Ladies due in July

Welcome to all the new ladies!!

Hope everyone is well today!

Beau - yeah I just got handed a leaflet really and told that vbac should be fine, I think coz is already researched and knew what I wanted (I refuse to be induced) the consultant just agreed with me and said it was a good plan. I will have a c section scheduled for 41+5 (ish) so just hoping to go into labour before that and no other complications meaning little man has to come early for any reason! With the short gap between my births I'm thinking induction is too much of a risk (even though it's still only small) so will only have sweeps and I'm going to see if they will do a Foley catheter if baby goes overdue. Bring on the pineapples and curry lol!!!

Moomin - I can't say how long my epidural took to wear off coz I ended up with a spinal for the EMCS but it's only a few hours I think. They did say to me that it's called a walking epidural these days as it's not supposed to stop you moving (apparently) but I think it can all depend where it is placed or how susceptible you might be because I couldn't move my left leg at all (my right was fine though!!).

Jojo - the anti d injection is for women who have rhesus negative blood group. I'm A- so I get an injection of antibodies at 28 weeks just in case my ds is a positive blood group. If he bleeds for any reason and it gets into my blood system my body will start to fight his blood coz it's got something in it mine doesn't so that's why I need the antibodies injected. I think that's how it was explained to me anyway!! I had it with my dd at 28 weeks but turns out she is O- anyway, but if ds has a positive blood group I will need another one after he is born to protect any future babies.

Has anyone else suffered toothache in pregnancy? I seem to get really bad problems!! I had an abcess a couple of weeks ago but my dentist won't remove the tooth until I've had baby coz he won't x ray me. So he's just put a temporary filling in it on Wednesday, and since then it's hurt again!!
Loup - me too, I'm having to nap when my dd takes hers! No matter how much I sleep though I still seem to be shattered! I've just told work I want to finish even earlier coz I can't cope! I work mainly evenings so I'm running round with dd all day then off to work when it's nearly her bedtime and I do a very physical job so I just can't do it!!

When's everyone else going on maternity? I've got 2 weeks holiday starting April 27th then mat leave straight after that. I'm not sure if I'm returning to work so it makes no difference if I finish early.
And JoJo I'm in lovely lancashire, where the rain lives haha! Although saying that it's looking quite nice today
baileybubs - that's how the anti D was explained to me too and I'm also A-

I think we share that rain down here in Somerset, bloody miserable weather bet the sun is waiting until the day we give birth!

I haven't had any toothache as such but my god my gums are driving me nuts, they bleed most times I brush my teeth and just feel really sore at the back. Toothache is the worst, I feel for you lovely!

Ah I'm glad it's not just me with the tiredness, I sometimes only got 8 hours between shifts (not that they care it's not legal!) but even when I don't I feel pathetic...can't wait for todays nap followed by a night in with the dog.

I was going to ask when everyone was going on maternity, I've finally figured mine out. I'll be leaving on 20th May, two weeks holiday and then my maternity will actually start straight from that. I've decided to leave a little earlier than originally planned because we're moving house so I'll be the one at home sorting and decorating before baby arrives.

Has anybody got plans for how to occupy themselves on maternity leave...before baby arrives?

What's everybodys plans for the weekend?
Hi! I'm Liz and am due Jul 11th woth my second daughter (first is 2). With my first I ended up having and epidural at 8 cm when I was convinced I couldnt relax enough to let the baby drop. This time around i'm doing as much reading up on natural birth methods , am changing to a dr that will deliver in a birthing center and trusting in my body and instincts!! Our bodies are made for this and it isnt something we should fear...i keep repeating to myself, haha.
I wish i hasnt gotten the epidural. Labor pains start off feeling like period cramps but then i started feeling like i had to vomit and poop every time i had one...then they were just constant, no up and down. My DD was face up which i think contributed to the pain? Once i had the epi my contractions stopped, i needed pitocin and when it was time to push i didnt feel it, they had to tell me. Then i was stuck in bed for three hours and couldnt get up and see my baby which they took away to the nursery because she was large and needed to make sure she was ok. I then had back pains from the epi for months after. If you can get through without it i recommend it!
So far heartburn has been kept at bay along with swelling; i had bad swelling last time around but i dont remember when it started? I'm trying to lightly exercise now that i have energy again to even out the weight gain i had in first and second tri. The only thing i'm not a fan of is insomnia which wakes me up at 2 am at least twice a week.
Loup my work are the same, finishes at 10pm then starting at 7am sometimes, thankfully I managed to work it so I finish at 9pm the day before my morning shift. I felt like a bit of a wuss finishing so early but then I figured I'm half useless at work coz I can't do half the stuff we need to coz it's too hard or dangerous for me! So I may as well be at home spending some time with dd (or resting lol!).

For maternity leave I will mainly just be enjoying time with my dd really. I did get a little bored last time on my own but hoping this time dd will keep me occupied lol!

