Hehe just enough room for a pushchair lol... all OK she measuredid 20 weeks today which is brilliant and weight 226g when we lost dixie she was 230g at almost 24 weeks so such a difference. She was head den too and looks amazing like starla I think and still a girl so very happy not amazing photos as she was hiding down low... but came home happy and feeling over the moon she's ok size xxx
20 weeks today well thats been forever!!
Roll on a week today for the next scan then il have my other 24 weeks growth scan which will be nice.
Wow almost 1 where has that time gone!
Any plans yet for a BFP for you?
Im going through names and my all time fave so far is.... CeCe... hehe!
OH not 100% but we will see, it has to different along with the names we already have...
All the Best DG and Claire you too, and Happy Birthday Poppy too
How about you MrsPTTC any more for you? xxx
Lots of luck dg will be keeping a eye out.... I'm all good here 21 weeks tomorrow and also have my scan and consultant to see too... had a trip to hospital Friday as I had a headache so went docs and my BP was up a little... not too high and protein in my wee... so they sent me up to be sure.. when I got there bp was OK and no protein lol.. so they took bloods I had to wait 4 hrs and then I went home and will be re checked tomorrow but they then lost my bloods anyways!! Crazy! So on with tomorrow just took beau nursery so taking twins and the dog for a walk while the weather is nice.... will up date tomorrow... hope your all OK xxxxx
Hi, All ok here
Perfect and 21 weeks today and she measured that she does have a smaller head but all my babies have been smaller... in that way I do this time have a anterior placenta which I did think I had even tho Im feeling Baby there not a strong as my other pregnancy's so that explains that lol... Other than that BP was perfect and will have weekly BP from 24 weeks and next scan is 5th May growth scan..
Everyone else ok? xxxxx
As for me... Had my 24 weeeks scan and everything was ok Plecrnta and she was too - fluid as well... She is still a smaller baby but within normal range - next scan is 21st May which is a 4D scan which im taking my Mama and Mum too and we get a dvd too and then I have a scan at 28 weeks which is the 2nd June, so lot happening.
How is everyone else?? xxxxx
I'm doing ok. School (grad classes) are now done until June when my next two starts up. I am working on getting the kids ready for their final exams. My dancing in the showcase went really well. Other than all that, I fear I may never get the pleasure of ever being pregnant.
Looks like your keeping busy DG and good at what you do.. must be lovely to know how you teach and help the children amazing work... is there anything else that can help towards you getting pregnant? Other routes? Don't give up yet xxxxx
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