Hi girlies! Sorry ive been a bit quiet on here just wanted too get af out way. Im good thanks, off out for the bank hol weekend as Poppy at her dads and got my appt on friday at Fertility clinic so we'll see what they say. Were both in 2 minds as whether we continue on or just be greatful for the girls we have so i think Friday will help us decide. Also falling pregnant made me have second thoughts about our living arrangements and i really want too live together full time, but too do that i'll have too move over too him where his business is so am currently getting my head round whats best too do. With Poppy being so young i dont mind starting afresh and its only 50 mins too an hour from where i live now so not too bad journey for my parents, although they not happy about it but am sure they will come round. Anyway im gona go out and get rather drunk this weekend and forget about everything for a couple of days!
Thats fantastic weight loss Rach! Well done! Im dtarting back again after we've been too Butlins next week, ive only put 2lb back on upto now so hopefully keep that way xx
Thats great fir your weight too Laura! Im pleased for you! Walking helps a lot xx
DG good luck this cycle, got everything crossed for you xx