Ladies due beginning of November

Talking about hypnobirthing, I am completely unprepared for actual labour! I have no real 'plan' or 'method' or anything, pretty much going to wing it and see how it goes :blush:

All I have in my birthing plan I did with my midwife is that I want delayed cord clamping, and skin-to-skin after birth, as well as having an hour or so on our own for bonding straight after the birth before they come to do all their scores and whatever else. (all assuming nothing is wrong with baby of course! And me too!) There is nothing for what I intend to do during the birth itself. I probably should figure that bit out, eh?

Dill, how funny that you're the same as your mother at this stage in pregnancy. My mum had two totally different pregnancies, she was early with her first (my brother) and he had to spend time in intensive care. Her actual labour was pretty smooth for him as well. And then there was me... I came out hand first (like superman :haha:) after a long and gruelling labour, 8 days overdue! I'm hoping mine is more like the smooth labour she had with my brother, minus the intensive care part of course.
Congrats Jessica...!!!!!!!!!

What does it feel like when baby drops? I don't think she has yet, just curious....
My little girl dropped last week then went back up this week! Lol. Ugh!
The ultrasound tech thinks I may go early, too. We'll see!

Lozzie, my mom calls me her "mini-me." It's sometimes scary how alike we are, especially when it comes to things like this. She's the one who first told me I was pregnant. I was totally convinced that February was not my month -- I'd had symptoms in January and came up negative, and had nothing going on for me in February despite lots of TTC, so I wasn't even going to test. But I went over there for a quick visit and she told me, "You're pregnant. This is your month. Take a test soon." I did the next morning (behind hubby's back because he told me NO MORE COMPULSIVE TESTING) and went to throw the strips away without even looking at them because I just KNEW I wasn't pregnant that month ... and did a double take when I noticed two lines. My mom knew!

When the baby dropped, sunshine, I could definitely tell. I can even tell each time he drops just a smidge lower. It's so much easier to breathe, and he spends less time kicking my ribs, and there's SO MUCH more pressure on my bladder and my cervix hurts when I pee because he's smushed up against it. :lol:
Dill.....hmmmm, I have some of the signs (I googled) like the ones you mentioned. But my stomach still looks the same, which makes it hard to tell if I actually have.
Your baby may just be dropping a little bit right now. They don't always do it all at once!
Sunshine, baby dropped for me when they finally turned around (they were back to back) and it was easier to breathe and my heartburn eased slightly. However, my hips now ache and I feel like there is literally a bowling ball in my pelvis. Baby's head is engaged, so I have developed a lovely waddle to boot! They didn't go down all at once, more a bit at a time over several days.

I'm 38 weeks exactly today, feeling very off in a way I can't quite describe. I have so much pressure down below, as well as in my lower abdomen. Had what I believe was my first contraction this evening whilst out on my walk, it hurt a lot more than my bh have and it wrapped from the top of my bump down to the bottom and round to the sides. I actually had to stop and take a break, and we weren't even walking that fast! :shrug: Will be a waiting game to see if I get any more like that tonight, or whether that was just simply set off by my walk.

How are you ladies doing? x
Nothing new for contractions, but my hips and tailbone hurt more than ever, and I woke up feeling like I was having a really heavy period -- like my lady bits were gonna fall right out. I'm hoping that means progress.
Lots of BH's in my back this morning. I just know I'm going to labour all in my back. My mum keeps saying "It's a boy! It's a boy & boys are all in your back!"

Thanks mum!! :haha:
I went to my OB appt yesterday and the nurse said I've dropped since last week...YAY!! Guess that answers my question lol. I can't tell necessarily by looking, but I'm short and have a small torso so she said that's why. I have had other signs though....pretty much all of them except mucous plug loss. Anyways, she told me if anything happens before 37 weeks (officially Monday), they'd stop it so it really doesn't matter anyways. Just nice to know I HAVE dropped. It was the first thing she said to me when I walked in...
Yay, seems like all you ladies are progressing.

38 weeks today and it seems like nothing is really happening for me except my breast are starting to get tender again and bh. At least baby has been head down for awhile so that's a good sign.
Still no dilation progression ... sitting pretty at about 1cm. Was told during my exam today that cervix is thinner than ever and baby is pushing HARD against it. I am ready to go, and all it will take to put me into real labor is a few good contractions to get the cervix moving. The nurse who did today's exam said she stimulated it a little bit, and that she ordinarily would wait until 39 weeks, but she felt comfortable starting now since I'm otherwise ready to go into labor and my ultrasound was good.