Welcome pooch! The insomnia seems to have gone away for me for now but I have no doubt it will be back soon! It's so irritating isn't it? I have annoying people who tell me I need to relax more and try to clear my mind etc, don't think they realise that it's not something we can control!
Wow! I didnt show up for a day or two and I seem to have missed alot of the discussion here. :)

Welcome to all the new ladies :)

I understand how you all feel. I feel very tired too.

Moomin - about the epidural, I think it depends on how long you have had it in. I got an epidural for my previous 2 deliveries. For my first, i only had it for 2 hours and immediately after I had my baby, I did not feel numb at all and could walk and move without any problem.

However, with my second baby, I had the epidural for 6 hours and by the time my delivery was over, I couldnt feel both of my legs. It took 3-4 hours for it to wear off.
pooch - tell me about the insomnia. I wake up every night for no apparent reason even though I'm so tired. I am not sure whether its because of the pregnancy or something else. Don't remember if this happened with my first two, though
Oh, by the way, have you all finished shopping for your baby yet? Since this is my third baby, I dont need much. Just a double stroller and boy clothes.

My first two are girls and I love them but am so tired of seeing pink, I cant wait to go all blue now. :p
Hi ladies I'm due july 11th. And I'm team yellow and really can not wait till lo gets here. I have a dd who will be 8 next month and my ds will turn 2 five days before due date so I'm kind of wondering how that's going to go. I will have another csection after my first being a 75hr labor with no progress just to find out my pelvis is fused shut and will never open and a tail bone that stick out forward directly into my birth canal so I guse I never had a chance at natural which is what I wanted desperitaly. The only thing going on right now is being tired. And mood swings like no other.
I have definately felt the fatigue of first tri come back! I think it is almost worse now. I also found out I am low on iron so that is probably contributing to it. I have also been experiencing sleepless nights. I wake up and spend hours just laying there. I am very much looking forward to lo finally arriving!

We have very little stuff. I believe a lot of clothes (we were lucky enough for a friend to donate his to his) and a crib (no mattress) and a swing. I have a baby shower on April 26th and a work baby shower on May 8th so hopefully we can kick out some of it then. My dad said he would help with whatever we need once my showers are over so that is a huge relief!

My last day of work will be May 23rd. Not because of maternity leave just because that is when my school district gets out for summer vacation. I will not be taking a maternity leave as I am changing school districts so I will be going back mid-August. :( But I am grateful I am not working up to the birth seeing as we are also moving over the summer so I need to get the house in order.
I've decided to work up til 37 weeks so dont leave until June 16th. Then going back beginning of January.

My gums drive me crazy!! They bleed really bad but dentist says its perfectly normal!

Luckily the insomnia has passed for me now, I went through a stage where I was wide awake at 4am every morning. Tiredness is slowly creeping back, the worse part is how sore my feet are now at the end of a working day :( must be the extra weight!!

As for what I've bought I think we are pretty much looking good. We have most things stored in the spare bedroom and our nursery furniture comes on Monday :) all starting to feel real now!
Hey ladies!

I am with you all on the tiredness front. It has definitely come back for me! Also, on the insomnia - I'm so tired all the time, but still I wake up throughout the night and just lie there because I can't get back to sleep. It's really quite obnoxious!

Maternity clothes - I was lucky enough to get all of my maternity clothes as hand-me-downs from a friend and my sister. Thankfully, we're all about the same size!

Teeth - I haven't had any pain or bleeding gums, but I have been made to gag literally every time I brush my teeth. Every time. One of these times I'm actually going to vomit and have to start all over again. :haha:

Baby shopping - We have basically nothing. We have a crib (with mattress), a stroller, a car seat, and like 3 outfits/pairs of shoes. Yes, I'm obsessed with shoes so even my newborn is going to have several pair. I realize they will only fit her breifly. :flower:

Maternity leave - I am working until I'm in labor - or until my doctor tells me I can't anymore. I only get 6 weeks out so I'd rather use them after lo is here, rather than before.

Heartburn is driving me mad. I'd like to claw my esophogus out. Though, I suppose it's fair since I didn't have any morning sickness. :haha: Hopefully it means baby girl will have a head full of hair though! :winkwink:
Welcome new ladies!

Baby shopping-not doing much here either. I have most everything saved from my other two kids so I don't need anything really. Wouldn't mind a better double jogger as mine is falling apart but it's not a necessity so can't justify shelling out money on one right now. I may need some gender/season specific clothing but I'm not buying that until baby is here as we're team yellow and I see how big baby is first. My kids were both 6lb peanuts and different seasons but depending on size, I may be able to get by with what I have saved.

Insomnia-I'm there too. It's the pits to be waking up 3-4 times a night for no apparent reason. What I wouldn't give for an uninterrupted night of sleep...

Maternity Leave-I'm self-employed and due during one of the busiest times of year for our business so I'm hoping to do as I did with my other kids and work right up until I leave for the hospital. My maternity leave is dependent on when I have the baby. We have part-time help lined up but they have to go back to school in Sept. So if I go early like I did with my kids, I'll have 8 weeks off. If I go around my due date, I'll have 6 weeks. If I go over, it'll be around 4 weeks.
Hi ladies, popping over a couple of days early, not technically third tri till Monday, but Hi!

