Labour can get pretty messy haha!! X
And when I say poo, pee and sick I don't even mean the babies! Labour can get pretty messy haha!! X

:thumbup: i didnt even think about the babies i totally knew u mewnt labour haha.

My dd was so testy today :( i kept thinking really i am about to have another??
Anyway she went to bed at 5:45pm....

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