Sitting here at work having braxton hicks contractions, and wondering how the heck I'm supposed to take the rest of their advice -- I need to drink more water, keep my feet elevated more, and try to bring my stress levels back down. Right!
I have a baby foot just casually chilling in my ribs this morning, every now & again I'll get a thud in said ribs just incase I forget baby is there :haha: I'm so uncomfortable now, had some mean lightening crotch last night & woke up with it. Also woke absoloutley shattered. Having a very lazy day in bed & so glad I haven't got to do the school run!
Coral isnt the school run so tiring while pregnant? So thankful tomorrow is the weekend! No lunch making and school run! Woohoo! Now just hoping they sleep in! :haha:
Ohhh a foot in the ribs, ouch. I'm lucky mine doesn't seem to hang out in that spot, but she did find it the other day and was having a real treat kicking me repeatedly.

Yesterday was very painful. She's officially out of room. All day, it was kicks to the side, and they took my breath away. I tried everything...walking around, laying on my side, nothing worked. She was a real turkey. Today seems a wee bit better, but I just felt a nice foot in my side again so who knows.

I also tried to not drink between 6-9 last night, then had a small glass of water before bed and I made it the WHOLE night without having to get up. WOOHOO!!! I can't remember the last time that happened. The problem is I get super thirsty in the evenings for some reason, even though I drink water and liquid all day.?

2.5 weeks here. I used to get the vibe she was coming early, but now I'm not so sure.... think it will be the full 2.5 weeks until my c section. No signs to speak of.
Oh Sunshine, I wish I could go the whole night without getting up, but I end up going for a pee twice during the night AND having to have a good drink whilst I'm up because I'm super thirsty! Bit of a contradiction, but I'm just accepting it :haha:

Last night was so so so painful. I was having a couple of contractions throughout the early evening after my walk, they didn't last more than about 10 seconds each so I wasn't concerned by them. I then must've woke baby with my glass of cold juice in the middle of the night because what a beating I got! I felt like they were simultaneously trying to break my pelvis in two as well as escape through my belly button. My abdomen is still sore now from their escapades!

OH and I went on a whim to a midwife led unit's open day today, had such a fantastic experience meeting the staff and seeing the unit that we ended up booking in there instead of our original unit. They were very easy to chat to and answered all of my questions, and definitely are promoting natural birth as much as they can. Then, if we need to transfer to the hospital, one of the midwives that has been supporting us would come in the ambulance and stay with me. They also have a pool in every room, so a water birth is always an option. Feeling very good about labour now :thumbup:
Oh that's great about the unit. A water birth would be great, and so relaxing. I could never do it, but I've always felt they would be such a calming way to go through labour. I'm slightly jealous!

The kicks hurt quite a bit don't they...ouch!! lol I was laying on my side the other night, and it was completely numb. I wanted to switch sides but I knew if I did I would wake her up. I debated for quite awhile, but eventually had to do it. Sure enough, the kicks started as soon as I switched and got comfortable lol.

I'm also VERY thirsty in the morning. It's a real mystery to me, as I get tons during the day.
Coral isnt the school run so tiring while pregnant? So thankful tomorrow is the weekend! No lunch making and school run! Woohoo! Now just hoping they sleep in! :haha:

It really is. I don't drive at the moment so I walk atleast 2 miles there & back everyday. It's why I don't think walking will induce labour for me because my bodies so used to it. OH has started taking her to school now though so I only have to go & get her. We are now in half term for a week! I've never felt so grateful for a half term! Did your boys sleep in? Brooke gave me a little lie in :)
I'm so jealous of everyone who is getting to experience a birthing suite/unit rather than hospital! OH & I specifically chose the hospital we are at now for their birthing suite as it has lovely calming rooms with double beds for the Dads to stay, birthing pools & they encorouge a natural drug free labour. We were so excited & then we were told I couldn't labour there because they don't accept anyone with a BMI over 35, & mine is 35.8 :-( gutted. Really wanted a water birth. Damn my chubby self :haha:

Very crampy today, feel as though I'm going to come on. That's been a while :haha:

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