I'm 27 and have a 28 month old little girl, now pregnant with our second little princess due July 14th.

I read back through the thread so might as well chime in on some of the topics -

Maternity clothes - I've been leant lots of maternity clothes from recently pregnant friends, and I think you look SO much better in clothes that are tailored for pregnant women rather than just buying a size up - I felt so frumpy before and now I'm wearing proper maternity clothes I feel a lot better.

Baby shopping - as we're having another of the same gender we don't really need a lot, I saved all of DD1's clothes and they're pretty much immaculate, so just picking up summer bits here and there as previous baby was a winter baby. Just need nappies, stuff for me for my hospital bag, and we're hiring an NCT sidecar crib for the first six months to go alongside our bed.

Epidural - I had to have a full c-section level spinal AFTER I'd given birth as my daughter was 10lb 7oz, came out like superman with her hand by her face and I ended up with a 3b tear. Because of that I didn't have contractions to distract me etc, but I can honestly say it doesn't hurt that much. They inject you with a bit of local anaesthetic first to numb the area, and that's the only bit that hurts, its like a sharp scratch at the base of your spine. You don't really feel the big needle or flexible tube go in at all, and then it's like your legs go to sleep. You can still feel pressure and contact, but no pain. The way they checked if it was working on me was to run ice up and down my legs and sides - apparently the receptors that feel cold are the same ones that feel pain, and I could feel the ice touching me but no cold whatsoever.

Maternity Leave - I'm working up until 36 weeks, then taking two weeks holiday, and starting my maternity leave at the beginning of July, so my last day at work is the 13th of June. Don't want to give myself time to go stir crazy at home or clean the place to within an inch of its life, lol.

Looking forward to chatting the next three months away with you all!
Offically 3rd tri today! the last hurdle!. I'm definitely feeling the tiredness again, going to try and cram in as much green veg to boost my iron and see if it helps. We haven't had much to buy really just a sling and clothes and bits and bobs like bottles for a 'just in case'. Ive not ticked much of my list yet only the carseat and some clothes. My friends are being great and have given me some clothes and my other friend is giving me her swing. I'll have a cot from my girls but we need to get them either a single bed or bunkbeds but i think were going to wait untill she's here to sort that out.
Good morning, ladies!
I love how there's so much to catch up on after a day!

Epidural- tbh, I have no idea how long it took to wear off. I was in baby heaven and focusing on skin to skin / breast feeding so it was all a blur. I know that by the time u wanted to move, I didn't have any problems.

Maternity leave - just talked with my boss this week and he was incredibly generous to accept my plan... In 28 years in business, I'm the first pregnant woman, so they had nothing to go by! My last work day is the end of June, so 1 week before Baby, then 12 weeks off after the delivery and 1 additional month working 2 days/week to get back into things. (I usually work 3/week). I'm so happy they agreed to everything as the request was a lot considering we're a 5- person shop!

The weather around here is beautiful this weekend and last night DH and I had a bonfire... After which I was up all night feeling horrid! Not sure if it was the smoke or I got a bit dehydrated (wasn't drinking my water outside :-( ) but I'm up early and with a headache. Not a fun start to the day!
I hated my epidural. It still hadn't worn off 3 hours after the birth of my oldest when they tried to move me from delivery to maternity, and I didn't try to move again until much later.

I reacted to it and threw up during delivery so ended up with a 4th degree tear and 86 stitches because of how quickly my daughter came out from throwing up. I've had two more kids and didn't go with the epidural those times and my births were MUCH better, faster, easier, not as painful as I expected, and I was up and walking within an hour of birth like I was a visitor. Planning a home birth this time around. I will never ever again get the epidural. EVER.

Other than a crib, which I'm waiting for the baby sale in June for, I have everything I need for a baby.

And I'm already on leave. I quit my job in February when they cut me from 40 hours to 12 hours a week.
Hi new ladies :)

I've had a busy few days so nice to get on here for a catch up.

I can't say I've suffered with insomnia lately, I really feel for those that have though I know from previous experience how frustrating it can be. My issue is waking earlier than usual and generally being a much lighter sleeper now, every little noise wakes me.

As for what I've bought already...pretty much everything! We haven't gone crazy and we've been slowly getting bits most weeks. We've decided to go for a gliding crib we got it second hand but it's in brilliant condition, we still need a new mattress for it and a few little bits but nothing big that's all in storage waiting for little one :)

Who's having a baby shower then?
I wasn't all that interested at first I felt a bit bad like I'd just be expecting gifts but as it turns out we're moving away on or just before my maternity leave so it's turning into a sort of shower/leaving thing which should be quite nice. I'm not moving a million miles but I won't be returning to the same place of work and I've been here 5 years now.

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend and not stuck in work like I am...although clearly I'm not working very hard :haha:
I forgot to mention with the still feel the baby coming out. I did, anyway. It just takes away the contractions but I still felt the whole burning of her coming out.

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